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Sunday, 31 May 2015
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Re: True warrior gets rid of laziness and bad habits
Laziness and looking for comforts really applies alot to your sangat. Do you help your parents around the house? Or do you rather lie around and watch TV, you tube, listen to music? Would you rather clean and cook or eat and complain about what was made?
All ego. Would you rather study and do part time job or seva, or would you rather depend on parents for money, clothes, gifts etc you do need?
There are young people in the world who have made charities to help other young people less fortunate. There are young people who do voluntary work in local charities. Do something useful with your spare time, something that helps others. Rather than wasting time of your own comforts.
And parents can help you to do it.
Pritam anand ji :
If we are doing sat simran and sat sewa same time we have to work on our bad habits. Without working on our bad habits our ship won't move forward. Bad habits we have to leave and work on them. All of us know our addiction and we have to work on them. We have to find root cause of the bad habits. Sat gurus sat pita ji can give us sat guidance we have to follow it and put in our actions and make our actions sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat.
If we say or confess I AM LAZY we have to find the root cause of our laziness.
Under the grace we are realizing our mistakes it is grace upon us. Better we keep working on our bad habits and pull out from our characters and sow sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat.
Bad habits we have to leave no one else.
Confessing is great if we are working on our bad habits same time as well. If we say I am kaami krodhi lobhi mohi hankaari and not working on these under the grace then no good.Anger we have to leave lobh we have to leave.
Just stop listening mind when make excuses ji.
Our mind make us fool not do sewa not do simran.
When we look for more comforts in our lives we become lazy.
We look for soft corners then we get lazy.
When we depend upon others become lazy.True warrior never stay lazy.
Easy to say kookar TERE DARBAAR if we stay lazy then we are not kookar of sat DARBAAR TU Sutta rab jagada uth jaaroo DEH maseet.
All glory to sat paar Braham ji sat paar Braham sarnaee ji satnaam ji.
Ego is the main cause of all the laziness.
Ego wants to relax and enjoy.
True warrior gets rid of laziness and bad habits
Pritam anand ji :
If we are doing sat simran and sat sewa same time we have to work on our bad habits. Without working on our bad habits our ship won't move forward. Bad habits we have to leave and work on them. All of us know our addiction and we have to work on them. We have to find root cause of the bad habits. Sat gurus sat pita ji can give us sat guidance we have to follow it and put in our actions and make our actions sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat.
If we say or confess I AM LAZY we have to find the root cause of our laziness.
Under the grace we are realizing our mistakes it is grace upon us. Better we keep working on our bad habits and pull out from our characters and sow sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat.
Bad habits we have to leave no one else.
Confessing is great if we are working on our bad habits same time as well. If we say I am kaami krodhi lobhi mohi hankaari and not working on these under the grace then no good.
Anger we have to leave lobh we have to leave.
Just stop listening mind when make excuses ji.
Our mind make us fool not do sewa not do simran.
When we look for more comforts in our lives we become lazy.
We look for soft corners then we get lazy.
When we depend upon others become lazy.
True warrior never stay lazy.
Easy to say kookar TERE DARBAAR if we stay lazy then we are not kookar of sat DARBAAR TU Sutta rab jagada uth jaaroo DEH maseet.
All glory to sat paar Braham ji sat paar Braham sarnaee ji satnaam ji.
Ego is the main cause of all the laziness.
Ego wants to relax and enjoy.
Keep guru's feet, Satnaam, in our heart
Ik onkar sat Naam Sat gur parsaad param jyot puran prakash Dhan Dhan sat parbrahm pita parmesar sante charan hamaro matha nain daras tun dhoor paro
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji we still have to do Dandauth to our guru and all saints and all creation. Just baba ji said don't do it physically to them, do it with our heart . Do it with heart means think of them and do Dandauth, walk around and keep mind at feet of everyone as baba ji's feet. Baba ji said in one recording "you can't go to God without thinking of me (guru)" Baba ji said before as well that we go to God through the feet of the guru. We cant take our gurus feet out of our heart and not think of them. So it's just the physical aspect baba ji said we don't need to do. But keep them in our heart and mind always. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
Monday, 25 May 2015
No more Dandauth bandhna by lying down infront of another person
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji
Pritam anand ji :
Sat baba Ji says to all of us, if you want to do dandout to them, then just do it from the heart. No more dandout bandana to anyone by lying down front of any one. Just do it from the heart. satnaam ji. bless all. So please follow sat bachans of sat baba Ji.
Dassan dass ji : the real meaning of dandaut is complete surrender. POORAN SAMARPAN. Don't make it a ritual make it a reality.
Gur Preeto : Ok ji. What about Dandauth or matha tekna to guru granth sahib in gurdwara? Thx
Pritam anand ji :
Dandout front of sggs means earns sat bani. If we are not earning bani in our actions, then dandout bandana front of sggs is also fake.
Gur Preeto :
Ik onkar sat Naam we already took baba jis picture down and put IK OANKAAR symbol instead and do Dandauth to that now, Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam. We don't know anything, we just pray to ik onkar sat jyot guru ji, "please make us Do simran how you want." that was the feeling we had that's what we do. Same this morning, got the feeling to let everyone know focus on shabad guru, ik onkar Satnaam , in our heart or mind, not baba ji/mata ji/dassan dass ji or any saint's physical feet.
