In the Dargah, God is represented by Himself and amongst this world of Maya, God is represented by these Maha Purakhs. The Dargah and the Earth are two ends and these Maha Purakhs make both these ends meet through them. The Infinite Divine Power of Dargah is present on the Earth in the form of these Maha Purakhs. In both places this Infinite Divine Power is prevailing. Both the Dargah and world is being run by this Infinite Divine Power.
As a part of His divine play He creates Sants, Bhagats, Braham Gyanis, SatGurus, Khalsas and Gurmukhs and blesses them with His divine powers. The ones who while sitting on Earth reach the Dargah and make a place for them in there, are blessed with His divine powers. The ones who follow His divine laws with His own command and achieve the GurParsaad, are blessed with this Infinite Divine Powers while physically sitting on this Earth, but at the same time sitting in the Dargah as well. That is why GurBani says wherever there is a Sant sitting the Dargah is right there. Wherever there is a Braham Gyani sitting, the Dargah is right there. Wherever there is a SatGur sitting, the Dargah is right there. And where there is Dargah there is no rule of Maya. So sitting at the Charans of a Sant is sitting in Dargah and beyond three aspects of Maya. This is why a Sant is the Mahima of Akal Purakh because God makes the Dargah appear where there is a Sant present on this Earth and that is where both ends meet – Earth and Dargah. Earth becomes Dargah. Earth becomes Dhan-Dhan where there is a Sant sitting."Friday, 31 July 2009
How God comes on Earth
sant ranjtit singh ji - comment by dassan dass ji
Fwd: Summary of Sant Ranjit Singh Ji Sangat
chanting sat naam - Jap Man Sat Naam
Chanting involves Will, which depends on Emotions, which will lead to
Desires and Actions.
Chanting involves breath control, whether conscious of it or not. With
breath control, the mind receives direction...from your own Soul. With
chanting, any Pranic Body imbalance will start to harmonize. With
chanting the prana-apana will revolve at the Navel Center so the true
healing energy may irradiate.
Chant the name of Guru, Shabd Guru, the Master within. Rise up and
chant to the Infinite.
The miracle mantra, Guru-Guru-Wahe-Guru...Guru-Ram-Das-Guru. Chant it!
One minue, two, five, eleven, it does not matter. You will find
yourself chanting it all day long!
I know you have received very wise advise from many in this group.
Follow your Self.
My advise is very simple and I humbly submit it to your consideration.
Simran, remembrance and repetition of the Name, Nam, Naad, Shabd. The
Bhagavad Gita mentions "it is the highest form of spiritual practice".
Says Guru Arjun, AG-517
"Within our hearts we contemplate the Master,
On our tongue is his holy Name,
In our eyes resides his form,
In our ears resounds the divine melody.
We remain completely engrossed in his remembrance,
We become merged in the state of ceaselessly dweling upon him.
Our mind and intellect are completely coloured
With the dye of his constant remembrance.
Such persons alone gain honour and glory in the court of the Lord,
And thus fulfill the great destiny of human life."
Sat Nam
Adi Singh
Fwd: benefits of 2.5 hrs simran every day - Yogi Bhajan
bhangra and spirituality!
From a wild mind to a mind divine!
Dah dis dhaavat aavai thaa-ay.
Taa ka-o bighan na laagai ko-ay.
Jaa kai ridai basai har so-ay.
Kal taatee thaandhaa har naa-o.
Simar simar sada sukh paa-o.
Bha-o binsai puran ho-ay aas.
Bhagat bhaa-ay aatam pargaas.
Tit ghar jaa-ay basai abhinaasee.
Kaho nanak kaatee jam faasee. 3.
Please sit down for a few moments and notice how fast the mind runs. It moves from one thought to another within a fraction of a second. Your mind is constantly talking. It is continuously thinking. It is engaged in a never ending stream of thoughts. Probably the only time your mind rests is when you are in deep sleep. But, when you are awake then you are continuously talking to your own self. This is a divine truth that your mind almost never goes into peace, your mind never goes into rest whilst awake.
Just as you need to rest your body after a long day's work, you also need to bring your mind to rest after a continuous days thinking. There is no worldly power that can bring your mind to complete rest. But, there is one divine power that can bring your mind to rest and that is the Infinite Divine Power that is present in Naam Simran.
GurBani says, "Har simran meh aap nirankaraa." This is a divine promise that the Guru makes to us, that when we focus on Naam Simran then the Infinite Divine Power of Dhan-Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar will take over our mind and will bring it to eternal peace. When we concentrate on Naam Simran then due to the Infinite Divine Power of Naam, then all of the talking of the mind and the thoughts that our mind is otherwise busy in, are replaced by Naam. In this way we are thinking and talking only Naam in our mind.
Elimination of all other absurd thinking and thoughts is then replaced by Naam. Even when you are not focused on Naam, your mind wil at least start to focus on Sat Karams. Your thoughts become purified and become focused only on Sat Ki Karni. In the same way, when we focus on Naam Simran every day in the morning and evening, then we start to enjoy it more and more. Our mind starts experiencing more and more stability and peace and our thoughts become purified. Naam Simran along with listening to GurBani starts to bring GurBani inside us. This means that we start to understand GurBani from within and we become motivated to do what we now truly understand. Our thirst for meeting God becomes deeper and we become motivated to focus more and more on Naam Simran.
