Wednesday 24 September 2008

website update - free downloads working again

satnaam satguru satsangat ji
dandauth bandhana ji
With Guru ji's kirpa we have fixed the free downloads section and you can download kirtan, baba ji talks, there is even an option to make ring tones for your phone. 
Any problems , please let me know.
dust of your feet

Tuesday 23 September 2008

The Beggar

Ik Oankaar Satnaam

A dervish was praying silently. A wealthy merchant, observing the
dervish's devotion and sincerity, was deeply touched by him. The
merchant offered the dervish a bag of gold. "I know that you will
use the money for God's sake. Please take it."
"Just a moment." the dervish replied. "I'm not sure if it is
lawful for me to take your money. Are you a wealthy man? Do you
have more money at home?"
"Oh yes. I have at least one thousand gold pieces at home."
claimed the merchant proudly.
"Do you want a thousand gold pieces more?" asked the dervish.
"Why of course. Every day I work hard to earn more money."
"And do you wish for yet another thousand gold pieces more
beyond that?"
"Certainly. Every day I pray that I may earn more and more
The dervish pushed the bag of gold back to the merchant. "I am
sorry, but I cannot take your gold," he said. "A wealthy man cannot
take money from a beggar."
"How can you call yourself wealthy and me a beggar?" the
merchant spluttered.
The dervish replied, "I am a wealthy man because I am content
with whatever God sends me. You are a beggar because no matter how
much you possess, you are always dissatisfied, and always begging God
for more."

Sheikh Muzaffer
as collected by James Fadiman & Roger Frager

Friday 19 September 2008

why people slander or attack is because ...

satnaam ji,
dandauth bhandana ji,
the primal reason why people slander or attack is because deep down they are fearful.
The reason why they then go and make tribes, religions and political parties and nationalities is because they want to be strong together, to protect those with similar views, to destroy or stop ones they fear will take those things they cherish away.
The root cause is fear, compounded by their experiences in life.
And also the reason why it aggravates you when someone verbally attacks Baba Ji, is also because of fear and insecurity.

Love is the antidote to fear, become such a loving heart, that you can absorb their pain.  That you can see through the illusion of strength they put up - like a barking dog they slander, but they bark because they are scared.
They fear they will lose what they have if what Baba Ji teaches is true.  They would have to shake their whole life upside down - and ego doesnt want that.  So its easier for them to attack and to justify it with all kinds of nonsense.
Here read this article, its about psychological reason for political viiews - same reasons apply to religious views.
dust of your feet

A baby is almost like Pure God

Sat Naam  ji,
dandauth bandhana (please accept my prostration greeting) may I bow to the Light that comes through you.   
Here is an email to a mother with a baby:
Baba ji said to me that a baby is almost like Pure God , because up until 2 years old its dassam duar (tenth door / crown chakra) is open.  Baba ji said "why dont we remember anything of our first two years? Because that wasn't us (ego), that was God)."  So make the most of meditating with your baby, if you can see God in him, you will be able to see God within yourself.
What happens after about 2 years, is that maya (worldy attraction) sets in and the dassam duar starts closing.   Basically, the child forms its own identity (ego), that is why we get the temper tantrums, because the child wants to assert itself and not to be under parental control.   Same thing happens again as a teenager - God makes us get up and think about breaking away from the family unit to make our own family etc.
But even the child entering into maya at around 2 year is necessary, becasue each of us is born due to unfinished karma.  We have to pay our debts and collect our dues.   But for the child, everything in the world is tempting, their desires and wants lead them forward into our adult world.  They have to reap what they have sown.  As parents the best we can do is to teach them the difference between right and wrong, but then accept that they do have their own destiny.  
Sometimes there comes a clash, we want the kids to sit and meditate or do yoga or watch less TV and games etc.  But they are not interested.  Even then we have to understand their stage, they are going into maya, whilst we have been through that, felt the suffering that desires brought to us, and we are going back to the higher, innocent baby-like mind that was in tune with God.
Our kids are our greatest teachers, I've learnt so much from my two daughters (6 and 8 now).   Its taken me a long time and Ihave done everything the wrong way, before realising the right way!!
Just keep bringing in more love.  Baba Ji said to me that being thankful makes us into a loving heart and that is where Truth can reside.
dust of your feet

