Tuesday, 25 August 2009

If there is One god, then why isn't there just one way to salvation?

Sat Shri Akal ji,
                        First of all veerji I feel sorry that i ask you a lot of questions, but at the same time i thanks you for giving me the right answer.

I want to share one thing with you. About a month ago i feel like singing and get to know god a lot and that was the reason i use to hear and sing shabads whenever i get time at home and at work.but slowly and slowly my interest got lesser and know i dont feel and believing in the guru, with questions in my mind does god really exist.I dont know what going wrong with me.

now the thing that is going in my mind all the time is how the people belonging to the religion other than our religion achieve salvation because there is no naam and they haven't even heard of it.

my mind now always says to me if way to salvation is same for the people all around the world only then remember god because god is one and therefore way to the salvation should be one and if it is not then there is no god

Please help

SatNaam veer ji,
dandauth bandhna ji, please do not feel sorry to ask all these questions.   Ask as many as you need to, no problem with us. 
Its only the mind that is weighing you down.  When your mind is free , your heart sings and you feel happy and light - just look at a child - they skip and run, laugh and cry all with passion.  But as we get older we think too much, we get weighed down by our worldy thoughts.   It then takes a lot of time to become weight-free, light again, to sing again to be free and happy.
God is Infinite, his ways are infinite.  You are getting confused because you are thinking in words like salvation, different relgions and so on.  You are seeing things from the outside, you are seeing all the differences and getting confused (=maya).  Start seeing things from the inside.  How? Just change the word God to Love. So salvation actually means to fall completely in love.  Then ask yourself can a person called a Muslim fall completely in love, can a hindu, can a sikh?  Every single heart is capable of love.  How each person expresses their love is upto them - some sing kirtan, some pray five times a day, some go on pilgrimages , some speak in arabaic, some speak in punjabi, some speak in hindi - the languages and ways to express love are endless, but the love that we are all capable of experiencing and merging into is the ONE and the SAME.
All the ones who have completely fallen in love with God have expressed the same basic Truths - that there is a higher consciousness, that we have to do good deeds, that we have to help others, that we have to be devoted, that we need Grace / Eternal Blessings/ GurParsaad.    You only get conused by the external means and ways and words people use to describe these basic things.
Of course there are many, many millions who have no idea that love is the key, and are lost in rituals, regulations, pilgrimages, bad deeds in the name of God, tribal gorupings (me and my religion) and so on.
Just think that NAAM means LOVE.
And LOVE is universal but explained in millions of ways.
Above all, you have to keep telling your mind that its not about what other people do.  It is too complicated to understand all the means and ways of millions and billions of people from the past and present from all cultures and countries.  Only God , the inner-know (anterjami) knows each and every heart, only he knows how much anyone truly loves Him, only he is the true force, the true power (JOR), that is keeping us alive, pumping our heart, regulating our breath.  So that is the only One you have to fall in love with.  You have to look at your own destiny, where has God placed you?  Who has god given you sangat of to help you?  Look right infront of you and see where you are and stop worrying about where and what other people are doing and where they are.  Everyone's destiny is their own, everyone's karma is their own, and their path to LOVE is also unique for them.  
Ask yourself how come you are talking to us on this forum?  How come Dassan Dass Ji is the nrearest BrahmGyani to you?   There are many millions of others who also have the same questions as you, but they are not here asking us, but they are elsewhere finding their own answers from whatever is the destiny for them.
Not to believe in God is not to believe in love.  Because of love people write poetry, people sing , people dance and only because of love is life worth living.   Not to love is to not believe in your own heart and the Infinite Divine Power that is sitting dormant right in there.
Whenever you read anything, or meet anyone you need to be able to assess is this helping me to get closer to god or is it taking me further away.  And the best way to do that, is to ask yourself, "having heard what they have said, do i feel more love, or do i feel more confused?"   If you feel more love then that is getting you closer to god, if you feel more confused then that is taking you into maya.  
You need to start identifying where the thoughts in your mind are being generated from.  If they are coming from Maya - rajo and tamo aspects (desires and darkness), then learn to let them go ,rather than believing them and following them.  If they are coming from maya sato (goodness) aspect, then follow them and they will take you to SAT consciousness i.e Truth consciousness.
God bless you
dust of your feet


Sharing another email we sent with Guru ji''s kirpa - may help others too.
SatNaam Veer Ji,
Dandauth Bandhna ji
I dont know anything and you have not asked me to say anything either, so its not my place.
Thankyou for sharing your lifestory in brief, we can relate to the feelings of alienation that then drive us towards sikhi and then God and true love and also to the feelings of desparation at being One.   However, we would just like to say what Baba Ji told us when we first met Him, "I say to God why do I need to go to other realms to see Him, when He is right here and all around in everything and doing everything."   Baba Ji explained to us that many people in His sangat saw Gods palaces, had divine union, lay on God's bed, received so many spiritual gifts - chariots to ride upon in those realms and anything and everything else Gurbani describes as well.  However, when the tests came they crumbled, went back into the masses and became slanderers of their Guru.  This didnt happen once or twice , it happened with three waves of sangat and still happens.  So Baba ji explained to us, "Dont desire the Light and other spiritual realms, just beat your ego in this place." 
We would just like to add that just by meditating on "death of haumai" and saying "I just want union, and it seems I will cheat myself and others to get it" you seem to be getting very frustrated which leads to what you described as "my tantrum".  Tantrum is the crown of anger, due to frustration, root cause of which is ego and unfulfilled wants.  So even WANTING UNION is highlighting your ego, desire and anger within you.  So it is a blessing from God to show you these things still need working on.
Also Veer ji, your life story didn't really mention anything about loving those who have hurt you over the years - loving those who were racist towards you, loving those who have tormented you and so on?   Your lifestory didn't mention loving the Creator by loving Him in all of His creations by serving Him in all His creations.  You seem to be alienated from the world, you entered on the inner path ..Dukh Daru from a position of hurt, you seem to be wanting to fulfill a need that you are also valued and worthy by trying to achieve Divine union.  By doing so it validates the life path you have chosen.   But have you gone full circle yet and realised that you have to love all those who have hurt you because if it want for them you wouldnt be were you are right now?  That you have to wash their feet and love them all and give up trying to validate your existance by achieving divine union?
Hopefully this will makes sense to you, it could be totally wrong, we cant say if this is your true story or not because we dont know you other than the wrods you have shared so there maybe lots of the story that is miising.  But it just seems that you are too busy trying to achieve union - "I WANT UNION"  -- I = ego, WANT = desire.  Give up ego and desire and UNION happens by itself.   The greatest thing Baba ji has taught us and what I thank Him forever is, is to realise God is right here right now and to serve and love him in all of His creations and let HIM worry about when and where He is going to give us Divine Union.  Our job is only to become the slave, the servant, the slaves of the slaves.  And that is the title that HE has bestown upon our teacher, so it is not for you or for me to give an opinion on it, we are in no position to judge others,, especially our teacher.  Baba Ji said that while we judge others we are also being judged i.e. still under Dharam Raj.  so get out of it all please.
Seva thoree mangan bohitha ...seva is less, but wants are great ...Gurbani.
We have probably judged you in this email as well, but that was not our intention, we only see some similarities to problems and stages we have been thorugh too and just wanted to share that with you to offer you another perspective that you may not have considered.
Please forgive our mistakes,
Only God knows you, me and everyone truly.
God bless you
Dust of your feet