It's has always been sat jyot guru (Truth Light guru) in baba ji mata ji pritam ji and dassan dass ji guiding and blessing the sangat. But most sangat didn't see the sat jyot guru in them, but just their physical body and feet and presence. So that becomes demi God worship. That's why all these corrections are coming to focus us all on shabad Guru, ik onkar Satnaam.
Baba ji has always been straight and to the point that they are here to promote ik onkar Satnaam only. And to destroy worshipping if anything less. And unfortunately sangat has become less than worshipping highest Truth, ik onkar Satnaam. Baba ji has never wanted millions of followers or fame or big centres all around the world. Only glory of his guru, ik onkar Satnaam, not self glory or self worship.
Their job is to light us, like one candle lights another. Our job is to worship the light inside us, not the candle that lit us.
Baba ji is not God's competitor, but has always said I am just the servant of God of Truth, sat ram das. And has wanted us all to become sat ram dass too. Servant of supreme god, sat parbrahm and all his bhagats and all his creation.
Baba ji said when he is and God are merged, the nothing state, neither knows who they are. Like when the river merges into the ocean, then which is the river? Which is the ocean? That is "gur parmesar eko jaan" See guru and God as one. That the light inside them, atma, merged with the supreme light, parmatma. And in that state of nothing, sat parbrahm ji has spoken through baba ji's body. So don't think it is baba ji saying "I am God", that is God himself speaking saying "I am God." but baba ji says on the other side, sat is parbrahm, Truth is the supreme god. But on this side, Truth is always ram dass, servant of his creation.
Baba ji said, that sat jyot guru, divine light of Truth is the guru. Jesus called it his father and said "the father inside me". But Christians now call Jesus as God. And made him into a demi God and can't accept others. Hindus made their gods and goddesses into God too. Sikhs made the ten gurus into God too. All have forgotten the one father of all the bhagats, and made the bhagats into the father. Baba ji maharaj is not letting that happen again in this sangat.
Better we all really learn this lesson and worship ik onkar Satnaam and don't make same mistakes other religions have.
Guru gobind singh ji wrote that whoever God sent into the world got themself worshipped. That if anyone calls him supreme God, they will go to hell. They are only servant of the supreme, come to watch the world drama. 'ma hum param purakh ka dassa. Dekhay aayaa jagat tamasa. " but still Sikhs have worshipped tenth guru as God and can't accept other gurus that God has manifested in. In past Sangat a sister had a vision for a realm full of followers of tenth guru. Dressed in blue, with weapons, and holy book or writings of the tenth guru. She asked them what they were, they said they worshipped tenth guru. She asked, "can I have his darshan please" they replied "he never comes here." Baba ji says whatever we are doing in this world today, we are building our home in the next world at the same time. Eg suicide bomber causes hell here, so he'll realm awaits him on the other side, not paradise. Worshipping gurus as God, we just make a heaven realm for us like demi God's have their own heavens. Only doing what the guru's said works, and that is glorify ik onkar sat Naam, not yourself, not anyone else. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam.
When baba ji left UK Sangat last summer, whole Sangat was crowding around them at gurcharan house. Baba ji turned and said it very clearly, "don't cling to this body, cling to these words." Baba ji has only ever told the truth, listen to recordings from a month ago or 15 years ago, same Truth. But the ones who don't listen make the sangat into a demi God sangat. God bless all with Sat budhi, True wisdom.
K penji : We read the whole conversation regarding dandaut and feel to confess our mistake..
When we do simran we get the darshan of the image of IK ONKAR but i forcefully replace this image with focusing on Maharaj ji & Satguru Sat Pita ji's charans..
Kindly forgive this fool n offender.. i m such a fool don't know anything just do manmat everytime..
Dassan dass ji : your focus should be on satnaam, how many time we have said this - focus on satnaam and still you folks do not do it.
The physical body is not the GURU. Satnaam(the name SAT) is the guru, sat is the guru so please focus only on satnaam and nothing else, no images no pictures no OBJECTS.
Sunday, 24 May 2015
It is in (ego) dying that we are born into eternal Light
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji satguru satguru satguru ji Dandauth bandhna to Satnaam in all.
St. Francis of Assissi:
Lord make me the instrument of Your Peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, Light;
Where there is sadness, Joy
O divine Master grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love
For it is giving that we receive
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it is in dying that we are born into eternal Light.
Saturday, 23 May 2015
The divine word is the feet of God, the Gur
The shabad, word, is the feet of God the guru. Focus on the word, not on physical feet when doing simran. "ik onkar Satnaam ik onkar Satnaam ik onkar Satnaam ik onkar sat Naam"
Want nothing for four weeks
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji
Baba ji maharaj said "my request is don't go to the gurdwara to ask for maya(worldly wants) ." Ravi dass tyagee maya". Ravi dass ji renounced maya. So just for four weeks don't think about any maya wants, change your friends, your habits, just for four weeks and see what happens to you. Just four weeks. "
Sat jyot guru in baba ji said "self praise is like putting a garland of dead dogs around your neck."
Recording from 31 Aug 14, baba ji said, "I will throw out the ones who don't do Truth. I have no time to waste. So many are drowning, I need to ferry across the ones who listen. Others are out."
Gur parmesar eko jaan.
Jo kish karay so parvaan .
Guru and God see as one.
Whatever guru does is accepted by God. (we should accept it to.)
Dandauth to God in all.
Friday, 22 May 2015
Don't forget
Ik onkar sat Naam Sat gur parsaad.