Sunday 14 September 2008

Conversation With Baba Ji 13 Sep 08

ik onkar sat naam sat gur prasad ||
 Dandauth bandhana ji.
Spoke to Baba Ji today, started off by asking for blessings for our niece 18months old, who lost her fingertip in a door today.  Everyone was upset.  This is what Baba Ji said after giving his blessings to her and saying not to worry and that everything will be ok.  (Also a request to the satsangat to pray for her healing, the surgeons are reattaching it tonight and will take 7 days before they know it has been successful or not - so please pray all week for her).
Baba Ji said:  "
We say 'band band katay' - remember those who were cut joint by joint (story of Bhai Mani Singh Ji who was tortured in that way).  They showed us that they had given their body to God and sacrificed it.   The fingertip has been given to God.  As it was written so it has happened.  Nothing is in your hands.  If we come to understand that then why do we still have issues?  Because the rest of the problems are generated from our mind.  So reprogram the mind.    Look at the lives of the 10 Gurus, Guru Arjun Dev ji wrote the Sukhmani (prayer of peace), yet himself was tortured in the most painful way for many days whilst sitting on the hot plate.  Look at Guru Gobind Singh Ji's life, losing all those nearest to him (his sons, mother, father, beloved Sikhs), living a life on the run, living by the sword and then dying by the sword.  So even the Guru's had to live out all the pains and sufferings that were written for them.  The Guru's lives showed us how to get through pains and sufferings in our own life.  Whatever happens to us, just be thankful, if you lost a fingertip be thankful you didn't lose a leg.  Make your mind not hard like a glass, but soft like wax.  So that no matter what happens around you, your mind can absorb all the pain and suffering like wax, rather than shattering like glass.
(Next I asked Baba Ji about a relative who ws cremated today, he had been an alcoholic all his life and had spent the last year of his life bed-ridden in his own filth).  A person in ego thinks Guru and God is just a game.  Like that cat who goes on pilgrimage, not out of devotion, but to catch 100 innocent mice.  Such souls take  a very long time to become refined (pure enough to attain God).
Good times are here in the 21st Century.  This is the era of Satguru, the Sat Ram Das (Servant of God the Truth).  Good souls are taking birth in every country and culture.  There are however lots of tragic events (natural disasters, wars, sickness etc) taking place, but human beings are having to reap what they have sown on this planet.  But that is a clearing, so that the Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius can prevail.
Dont worry about the ones who slander us in the Gurdwaras, slandering was written for them before they were even born.  It was their destiny due to past lives when they became ungrateful to their Guru.  Only the ones with good destiny can do bhagti (devotion).  My job is to forgive.  If you do bhagti then your job is to forgive.  By forgving others, God has to forgive you as well.  Same law applies - what you sow you reap.
Give my love to all, never lose hope, never lose faith.  This one name is so simple - Sat Naam - keep your mind focused on it.   You need at least one dukh (suffering) in order to do bhagti.  However, when your bhagti is completed (i.e you attain God), then you say "That suffering was no suffering at all, that was Amrit (God - Beyond Death)."  The more the suffering, the higher the Amrit.  Everyone has their own suffering to go through.  Your relative maybe going through hell, you can give them the divine wisdom, but you cant do their bhagti (devotional worship) for them - only they can conquor their own mind.  And you have to make sure that no relative gets between you and your bhagti.  Always pray to God, "Never let anything or anyone come between You and Me God."  Pray for it.