Whilst engaged in this process and collecting the Sat Karams, we make our self eligible for the GurParsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva. Our destiny then takes us to a source of this GurParsaad, which will be a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani and we become blessed with the GurParsaad.
Then as we continue to focus on Naam Simran under the Chattar of a Puran Sant our Bandgi goes onto the fast track and we are blessed with the Karam Khand and we go into Samadhi and Sunn Samadhi and our due to our Bandgi we start to collect Naam Dhann in the Dargah of Akal Purakh Ji.
Complete surrender at the Sat Charans of a Puran Sant does wonders for our spiritual life and we keep on going higher and higher every day. We have wonderful spiritual experiences, such as Guru Darshans, seeing Parkash, seeing Jyots, out of body experiences, listening to Kirtan, listening to Panch Shabad Anhad Naad music, Darshans of Braham Gyani Maha Purakhs, and so on. Different people have different kinds of spiritual experiences. This takes us to Ajapa Jaap Naam Simran and Rom-Rom Naam Simran. All of our Bajjar Kapaats open. All of our Sat Sarovars become enlightened and activated. Our Dassam Duaar in particular is opened and our body is filled with Amrit. We physically hear Naam going on in our body and Amrit flowing all over our body. With these divine things happening to us, we become blessed with the divine wisdom as well and we start to take a glimpse of the depth of GurBani. We start to have all those experiences that are written in GurBani. GurBani comes true for us and we become what GurBani wants us to become.
The current Age we are living in is called the Kal Yug. This means the age of darkness. The darkness which is influenced by the Rajo and Tamo aspects of Maya and desires. Kal Yug is being ruled by the Rajo and Tamo aspects of Maya. Everyone is burning in this fire of Kal Yug which is Panj Doots and the fire of desires. The GurParsaad of Naam Amrit extinguishes this fire of Kal Yug for us and our mind and Hirda is saved from burning in this fire of Kal Yug. By defeating Maya and going beyond Maya, we become fearless. In this way, we become detached internally from all of the worldly relationships, worldly possessions, properties and wealth that we have collected. We are blessed with the GurParsaad of the divine wisdom which takes us out of attachments and leads us beyond Maya to become one with the Almighty.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
nitnem , mool manter etc mp3s
sant ranjit singh ji programme
Reiki - the Sat Naam way!
Reiki For The Dying
Reiki for the Dying
by Judi Broyles
Never has the power of Reiki been more apparent than when I have used it in situations of dire need. I am a hospice volunteer with Pathways in Sunnyvale, California, and I use Reiki with the patients assigned to me. Since Reiki always heals, even if it does not cure the physical body, it can help a patient to heal spiritually and emotionally to ease the pathway of transition. I have seen Reiki relieve severe pain on more than one occasion. I have seen the tremors of Parkinson's disease cease for a while. I have witnessed a woman whose restricted ability to breathe and swallow eased with Reiki's energy.
Working with patients in hospice presents some challenges. First, they are usually in a hospital bed and not on a massage table. That can be a challenge in itself. Often the hospital bed is pushed up against a wall, so giving Reiki is very different than being able to move and walk around a table. Other things to look out for are tubes, wires and other connections. If the person is not in a hospital bed, another approach is necessary. On one occasion, I took off my shoes and climbed up on the bed because the patient was propped up in a sitting position on the side of the bed with her legs off the bed and on a stool. I have learned to expect the unexpected. And thank God that Reiki goes to where Reiki is needed. I even considered sending distant Reiki to this patient, although I was in the same room.1
Using Reiki with the dying requires being acutely aware of their body and how they are using Reiki and also being aware of my body, especially my crown chakra and hands, for these are my tools and tell me what I need to know to be a good practitioner. I must also listen to my intuitive powers. My "Third Eye" plays an important role in letting me know where to place my hands for "The Greater Good."
My very first hospice patient was a 38-year-old man with brain cancer. My Reiki Master, Donna Shaffer, was treating him, and she offered to let me go along. I soon learned that there is much to know about treating a dying patient with Reiki.
A dying patient uses Reiki energy in ways that a reasonably healthy patient does not. This energy can be more spiritual in nature and feels very gentle. It might be very intense when it is being used to relieve pain. It can be unbelievably strong as the patient's will to live drinks it in with the great thirst of a person in the desert. It may change from one kind of energy to another from day to day or during the same session.
Once, as I was working on his heart chakra, I saw something so beautiful that I started to cry. I saw a perfect sphere with a center of glowing crystal quartz. The sphere was surrounded by a magnificent blue field that turned to lavender at the outer edge, which was surrounded by sparkling prisms of more crystals. Donna asked me if I was all right. I told her I was but that I had just seen the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. Donna told me that my description sounded as though I had seen his soul.
I remember very well one occasion shortly before this young man surrendered his desire for life. Donna was working at his feet and I was at his head. She stepped out into the hall and was fanning herself to cool off. My hands, face, and whole body grew hotter and hotter until I didn't think I could stand any more. Fortunately, Donna noticed and quietly told me to go put my hands under cold running water. After a while I was able to return. The last time we saw him, his energy had changed, and this time Reiki was very gentle and quiet. He died two days later. He was a wonderful young man.