Dealing with spiritual frustration

Satnaam Veer Ji,
Dandauth bandhna Ji,
You are speaking from a place of hurt and betrayal,you want to believe and trust in someone again, but are guarded to protect yourself from beign hurt again.  At the same time this prevents you from completely falling in love and surrendering.  It is taking time to rebuild trust , but trust is the basis of love, and love is the spirngboard to the Almighty.
Asking why anyone did anything to us is pointless, because whatever they tell us its just a story - the story of our KARMA playing out.  And we all know the whole reason we have been given this body in this form and the people around us is due to KARMA.  You can see KARMA in a negative way , as "torture" or as "punishment" from God.  Or you can see it a way for our soul to learn from its mistakes, to progress through every layer of lower consciousness.   You can try and see the postive in every situation.  If your past spiritual mentor left you and hurt you, then it exposed in you the lower consciousness feelings of betrayal.  And for that you can thank her, because it shows you what you have to work on.     And yes we have all betrayed God, that is why Guru Nanak Dev ji and Dassan Dass Ji went through a stage where they called themselves "looh-harami" - we are all tasting God's salt but betraying Him all the time - knowingly or unknowingly.   It is not for us to ask "how have we betrayed him exactly" it is for us to do ardas with everybreath and accept that we are "loon-harami - the greates betrayer and beg for forgiveness."  It is not for us to complain with the cards we have been dealt by Karma, but to do ardas at every moment for forgiveness for all of our mistakes known and unknown.   Dassan Dass ji writes this in the sukhmani Katha that people complain to God as to what have they ever done wrong, and Dassan Dass ji writes back, ask yourself have you really NEVER don anything wrong?  And also to understand that if we have physical or mental problems it is because we have slandered a Sant at some time in the past and that is why we are reaping whatever is written in sukhmani astpadi 13 - slandering a Sant.
It basically means that in ego we think we are ok, that we do our bhagti and think that we are doing something good and then expect rewards and spiritual gifts.  However, then we complain when we dont get it, even theough we know its not the hukam to get it yet.  So actually dont get disheartened, just step back and realise that another aspect of lower consciousness has reared its ugly head and is something else for us to work through.
Hearing that others are able to hear and communicate with Dassan Dass ji in astral form is nothing to get upset about, ask yourself why you got upset?  Want attention, want acknowledgement, want praise , want spiritual powers?  Get to the root cause of why you got upset and root out those lower consciousness desires too.   Really we live in a day and age where you are communicating so easily with Dassan dass ji by email - isnt that a miracle by itslef, or even Dassan Dass ji can phone you - isnt that such a great miracle - so why get upset if we dont hear it in astral form?  The point is for us to get the communication by whatever means and to put it into practise.
What really works is to keep noticing your own state of mind.  When you are upset, frustrated, feeling betrayed, finding it hard to trust and so on, rather than acting on those feelings leading to complaining, questioning others motives and so on, really stop and step back.  Look at those feelings like clouds in the sky, name them, find out their root cause within yourself, change them from complaining and blaming to positive thoughts i.e. what positive has come out from being betrayed,  and relax.
The whole path is about achieving peace of mind, not about spiritual expereinces and astral travelling and whatever else we "imagine" is the Truth.   Dassan Dass Ji said that peace of mind is another name of God.  So aim for peace of mind, welcome anything that exposes aspects of lower consciousness, let it go and come back to peace.   That is what we can do, let God do the rest.
Hope that helps, that is how we are progressing now after going through similar feelings you are expressing.
Dust of your feet

Sunday, 23 August 2009

In Praise of The Guru

In Praise of the Guru
Siri Guru Siri Guru Siri Guru Sat Jeeo. (1) - the highly revered (Siri) Guru is himself the Truth Being (Sat Jee-o).
Sat Guru Sat Guru Sat Gur Gobind Jeeo. (2) - the Truth Guru is himself the God the Protector (Gur Gobind) Being (Jee-o)
Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Jeeo.(3) - the Wondrous Guru is the Wondrous being (Wahe jee-o).
Siri Guru = Highly Revered Guru
Sat Guru = Eternal Truth Guru
Wahe Guru = Wondrous Guru = Dhan Dhan = Spiritual Blessed.
These praises are written by the poet (Bhat) Gayand ji in praise of his beloved Guru, Guru Ram Das Ji on page 1402-3 of Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
There are many verses in praise of Guru Ram Das Ji and each poem ends with 1, 2 or 3 as above.
They are just beautiful chants to sing by themselves in praise of our ten Gurus, of Baba Ji and Dassan Dass and NaamJeevan Ji too and all sant and saints past and present.
Fall in love with our Guru, Siri Guru, Sat Guru the Wahe Guru and this path is so easy.
We also looked up the meaning of Suhaag - it means Husband's love..  And the Suhaagan is the happily married soul as she is the one who enjoys her husband's love - Suhaag.
The Du-haagan is the widow, the spinister - the unmarried soul.   The Sat Guru is our Vichola (middle-man, match-maker) to whom we are forever grateful, eternally grateful.  Dassan Dass ji said that we cannot force God to enter into our being, we have to beg, "hum bikhak bikhar jee - I am a beggar, You are the Giver ", so dont feel you are discarded and give up, keep on praying awalyays and forever for our Husband to come into our being, into our chakras, intou mind and into every part of us.  Let us live in the love of the Lord.
We spoke to Deepa Ji in India (young villager) he is in so much love know, he is saturated in prem, he said there is so much love now that even  the name satnaam disappears and all that remains is endless eternal love. 
Dust of your feet

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Sangat and Conversation With Baba Ji Aug 22, 2009

SatNaam Ji
Dandauth Bandhana ji,
with Guru ji's kirpa we are sharing this, Baba ji asked us to share it to inspire others to keep going forward in the own bhagti.
This last week we have had some serious tests with money and our spouse, we had to listen again to slander of our baba ji, our sangat and our sister, we stayed quite calm this time , but yesterday before going to sangat we also told our spouse that baba ji is our guru, and that is how it has been for 6 years now, so its upto her to decide wether she is going to accept it or to going to keep on insulting our Guru everytime she wants to attack us.  We cant say we were sweet or polite, but we used loud words and told the Truth and were prepared to lose everything if that was how it was to be.   We made langar for the sangat and went and shared it with the sangat iwth guru ji's kirpa.  After the simran, Naamjeevan ji to our surprise told us that our seva had been accepted by Dargah (God's court) , that they (the sant souls) had presented us with a golden sari (wedding dress) and we had become a suhaagan now (suhaag=accepted by God as a bride to be).  We were not expecting this at all, we are full of filth and all we could do was to bow to the lotus feet of Namjeevan ji for giving us this latest news from Dargah.   Then Susan ji also told us that she saw us with Dassan Dass Ji.  Dassan Dass Ji was seen as a gardener who has been nurturing and protecting us over the years, Susan ji saw that Dassan Dass Ji had been raising us like a plant in the ground, and had put a wall of protection around us to stop us breaking under the attacks of maya.  But now she the plant had become big and strong and the branches had reached through the wall and had gone even upto the slanderers who were standing outside clouded in darkness.  The slanderes were presented with the flowers and fruits growing on the branches.   It showed we were stong enough now to face the slanderers by ourself now.  Then Dassan Dass Ji sat us on a golden chair and we were presented with many golden gifts like a golden sword. (Cant remember the details as we were very humbled b by this and was getting very hot (amrit pouring in) as we were listenting to this latest news from Dargah.    We were also doing reiki on susan ji at the time of simran, and she said whereas in the past she would always feel baba ji and dassan dass ji's healing hand pouring light into us which was going to the patient, this time she felt baba ji and dassan dass ji were standing alongside her healing her, but Divine Light was directly pouring into us now.
We are not worthy of any of this, we started off  slanderer of the Guru 6 years ago, even after that we have been porn addict and ungrateful and follower of self wisdom trying to make our own orgnistation based on baba ji's wisdom, we have had so many desires and never been consistent in surrendering mind body or wealth, but somehow or the other all our financial, worldy and family problems have passed by like storms cross the sea, and we are free of them, now when they come we are not afraid of them or afraid of losing anything of maya we have because we have satguru satnaam and satsangat with us and will always go there for support - sacha naam mera adharo - true name is my support.   All we want to do is become a sevak (servat) of the sants that we have been so blessed,blessed, blessed to meet.  All we want is for everyone on this forum to become a sant and to make us the dust of their feet,  in the past we wanted to be like a sant and a leader, but that was all ego, we have been verey dumb and stupid on this path and have made all the mistakes and still do at every minute.  Bu stillthe Guru is very kind and even in their telling us off, there is so much love and kindess, otherwise in ego we could easily lose everything.
We phoned baba ji afterwards to thank Him for all His kind blessings, Baba ji said that it is "His Grace".  That if we tell the Truth to others then we will always keep on getting the highest gifts.  That by doing truth, our karni (deeds) becomes our sword and doing truthful deeds is the real Dharam (path to divine union).  That all dukhs (suffering) go far from us when we do Bandagi (become a slave of God).  Baba Ji said that when we are blessed with the Naam we are still in ego, but God blesses us with Naam and has FAITH in us that we will overcome all obstacles, leap over all the hurdles, just to be with Him.  And the devotee should also have that firm faith, that s/he will leap over all barriers and do whatever it takes to be hugged to the bosom of our Husband.
Baba Ji said never to be scared of hurting others egos, because the true Dharam (religion) is to break the Bharams( false beliefs) that others are trapped in due to their ego (religious pride).   We said we had a dream last week in which our cousin, a sever slanderer of baba ji from the Gurdwara stage, came and hugged us.   Baba Ji said we have defeated the slanderer now (before we used to feel a bit of fear and anxiety when seeing him in reality or in our dreams he would always be angry).  Baba Ji said that the slanderer stands next to the Guru Granth Sahib ji whilst doing the exact opposite of what the Gurbani Guru is telling the Sikh to do, so who is going to get the punishment - the one being slndered r the one slandering and disobeying the command of the Guru which tells him not to slander anyone (especially a Sant).
We asked Baba Ji about making another website for non-Sikhs, Baba Ji replied that His teaching are for everyone equally, the BrahamGyani makes no distinction between anyone and the divine wisdom is for everyone.  Baba Ji said that the Kalgi (feather like broach on the front of the turban) on the forehead represents the flame of the candle.  It represents the light in the third eye of an enlightened soul. We said to Baba Ji that we didn;t no that, Baba Ji said that no one knows that!  We were actually thinking about this the other day, that Sant Ranjit Singh ji is on TV now wearing an Nihang style turban with metal beads and metal mini swords over his forehead area.  But a few years ago he was wearing a Kalgi, but the hardcore sikhs and media protested and accused him of trying to copy the tenth Guru, who is afectionately known as "Kalgee-a Wale - the one with the Kalgi."   Shows how modern Sikhs dont understand the real meaning of it, Sant Ranjit Singh ji wasnt being a copy cat, he was showing that his third eye is lit.
Dust of your feet

