Tuesday 25 August 2009


Sharing another email we sent with Guru ji''s kirpa - may help others too.
SatNaam Veer Ji,
Dandauth Bandhna ji
I dont know anything and you have not asked me to say anything either, so its not my place.
Thankyou for sharing your lifestory in brief, we can relate to the feelings of alienation that then drive us towards sikhi and then God and true love and also to the feelings of desparation at being One.   However, we would just like to say what Baba Ji told us when we first met Him, "I say to God why do I need to go to other realms to see Him, when He is right here and all around in everything and doing everything."   Baba Ji explained to us that many people in His sangat saw Gods palaces, had divine union, lay on God's bed, received so many spiritual gifts - chariots to ride upon in those realms and anything and everything else Gurbani describes as well.  However, when the tests came they crumbled, went back into the masses and became slanderers of their Guru.  This didnt happen once or twice , it happened with three waves of sangat and still happens.  So Baba ji explained to us, "Dont desire the Light and other spiritual realms, just beat your ego in this place." 
We would just like to add that just by meditating on "death of haumai" and saying "I just want union, and it seems I will cheat myself and others to get it" you seem to be getting very frustrated which leads to what you described as "my tantrum".  Tantrum is the crown of anger, due to frustration, root cause of which is ego and unfulfilled wants.  So even WANTING UNION is highlighting your ego, desire and anger within you.  So it is a blessing from God to show you these things still need working on.
Also Veer ji, your life story didn't really mention anything about loving those who have hurt you over the years - loving those who were racist towards you, loving those who have tormented you and so on?   Your lifestory didn't mention loving the Creator by loving Him in all of His creations by serving Him in all His creations.  You seem to be alienated from the world, you entered on the inner path ..Dukh Daru from a position of hurt, you seem to be wanting to fulfill a need that you are also valued and worthy by trying to achieve Divine union.  By doing so it validates the life path you have chosen.   But have you gone full circle yet and realised that you have to love all those who have hurt you because if it want for them you wouldnt be were you are right now?  That you have to wash their feet and love them all and give up trying to validate your existance by achieving divine union?
Hopefully this will makes sense to you, it could be totally wrong, we cant say if this is your true story or not because we dont know you other than the wrods you have shared so there maybe lots of the story that is miising.  But it just seems that you are too busy trying to achieve union - "I WANT UNION"  -- I = ego, WANT = desire.  Give up ego and desire and UNION happens by itself.   The greatest thing Baba ji has taught us and what I thank Him forever is, is to realise God is right here right now and to serve and love him in all of His creations and let HIM worry about when and where He is going to give us Divine Union.  Our job is only to become the slave, the servant, the slaves of the slaves.  And that is the title that HE has bestown upon our teacher, so it is not for you or for me to give an opinion on it, we are in no position to judge others,, especially our teacher.  Baba Ji said that while we judge others we are also being judged i.e. still under Dharam Raj.  so get out of it all please.
Seva thoree mangan bohitha ...seva is less, but wants are great ...Gurbani.
We have probably judged you in this email as well, but that was not our intention, we only see some similarities to problems and stages we have been thorugh too and just wanted to share that with you to offer you another perspective that you may not have considered.
Please forgive our mistakes,
Only God knows you, me and everyone truly.
God bless you
Dust of your feet

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52