My first assignment with Pathways was a 94-year-old woman. She had such a bad case of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) that her doctor gave her less than six months to live and put her into hospice care. She didn't know what Reiki was but decided to give it a try. During my first visit I spent 30 minutes trying to explain Reiki. Since I was a new practitioner, I stumbled and mumbled, and finally said, "Let me show you." During her first treatment she told me that when I put my hands on her left foot, she felt a shock of energy in her left wrist, which she had broken several years before. On another day she saw colors.
After three months she was discharged from hospice. Laughing, she told me that during an elevator ride to her floor (she lived in a residential care facility) a woman told her that she was the talk of the town. She asked what that meant and was told, "You were on hospice and you got better!" All the residents are talking about it! I saw her privately for a while, and she is now back on hospice and once again getting well. I helped her celebrate her 95 th birthday. The less than six months to live is now a week or two shy of one year, with her 96 th birthday in sight.
When Parkinson's affects a person's ability to breathe easily or to swallow comfortably, the result can be very frightening. I cannot imagine the feeling of constantly being suffocated and being hungry, but not being able to eat because of the inability to swallow. As I gave her Reiki, she began to breathe more easily. Her husband was astonished to see her diaphragm move up and down with each breath. He told me that he hadn't seen her do that for a long time. When I left he had taken her to their room to rest. She was in Reiki land. I only saw this woman a few times, but the results I witnessed were amazing.
I discovered that Reiki can be extremely effective for patients with Alzheimer's. When I first began seeing an 87-year-old woman who was afflicted with this disease, she would become agitated easily and didn't know who I was or what Reiki was, even though I had seen her before. She would say, "Do I know you?" "Reiki, I don't know Reiki." It became, "Oh, you're the Reiki lady. I really like Reiki." This woman also had Parkinson's disease with a tremor in her right hand. The first time I gave her Reiki, she started to relax, and I wondered if Reiki could stop the tremor, so I put my hands on her hand. Never would I have believed that the tremors of Parkinson's disease could become still if I hadn't seen it for myself. I had been told that these tremors are continuous all day, every day—even during sleep. By the end of the treatment she would be sound asleep, so I don't know how long the effect of Reiki would last, but her caregiver was constantly amazed by the change she saw. Her daughter, who is a psychologist, called to thank me. She said that Reiki had made an amazing change in her mother. She also told me that she thought her mother was nearing the end.
Treating a 62-year-old woman with multiple cancers revealed how powerful Reiki can be. She did not want any pain medication because it made her feel groggy and nauseous. The first time I saw her she was writhing in pain. I gave her Reiki and she was asleep by the time I was finished. I am told that she slept for six uninterrupted hours of much-needed rest and that it had been days since she had really slept because of the pain. I started seeing her daily because Reiki had now become her morphine. She would toss and turn trying to find a position that would give her comfort, but it wasn't until I asked Reiki to connect me to her, to use me as a channel for its healing energy, and then place my hands on her, that she would start to relax. I would look at her face from time to time, and I could see the pain leave. I could also feel her body relax and soften as the pain was lifted.
Every day her family would anxiously wait for my arrival so that their mother could be free of pain and able to rest. She would smile when I entered her room because she knew that Reiki's healing energy would soon be hers. The last time I saw her she was actively transitioning, and I gave her Reiki one last time. She seemed to be very peaceful when I left.
I wish the world could have shared his smile when I told a gentleman with pancreatic cancer that I would be returning every week to give him Reiki. He told me that during his first session he felt an electric current in his abdomen when my hands were there. He was sleeping when I left. The second time he had Reiki he slept for a long time. I gave his wife a Reiki treatment because, as his primary caregiver, she also needed support. He awoke before I left and told me that he felt like he was floating on a cloud. I gave him Reiki just before he died. His wife wanted him to float away on a cloud. As I see energy as colors, I saw brilliant blue for peace, lavender for love, and magenta for spirituality. It meant a lot to his family to know that he was comfortable with his transition.
All of these patients have helped me to grow as a person. It is an honor to share this spiritual time of their lives with them. They have changed my life. I have learned how to really "be there" for a person during this special time in their lives. More importantly, I want to "be there" for them. I have been given the gift of becoming a compassionate person. Frequently I am asked, "Isn't seeing dying people depressing?" My answer is always the same: "No, because I know that I have something special to offer. I offer Reiki."
Reiki is a gift that has been given to me. Reiki really is a gift because in a gentle, non-invasive way, I can bring comfort to those who are in transition. No amount of money can do what Reiki can do.
1 Editor's note: In situations such as these, it may be helpful to use Beaming. Sit at a comfortable distance from the client, allow Reiki to flow, and direct your hands to a specific area or to the entire body.
dust of your feet
web of maya - part 2
So in your situation you can only keep your faith intact, but cannot force the other party to have faith - tht is their karma, all we can do is to pray for them. All that actually happens when we dont obey the sat bachans is that the time and place in space for meeting with God is pushed back. It is like we have taken a detour. But you cant force the other person if they cant handle it, all we can do is pray for sarbatt da bhalla and as you said LET IT GO.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
web of maya - relationships
Sat Naam Veer Ji,
Dandauth Bandhna Ji,
thankyou for sharing your situation with us.
You are not really asking for any advice from us, nor is it good to give anyone any advice as we dont know anyone's full story. And really the true advice will come to you from you inner eternal guru sitting in your own heart, with who you are already in tune with at times as you have written below.