other religions

Sat shri Akal Ji,
                         I was looking on the internet other day and one muslim according to quran said there is no room for people who believe Jesus was god or Son of god.

I equally respect Jesus and Sat Guru Nanak And prophet Muhammad. Then how can Quran says there is no room for people who believe Jesus was god.
Sat Naam Veer Ji,
Dandauth Bandhna ji
all we can tell you about is the path that we are walking on.
We are not scholars of other faiths and texts ji.
People can say all kinds of things, scriptures can write all kinds of things,
no one will ever know the Truth unless they can ask theose great souls in person
what they ACTUALLY said and what they actually MEANT.
So between the reality of these gret souls and the time now there has been great
distortion and corruption of their teachings, their words and their texts.
This is why it is so important to find a living Master in your own time and place.
Only then wil leverything make sense, otherwise religion and beliefs are just one big pot of confusion i.e. all religions are running under maya only.
Like we said before Veer ji, the more you read about other stuff the more confused you will get.  But the more you develop your belief in the living Master God has sent you, and put into practise going within your own self, the more you will find the peace you are looking for.  Inner peace can never come from outer knowledge.  Outer knowledge is only useful if it guides to to go within and find the true answers.
Dust of your feet

2009/8/22 <harman_preet99@yahoo.com>
This is an enquiry e-mail via http://www.satnaam.info from:

Sat shri Akal Ji,
                         I was looking on the internet other day and one muslim according to quran said there is no room for people who believe Jesus was god or Son of god.

I equally respect Jesus and Sat Guru Nanak And prophet Muhammad. Then how can Quran says there is no room for people who believe Jesus was god.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Questions about drink, drugs, sex, hair and identity, eating meat

Ik Oankaar SatNaam SatGur Parsaad.
Dandauth Bandhna ji
Just put together some common questions people have and answers that Dassan Dass Ji has given on the website.
QN: My question is whether occasional drinking is a hurdle on path of spirituality?
Anything that distorts your mind and body is not good for you, wether it is tobacco or alcohol or anything else.  So alcoholic drinks don't go along with Bandgi and Bandgi doesn't go with drinking, tobacco or any such things which will distort your mind and body.
QN: Is having a girlfriend and doing simran (meditation) contradictory?  When doing simran you are trying to control the five thieves.  But with a girlfriend lust is always present.  Should a person break off the relationship to avoid the lust?  (But even when you are married you wouldn't leave your wife because of the sexual element?)


Friendship is not any kind of a sin, the real friendship means sacrifice which promotes true love and peace of mind, it is a relationship between two souls, there is nothing wrong being in love with someone, and if the two are in true love then why don't they get married and accept each other for life time, if there is any element of doubt and if there are any ifs and buts then the relationship is not true.

If the friendship is only for meeting the bodily needs and desires then that is not true friendship or true love, that is pure lust. Moreover, if the person is doing Naam Simran and has Gur Parsadi Naam and if he is really committed to the Gur and Guru and has full belief, faith and trust in the Naam, Gur and Guru then he should be able to get an answer by himself: Prabh Key Simran Sabh Kich Soojhey (In the remembrance of God, all things are known.), we are sure that he will get an answer by himself by praying to the Almighty.

QN: Is being married better than being an unmarried couple?  Is being married better than being single all your life?

Under the normal circumstances, it is better to be a married couple than an unmarried couple, what is the reason behind staying unmarried if you are committed to each other and you truly love each other and are sharing the sorrows and happiness of the life.

QN: Is there any difference if an unmarried couple is having sex, rather than a married couple?  I.e. is sex before marriage wrong?  Is sex before marriage LUST, but after marriage it is not?

There is obviously a great deal of difference between desire & lust and a true love, faith, trust, commitment and belief, lust is a "Tamo Birti" - a mental sickness that drags you away from the Almighty and in to the net of Maya, whereas a true love, faith, trust, commitment and belief are divine qualities and bring you closer to the God.

Married or unmarried for both this divine law is applicable, and if there is true love, faith, trust, commitment and belief between the two then why stay unmarried, staying unmarried will lack these divine qualities, which is not a true deed.


QN:  Hi, I am a student and belong to sikh background. I keep my hair which we believe to be our identity however a lot of my friends in my class make fun of my hair which i dont really like and often end up in arguments. Please give some advice.

ANSWER: Do you really know what your true identity is? If yes, then please tell us what your identity is and what we are talking about here is your true identity, which is that your are the soul which is part of the infinite divine power and not the mind or the body. Any other identity which is connected with the outside world is man-made. So, please start working to seek your true identity which lives in your very ownself – infact it is your self and only God's grace of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva can help you find your real divine identity, so please pray for this gift on a constant basis, and we promise you that the day you findout and realise yourself from inside then all your questions will be answered from within your ownself, then the people who tease you will become your praisers – your disciples and they will start to follow in your footsteps.

QN: Is eating meat a sin?

Half of the Brahamand (world) is eating the other half every day, every moment, meat is just a food like anyother food, Jesus Christ served the fish to His followers, does that diminish His Braham Gyan ? Killing is not a Sat Karam, but denying the food is definitely a Non Sat Karam: Maas Maas kar Murakh Jhagrey, the only thing is that meat is a Tamo Bhojan, it brings in us more Tamo Guns, like animal instinct, lustful behavior inside us, so that is why some Sants and Bhagats don't eat meat, there is no other disadvantage in eating meat, there should be no desire for meat, but if it comes on dining table then saying no is like denying the hukam. We can just say it is the illusion – dubidha all religious vegetarians are living in. Any kind of dubidha is a roadblock on the path to the Sachkhand.   (Ed Note:  Whoever kills the animal will have to pay for that action  unless there was no other food available.  That karam is between the animal and the butcher.  Not between the animal and the eater.  Killing is a bad action, eating meat is not.   Denying meat and calling it unholy and seeing meat eaters as less worthy than you is incorrect vision.  You should have One Vision i.e. see God in meat,  see God in the meat-eaters too  and just see meat the same as any other food God gives you.)

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Is sex and masturbation bad?

SHARING a couple of emails:
satnaam ji

dandauth bandhna ji


like we said veer ji, you are not going to beat the five thieves especially KAAM in a few days or even a few years or even a few lifetimes.