-The dance of life never stops.  Human relationships are like atoms, we meet, unite and separate.  All give and take between us is what was written according to our karma.  The marriages to unite humans according to society , religion and rituals cannot keep people together.  People from all relgions and from no religion get married and still get divorced.  Its because of karma, karma overrules man-made marriages.  The true marriage is with God and is attained when you complete your bhagti (devotional worship).  Spontaneous love is all there truly is.  Other love is an illusion.  People think they are in love, but then they fight for the wealth or the children or their reputation.  True love has no desire in it, it just happens.  But in desire, hate and even murder are the results.  True love is the defintion of and delivery of sacrifice.   False love is when you desire selfishlessly things from the partner.
-If you dream of future disasters and doom and gloom, then worry about all that death and destruction, then I say to you "Dont worry about tomorrows."  Remember the soul never dies. So dont give those dreams the power to take your peace.  Remember death is not bad, death is honour.  Destruction is not bad, it is part of the life cycle.
-Girls in love against their parents wishes will get pulled back into the family for the sake of family honour.  Family sees girl as their honour, yet are proud of thir sons who make money from drugs, or sons that kill their dis-honourable sisters. 
-(Asked about a friend who says her son is physically weak and afraid of going upstairs because he thinks he sees ghosts).  Tell the mum to be positive, to give the child vitamins, that their are lots of children like that - that are weak.  But even they are precious to God.  God needs the weak as well as the strong and everyone in between.  God needs to experince Himself through ALL, so He knows ALL about Himself, so He Knows how to take care of ALL - the weak and the strong.  Tell the mum, her child is OK.  Give him and yourself to God.  Child is true, dont pass on her worries and fears to him.  Dont think the weak or the disabled aren't going to survive.  They do and they will.  The ones who take them in and help them are the real God-facing (Gurmukhs) souls.  Tell the mum to become Gurmukh - God-facing and to think beyond sickness.  They need God.   Look at Alcoholics Anonymous or Gamblers Anonymous, they first ask you to believe in God.  What do you think relgion is for?  It is for Egos Anonymous!!!   God is Truth, and the Truth will set you free.  God gives a gambler  winning hands and losing hands so he experiences heaven and hell then one day will try to go beyond it to experience Truth.   To rise above hell and heaven mind-states is called Chardhi-kala.  Although Sikhs nowadays say they are in Chardhi-kala when they win something, Chardhi-kala is actually when you rise above winning and losing things of the world.  Becoming pure is Chardhi-kala state, not achieving wealth and status.
(I said thankyou to Baba Ji)  No thankyou, God needs his (bhagat) devotee to pull the best out of Him so he can know Himself.  The heart-centre (hirda) has to experience everything - pain and pleasaure, hell and heaven and then it can see beyond it and say to God, "It's all You" and when it says that with firm conviction, then the heart laughs - that is divine laughter.
God and the Bhagat (devotee) laugh together in the heart (hirda).  Its not intellectual laughter - intellectual laughter is when you laugh at others, or make clever observations.  Now this is the opposite, this is what you can call stupid laughter - there is no thinking bad about anyone, just being so simple that spontaneous laughter occurs.  I said to God, "People say you are the wisest of the wise, but if you really were that intelligient you wouldn't have allowed the bhagats(devotees) to give you so many names.  Because now their followers just sit and argue about the right name and have forgotten You."
Give my love to all, never lose hope, never lose faith.  This one name is so simple - Sat Naam - keep your mind focused on it.  
Baba Ji