All we can do really is ask you how you feel about it all and guide you through your own feelings to find peace and acceptance of the situation.
From what you have said you feel you have a future with this lady, that there was a plan of what to do with the children, but now the lady's feeling for her children and situation have changed and you are feeling distressed by this 180 degree turn of events.
Forget about what other people, even Maha Purakhs are telling you, we have been through similar things in our own life. Our parents used to go to Maha Purakhs to get them to say that I would get married etc etc. They say nice things, but never happened that way for a long time. Even Dassan Dass Ji says we have to look inside our own heart for the inner Hukam for us, and the outer Guru is ther if we cant get any clarity because our mind is all over the place and we cant distinguish between our wants and desires, hopes and fears and the tiny whisper of Hukam remains unheard.
Its very simple really, ask Guru ji to please help us understand this situation we are in. And the first thing that strikes us that it is complicated, like a web of hopes and feelings of many people all pulling our mind in different directions. So that is the definition of Maya - JanJaal - web of complexity. So know you know this whole situation is maya overpowering your mind.
So analyze it further, Maya is able to catch us in its web when we have a desire. Maya is a sweet poison and we keep willingly drinking it and find ourself entangled in its web. What is your desire - your sweet poison - obviously to be with this person. But love is not bad, love is the springboard to attaining God, so how has love for this lady turned into moh maya - web of attachment for the fly of your mind?
Because your love has become conditional. What started as love and compassion and two hearts helping and caring about each other has now had wordly demands put upon it. What are those conditions - to get married, to live together, to have a family, to give up her current children and whatever else that you are thinking and hoping for.
Then ask yourself, why does my mind want to put all these conditions on what started as love and has become moh maya? Delve deeper within your own mind to find the Truth. And you will find that wherever there is Moh - attachment there is the fear of losing that thing/person. So your mind has put on all these demands on this relationship, with the endorsement of "Maha Purakhs", because it is actually scared of losing this person. Why is it scared? Because of al the time & money and emotions you have invested - you dont want that be have been in vain. Because that would mean you are back to square one - alone, unmarried, nothing to look forward to, feeling your life is stuck, having to listen to parents moaning for you not getting married, feeling low and so on (anyway thats how i used to feel, so guessing you may be feeling the same fear).
If that is not your fear, then look deep within and find out what you are really scared about? At the very minimum you are scared she will go back to a life without you in it. To avoid that you are doing all kinds of things, knowingly or unknowingly, to control the situation to make it happen as you want - and think that she wants, but lets not go to what she wants and why she is in this relationship - only she knows - she also felt love for you, thought you'd be a good father with the kids, didnt bank on losing the kids, didnt realise how much moh she has for them until they're nearly gone (natural super strong motherly instinct, plus the natural instinct to protect them from harm).
So trying to control the situation, to keep this person locked into a life with you (and you had hoped she felt the same, so didnt feel like it was controlling, but it was), has made you realise that actually it is not in my control. When ego finds it cant control things, it leads to denial, shock, frustration and then anger and bitterness, perhaps even revenge and voilence and mental illness - serious depression for some people if it happens too many times and for too long. Not saying that is happening to you, but you can look inside and see if any of that matches with your situation.
The root cause is desire , then control, losing control leading to frustration at not being able to get what you wanted. This is called fighting with the Hukam - God's Laws. And what is God's Law - the Law of Karma. you are forgetting the Law of Karma overrules everything, absolutely everything. You are forgetting that your soul and her soul have been on a very long journey. You are forgetting that every attraction we have in this world is because we have past karma with that person. We have things to repay them and vice versa. Just because we have stron attraction to them only means we have some time to spend with them to give and take our dues. It doesnt always mean we will marry them and be with them for the rest of this life. That is when mind logic takes over with hopes and desires leading to unfulfilled dreams. When we understand Law Of Karma is running your relationship, then it is good if we can accept that we were destined to meet, we were destined to spend a certain amount of time together and we are destined to separate again at some time - according to our KARMA, not according to our hopes and wishes or what other people hope wish or say.
All we can say Veer ji, is that it all realtionships are difficult in this world, and Baba Nanak Ji says that Maya destroys all reatlionships in the end - father and son, husband and wife all get ruined because of Maya's web.
The Sant is the one who teaches us to stop generating bad karma by getting out of desires, by accepting what we get and what we dont get as part of Karma also and not to put any conditions, hopes or desires on it. To love your finacee unconditionally, to be as patient as a mountain, to be there for her in her hard times, to not think of your own unfullied hopes, to accept the changing circumstances as all part of Karma. To become a loving heart, a thankful heart. to understand the pain she is going through by losing her children. To be there if she needs you, to be just as happy if she doesnt need you.
It is actually when things go wrong in a realtionship that you find out each others true colours, when you are under pressure and struggling, then you see the nasty side of both parties. And if you can get through that together, then there is some hope, otherwise it was all superficial - just being nice to each other with the hidden motive to be together to avoid our fears. Its all selfish - we put condtions on love because we are the most selfish. Baba Nanak ji says that when someone dies, people cry, but actually it is only MOH that cries. MOH cries for what is has lost - a warm bed, an income, a secure life and so on. But the soul goes on forever but we forget that.
We have tried to share whatever we have expereinced in order to help you, please take whatever is useful,
God Bless You and your loved ones,
God bless you to understand your Karma and to accept the hukam
dust of your feet
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Pray for such a love an EXTREME love,
Bow to all realms, seen and unseen.