Sex is the force running procreation - Baba Ji said to us that for a BrahmGyani the whole world is having sex ..meaning reproduction is taking place in flowers, animals, humans.  And God has created it this way, the act of sex - wether in a plant or higher beings,  is God's Temple.  We call him Karta Purakh - He is the Creator, and the creation is being created in the act of union.  So sex is not bad created by God to run His creation, to keep it going forwards.  Sex is one of the most powerful forces inside all of us - why?  Because God has put it inside us himself.  So do not think that you or me can possibly get rid of this basic desire that is running us.


So what is bad, Baba ji also explained that sex is not bad, it is the desire for sex that is bad - desire for sex is called KAAM.  Desires make something pure like sex into something saturated in maya.  Desire for sex leads to all kinds of sex addictions, rapes, child abuse, self abuse and all kinds of extreme sexual behaviours.


How do we get our of the desire for sex and keep it pure?


Baba ji explained that with your partner dont desire sex, but if it happens then just go with the flow and keep doing your satnaam satnaam even during that process.  And if another time sex doesnt happen then that is fine too.  Its a matter of going with the flow and not chasing thedesire for sex.


So within marriage there is an outlet for the sex energy which is deeply plantedinside all of us by the Creator himself.


Well what about when we are not married, how do we have an outlet?


From peronsal expereince we will say there is no other option but to masterbate.  If you try to resist for more than a week or two, your mind just things about sex all the time, it just gets worse and worse, causes more stress and causes us to see every women in a sexual way.    But if you do masterbate, then you feel good and its a release, but then the mind kicks in and makes you feel guilty and bad and you send emails like this one - you send them and others send them too.


So you cant win!!!  And that's not a good way to live with your mind, being in that state of mind will not be a good place for God to come and reside. So what can you do?


When we were single for many years and trying to fight with masturbation and sex thoughts, eventually we realised we can never control this sexual desire through our own means, because God Himself has put this inside us.   So we fell at Guru Ji's feet and said "Waho Waho Sachay ma teree tek, hau papee thoo nirmal ek" ...Wondrous wondrous True Lord, I seek your shelter.  I am a SINNER only you are the PERFECT ONE.


And that's it, just realise that I am always a sinner, and God is the Pure One.  There is no way I can become pure through my own efforts.  All we can do is learn to live with KAAM.  Becuase until we do get married and KAAM serves its purpose for us to have children , only after that does it start to decrease and then only with Guru Ji's kirpa, otherwise it will only get worse.


So until you are at that stage and at that age, being single you will have to masturbate to have a release of all that sexual energy.

But what you can do is NOT feel guilty about it.

Just accept that it is an important part of your body's function.

That God has made you, me and everyone this way.

We asked baba ji once if it was wrong to masterbate and he replied, "Well your parents didnt teach you about sex.  By masturbating god in you is teaching Himself about sex"

By masterbating it brings your mind out of stress and actually stops you having pent up sexual energy and seeing women as sex objects for weeks on end.

The only thing you have to deal with is the mental desires side.

So when you masturbate you are fantasising about some woman or the other or another.

Best thing to do is to just focus on Sat naam sat naam , and at most focus on your wife only (even though your not married, teach your mind to focus on your imaginary wife)  Guru gobind singh ji wrote that we should love our wife more each day but not to even think about another women even in a dream (fantasy).    So stop watching those kind of movies and images that make you fantasise about other's women.


So in summary , what we would like to say to everyone who is sending emails and feeling guilty about masturbating is that there is nothing wrong with masturbating, it is part and parcel of your body's natural function that God Himself has placed in you as a greatest gift to teach you about sex and for you to one day procreate and have kids etc.


The only thing that is bad is the desire for women other than your wife.


So please dont feel guilty about masterbating, just do your "satnaam" simran even at that time, enjoy it and have a release.  But keep your mind focused on your wife (real or imaginary) rather than other women and avoid porn and situations that increase your lust.



Dust of your feet







Sada Satnaam ji,


Dearest harjit veer ji, we thank you for sharing the divine wisdom ji. we thank Satnaam ji, baba ji, dassan daas ji, whole Satsangat ji for their blessings. bhaji no one ever told us this, we always thought that sex is bad but the true part was always missing. thanks once again to Satnaam Akaal purakh ji for making us a member of Satnaam family ji and sending the divine pearls through the Satsangat ji.







Sat Naam Veer ji

Dandauth Bandhna Ji,


you said it right "no one ever told us this, we always thought that sex is bad but the true part was always missing."


When we were single and struggling with feelings of guilt about masterbation, we used to wear a blue bana and be full of guilt and lustful thoughts.  We used to sit in gurdwara and listen to the "Sants" who came from India, but none of them every talked about this topic.  No one ever told us how they overcame Kaam and masterbation and dealt with desire for sex.  Yet all of these "Sants" are single and are surrounded by single young men.  And being a single young man at that time, we could only think that these kinds of thoughts MUST be going through their mind all the time as well, so how are they dealing with it?


The only thing the "Sants" say about this topic is to see all women as your sister, mother, daughter except obviously your wife.

For themselves they have decided not to get married.   Have you ever wondered why there is this tradition in Sikhism and why people following this lifestyle get so much respect?    If they have decided not to get married and hence not to have sex either and dedicate themselves to God, then the masses like us start believing that sex must be bad and a barrier to God.


Even some of these Sants refuse to believe that the Guru's could have had sexual realtions with their wives - and when you ask but how did the guru ji's themselves have children they say that God did it (by magic).   So this tradition of single men as Sants has been in Sikhism since the times after Guru gobind Singh ji.  Where did it start?  From Hinduism and it is in Budhism as well and evenin Chrstianity - monks exist everywhere as celibates.   We read about their beliefs and basically the hindu yogis believe that we have lifeforce in us - true.  But when we release our semen we WASTE our life force.  By controlling the SEMEN and not releasing it, they attempt to accumulate as much life force as possible , which then through their yogic practises will go up their spine, give them the kundalini expereince, open their tenth door and merge them with the Light.  That is the basic belief behind why they see sex/masterbation as bad.  That is why they live single , celibate lives.    They surround themselves with single men too and avoid the company of women to avoid lust and male/female issues that always end up arising.  But it gets to the point where they have alot of prejudice against women.  They see women as temptress, as tests for them.  They see women having periods as impure, they have alot of prejudices against women.      In Hinduism, there are many groups like this, the only difference is their holy man is called "Guru" wheras in Sikhsim the holy man is called "Sant".  But the tradtion has come from Hinduism influencing Sikhsm after the times of Guru Gobind singh Ji.


When the British came into India, the true Nihangs, the real devotees of Guru gobind Singh where banished and went to Hazur Sahib because the British were afraid of these warriors.  This then left a vacuum in Punjab, so they "sant" types of people who were from hindu influenced backgrounds became the preachers and the leaders for the sikhs.  to the point that even in the golden temple there where idols and hindu relgious texts being read and taught by these Sikh Sants.   These Sants never took the sikh initiation that the warrior Nihangs took, they were away from the miltiary and external side.   But had there own initiation rites and beliefs including staying single, avoiding sex, being prejudice against women, and extreme vegetarianism.


What happened next was that the sikh leaders in the early 1900s realised that Sikhs were not organised and had been badly influenced by non-gurmat - non divine wisdom.  So they made a system for all sikh preachers to follow, and that included the modern version of the "amrit ceremony" plus the rules and regualtions that go with it.   If any sikh leader didnt accept this new policy they were not allowed to call themself sikhs.  So what these hindu influenced "sants" did was just accept the new regulations.  so they still preached their same old beliefs - sex is bad, vegetariansim, hindu type beliefs and so on,  but made their initiation system the new modern amrit ceremony.


And now almost a hundred years later, we have these Sants in sikhism who are preaching and teaching a system that is far from gurbani and even guru gobind singh ji and the Eternal Truth,  but the masses think it is the truth because for generations and generations its all what people remember.


That is why when yo start goinf deeply into these beliefs and history of them you find they are all false and copied from past belief systems.  Even the ritual readings like Akhand Paat is from Budhism and Hinduism.