Don't forget to praise Satnaam in all. Dont forget to do Dandauth to satnaam in all. Don't forget to sing gurbani with love for all. Don't forget we are only here for a short time, don't forget why gid sent us to the temple of earth.
Remember "Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam" day and night with love. Be determined not to forget for even a second. And when we do forget , pray for forgiveness and start again. Don't let any moment go empty. That's the level of determination we need.
Bless all, stay in peace.
Thursday, 21 May 2015
How can saying a simple word, "satnaam" take us to God?
We may think what's the big deal about saying Satnaam, it's just a word? But when we say it God in our heart hears us and says "hey, someone is calling my name, better go to them." How do you feel when your friends call your name and are happy to see you? How do feel when they ignore you? If they call you with love you want to spend more time with them, if they ignore you you will ignore them too. Same with God in our heart. Call his name, Satnaam, and one day He comes out as light and amrit and love, ignore him and he stays invisible like fire locked in the wood.
Say it right now, call him with love in your heart, "Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam."
It may seem like how can a simple word like Satnaam take us to the Amighty God? Well a small acorn grows into a mighty oak. Also, a boy was asked, "I dare you to walk around the world?" and he replied, "no problem."
"But how, your just a little boy?" asked the man.
"One step at a time, just one step at a time," replied the boy.
Look at your own body, once we were just a few cells in the womb, then a tiny baby. Just one mouthful of milk and later food at a time, and look at the size of us now.
So don't underestimate the power of each Satnaam you say, it's "food for your soul" says baba ji. You grow in spirit, you become infinite divine light, you finish the journey of your soul from so many life times. All by saying with heartfelt love, "Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam forever Satnaam."
Stop saying it, and your journey stops, your growth stops. Start saying it, you move forward again.
Just like the tiny acorn, it has all the potential built into it, but without the right conditions it rots away. The guru is the gardener, he waters our mind with grace and plants the acorn of Satnaam in the field of our astral body. Do simran and you activate all the hidden processes in the mind and body to take you to the soul.
Baba nanak ji says in jap ji as well, "by listening ( to satnaam) all the secrets of the body to unite with God become known. By listening (to Satnaam) you get all the divine understanding of the holy books." (sunnia jugat jugat tan bhed. Sunnia sastr simret ved.)
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
Say Satnaam inside
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji when we type the word Satnaam or select it from the predicted words, or sing it, or read it, or hear it listening to kirtan, the main thing is we say it in our mind (sub vocalisation). Hearing it inside ourself cleans us up. But just typing and thinking of something else is no good. Once Dassan Dass ji had their hand on our head. We were so busy trying to concentrate really hard. They said to us "say Satnaam inside" and we realised we are not even saying Satnaam inside! And recently gurcharan ji went to see baba ji and we're listening to them and baba ji also said to them, "say Satnaam inside." They know, and they hear our satnaams because they are our heart. The especially hear it especially when we say it or sing it with full love, devotion, dedication and humbleness and are determined never let go.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Praise God in all
Ik onkar sat Naam sat gurparsaad.
Truth is formless, we are in form. Truth is in the realm of Truth, sach khand, we are in the world of hypocrisy, pakhand. Truth is the divine light guru, "sat jot guru" , and Truth gives us highest wisdom, gur (God's) bani(word/language). That is "sat gian guru" . Truth as the wisdom guru. When we say sat Naam we are meditating on Truth as the word, shabad, sound, and that takes us back to our soul, the JYOT, Truth as the light.
Dhan Dhan means great, great.
Gurbani says whoever says dhan dhan becomes Dhan dhan. So praise God in all. Baba ji says that is highest thing we can do, to praise others. And the worst thing us to put others down.
So all day long keep praising God in all creation. Dhan dhan sat(Truth) par(supreme) braham(God) . Dhan dhan sat jyot guru. Dhan dhan sat gian guru. Dhan dhan sat sangat. Dhan dhan all bhagats (lovers of God). Dhan Dhan all of creation.
Baba ji taught us to bless others by saying to them "dhan dhan sukhee(peace) raho (stay in)"
Meaning "(God in you is) great, great, stay in peace. "
Or in English you can say to people, " bless you, stay in peace. "
Monday, 18 May 2015
Who am I?
Satnaam Satnaam dassan dass ji, some follow questions ji
1. Who is the one that is controlled by the mind? The one that can choose to do simran?
REPLY : You are the divine being, the JYOT, the soul.
2. What is the mind? Just the sum of all thoughts and a decision maker, like a cpu?
REPLY : Yes. Mind is when you say "I do." JYOT is when you say, "God does."
3. As the five demons control the mind, are they not part of the mind?
REPLY : Yes, the five demons are destructive powers that drive the mind to make stupid decisions that ruin the human life.
Gur Preeto : So we are the soul (jyot /divine light. Name of the light is Truth, Sat naam) in this body container, bombarded by thoughts and decisions of the mind. We forgot we were the jyot and started believing the mind, eg "I am Sikh, I am male, I am the doer, I am someone, I want this, I dont want that, I like him, I hate her etc" That is the false identity, the darkness.
So when we do "Satnaam Satnaam" under grace we conquer the mind and remember (simran means remember) who we really are I. E the jyot.
Gurbani is always negating the mind:
"na kuch keea,
na kar sakta,
na karna yog sareer.
Jo kush keea,
so sat keea,
rakh leho kabeer gareeb."