Posted by: "shaun1154" shaun1154
Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:56 pm (PDT)
Pardon me that this is a long question. It has to do with depression.
I suffered from depression a long time ago (15 yrs), during a very traumatic period in my life. I struggled my way out of it, and for a time needed medication. I thought I had it beat. I have felt really good for a long, long time. Part of this is due to starting to practice yoga, and more recently, kundalini.
Now, though, I am finding that I can actually feel myself falling back into the pattern- lack of interest in anything, self hatred, incredible sadness, no energy, etc. I find that it almost feels like a real physical sensation in addition to being something "emotional". I do not want to start on meds again if I can help it. I have a couple of questions-
1. Could my increased awareness of what is happening to me be due to yoga? It seems to be so much more acute-
2. What can I do (in a short amount of time each day- only cause I am too sad to make myself do much) (maybe as I feel better, I can increase time?)to make me feel better- at least to help stop the incessant desire to cry? I have much to be grateful for- so no real reason to be so sad- except that I can't stand myself. short meditations, exercises, anything? I feel so badly, cause I was doing well practicing, but now I can't force myself to even practice breathing......
3. I dreamed last night that I could fly. I was flying all over, and I was so happy in my dream. Does this mean anything?
4. Can kundalini help me? Please say yes.
thanks for any help/advice.
how fortunate we are to meet a sant
Many people are satisfied just when they get the GurParsaad of Naam. Then they stop praying for Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva – Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar. That is why they don't make much progress on the path of spirituality. Only a few get the GurParsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva – Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar. This enables them to go higher in spirituality. So please make a note here to pray for the GurParsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Samadhi, Puran Bandgi and Seva – Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar to meet our objective of achieving the Jivan Mukti."
Monday, 27 July 2009
Sharing the divine wisdom
From: Harjit <>
Date: 2009/7/27
Subject: Re: [Truth]
Satnaam jee
Kot Kot Dandaut All
Last week started reading the explanation of the Sukhmani Bani, really is inspiring and helpful. Our dad reads the Sukhmani bani every Sunday morning. Thought that he will find the explanation of sukhmani bani helpful, after reading the explanation of the first few astapi's written by Gurudev, dad felt inspired to do Naam simran. He got up earlier then usual the other night and engaged in Naam simran. At the same time our sister heard footsteps of two people, shes sensitive to the spiritual world. When she questioned my father about the footsteps he said that your grandfather and my Guru (Swami Sant Dass ji) came. Both left their physical bodies many years ago, our grandfather did a lot of bhagti and was good friends with our dads Guru.
When speaking to our dad about it, general feeling was they came to bless our dad with doing Naam simran. Thought we would share this with the sangat, how the Gurparsadi writings can help not only ourselves but others that we pass them on to.
God does everything, we do nothing.
Thank you for reading,
Longing to be the dust of your feet parminder
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Meeting our old friends.
We went to a wedding on saturday morning ji. We saw alot of our old "Amrit-dhari" sangat. We felt a bit anxious on meeting them again as they may feel hurt or offended by our cutting our hair or coming onto this path With Guru ji's kirpa we just washed their feet in our heart for 2 hrs whilst sitting in the packed sangat as the wedding went on.
We felt alot of love and compassion for them all, we even went very close to feeling love and light again on our face. When the speeches started we got up and walked out past 600 pairs of eyes. We just looked at the floor ahead of us and did our Simran. Just our own paranoia they are looking at us! They didn't do or say anything bad to us, but our own mindmade us feel like the outcaste, the low one , they were the tribe , we were the dirty one on the outside. So, first of all our mind spent some time trying to make itself feel better by looking for faults in them , "they are proud of religion, they don't even close their eyes, they are here just to socialise and so on." But with guru ji's kirpa, we washed their feet in our heart and felt love.
When we looked at them we saw were reminded of our ourself - our old self - proud of our religious uniform and turban and beard, with feelings of seucrity because we were part of the Sikh youth tribe. But, now we were the outcaste and have no tribe. Now we have Satnaam Satguru in our heart and He gives us Maan, we have no Maan so Sat Naam becomes our Maan.
Then an old friend came rushing down to meet us, said he had been praying ot meet us and had been shown our face in his vision so he knew how we looked now. He had a lot of love for us then he started getting emotional and cried on seeing we have cut hair and trimmed beard. We massaged his back behind the hirdha area - to take his pain. He told us about all the Brahmgianis he has met - he even met Baba ji in canada several times in the 1990s when Baba ji was doing his Bhagti at the Gurudwara. He told us of western european Sikhs he has meditated in the forests with for 6 hrs doing mool mantr and how he has taken them on yatras (pilgrimages). He told us of a 113 year old brahmgiani Hari Singh ji near Baba Bakala who was absolutely amazing – a Pooran Khalsa inside and Nihang on the outside. He recommended us to go and meet him if we are ever in India.
He asked us to start doing Seva of sikh students with him again at universities.
We realised that he has been doing sangat of brahmgianis for so many years, but not become brahmgiani yet, and is doing preaching off his own back. We realised 5 years ago with Baba ji's kirpa that we are not authorised to do any preaching at all until we become Brahmgiani and are authorsed by our Brahmgiani. So at that time we stopped doing discourses in the Gurdwara and running sikhi classes and started doing Seva of getting Baab Ji's Brahmgian out into the world , rather than our own articles and writings.