Friday 12 September 2008

I am in love not only with ...

This poem by Rumi captures the feeling a student needs to cultivate in
the heart center for their Guru.
I am in love not only

with his radiant face

but also with his wrath and contempt.

He has asked for my head

I do not care if I lose it

what makes me ecstatic is

Him asking.

Thursday 11 September 2008

Re: meditation experience question - star light

Sat Naam Sat Guru Sat Sangat
I bow to You, please accept my forehead at your feet.
Dear Gurubala Ji,
you described a very beautiful expereince, of the Light coming through you and blessing God's child.
And now you feel more praanc energy in your hands.  You also correctly related it to healing and that you dont do any.
I used to mediate alot at the Gurdwara and my hands used to get hot,  didn't understand at that time.
OnceI remember that my sister was very stressed and just intuitively I went and placed my palm on her forehad and just did my simran (internally meditated on God's name).  I did not know why I did that and it wasn;t a normal thing for anyone in my family or Sikh relgious community to do, but my sister said she felt soothed afterwards.
About 8 years late when I had fallen from that "higher" state and into the worldly wants like most married people, our younger daughter Tavleen was 2 weeks old and pulled by accident by her 2 yr old sister. Her had landed on the kitchen tiles and she fractured her skull.  We rushed to hospital and whilst she was lying on the bed waiting to be seen by the Doctor, I was praying for her from deep inside.  I felt the soothing Light that I had forgotten about fro years before, it was coming in through the top of my head in to my chest and down my arm.  Intuitively, I placed my palm on her tiny head and did simran wi thall my heart and soul for her to be healed.  I could sense Light filling her head and body.
A few years after that and after getting back into meditation and a spiritual life away from desires and wants, I met my spiritual teacher (Baba Ji), he explained to me that this energy is what is called "amrit" in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji.  It is basically God - the One who doesnt die (a - beyond,  mrit - death).  IT is the lifeforce, the cosmic energy, the One manifesting within as as Light.   That One is the Light, that One is the Healing, that One is the one we are having a one-to-one with in meditation when we become empty, that One fills us up.  When we think only of serving others and forget about ourself, then that Light can come through.  When we pray with love and devotion for the upliftment of others then the One who is the Source of all Love and Light comes through us to heal the others.  That One is the Healer, the Healing Energy and the Healed.  Baba Ji says that One is the One-in-all, the All-in-One and the All-in-all.  And he is the One Named Truth - ik Onkar Sat Naam.
Baba Ji told me this "energy" is called many things by many people, he said it is the same thing people call "Reiki".   That was the first time anyone really explained to me what the meaning of hot hands, of the love-light was.  After that I was drawn to a book by Betty Shine called "Mind Magic" - she was a healer and her book exaplined a lot of things.  After that me and my sister went and learned Reiki, it has added another dimension to our spiritual path.  Rei-ki means God-Force and we become a channel for that God-Force - the Light.   When I do reiki healing now,  I place these hands near the person, pray to ik onkar sat naam  , become empty and let the Light pour through this crown chakra, heart charka down the arms and through the palms.  I have found Guru Nanak Dev Ji's sweet words to be true, that where the needy are looked after God's Mercy rains down.  When we pray for others with love in our hearts and call upon God , the Mother of All to look after Her child, then the mercy of Amrit rains through us to shower them with healing.
Also regarding seeing colours in the other mail, it sigood you are sensitive to these different energies but dont get stuck there.   Keep moving on tofalling in love with the One Source, the One Named Sat Naam , Ik Onkar Sat Naam.  Yogi Bhajan ji wrote that when he first came to the US he went to some meditation classes and people just talked about the colours they saw , he said he found they were so far from God and lost in other aspects and they didnt' even know.
dust of your feet
Re: meditation experience question - star light 
Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:22 pm (PDT)
Sat Nam,
I also have a question to ask the group in regards to the meditation experience postings.  Ever since 1996, when I meditate, I see a rainbow of etheric colors.  I almost feel like a mood ring.  Does anyone have an idea what this pertains too?  It has always fascinated me.  Any assistance would be appreciated.  I have asked other but have never received an answer that has even remotely sounded right.  If that makes sense?

From: Gurubala
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] meditation experience question - star light
Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 11:36 PM

Sat Nam
Following on from the post re golden scroll work/ seeing nadis I have
one to ask the group...a few months ago I was meditating whilst breast
feeding - inhaling sat, exhaling nam into my 3rd eye & connecting with
my baby. I had the experience of whitest light - ultra violet like
magnesium burning come into my crown down my head & fill my lungs &
chest then through to my finger tips. The light was cool rather than
warm in sensation & felt beautiful & very safe. I asked what it was &
got back "starlight". Has anyone else had or heard of an experience
like this? It was incredibly healing & energising but I can't really
find any info on it online or thru asking friends. Following the
experience I have had an increased amount of pranic energy in my
hands. I do not do any healing work but teach KY.
Thanks & infinite blessings to all,
Gurubala, Sydney OZ