Neither did I (false identity) do something (to be proud of),
nor can I do anything,
nor is this body capable of doing anything (by my power).
Whatever was done,
Satnaam (infinite divine power, our soul) did it,
o Lord keep me as your own
says humble Kabeer.
REPLY : You have explained it well.
What your satnaam simran does is that it defeats these destructive powers and brings everything under control of the Param JYOT.
How the mind is run by the five demons
From Dassan Dass Ji :
Jagmit asked a question about if we can focus on various areas of our body during simran where the five demons live as this will help in driving them out of our body. (Head - ego/pride, chest - greed and attachment, sex organs - lust).
Very good question Jagmit and sorry for the late reply.
The focus during simran should be on your mind and not various parts of your body where these five demons live.
As the whole purpose of simran is to win over your mind.
You need to understand how the five demons work to rob you of your amrit.
These five demons use your mind to make you do what these demons want you to do.
These demons bring thoughts in your mind, your mind process the information provided by the demons and uses its own wisdom or worldly wisdom to react and instruct your five action limbs to perform the deed as instructed by the mind.
You have five senses, which are seeing, hearing, smelling, touch and taste.
These five senses signals are sent to your mind and your mind is under the control of the five demons, so whatever the mind feels is as prompted by the five demons.
The mind's response is obviously driven by the five demons too, as they also rule your own wisdom and all the worldly wisdom.
So the key point is that your mind is the decision maker of all your actions and reactions.
This way your mind is in control of you and the five demons control your mind and it's decisions. That is why the key is to bring your mind under your control and out of the control of the five demons.
Your mind will be replaced by param jyot (supreme light) and all your sense signals will be processed by the divine wisdom.
That is why you need to focus only on your mind while doing simran. When your mind goes into silence the demons are driven out of your body by itself.
Satnaam is the infinite divine power that will drive all your demons out of your body and bring them under your control below your own feet.
When you go deeper and deeper in simran then Satnaam will travel to all parts of your body by itself and drive these demons out by itself.
Satnaam will open all seven centers (chakras) of spiritual powers inside yourself and when these are illuminated then there will be a constant flow of amrit(divine energy) from these centers of spiritual powers and this constant flow of amrit will fill you up with amrit and then nothing negative can touch you.
In this way Satnaam will vibrate in every cell of your body and make you a winner over the mind.
Your mind will be replaced by param jyot (supreme light) and all your senses will go under the divine wisdom. Then these five demons will become your servants.
Maya will become your servant.
So in order to win over your mind all please focus on your simran.
Gur Preeto : just to add that baba ji maharaj said that people say "mind, body and soul" but the order should be "mind, soul and body" because the mind and soul are held in the container of the body. And only by doing Satnaam is the mind conquered. The soul (supreme light) takes over and the body is transformed.
Dandaut to sat parbrahm ji and all his bhagats and creation.
Sunday, 17 May 2015
Humanity before religion
Humanity before religion.
Babaji also says that his religion is humanity.
Countless Dandauth to guru of gurus
Kot Kot dandaout to sat PAARBRAHAM parmesar ji and all of HIS BHAGATS.
Dandaout to Him in chauracee lakh medni.
Kottan kot dandaut to Jyot satguru ji.
Kot Kot Shukrana ji.
Kot Kot dandaout to satguru sat sangat ji.
Kottan kot dandaut to PAARBRAHAM parmesar Jyot Niranjan, the true SATGURU of the BANI, of all bhagats and all of US.
Kot Kot dandaout to PAARBRAHAM parmesar, samarath satguru - poora GURU.
Saturday, 16 May 2015
Worship the eternal flame not the candle
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam (all previous messages in one email).
Baba ji:
Our humble request to the entire sat parivaar ji plz when start your meditation - do Kot Kot dandaout to sat PAARBRAHAM psrmeshwar ji and all HIS BHAGATS, do not take anybody's personal name, even baba ji, mata ji, Dasandas ji or anybody else as sat PAARBRAHAM PARMESHWAR IS PARM JYOT POORAN PARKASH, you can do dandaout to chauracee lakh medni only idealizing the Jyot satguru ji
Kot Kot Shukrana ji
Kot Kot dandaout to satguru sat sangat ji
We are devoted to PAARBRAHAM psrmeshwar and do your ardaas direct to PAARBRAHAM psrmeshwar ji and pls do not focus on our feet, only focus on PAARBRAHAM psrmeshwar Jyot Niranjan
He is the true SATGURU of the BANI, of BABA JI and all of US
Baba ji only joins you to PAARBRAHAM psrmeshwar - which is samarath satguru - poora GURU
By dassan dass ji
sat is the guru, dassan dass is not the guru, so please unite with sat and not with the body of dassan dass or pictures of dassan dass
body is not the guru, param jyot is the guru so please unite with the param jyot and not with the body of dassan dass
when you do simran don't put dassan dass in your surat, don't focus on dassan dass, focus on satnaam only
By pritam ji
Sat gurus sat pita ji United us with sat paar Braham ji. We always thanks to them and listen and obey sat bachans of sat gurus sat pita ji. We don't have to make them demi gods their message Sat paar Braham sarnaee
They giving us pooran sat and want us to detached from all and attached with jyot
Gur Preeto :
When we focus on Sat Naam we automatically focus on all those who have merged in Satnaam, that's why we have visions of guru's past and present. But if we focus on physical body of the guru, we have made them into a lesser god, devta level. And God stays away from us at the highest level of Truth.