We also realised after listenting to our old friend that we can meet a hundred Brahmgianis and do simran with them, but other than gettin a few psychic powers and ego of them, we do not become Jiwan Mukat - liberated. Why? Because we don't give our head, we don't surrender to them. If we find just one Brahmgiani we are so blessed. Then all we need to do is our head at their feet like we have found the feet of God Himself, then He will transform us into Himself. And as long as we stayed focused on the Seva and Hukam of that Brahmgiani then we dont get ditracted by other people who want us to join them in doing unauthorised Seva in the name of Sikhi.
We were the same as our friend before we come on this humble path, we only saw ourself in him. He is great, he is doing seva and simran and sangat, we wanted to fcus on his good qualities so we touched his feet. That is what we have learnt on this path, the humble way is the best way, if we have spent all our life meeting Brahmgianis and still not learnt to touch the feet of at least the Guru' Sikhs then ego hasn't gone.
Thanks to Baba ji, Dassan Dass ji and Baba Nanak Guru Gobind Singh ji. Thanks to the jewels and diamonds in the treasure chest of Guru Granth Sahib ji and thanks to all of the Sants and Brahmgianis.
Dust of your feet,
Starting Again
Sat Shri Akal ji,
i was giong through the life of Budhha,Muhammad and Jesus the other Day, they all had same teachings.
Just a request to you that should i start again. i did it constantly for three days and then don't feel like like doing it again, but my mind keeps on making me feel guilty and depressed about it. what should i do please help
Guru ji is so kind, we get to start agin every single morning. Everyday the sun comes out and takes away the darkness of the night before. When we do ardas and ask for forgivness, SatGuru ji is the Sun that takes away our darkness and lets us start again.
Dust of your feet
Feeling guilty and depressed
Hello Harjit,
Thanks for all your reply.I really need your help.I tried to wake up in the morning but can't and then later on my mind makes me guilty about it and keeps me reminding that i didn't do naam and makes me feel depressed all the day.
SatNaam Ji
dandauth Bandhna ji
dont worry veer ji, we all have passed through these stages, just as you will pass through.
The most important thing to remember is that there is no place for GUILT or FEAR on this path.
GUILT and FEAR come from the negative destructive (TAMO) side of the mind.
As we are still in EGO , when we do manage to even get up at amritvel and do some simran and feel something, then
EGO says "You are great!". And when we dont manage to do amritvela simran , EGO says "You are a loser, you are useless at this." Just learni to recognise that in both cases it is just EGO talking. So dont believe it. Learn to step back from those thoughts. See those thoughts as clouds in the sky of the mind and see yourslef observing those clouds and determnging their root cause, saying "Yes these are negative thoughts of GUILT and EGO, they have come into the mind and yes they are passing through to the other side" Then take your attention back to SatGuru Ji's lotus feet and recite Sat Naam Sat Naam. Or recite oa line from Gurbani , or do the Ardas that Dassan Dass Ji gave us to do every 5 minutes - or whenever we can remember to.
We spent MANY YEARS in FEAR and GUILT!!! Religion and relgious groups thrive on keeping people under FEAR and GUILT because it is easy to control people and especially large groups of people with these things. However in meditation, we have to learn to step back from the mind, to realise we are not the thoughts (clouds) that the mind generates, to realise that we are the soul (the witness/spectator).
So whenever you goto sleep do your sincere ardaas and really talk to SatGuru ji and say "I am nothing Guru ji, if I try and get up , I can't" then tell Guru ji all of your dukh and bhukh (pain and hunger), "Guru ji I feel guilty and and full of fear, but whatever I am dont forget me Guru ji - mohi na visaro jee, ma jun tera ..dont forget me Guru ji, I am your servant." Many times you will feel like giving up, but giving up and going into maya just means we waste another few months sidetracked, then we come back and have to start again, so always pray "Guru ji,, I am no good at this, I am ignorant and stupid, I am foolish and have done no seva, I am a stubborn donkey , a cold stone and no goodness absorbs into me. guru ji please You come yourself and wake us up, you come yourself and do your own simran, this body , mind and wealth is all yours guru ji, use it as YOU want, May "I" die so YOU can live in this heart."
So keep doing ardas from your heart , make a relationship deep inside with your Guru ji. If we were perfct ten wy do we need a Guru? It is because we are trying and making mistakes that we see how much in mayay , in lower consciousness we are, we see how deep in the well of maya we are and we pray to Guru ji to take our arm and pull us out, to never let our arm go, to keep us in this path now - and may we DIE TRYING rather than LIVE by GIVING UP.
Enjoy this path ,enjoy your simran, enjoy your seva. we dont get to ANAND by being miserable whilst doing simran and seva.
So start with less time, start with a time you can do simran and seva with LOVE. Feel love and compassion for even 5 minutes inthe day sometime and be thankful to Guru ji for that, and pray for more. And build it up. Keep working on your bad habits - keep working on reducing bad deeds and confessing deeds done under the 5 thieves. All these things can be done during the day whilst fully conscious - they all help.
Do as much seva as you can, see even your work or studying as seva, see your teachers or your managers as your boss, become selfless in every aspect of your life. do things for your Satguru out of love, rather than for rewards , get out of thinking of me first , others second.