So that is why its best to have a livnig Master - the Master (God) lives in the heart of the true one.   And that is why only someone like Baba Ji and Dassan Dass ji have been able to tell the complete truth for this day and age.  but people find it hard to believe because they say "how can so many 'sants' be worng, how can million sof sikhs be wrong, how can sikh leaders be wrong, and just a bunch of you be right?"


Well Baba ji always says in that case ask yourself, in your family and past gerenations has there ever been a true Sant produced?   In all the gurdwaras in the west has there ever been a true Sant produced?  In Akal Takaht is there a true BrahmGyani sitting their running the Sikh world?


So only the true one can tell us the truth.


Ask questions, go deep and analyze the beliefs and things you have been taught to believe as true, but that haven't actually helped you to expereince whatever gurbani has told us.


O yes, and coming back to the topic, Baba ji also said its a false belief thinking that saving the semen increases life force.  this is all gurParsaad only - by Gods grace an not by us controlling our bodies and minds thorugh suffering and supression.


Dust of your feet




Looking For A Dera (spiritual centre)

I am looking for a good Dera in a small village in India.  If there are any Satnaam Group users that know about a Dera then please contact me.
Thank you,
Sat Naam Veer Ji,
Dandauth Bandhna Ji,
there are hundreds of "Sants" and deras in India.  We know a few, but we cant tell you
what life is like there.  All we know is that Baba ji has said that his Dera is "Dassan Dass" ji.
In Dassan Dass Ji , god the Guru sits on the throne of the heart,
in Dassan Dass Ji, the body is God;s Temple.
In Dassan Dass Ji, the Dassam Dwar is the true Gur-Dwara - the doorway to God.
We think you sent Dassan Dass Ji your number, we are sure he will call you soon ji.
Also can we ask you , "Why you are looking for a Dera at all? What do you want from it?  Do you want to live there?
Why cant you achieve what you want with the life you have now in the West?"
At the end of the day, your Karma will take you wherever you are destined to go.
If you are really determined to go to India, then pray to god, go and see what happens, you will find out more by seeing the reality, rather than whatever you are imagining.
We know of a Jole Sant near Jallandar, the previous Sant was close to us and gave us blessings, but there are new Sants there now and we dont know much about them, but they have a Dera.  Village is Jole near Jallnadhar.  The other Dera we know is at Gurdwara Langar Sahib in Nanded - near Hazoor Sahib.  We knew the previous Sant - Baba Shisha Singh Ji.  His disciple is now running it - Sant Narinder Singh ji who is quite young and nice person.  They have a huge dera of young men and there are alot of blessed souls around there all the time.
Also recently Sant Ranjit Singh Dadiran Wale - the one who is attracting very large crowds, has his own dera and often says in his talks that anyone can come and stay with him , for even 10 days and he will make them Amrit-dhari.
Baba Virsa Singh ji also passed away a few years ago, but his dera is in Delhi I think.
These are the ones we know about, but we haven't tried that lifetsyle so we cant tell you if it works or not.
Dust of your feet

How does God punish us?

Sat naam ji,
                     one thing i want to tell is that how does God punish us for our bad work and what criteria he use.
Sat Naam Ji,
God has created his Divine Laws called Hukam.  These are all stated in GurBani.  The most powerful law is the Law of Karma - what we sow is what we reap.  Which means every action we take has a reaction.  Whatever we do to others will also happen to us, good or bad.   These good and bad deeds go with our soul when we die.  Our next body is determined by these good and bad actions.  We can never clear our Karma account - KArni, by ourself.  We can though maximise our good deeds and minimise our bad deeds, we can forgive others instead of taking revenge and that reduces our karma.  Eventually, God will bless us with His Eternal Blessings - GurParsaad.   We get these blessings through God sitting in the heart of the Sant,  then with Grace - gurParsaadi Naam, we go beyond karma and become one with the Truth - merge into the Light.
God doesnt punish anyone directly, He is the kindest of the kind, the mother of all, the most compassionate.  But the Law of Karma is there to teach us there are consequences for our actions, that we have to take responsibilty for what we do, and for us to learn from our mistakes so we progress from lower consciousness to higher consciousness and ultimately God-Truth consciousness.
Dust of your feet

hard to do naam simran


Sat Shri Akal Ji,
                       Thanks for answering all those questions.
I want to tell the truth and that when i first came in contact with you. I did simran and nowdays i dont feel like doing it.I dont know what wrong with me.
I had a pressure on my mind to settle down abroad that is why i am always stressed.

Can you please help me and tell me what is the thing that decides people behaviour by that I mean to say some people are very  sweet by  nature and some are very rude.

Dearest Veer ji, Sat naam ji, Dandauth bandhna ji,
thankyou for all of your queations and for telling the truth of how you feel and what your state is.
Look at Gurbani, it shows us that its not easy to do Naam simran, not easy at all.  Even Bhai Gurdas Ji writes that in the beginning doing naam simran is like licking a tasteless rock.  While we have desire to taste the world of maya, then Naam simran will always seem tasteless - and who wants to lick a tasteless rock nowadays?
Baba Nanak Ji says it right "akhan aukha sacha nao" ... that it is hard to speak the name of Truth, and then Baba Nanak ji gives us the answer, "Sachay naam kee lagay bhukh , ut bhukay kaai chaliyaa dukh,"   That if we have hunger for the name of the True One, only then does the hunger for the tastes of thre world and the pains of the world leave us.
So dearest veer ji, we have been through these stages as well.  Your mind is coming from spending a lifetime and past lives too saturated in the tastes of the world of maya, and now is resisting to do the seeimingly tasteless Naam Simran.  The only way through this is to pray to be blessed with spiritual hunger, "Visar Nahee Datar apanaa naam deo, gun gavaay din raat, nanak chao eho"... O great Giver, give me Your Naam and singing your praises day and night, this is Nanak's deepest wish.
Who does Naam simran and gets the blessings and who gets sweetness from the tastless rock is in God-Guru ji's hand.  What we can do is pray, pray and keep on praying every day, every minute that SatGuru Ji please dont forget about me, please give me the gift of Naam Simran and singing your praises.   And on the other side, we have to make some efforts to stop chasing the tastes of the world.
Dassan Dass Ji' explained in the Sukhmani Katha that our personality is the result of our actions and reactions to circumstances in the past of this life and in past lives.   That is why the balance of the 5 thieves is different in everyone, we have all our own karma and our own story.   
When we are blessed with Naam, Naam has to become the Master within us.  Mera Sahib eko ha ..my Master is the One.  So when we are blessed with Naam, overtime the truth of other peoples intenttions towards you will come out.   So people who have been controlling you (pressuring you to go abroad),  will not like it that they cannot control you anymore.  How do they control you?  Through emotinal blackmail - we are you parents, we have done everything for you, you need to support us, you need to support your family ...and if you dont, they make you feel that you are not a good son, that you are selfish, that you dont care for the,, that you are ungrateful wrtech who should not have been born.    How does that work in making you go abroad and doing what they want (but not what your heart wants), because your MOH (family attachment) is strong, so they manipulate you because of your own MOH - which makes you feel terrible if you dont obey them.  The desire for us to have our parents approval in all that we do is very, very strong and very, very difficult to get out of.   But MOH is a thief and gurbani has taught us to beat it.  Your relationship with your family is all false, your love with your family is all false if it is all due to MOH - emotional blackmail - conditional love - "we will love you if you do as we say, we wont love you if you dont obey."   Every child id pure and innocent, parents like this are the masters of manipulation for their own selfish ends. But when you have Naam, then God Himself - the sleeping Giant within you, starts to awaken, starts to give you strength to beat MOH.  When you beat MOH who will scream - MOH in you will scream that your are going against your parents wishes,  and who else will scream - the MOH inside your parents will scream as well that they are losing control of their children.
But NAAM is the greates and cannot have another other Master, so MOH will lose if you hold onto the feet of your Guru through this storm of MOH,  And when the storm settles all relationships will be reformed in love, reformed with mutual respect and without trying to control each other.
These are all the challenges ahead of you.
We have been through this with our own family so are telling you the 100% Truth.
Naam is the greatest,
Guru is the greates,
let the whole world rot and die in MOH MAYA
but may the Guru's Lotus feet of Naam never leave my heart.
Dust of your feet


Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Steps to undo our sins

satnaam vee ji, dandauth bandhna ji

it takes alot of courage to confess our sins. This self-awareness is God's blessing to you - GurParsaad.
Your desire to overcome this animal consciousness part of yourself - the five thieves is what is going to save you.
But its not easy, it will feel like you are taking two steps forward and one step backwards. Sometimes maybe one step
forward and two steps back, but the whole journey is about not giving up, to keep going forward.
Until we are BrahmGyani we all fail with the five thieves, but the BrahmGyani has given us a way to overcome this.