Dassan dass ji always says that when we say sat Naam, sat as the guru is with us. Everything is in Satnaam. Pooja Sat kee - Worship sat only,not the body he us manifested in.
When we say Satnaam, that is focusing on the sat guru's feet.
When say Satnaam we are worshipping the sat as our Highest guru.
When we say Satnaam we are serving the satguru. Satnaam is the satguru.
When we say Satnaam, sat as the guru's hand is on our head.
When we say Satnaam, sat as the guru's grace is upon us.
When we say Satnaam, sat as the guru takes care of all our tasks.
When we say Satnaam, sat as the guru is feeding us the Langar of His word.
When we say Satnaam and look in the mirror, sat as the guru is looking back at us.
When we say Satnaam and serve others then it's sat as the guru's hands that are serving.
When we say Satnaam and walk in the direction of Truth then it's sat as the guru's feet that carry us.
When we say Satnaam and sing God's praises then it's sat as the guru filling our heart with love.
When we say Satnaam and work honestly then it's sat as the guru filling our head with amrit.
When we pray to sat and he takes us to Himself manifested in the heart of a divine soul, then we are very blessed.
But when we don't see sat in their heart as our gury and only see the body, we forgot Satnaam.
When we forget Satnaam and get attached to the messenger and don't listen to the message, we get nowhere as we are only doing fraud.
When we go into sangat for friends, fun and food then we forgot Satnaam.
When we go into sangat for friends, fun and food then we forgot Satnaam.
When we go to divine souls and expect them save us but make little or no effort ourself then we are low and mean.
When we go to divine souls and leave our filth at their feet then rest of the week go back into the darkness, bringing more filth the following week, we are devious devils not humble devotees.
When we give daswandh but then think we own the divine souls we are very arrogant.
When we get uplifted by the satguru but take the glory for ourself we are no better than the 330 million demi gods.
When we only say Satnaam and goto divine souls only when we are down and low, sick or troubled, but in good times we go back to bad habits then we are no better than ungrateful wretches.
When we say yes to the divine souls and smile and are polite in their presence, but when away do the opposite, we are great offenders and traitors of our guru.
We have seen all types of characters in baba jis sangat over the years. The only one who has remained true to their word are the divine souls. All others came and went. They didn't say Satnaam and die completely. So say Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam don't blame the divine souls for our lack of commitment and not putting the teachings into practise.
God bless all.
Pooja Satnaam kee - Worship Satnaam only. Even in divine souls, worship sat, the manifested jyot, in them, that is the guru. Not their name, their body, their pictures or their possessions.
Jin nanak satguru poojia tin Har pooj karava. The ones who worship sat as the guru, God gets himself worshipped in them too.
Baba ji said for all eternity there has only been one guru, and one chela (disciple ) and that is sat parbraham himself. Like one candle lights the next. Sat is the name of the divine light in all. Where it manifests sat is called guru. It is all Sat parbraham, the eternal flame.
Worship the flame and not the candle. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam sat Parbraham sarnaee.
Only one guru and one disciple
Pooja Satnaam kee - Worship Satnaam only. Even in divine souls, worship sat, the manifested jyot, in them, that is the guru. Not their name, their body, their pictures or their possessions.
Jin nanak satguru poojia tin Har pooj karava. The ones who worship sat as the guru, God gets himself worshipped in them too.
Baba ji said for all eternity there has only been one guru, and one chela (disciple ) and that is sat parbraham himself. Like one candle lights the next. Sat is the name of the divine light in all. Where it manifests sat is called guru. It is all Sat parbraham, the eternal flame.
Friday, 15 May 2015
Worship Satnaam only
Dassan dass ji always says that When we say sat Naam, satguru is with us. Everything is in Satnaam. Pooja Akal kee.
When we say Satnaam, that is focusing on the guru's feet.
When say Satnaam we are worshipping the guru.
When we say Satnaam we are serving the satguru.
When we say Satnaam the guru's hand is on our head.
When we say Satnaam the guru's grace is upon us.
When we say Satnaam the guru takes care of all our tasks.
When we say Satnaam the guru is feeding us the Langar of God's word.
When we say Satnaam and look in the mirror, satguru is looking back at us.
When we say Satnaam and serve others then it's satguru's hands that are serving.
When we say Satnaam and walk in the direction of Truth then it's satguru's feet that carry us.
When we say Satnaam and sing God's praises then it's satguru filling our heart with love.
When we say Satnaam and work honestly then it's satguru filling our head with amrit.
When we forget Satnaam and get attached to the messenger and don't listen to the message, we get nowhere.
When we go into sangat for friends, fun and food then we forgot Satnaam.
When we go into sangat for friends, fun and food then we forgot Satnaam.
When we go to divine souls and expect them save us but make little or no effort ourself then we are low and mean.
When we go to divine souls and leave our filth at their feet then rest of the week go back into the darkness, bringing more filth the following week, we are devious devils not humble devotees.
When we give daswandh but then think we own the divine souls we are very arrogant.
When we get uplifted by the satguru but take the glory for ourself we are no better than the 330 million demi gods.
When we only say Satnaam and goto divine souls only when we are down and low, sick or troubled, but in good times we go back to bad habits then we are no better than ungrateful wretches.
When we say yes to the divine souls and smile and are polite in their presence, but when away do the opposite, we are great offenders and traitors of our guru.