So whenever your thought-waves disturbs you and toss you in the storm of GUILT and FEAR then spit you out onto the beacjhof despai, then pause, step back from those disturbning thoughts, name them -"these are thoughts of GUILT and FEAR and DESPAIR - that is not the real me" step back let them go by like clouds in the sky, do ardas "Guru ji give me your naam" and focus on Guru ji's lotus feet in your heart with love, and do your Sat Naam Sat Naam. And just remember that as soon as you can hear SAT NAAM within you, then that is SatGuru ji wtinh you doing the Simran (not you), that is the MAHA YOGI, the BEING OF LIGHT , the SLEEPING GIANT , your soul waking up and doing SAT NAAM SIMRAN. That is SatGuru ji with you right there and now doing HIS OWN SIMRAN.
God bless you
Dust of your feet
Friday, 24 July 2009
Tips for doing amritvela Naam Simran
Sat Naam Ji - Dandauth Bandhna ji
We do have children but they are grown ups, they are doing thir medicine degrees now. But we do have a full time job, you are right when you say waking up at 12:30 am ? Infact you are doing good getting up at 4:00 am, but getting up earlier will be more beneficial, and don't worry about less sleep, now when you do simran you will get so much spiritual energy that you will not feel tired at all, no matter what time you wakeup, whatever time you get to sleep, your sleep will be complete, you will feel as if you have slept long hours.also your kids will start to become more and more sober and they will start to go to sleep earlier. All your sleep defficiency will be compensated by simran. We used to do the same thing, and never felt lethargic during the day, no yawning at all during the day, feel absolutely fresh all the time, this is what cosmic energy - spiritual energy does - and as you said you felt power in your head you will feel that power all over slowly and slowly - infect this power you guys are feeling is the naam amrit going inside you, this feeling will continue to increase, and then slowly and slowly your body and soul gets more and more cleaner from inside, more energy you will get inside, so when you go to sleep at night just do ardas inside your hirda that please wake me up at 12:30 or whatever time - and he will wake you up. Now since you folks have been blessed with gurparsadi naam you have also been put under the protection of at least one sant - and this sant will be always with you in his suksham dehi (astral body). When you do simran for 2 hours you are sitting on earth, in the third hour your simran will go in dargah and in 4, 5, and so on hours your simran will be in dargah, so try to go beyond 2 hours in the morning, at least 2 and half hours if you can, for fast progress. We used to sit in for 4-6 hours. Now our bhagti is complete and also our rom rom (every hair and cell) have become sat naam - physically every bit of body is reciting sat naam - and we feel this spiritual energy all the time in each and every cell of our body, so we don't sit in long smadhi anymore - actually at this level you are 24 hours in smadhi with open eyes, walking, talking, sleeping, and whatever you are doing will always be in smadhi.
We remember when we started early morning simran. First day it was 30 minutes next day 45 minutes and so on took couple weeks to go to longer hours, so you are doing good keep it up. God has brought you to this level he will definately help true servants to come up to him.
Seva you are doing is great keep it up, but do dandaut bandhna (prostrate lying on belly) when you go to Gurudwara and also dust the shoes and put the dust on your forehead. If there is langar do the cleaning of dishes. And while doing seva keep on reciting "sat naam waheguru" inside you at all the times.
We will ask Baba ji (and we will pray too) to help you in your efforts, it might be too much in the beginning for you to sit for early and long hours, so you can start later and then slowly when you start getting the energy and more anand you will go to longer hours, ardaas helps a lot, so keep on praying – apni seva aap le (Dear God, You Yourself please come and do this seva) – humre kiye kichu naa hoi kare karawe aphi aap (if I do it then it doesn't work out, You Yourself are the Doer Lord), and the ardaas we wrote yesterday. Just keep on reciting satnaam inside you all the time. One thing more you don't need to sit cross legged, you can sit in sukh-assan (any comfortable position) on a chair or sofa so that your body feels comfortable, and sometimes you might feel like you have gone to sleep, but actually you don't go to sleep, you will go in deep meditation, and even if you go to sleep it doesn't matter, after a nap again pray ardaas and start again, as we have said these kinds of problems can be very easily over come by ardaas.
Also you can email us , don't feel hesitant to do so, we fill you up with spirituality when you email us, tell us your difficulties and we will remove them.
Akal purakh is very kind on you, he is waking you up and you have done a great start so keep it up, don't look back just keep on capturing the current moment – sat karam – seva simran and parupkaar, and you will make it. Just stay away from distractions
Probably late dinner is the reason for your difficulty to keep awake, a lighter and simpler diet will definitely help you, but there are no restrictions. Also eating earlier in the evening will definetely help you. We take our dinner around 6:00 pm. But you can eat as early as you are done with your evening simran. If you are eating late for some reason then have a light diet.
Also wash your hair if you can every morning and leave them wet under your dastaar, they will dry by the time your simran concludes. Everytime we wakeup in the morning we do wash our hair and leave them like that, but we don't have too much hair. Also we take shower every evening as well so that will also help if you are not taking evening shower. Pani – pita will make your dehi pavitter. Pani is amrit too, so we need to respect pani pita, and pawan as guru – dharti as maa – pawan guru pani pita mata dhart mahat.