question about sex

Monday 8 September 2008

cheating and stealing

ik onkar satnaam gurprasad||
dandauth bandhana ji
Just like to share a couple of things that happened this weekend.
There was a wedding to attend on Sunday, so we packed our bags and went to stay with relatves the night before.
At 9pm I realised I had forgotten my suit and it was too far to go back home.  With Guru's kirpa Tesco was open and
had one pair of trousers and a jacket left that was nearly my size - but good enough.  Some relatives said to me
"Just wear it tomorrow and then return it."   IT sounded simple enough and even lingered in my mind for a while.
But then with Guru ji's kindness realised that God through Tesco had shown some goodness to me, by being open so late, by
having a suit at that time of night.  And I was just thinking of how to cheat them - for my benefit.
Then on Sunday morning after the wedding at the Gurdwara found my shoes had been taken from the shoe rack.
Angry thoughts came into my mind, cursing thoughts about people who take other people's shoes from the Gurdwara.
Then even the thought "I should take someone elses shoes now so I dont dance in my socks at the reception."
It was a tempting thought, but with again with Guru ji's kirpa just said to the mind, "No, someone else needed those shoes,
I'm glad to have been able to help them.  Dear Guru ji forgive me for my negative thoughts, make me wear whatever You want me to wear. I was born naked,
these clothes and shoes and all other belongings I have accumulated and got attched to, they have become a burden, I dont need attachment to them - its all Yours - You do whatever You want."
Then speaking to the attendant he said to me, "her you go, take these flip-flops - we cant send you bare foot from the Guru's house."
Heading to the car, told some relatives that my shoes had gone missing, to my horror one replied, "You should just take someone elses then," and the other said ,"They took mine too, so I'm wearing somone elses.   I'll bring them back to the Gurdwara tomorrow."
I just thought that I am so fortunate to have had Baba Ji's blessing , to understnd the higher wisdom, to get out of selfish thinking "What is in my benefit - then letting that make me into a cheat and a fraud."
Baba Ji said on one of his tapes that we may go to a shop and at the till the attendant doesnt charge us the right price, he charges us much less, then we stay quite hoping to benefit from his mistake.  Not thinking that he will be in trouble when the owner does a stock take and finds the mistake.  Baba ji said if we a re Gurmukh, on this path to God then we have to stop thinking of our own benefit, we have to say to give the best to others and take what's left over.
Baba Ji gave the example if there is a stack of chipatees, then we serve the good ones first to others, and take the cold burnt one at the bottom for ourself.
And apply that attitude to everything in life.  And get out of selfish thinking, or getting hurt or angry when what we think our our belongings are stolen or damaged or lost.  Also get out of the opposite feeling of delight when we receive gifts or gain things for free. 
There's no point following an spiritual or religious path or of going to Gurdwaras or Sangats, if deep on the inside we still haven't got out of selfish thinking.
dust of your feet

Monday 1 September 2008

SAT - Noun or Adjective ?

Sat Naam Sada Sat Naam

Dandauth bandhana ji

Someone having a go at Baba Ji from the Gurdwara stage yesterday, he was saying that youngsters are getting mislead into reciting Sat Naam.
He said if we understood basic grammar we would know that "SAT" is an adjective and NAAM is a noun. Hence, Sat means the Naam is true.
Then he added and that Naam is of course Waheguru.

I went home and with Guru ji's kirpa opened up an enlgish book on grammar and it opened at the page about nouns and adjectives! This is what I understood.

In gurbani the word SAT can be both adjective and a noun (read C.S Shackle from University of SOAS in the text Sacred Language of The Sikhs, and also "Glossary of Guru NAnak" by the same author"). When it is an adjective it means true, when it is a noun it means TRUTH.

He gives the example in the book eg NIRMAL NAAM literally translates as pure-name. If NIRMAL is used as an adjective then it is saying that God's name is pure - meaning that God's Name has the quality of being PURE. However, if NIRMAL is used as a noun, then it is saying that God's name is the "PURE ONE".

So I can reasonably apply the same logic to SAT. "The Glossary of Guru Nanak" says SAT (with sihari, or even without) can be an adjective or a noun. Hence, SAT NAAM when translated as an adjective is saying God's Name has the quality of being true, being real, it exists, or as a noun it is is saying "Gods Name is "TRUTH" i.e. the TRUE ONE."

dust of your feet


Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52