We have seen all types of characters in baba jis sangat over the years. The only one who has remained true to their word are the divine souls. All others came and went. They didn't say Satnaam and die completely. So say Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam don't blame the divine souls for our lack of commitment and not putting the teachings into practise.
God bless all.
Pooja Satnaam kee - Worship Satnaam only.
Re: SAT is the guru
Mata ji:
Our humble request to the entire sat parivaar ji plz when start your meditation - do Kot Kot dandaout to sat PAARBRAHAM psrmeshwar ji and all HIS BHAGATS, do not take anybody's personal name, even baba ji, mata ji, Dasandas ji or anybody else as sat PAARBRAHAM PARMESHWAR IS PARM JYOT POORAN PARKASH, you can do dandaout to chauracee lakh medni only idealizing the Jyot satguru ji
Kot Kot Shukrana ji 🙏
Kot Kot dandaout to satguru sat sangat ji
We are devoted to PAARBRAHAM psrmeshwar and do your ardaas direct to PAARBRAHAM psrmeshwar ji and pls do not focus on our feet, only focus on PAARBRAHAM psrmeshwar Jyot Niranjan
He is the true SATGURU of the BANI, of BABA JI and all of US
Baba ji only joins you to PAARBRAHAM psrmeshwar - which is samarath satguru - poora GURU
By dassan dass ji
sat is the guru, dassan dass is not the guru, so please unite with sat and not with the body of dassan dass or pictures of dassan dass
body is not the guru, param jyot is the guru so please unite with the param jyot and not with the body of dassan dass
when you do simran don't put dassan dass in your surat, don't focus on dassan dass, focus on satnaam only
By pritam ji
Sat gurus sat pita ji United us with sat paar Braham ji. We always thanks to them and listen and obey sat bachans of sat gurus sat pita ji. We don't have to make them demi gods their message Sat paar Braham sarnaee
They giving us pooran sat and want us to detached from all and attached with jyot
Gur Preeto :
When we focus on Sat Naam we automatically focus on all those who have merged in Satnaam, that's why we have visions of guru's past and present. But if we focus on physical body of the guru, we have made them into a lesser god, devta level. And God stays away from us at the highest level of Truth.
SAT is the guru
By dassan dass ji
sat is the guru, dassan dass is not the guru, so please unite with sat and not with the body of dassan dass or pictures of dassan dass
body is not the guru, param jyot is the guru so please unite with the param jyot and not with the body of dassan dass
when you do simran don't put dassan dass in your surat, don't focus on dassan dass, focus on satnaam only
By pritam ji
Sat gurus sat pita ji United us with sat paar Braham ji. We always thanks to them and listen and obey sat bachans of sat gurus sat pita ji. We don't have to make them demi gods their message Sat paar Braham sarnaee
They giving us pooran sat and want us to detached from all and attached with jyot
Gur Preeto :
When we focus on Sat Naam we automatically focus on all those who have merged in Satnaam, that's why we have visions of guru's past and present. But if we focus on physical body of the guru, we have made them into a lesser god, devta level. And God stays away from us at the highest level of Truth.
Technique to beat the five demons
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji
Qn: if we focus on areas which the five thieves live or stay in the human body during meditation or Simran would that help to get rid of them quicker? For instance, if we focus on the chest area because attachment and greed live there would that get rid of those thieves quicker.
Reply : Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji the five demons only go by the guru's grace and not by our techniques. So keep praying for the guru's grace. We love to ask for grace by repeating this shabad by Guru Arjun Dev ji:
"Kaam krodh ar lobh moh binas jaai ahenmev.
Nanak prabh sarnagatee kar PARSAAD GUR DEV."
Lust, anger and greed attachment and pride, may they all be erased. Nanak seeks the shelter of God, shower your grace divine guru.
Always pray for the guru's grace first before doing anything. Then pray "Baba ji please make me do simran how you want, take my focus where you want so thay my five demons will go." Then sit and do your simran and just go with the flow. Satnaam knows it's own way around your mind and body. When we try and control it through our own techniques, it's ego trying to be the clever boss again, but ego can't beat ego! Just be a humble beggar from baba ji always.
God bless all.
Thursday, 14 May 2015
By loving all you will become the love, which is God
by babaji
Sukhi reho sarai, sukhi reho sarai, bless you all. Forever to be alive in the song, in praising God. Always be alive in life to do good. To show compassion, respect all and love all. By loving all you will become the love, which is God. That is the truth about spirituality. If you don't end up in bliss, you haven't earned it, and you haven't tasted God. You must end up in bliss intoxicated, absolutely intoxicated. Let your heart reach the outer limits of the universe for that is how wide it is. That is how big it is, because God is there and God is immense.
Dhan dhan babaji dhan dhan mera satguru poora
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
In the Silence of thy heart
From kirpalini ji :
In the Silence of thy heart
Breathe breathe breathe
All living thy voice
Is praising you Lord
Breathe breathe breathe
From the earth
To the highest heavens
To the deepest deeps
Breathe breathe breathe
In the Silence of thy heart
Hear hear hear thy voice
Blessed O Blessed Lord
All in All in All You
Satnaam sada Satnaam
Monday, 11 May 2015
Is it ik to get angry to get respect
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji
Qn: I was reading the article Anger Is Not A Solution on Satnaam.info n I have a question, "is it okay to pretend to be mad?" because no one is taking me seriously at school.
Reply : Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji, trust in Satnaam, not in the five demons. Before speaking pray "Baba ji without you I have no respect, I am no one, I am nothing, please you come and talk from my tongue."