We could not sit on the floor in lotus position at all due to lower back stiffness problems, so we chose to sit in a comfortable sofa chair in Sukh Assan, just completely relaxed position, no body stress or strains at all. Staying awake for long hours is only a Gur Parsaad and you can pray for it; and if you do so you will get it. But once the Naam Goes on auto mode then it doesn't matter; and also when Naam goes in to Rom Rom then it becomes very easy, you can hear Naam whenever you want going on in surat, hirda and all parts of the body. When you wake up in early hours take a complete shower, wet your hair and keep them wet don't dry them; that will help you.
Hum maha paapi hain pakhandi hain kami hain krodhi hain lobhi hain mohi hain ahankaari hain, kirpa kar ke sadhe guneh baksh de – hum paapi wad guneh gaar tu bakshan haar – kirpa ka mere ghar aa ( mind) – hum bhikhan bhikhari tere tunijhpat hai data – kirpa kar sadhe te – sadhe panj doot vas karde – ek man ek chit karde – garibi ves hirda bana de – man te hirda pavitter karde – esi bhagti te seva le ke es dehi da guldasta ban jaye – sadha sees sada sada tere te guru de charna te rahe, kot brahmand de charna di dhool bana de, bishta de kire da bhi dass bana de, dassan dass bana de, sat naam di seva karye yugan yugan tak, neechan de neech bana de, nimane bana de – smadhi di daat baksh de – visar naahin dataar apna naam deo
I am a great sinner and hypocrite.
I am so full of lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride.
I am the lowest of the low.
I am a great offender and traitor.
I fully accept all of my misdeeds.
You are the Merciful Forgiver.
Be Kind and forgive all of my faults and sins.
I make mistakes with each and every blink and at each and every moment,
Please show your grace and bless me with good thoughts and Guru's wisdom.
Bless me with Naam, Service and loving devotion.
You Yourself please colour me with Your Love.
Nothing happens because of me,
You Yourself are the Doer of everything.
And then start your simran.
Prabh ka simran sabh te uncha – so continue simran in the morning hours until you need to get ready for going to work and so on. You have done enough of nitnem already, so concentrate on simran, that is the highest service to the akal purakh at this stage of yours – you can play the nitnem on cd in the evening hours, and continue simran as well as listening the gurbani, but devote all of the morning time on simran. Reading and listening to the gurbani is rewarding, listening to kirtan is also rewarding, but the highest rewards will be from simran. Please read first ashtpadi of sukhmani and you will know what are the rewards of simran – prabh ke simran anhad zhunkaar – the vibrations you feel in your body is anhad zhunkaar – prabh ke simran trishna bujhe – prabh ke simran sabh kuch sujhe – prabh ke simran hoe so bhala - prabh ke simran sufal phala – prabh simrat kichu boghan naa laage – prabh ke simran andin jaage – prabh ke simran udhre mucha and so on – the rewards are just incredible !
We will always tell you the truth, our job is to serve the truth only, but whatever your inner is self telling you just keep on doing it. Infact when we started we were doing – "sat naam shree waheguru ji", then it changed by itself to "sat naam", and then later on it changed to "ek oankaar sat naam", then again it changed to "sat naam" and now there is nothing – complete silence only – the naam remains upto sach khand – but in the inner dargah – also called braham khand – where the akal takhat is – there is no naam at all there is only nirgun saroop of akal purakh – param jyot and puran parkash only - and that is what has been explained in dassam patshah ji's bani – jaap sahib.
While doing simran, just follow whatever words come in your mind – sometimes it will be a tuk from gurbani – or like sat kartaar or ek oankaar or akal murat or so, so just follow that hukam from your inside and keep on doing that. Never try to put your control on these shabads.
Just keep on doing whatever you are doing, there is nothing wrong in doing so. You will automatically switch to sat naam as time goes along, probably at this stage you are right you maight not be able to handle the power of sat naam siman so continue doing whatever is your inner voice is telling you to do.
Started with focus on the forehead – Trikuti Area; and then the Naam moved to Hirda, Nabhi and all over the spine by itself; didn't pay any attention at all to it. It was all Baba Ji's Gur Kirpa that made it all happen. For you concentration on Hirda will be very good at this point. It will become a mala by itself. You can only pray; we pray: Humrey Keeye Kichu Naa Hoye Karey Karawey Aap Hi Aap; Jivey Jiv Hukam Tivey Tiv Kaar; Jo Tudh Bhawey Sahi Bhali Kaar; Jivey Jiv Tera Hukam Tivey Tiv Howna; Hum Bhikhat Bhikhaaree Tere Tu Nijpat Hai Data.
One thing in mind when you folks get together – avoid discussing household matters, concentrate on sat naam and sift salah (praises) only. It will be good if you folks can share your experiences with us also, need not be very ellobrative but just a feel of what you folks are experiencing. One thing very important and is the next step to follow after you stablize on your simran at amritvela, is to relieve yourself from the effect of the past life and previous lives so for that please read the article on spiritual cleaning pocess and follow that practice.§ionid=2&id=12&Itemid=19
Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52
SatNaam Kurt ji another easy way to get out of thinking about "I" is by serving others, hence thinking only about SatNaam in o...
Sat Naam Ji Dandauth Bandhana Ji. This was a reply to someone, hope this helps others too. ==== thankyou so much for emailing...
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji Dandauth bandhna ji Thanks greg ji for that detailed answer....and like the punjabi! It makes it more real ...