Friday 21 August 2009

Questions about drink, drugs, sex, hair and identity, eating meat

Ik Oankaar SatNaam SatGur Parsaad.
Dandauth Bandhna ji
Just put together some common questions people have and answers that Dassan Dass Ji has given on the website.
QN: My question is whether occasional drinking is a hurdle on path of spirituality?
Anything that distorts your mind and body is not good for you, wether it is tobacco or alcohol or anything else.  So alcoholic drinks don't go along with Bandgi and Bandgi doesn't go with drinking, tobacco or any such things which will distort your mind and body.
QN: Is having a girlfriend and doing simran (meditation) contradictory?  When doing simran you are trying to control the five thieves.  But with a girlfriend lust is always present.  Should a person break off the relationship to avoid the lust?  (But even when you are married you wouldn't leave your wife because of the sexual element?)


Friendship is not any kind of a sin, the real friendship means sacrifice which promotes true love and peace of mind, it is a relationship between two souls, there is nothing wrong being in love with someone, and if the two are in true love then why don't they get married and accept each other for life time, if there is any element of doubt and if there are any ifs and buts then the relationship is not true.

If the friendship is only for meeting the bodily needs and desires then that is not true friendship or true love, that is pure lust. Moreover, if the person is doing Naam Simran and has Gur Parsadi Naam and if he is really committed to the Gur and Guru and has full belief, faith and trust in the Naam, Gur and Guru then he should be able to get an answer by himself: Prabh Key Simran Sabh Kich Soojhey (In the remembrance of God, all things are known.), we are sure that he will get an answer by himself by praying to the Almighty.

QN: Is being married better than being an unmarried couple?  Is being married better than being single all your life?

Under the normal circumstances, it is better to be a married couple than an unmarried couple, what is the reason behind staying unmarried if you are committed to each other and you truly love each other and are sharing the sorrows and happiness of the life.

QN: Is there any difference if an unmarried couple is having sex, rather than a married couple?  I.e. is sex before marriage wrong?  Is sex before marriage LUST, but after marriage it is not?

There is obviously a great deal of difference between desire & lust and a true love, faith, trust, commitment and belief, lust is a "Tamo Birti" - a mental sickness that drags you away from the Almighty and in to the net of Maya, whereas a true love, faith, trust, commitment and belief are divine qualities and bring you closer to the God.

Married or unmarried for both this divine law is applicable, and if there is true love, faith, trust, commitment and belief between the two then why stay unmarried, staying unmarried will lack these divine qualities, which is not a true deed.


QN:  Hi, I am a student and belong to sikh background. I keep my hair which we believe to be our identity however a lot of my friends in my class make fun of my hair which i dont really like and often end up in arguments. Please give some advice.

ANSWER: Do you really know what your true identity is? If yes, then please tell us what your identity is and what we are talking about here is your true identity, which is that your are the soul which is part of the infinite divine power and not the mind or the body. Any other identity which is connected with the outside world is man-made. So, please start working to seek your true identity which lives in your very ownself – infact it is your self and only God's grace of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva can help you find your real divine identity, so please pray for this gift on a constant basis, and we promise you that the day you findout and realise yourself from inside then all your questions will be answered from within your ownself, then the people who tease you will become your praisers – your disciples and they will start to follow in your footsteps.

QN: Is eating meat a sin?

Half of the Brahamand (world) is eating the other half every day, every moment, meat is just a food like anyother food, Jesus Christ served the fish to His followers, does that diminish His Braham Gyan ? Killing is not a Sat Karam, but denying the food is definitely a Non Sat Karam: Maas Maas kar Murakh Jhagrey, the only thing is that meat is a Tamo Bhojan, it brings in us more Tamo Guns, like animal instinct, lustful behavior inside us, so that is why some Sants and Bhagats don't eat meat, there is no other disadvantage in eating meat, there should be no desire for meat, but if it comes on dining table then saying no is like denying the hukam. We can just say it is the illusion – dubidha all religious vegetarians are living in. Any kind of dubidha is a roadblock on the path to the Sachkhand.   (Ed Note:  Whoever kills the animal will have to pay for that action  unless there was no other food available.  That karam is between the animal and the butcher.  Not between the animal and the eater.  Killing is a bad action, eating meat is not.   Denying meat and calling it unholy and seeing meat eaters as less worthy than you is incorrect vision.  You should have One Vision i.e. see God in meat,  see God in the meat-eaters too  and just see meat the same as any other food God gives you.)

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