Whatever your problem is in life, always turn it into a humble prayer to baba ji. And ask for their blessings and help and to give us courage and strength.
At the time of the second guru ji, a prince tried to overthrow the bad king, but failed and fled. He thought I need blessings from a guru then I can try again. He heard of guru angad dev ji and rode proud on his horse with a few of his soldiers into the gardens. Second guru ji was teaching the kids gurmukhi under the shade of a tree and didn't get up to give the Prince the respect he was used to. He got angry and from behind tge second guru ji raised his sword. Dhan dhan guru angad dev ji turned and lovingly just said to him, "where you should have raised your sword you fled like a coward, where you should have bowed you raise your sword." The Prince was deeply ashamed of himself. Apologised, was forgiven and blessed.
So this is the path of extreme humbleness but with full faith in Satnaam and no fear of anyone. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji.
J: Satnaam Satnaan Satnaam thank you so much Gur Preeto Ji Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
Saturday, 9 May 2015
Re: Three types of illnesses, teene taap, mentioned in gurbbani
theenae thaap nivaaranehaaraa dhukh ha(n)thaa sukh raas ||
The Lord is the One who removes the three fevers; He is the Destroyer of pain, the warehouse of peace.
thaa ko bighan n kooo laagai jaa kee prabh aagai aradhaas ||1||
No obstacles block the path of one who prays before God. ||1||
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
From Dassan Dass ji:
Jagmit asked us a question about three illnesses mentioned in gurbani (teene taap), here is the correct answer to his question.
The three illnesses are aadhi, biaadhi and upaadhi.
Aadhi means all mental sicknesses.
Biaadhi means all physical sicknesses,
and upaadhi means all your physical fight with the outside world, your quarrels with your family, friends , outside world.Mental sicknesses are five demons - kaam, krodh, lobh, moh and ahankar.
These five demons sitting inside your body make you mentally sick. For example, those who indulge in krodh(anger) , then krodh becomes their mental sickness - when you become angry then you burn yourself from inside.How these demons hurt you and make you mentally sick is described in the Anand Sahib Katha (www.Satnaam.Info)
You should read it to get a more deeper understanding of how these five demons become your mental sicknesses.These five demons make you mentally sick, then you go in deep depression, the depression makes you physically sick. Then you contract fatal diseases, such as heart problems, diabetes, cancer, and all kind of other such diseases.
This is because the five demons make you do stupid things so you end up paying for your own deeds so these sicknesses follow in your life.
The third illness is quarrelling with the outside world, such as your differences with your parents and family members, leading to arguments and eventually fighting becomes a chronic sickness.
This brings pains, sufferings and sorrows to you and to your family and all connected.
At higher levels it leads to fights with the outside world and leads to rivelary, wars, overpowering each other, murders, stealing, corruption, malpractices hatred , anmosity, terrorism, etc leading to abuse and higher level fights.
All these illnesses lead to the destruction of mankind, first at an individual level, then at the society level, country level and international levels.
In conclusion, aadhi, biaadhi and upaadhi covers all sicknesses and sickness leads to destruction.
Satnaam simran is the only way to win over these illnesses so please focus on your simran.
Three types of illnesses, teene taap, mentioned in gurbbani
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
From Dassan Dass ji:
Jagmit asked us a question about three illnesses mentioned in gurbani (teene taap), here is the correct answer to his question.
The three illnesses are aadhi, biaadhi and upaadhi.
Aadhi means all mental sicknesses.
Biaadhi means all physical sicknesses,
and upaadhi means all your physical fight with the outside world, your quarrels with your family, friends , outside world.
Mental sicknesses are five demons - kaam, krodh, lobh, moh and ahankar.
These five demons sitting inside your body make you mentally sick. For example, those who indulge in krodh(anger) , then krodh becomes their mental sickness - when you become angry then you burn yourself from inside.
How these demons hurt you and make you mentally sick is described in the Anand Sahib Katha (www.Satnaam.Info)
You should read it to get a more deeper understanding of how these five demons become your mental sicknesses.
These five demons make you mentally sick, then you go in deep depression, the depression makes you physically sick. Then you contract fatal diseases, such as heart problems, diabetes, cancer, and all kind of other such diseases.
This is because the five demons make you do stupid things so you end up paying for your own deeds so these sicknesses follow in your life.
The third illness is quarrelling with the outside world, such as your differences with your parents and family members, leading to arguments and eventually fighting becomes a chronic sickness.
This brings pains, sufferings and sorrows to you and to your family and all connected.
At higher levels it leads to fights with the outside world and leads to rivelary, wars, overpowering each other, murders, stealing, corruption, malpractices hatred , anmosity, terrorism, etc leading to abuse and higher level fights.
All these illnesses lead to the destruction of mankind, first at an individual level, then at the society level, country level and international levels.
In conclusion, aadhi, biaadhi and upaadhi covers all sicknesses and sickness leads to destruction.
Satnaam simran is the only way to win over these illnesses so please focus on your simran.
Re: meditation technique.
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
There is no techniques in gurbani, just surrender mind, body, wealth to the guru. Give up desires. Aap gavaaiaa ta shahu paaia aur kaysee chaturaee.
God is not under our control, techniques can't get him through yoga, meditation, penance, bargaining, ritual readings, religious ceremonies, pilgrimages etc just his grace and live and our surrender, become nothing, he becomes everything.