In the heat of the moment we succumb to the five thieves as you have described pushing your dad = krodh/anger, which is due to your haumai/ego. And watching those kind of moives is due to your Kaam/lust. So you couldn't stop yourself in the heat of the moment, which happens to all of us when the dhoots are strong and our discipline is low. but to overcome the damage we have done, we have the following steps:

Step 1) Becoming self aware to know which of the 5 thieves have just robbed us of our inner amrit.

Step 2) Confess to God-Guru-GurSangat (ccompany of the holy) as you have done - this humiliates our ego which then makes us feel small, and is the opposite of what ego wants us to do. Ego lives under the cover of darkness, it like to hide our sins under the
image and reputation we create in the world - look and talk good on the outside, but sinful on the inside. so Baba Ji said our deeds have to be naked, what we are on the inside has to be the same on the outside. So we have to keep exposing all of our sins in order for them to not obe able to overpower us, or make us feel guilty or make us into a hypocrite.

Step 3) You have to practically make up for the hurt and harm you have caused. By pushing your dad or using aggressive words, you have hurt God in His heart, the very God you are trying to please. So you have to apologize to your father and touch his feet.
It doesnt matter if are winning an argument with our parents if it causes pride and ego or anger in us, then actually we have lost, so just realise that and touch their feet right their and then.

Also put in some self controls to stop you getting into the situation where you know you will become angry or lustful. So dont use your computer in private for example, because you wouldnt watch those kind of images and movies if your family was sitting around you. Also avoid getting into those conversations with your dad that trigger you. when you notice you are getting annoyed, that is the time to take a deep breath, get up and go for a long walk to calm down.

Step 4) Forgive others for what they have done to you and most importantly forgive yourself for losing control. Once you have gone through the above steps, then dont think about this bad deed again. Dont keep beating yourself up about how bad you are - that only leads to a bad state of mind. These steps are to free your mind of guilt and fear. Be kind to your mind. It has taken you all of your years on this earth and even past lives to come up with these bad habits, so now its going to take a while to unlearn them.

Step 5) do ardas to satguru satnaam ji and become dedicated in doing seva and simran in those hours where you would have watched lustful movies. go to the Gurdwara do shoe seva, wash dishes, prepare langar, serve and do satnaam. Whilst cleaning the shoes, keep saying to God-Guru ji, make everyone into a Sant and make me the dust of their feet. Whilst washing the dishes, keep saying "guru ji please clean up the stains on my soul like we are cleaning the filth off these dishes."

God Bless You


please accept dandaut PAARBRAHM PITA and sea of LOVE SATSANGAT ji from a maha kaami, maha krodhi maha lobhi, maha mohi maha ahankaari, maha pakhandi and the BIGGEST LOON HARAAMI EVER BORN ON EARTH.
mere maalik, u have given me beyond limits, you have given me always more than what this untamed BEAST required but mere pyaare prabhu ji, we don't even pray seriously for getting up early and remember u for even 5 mins. properly but we are always ready to see every lady with lust and we very carefully watch bad movies on the internet and masturbate after that.
we thought that we had conquered our kaam and krodh but just now we have watched something and have masturbated. we even quarrelled with our dad the other day and even went on to push him. we ask for Gurprasaad only but don't do anything to achieve it and take care of it. we don't give an inch to go higher ji. we don.t even deserve to send these type of silly messages to such a blessed SATSANGAT ji but also know that only u and u can pray and get us out of this dark sea in which we are going down and down and down and down an down and down . . . . . . . .
plz. plz. plz. plz. ji, give us ur helping hand ji and pull us out and take us up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up ji with ur aseesan and blessings ji, we have nothing good in us ji nothing, our body is like a toilet in which we just put in shit and next day push it out, we are just a GAND DI THAELI JI.



Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Couple of questions

BTW, this is the SatNaam Simran MP3 that we listen to.  ITs recorded from Baba Ji's sangat and becomes really joyous.  We just pray to Baba Ji before listening to it, that we are transported into His holy sangat.
2009/8/18 Harjit <satsatsat@gmail.com>
Sat Naam Ji Dearest Dassan Dass Ji,
Dandauth Bandhna Ji,
thankyou for your blessings at the sangat on Sunday ji, your presence was strongly felt and appreciated.  Susan Ji mentioned she had a full conversation with your astral form about getting up at amritvela, she wa asking for forgiveness for not doing it and god through you ji, was asking her to please to keep on making efforts "kawtious karo".
Couple of questions pls:
1) When we were talking with the sangat, some of the sangat mentioned they drink for various reasons.
Some were not aware that there are any restrictions on this path about eating and drinking, to which we replied that Baba ji has asked us to refrain from drinking and to give up chasing desires.
If you think it is useful , could you clarify about things we should refrain from.  We know you have mentioned many times things on the inside like five thieves, but people dont translate that very well when it comes to their practical actions.
2) Lot of young people have boyfriend/girlfriend relationships with a view to getting married in future, would you advise them to stop having sex before marriage - does it matter, is it just karma anyway?  Stop drinking and perhaps even doing drugs? We know you advised Baljinder paji in India to stop drinking and stop hunting.
We know you stress doing 2.5 hrs of simran and giving daswandh which we do emphasise to the sangat, but pray they can get to one day.
Would it be useful to have a list of practical do's and dont's once they receive the GurParsaadi Naam, or this making this into too much of a religion?
3) In the past when we were getting up early and doing amritvela we thought we were dozing off and having dreams as part of sleep.  But sometimes these dreams would be meeting Sant who gave us blessings, meeting yourself and baba ji too.  Othertimes they were just silly dreams.   Othertimes we would see relatives and hear the same SATNAAM SATNAAM chanting happening as part of the dream, as the CD that is playing when we sit to do simran.   Is this all just dream states?
After that we have started trying to be more alert and not to drift off into this dream like state and just to keep the mind focused on the satnaam & mool manter mixed in.
But on talking to Namjeevan ji, she said that the first way was better, to be a little tired, to get up at 1 am, to do our simran and to drift in and out of these "dream like" states - that was the best thing -whcich we can understand as we go into spiritual realms.
Last couple of morning we have been doing that again, and yesterday we felt like we were flying around everywhere in our dream - which normally hapens whn we feel our pressure has gone.  Also a nindak of ours and baba ji - our cousin from Luton, who has come into our dreams before as being angry, was actually giving us big hugs this time!!
This morning we saw the sangat of Luton gurdwara and some committee members talking at a wedding,  they had long hair growing on their hands ..bit like when you said in one of your visions the hair was growing on your leg and represented filth and was cleaned up.   But some young amrit-dhari singhs at the back where chanting with great joy "satnaam satnaam satnaam" after being sinpired by the website articles, chanting the just the same as the joyous SATNAAM track we play in the background.  Other people in the sangat were complaining they were too loud!   Are these just dreams because i have dozed off, or are they helping us to go forward spiritually?  We dont want to get lost in this kind of sleep/dreamworld.
Yesterday evening we sat alert and put kirtan on after work and did osome yoga followed by our simran and mool manter like we used to when going to the gurdwara after work.  After a while we felt more love and light than we have for a while, but we were alert and not drifting off into any kind of dream state.  This was also how we used to do simran when we were blessed with "seeing the light" in the kundalini expereince we had in 1996 - fully alert and focued.   The question is ji, is this a better state and way to do simran, than the dreamy state at amrtivela?
Please show us the right way ji.
Please forigve us for all of our mistakes known and unknown.
Please bless all the penjis in the sangat who found it very emotional in sangat yesterday.  One mentioned seeinth light, but at the same time she knows shee has done something very wrong but doesnt know what.  We adivsed that you always ask us to pray for forgivness for our mistakes - known and unknown at all times, for her to keep praying like this everytme those thoughts come and to keep on passing it up to God rather than keeping it within whcih will just make her sick.
Dust of your feet

guide me to unite with my wife

FROM ANOTHER FORUM - but probably covers alot of peoples relationships which can be the biggest tests of maya in our bhagti process.

From: raj kumar <rajkumarphysio_2005@yahoo.co.in>
To: Kundaliniyoga@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, 16 August, 2009 3:39:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: guide me to unite with my wife

Sat Nam, Ji's,

i am raj, last year i married ,since we cannot live each other,dont know ,what is the reason,but always quarrel and conflict each other, so that, we were in a stage of diverse,
please guide me regard this,


Re: guide me to unite with my wife
Posted by: "Seary Us" seary_us@yahoo.com.au   seary_us
Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:33 pm (PDT)

Hi Raj
Living in a quarrelsome house is quite destructive and almost inevitably terminal for both your relationship and your well-being, and is the pits for any future child to have to live in.  There is no magic bullet to keep you together, and happily so.  Relationships do not turn to shit in 12 months, unless the shit was there in the first place, undetected.
Either mutually enter into a lengthy process of building calm orderly communication between you (this is process training, not coping or masking techniques), or cut your losses. In which case, review everything to do with both you and your partner's motives for marrying, and whether the negative indicators were there before you married ie whether you were fully and evenly equipped for a successful relationship.  Keep your notes, seek healing and personal growth for its own sake, and do the whole thing better next time. 
Falling in love is not a good enough reason by itself for marrying, but the ability to actively love and keep on loving regardless of whatever comes is the first ingredient.
Go well

Having an attitude of giving, giving, giving

Sat Naam Sat Guru Sat Sangat Ji,
please accept our Dandauth Bandhna at your holy feet ji.
We would just like to share that by having an attitude of giving, giving, giving we can pass through alot of Maya's tests very quickly and easily.
Over the last few months, with Guru Ji's kirpa, this one attitude has helped us to progress, otherwise the same situations and tests were coming to us
year after year and we were failing everytime.
Remember if we have chosen to play the Game of Grace , the GurParsaadi Game, then there is nothing left for us to gain in the world.
We are here now to give give and give.
Just remember that Guru Arjun Dev Ji gave the ultimate - his body, by sitting and being tortured for 5 days on the hot plate for the sake of Truth.
When our own SatGuru ji gave so much, it helps us to remember this ultimate sacrifice when we struggle in our mind to GIVE UP our wants or desires for something.
It helps to put things into perspective.
So whatever we are struggling to give up, just put it into perspective and have faith that our SatGuru ji is taking care of it all.
What are the things that are hard to give up?
Hard to give Daswandh - tenth of our earnings.  Why?  All kinds of questions and barriers arise in our mind.  Things like, "I need the money."  Lets analyse this, why do I need the money?  Because I can buy things?  Things like what?  Things I WANT and things I NEED.  If I cut down on the things I WANT then I will have some spare money.  But then the thought comes but I need that money to save for a rainy day, for financial security, for a deposit on a car or a house or a holiday.  What will happen if I give some of that money away?  It will take longer to save up for those things, it will put me at risk if my job goes or my health goes.  So now we strt getting to the real core belief.  By having money it gives us the sense of security, that we are in a strong position if something happens to us.   Our cousin came around the other day and said he is now financially secure and doesn't even need to work.  For a second it made us feel a little like a loser as we are not at that stage.  But, with Guru Ji;s kindness we always pray to Guru Ji that "we only have money because by your grace we have a skill, good health and a good job.  SatGuru Ji may you take away the illusion that money is giving me any kind of support at all. SatGuru Ji you are my support, your Naam, Sat Naam is my one and only support.   SatGuru ji please take away the fear of losing in maya, and replace with firm faith, love and devotion for your lotus feet."
Just by analysing why we dont want to give daswandh we realise it is because we have built stability of mind on the foundation of maya - that money makes us secure.  So our faith in money is more than our faith in the support that Naam provides us - Sacha Naam Mera Adharo ..the Ture One's Name is my support.  Sach Naam Adhar Mera jin bhukaa sabh gavaaiyaa - the true Name is my support which has eradicated all of my hungers...Guru Amar Das Ji.
Anytime we have to give something away and there is resistance, then analyse why?  And if the root cause is that we have some kind of false sense of security due to that thing, then remember Guru Arjun Dev Ji who gave away his body, wealth and life because of the true support of Sat Naam.
This doesnt mean to say give away all your money and clothes and live on the streets like a beggar with just faith in Sat Naam - although there are saints like that too. But its to say, work hnesty, work hard, work smart, progress, help others, buy what you need and some of the luxuries too, but in the back of your mind always remember that none of these things give you any security or long lasting support.  Always keep your heart in the firm foundation of Sat Naam and the attitude of giving, giving , giving.
We have to get out of selfishness.
Dust of your feet

Saturday, 15 August 2009

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Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Re: Fw: [Truth] experience

Dandaut to all.
Dear Harjit ji,past few days been experiencing when doing satnaam simran i feel my head and face so thight
and sometimes it move slowly.My two hands would move too like a cracking sound and i can
feel there is something like a force so strong in my both hands.In the centre of my right palm i can feel there is something
moving around the same place and sometimes even the tip of my pointed finger too.Would like to know what is taking place?
Second my tongue have something like a burn mark and feel the heat and also sometimes at the troat.This things was in me
for quite long too.

Dust of your feet
Sat Naam Omana Ji, Dandauth Bandhna at your holy feet Ji,
the sleeping giant is awakening!
Dassan Dass Ji calls our dormat soul the sleeping giant.
The Guru has blessed you and ignited this dormant part of yourself - your soul - your Jyot / Light.
By doing Siman and Seva (good selfless deeds), your inner channels are stirring into life.
Like a desert that feels the rain and the rivers start flowing.
Nanak naam milay ta jeeva tunn munn theevay hariaa.
...Nanak: receivng the Naam I live, body and mind become green and fertile.
The Divine energy of your soul is God within you - the Amrit - the one that never(A) dies(MRIT).
That Amrit is now cleaning up your Chakras - 7 main chakras, plus minor chakras in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, also some around the head. 
The cracking is what Baba ji described as the "frozen amrit" melting, meaning that the dormant energy within you is now flowing.  you feel the cracking in your head area because the crown chakra is there and this is where your divine connection to God is made.
It is nothing to get worried or scared about.  Baba ji said, some people got terrified at the cracking sound because it was like a coconut cracking, some people had out of body expereinces and in both these cases those people got scared and stopped doing their Naam simran.
The burning sensations on any part of the body is normally where negativity/disease/sickness is being burnt away.  So its all good for you.
Just enjoy this incredible awakening that is happening within your body and mind. 
The Amrit is actually there to clean up your chakras, to open up all the energy pathways (see a chinese acupuncture chart).  Then when we are pure enough God - the husband i.e. Divine Light can come and reside.  Baba Ji said PURE can only come to PURE.
so you are being purified.
Actually you said you wanted to learn Reiki, but this is all happening to you naturally under the Gurus Eternal Blessings and your innocence and surrender, love , deovtion and faith at the feet of your SatGuru.
Even with Reiki, you will find that the amrit/Reiki comes down through the crown chakra, into your heart chakra area and down your arms into your palms.   So you can already start healing or sharing the Amrit that has started to flow within you.  you can put your palms around a glass of water and the water will get blessed/charged whislt you do your simran.  Then drink the water or give it to someone who needs healing, and Baba ji said that the Amrit/Divine energy is carried by the water to every cell of that persons body to heal them and to give them some relief from their own five thieves.
Or you can place your palms on some part of your own body that needs healing and let the AMrit flow there.  Or do the same for someone else, put your palm(s) on or above the problem area and let the Amrit flow through you like a pipe - channelling for the Divine - the highest of the high - Sat Naam Sat Guru.
We will still send you the reiki course as it will help your understand more.
You have the gift of healing hands, so share that now with others.
There ar emore expereinces to come, but dont worry about them or hope for them - that just becomes a distraction, just keep on doing your simran and seva with love and devotion and trust that Naam knows its own way through your mind and body.
dust of your feet


Understanding HUKAM - God's Command - Part 2

Sat Naam ji
We would also like to add a couple of more points about HUKAM - God's command, and they are
1) Meaning of HUKAM by Dassan Dass Ji
2)  "EKO NAAM HUKAM HA" meaning that Naam is the highest Hukam, Dassan Dass ji writes:
"Before the creation happened Akal Purakh was sitting in Sunn Smadhee for 36 ages (Chattis - 36 Yug), basically for an unknown period of time He was in Sunn Smadhee, and first He created Himself and then He created His Naam. Then the other creations followed, so the First "Hukam" was His own creation and the creation of His Naam, that is why the Naam is as powerful as He Himself, the Naam has infinite powers, the Naam is the Origin of all Creations, and that is why the Naam is the Highest "Hukam" – Eko naam hukam Hai.  

The entire divinity and spirituality revolves around Naam: "Bin Naavey Nahin Ko Thaon".  The entire creation is based on Naam.  There is no place in the entire creation which is not standing on this foundation of Naam the foundation of Eternal Truth "SAT" which is the Naam.  The entire Gurbani is the Mahima of Naam.  Every Shabad of Gurbani takes us down to the Origin The Naam.  Naam is the Amrit, never dies, is eternal, ever present, nonperishable, eternal truth, primal truth, and with only Naam Simran we can reach the ultimate heights of spiritual world."

3) Obey our inner Hukam

We also are receiving a personal Hukam - command, from God at all times from our soul - our inner Jyot/Light.  but for most people this inner voice, or intuition, gets drowned under the overpowering thoughts resulting from Maya running our mind.  So that is why for most people they need to go to a BrahmGiani to understand what their soul is telling them.   At a personal level, once we do start getting in tune with our intuition we will always make the right decisions, the choices that benefit everyone.  However following our intuition is not the same as following our desires.  But once we leanr to tune into intuition, that is tuningin into our personal Hukam from god/our soul to us at all times.   A BrahmGiani is the one who is 100% tuned into this personal HUKAM.   Everyday when we sit for Naam simran we are tuning into this - into our Jyot.   Before we make any decisions especially ones that are confusing us (confusion =maya), just sit close our eyes and listen within for what feels right in our heart (hirdha=heart chakra) - but dont confuse this with getting excited becuase it is going to fulfill our desires.

Dassan Dass Ji writes about the inner hukam here http://www.satnaam.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1838&Itemid=0

Baba Ji writes about it here http://www.satnaam.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=299&Itemid=0


Dust of your feet




Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Understanding HUKAM - God;s Command


Fateh Harjit,


Just read your excellent reply below. Thank you.


I wanted to know the following: if everything is under Gods Hukam, "Hukmai undarr sab ko barr humkan na koi" then are our efforts for doing good deeds (or on the flip side doing wrong/bad deeds) in Gods control too? Or is it just as simple as, do good and God realises and takes care of the rest!




Sat Naam Ji - Dandauth Bandhana Ji,
this question often comes up and also confused me too , that on the one hand Gurbani teaches us that everything is under the HUKAM meaning under God's will or God's command,  but on the other side Gurbani says that "aapay hee beej apaay hee khao", meaning whatever we sow we reap.   We remember a Gurmukh Ji telling us that not even a leaf moves without being under the HUKAM.  But, then people misuse this idea of HUKAM and say "well I am drinking alcohol because it is under God's hukam, so I will also stop when He stops me"  and they take no responsibility for their own actions.  Also the other misunderstanding that arises is that people then think we have no free will, that everything we are doing is already pre determined - like we are just actors playing out a script.   however, from our own experiences we know that does seem right as we do have a lot of influence on what is going to happen in our life.
We remeber also asking Baba ji once that at the very beginning of Jap Ji , Guru Nanak Dev ji asks the key question that we all need to ask ourself "kiv sachyara hoeeaa, kiv kuray tutay paal" - meaning "How does one becom efull of Truth?  how is the veil of falsehood removed?"  And gives the answer that "hukam rajai chalnaa nanak likhiaa naal"  meaning that "live according to the preordained Hukam - command of God."   So we asked Baba ji "how can I live according to the HUKAM if I dont even understand what the HUKAM is?"   And Baba ji replied, "Only a Brahmgiani understands and lives 100% by the HUKAM - command of God.  so until we become BrahmGiani we need to come under the shelter of a BrahmGiani and live by their guidance - Gur Mat - divine wisdom."
So coming under the guidance of Dassan Dass ji, we have read sukhmani Katha and understood HUKAM a lot better now.  Dassan Dass Ji explains that the HUKAM is actually all of God's Divine Laws as very kindly written down in GurBani.  Just as the the Law of the Land forms the constitution, saw the Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji contains the consitituion of God's Eternal Kingdom.  So living according to the Hukam means live according to the Laws defined in gurbani.  And what is the key law?  The law of Karma which states that we have to take responsibility for our actions - "that what we sow is what we reap"  and that according to our deeds some go closer to god and some go further away ..karmee apo apanee ke neray ke dhoor.
A simple example is to take a game of football,  somebody has made the rules (HUKAM) but the players have the choice to become heroes (score a goal) or villians (get sent off) according to how well they play within those rules. 
At another level , all the laws of nature that god has revealed to scientists are also God's command and a leaf only moves according to those laws of nature.  We also are functioning under those laws of nature.  Nature is another name for God that operates the Creation.  So the Laws of Nature are also the HUKAM.   So once again if we drink alcohol our body eventually becomes sick.   So under the laws of nature - the HUKAM, we have the choice to eat well, excercise and so on and reap the rewards of good health.
Baba ji also explained to us that just as our body is functioning under the HUKAM - the laws of nature, within us there are bacteria or viruses that are also operating under the HUKAM for them.  And I guess within those viruses and bacteria their are chemical processes going on which are als operating according to the laws of nature - the HUKAM.
So HUKAM is God's Laws - Divine Laws and Laws of Nature.   Divine Laws are in Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Laws of Nature are being revelead to the scientists as God pleases.  And we are operating with free will according to those Laws.
At an even higher level - Brahmgiani level, we understand that the Brahmgiani is no longer making any choices out of free will.  Free will was only useful in order for us to do good deeds and minimise bad deeds, whcih then resulted in us being eternally blessed- GurParsaad.  But once we go beyond good deeds we become one with God and then it is HIM that has replaced the mind of the BrahmGiani.  So a BrahmGiani is actually operating 100% and directly under God's command.  Everything a BrahmGiani does is under HUKAM.   The best example for this we could think of an astronaut needs a rocket to get out of Earth's orbit, but once he is out in space there is no gravity and the laws of nature change for him - he floats around and needs minimal effort to move the rocket about.
So Maya is like the law of gravity.  We waste our energy going left and right - going into TAMO (darkness) and RAJO (desires) aspect of Maya.  But when we start doing good actions we start going upwards and channel all of our energy and efforts upwards, like the power of the rocket firing us up.  These good efforts are under the SATO aspect of Maya.  Just like the rocket is till under the law of gravity. 
But when we a re blessed to go beyond Maya, like escaping Earth's orbit, then the rules change.  So for a Brahmgiani there experince of life is like the astronaut floating in space.  we cant apply the same laws of Karma that apply to us under Maya , to the Brahmgiani who is beyond the three aspects of Maya into the fourth state - chautha Pad.
This is why Gurbani can confuse us, because sometimes some verses are for the Brahmgiani state of being, and other verses are for the ones in Maya like me.
The other thing that Baba ji said about hukam was to treat everything that has happened in the past as happening according to the Hukam.  This is helpful because the mind is always spending its time in thoughts of the past and thoughts of the future.  Baba ji said these sets of thoughts are like the millstones used to grind corn.  So most people get ground down by these sets of thoughts.  Especially if bad things or traumatic things or unresolved issues exist from the past, then they grind us down.  Because we feel helpless or frsutrated that we cant change the past, that we cant undo what was done, that we need to punish someone for revenge etc etc.  But Baba ji said by accepting that everything that happened in the past happened according to God's Hukam, we can let it go and be free of the millstone.
Dust of your feet

Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52