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
Respected Gurpreeto ji, Dandauth Bandana at your lotus feet ji! I daily read your blessed emails and feel thankful all the time to be in this supreme sangat.
I would really appreciate if you with your immense kindness can throw some light on meditation technique....like you see when I close my eyes and sit for simran mind gets distracted ....should we have our Guru ji 's picture in mind while meditating or fix our gaze on satnaam shabad...we are the poor students in the class....please guide me how to concentrate...
With warm regards,
Ginny Bedi.
Friday, 8 May 2015
Why do you forget the one who gave you everything?
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji satguru parsaad. Dandauth bandhna ji.
Baday Baday hankareea nanak pit deh. The big egotists, truth nanak turned his back on them.
... Namdeo mukh laaiaa but Namdev ji got hugged to the cheek.
It's not that God sends us away, it's our ego that causes it. And our love that brings God to us. Ego and Satnaam can't reside in the same vessel at the same time. When there is ego there is no Satnaam. When there is satnaam there is no ego.
Je tu hovay mera bhagat mangna chit na aavay.. If you are my loving devotee then dont bring worldly wants in your mind . Baba ji said this is the highest of all teachings. When God the Giver has given Himself to us in the form of Gurparsaadi naam, then why are we still asking for worldly gifts? If you want to honour the giver stop asking for worldly gifts only ask for Naam, seva and bandagi.
Mangana mangan neeka Har Jas gur te Mangana.
The noblest thing to ask for - ask the guru for singing the glory of God.
Visar nahee datar apanee Naam deho, gun gavaa Din raat nanak chao eho.
O Lord pls don't forget about me and give me your naam, may I Sing your glories day and night, this is nanak's desire.
So kyo visaray jo sabh kich deea. So kyo visaray jin Jeevan jeea.
Why do you forget the one who gave you everything.
Why do you forget the one who is the life force of your life.
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
Blessed dream
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji satguru parsaad. Dandauth bandhna.
After simran a few days ago had a dream with baba ji's blessings, we had asked to be shown what we needed to work on. First scene was a crowd of adults who we went to school with years ago. One girl was hugging us and clinging onto us, but we were just giving the divine wisdom. No lust. When we are young we have wants for girlfriend, when we do Satnaam god gives us what we wanted. But we don't want it anymore, just Satnaam love .
Second scene we got angry with our worldly sister (which is true at the moment, so are forgiving her in our mind and our worldly dad). Then we walked away from all of that karmic stuff, did simran in the dream and felt a whoosh of energy rising in every part of our body upto the top of our head. Felt light, literally uplifted. Went back into the crowd, they all looked at us with eyes of amazement saying "wow look at him, he is glowing" we just did dandauth to each and everyone who was praising us. All glory is God guru baba jis.
Then another scene we are far out at sea, and learners (sangat) are swimming towards us and we are teaching them how to swim towards us . Then we look further out and see clear bottles floating effortlessly(sants).
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam on Monday after listening baba jis recording and Sunday sangat, we felt so much love in our hirdha, it was baba ji himself. They said they will come to whoever loves them.
Today's simran carrying on in hirdha whilst working as well. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam satguru mera poora.
Thursday, 7 May 2015
I prayed to see God
From Pam ji:
Sat Sat Sat
Dhan Dhan Sat Par Braham Parmeshwar.
We asked God to show Himself to us. "Please Father, show Yourself to this fool."
He showed me Baba ji.
Dhan Dhan Dhan mere Sat Guru poora. Dhan Dhan Dhan Sat Babaji.
Our Guru is my God!
I'm bound to Him and Him only.
The oath taken today is that in eternity I'm bound to Him.
He can take me anywhere or everywhere, for I'm bound to Him.
He takes me to hell, I'm bound to him.
My soul is stamped with his imprint only.
Should I have to wait an eternity, I'm bound to Him.
Such was the oath taken.
There is no space or time, without Him. I'm bound to Him.
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Don't betray God's grace upon us
From dassan dass ji maharaj :
Your dandaut is accepted only when you do your simran.
Your thanks are accepted only when you do your simran.
Only satnaam simran can burn your kood and clean you up.
You are serving your SATGURU only when you are doing your simran.
You are serving the gurparsaad only if you are doing your simran.
You are helping yourself only if you are doing your simran.
You can reap the benefits of sangat only if you are doing your simran.
You can win your panj DOOT only if you are doing your simran.
All your problems will go away only if you are doing your simran.
You will stay in peace only when you are doing your simran.
You will stay in bliss only when you are
doing your simran.
Your life will be trouble free only if you do your simran.
We hope you are working on yourself to focus on long sessions of simran.
If you want to stay in sangat you will have to do it.
This is all for your betterment.
Earlier you understand the better it is for you.
There is no excuse acceptable for not doing your simran.
Satnaam simran for 2.5 hours everyday is mandatory for staying in sangat.
You have to sacrifice your sleep you will have to do it.
If all of you do 2.5 hours simran then the Amrit level will continue to grow. All sangat will go to much higher state of bliss.
Your Kood will be burned much faster and you all will feel much better every day.
Stop watching TV.
Stop making frequent trips to shopping malls.
Stop making and attending long and useless phone calls.
Stop discussing useless things.
Remove all useless activities from your daily life
Stop going to parties and socializing
Dedicate yourself to the service of satnaam
Eat your dinner early so you can sleep early so you can get up early for simran
Leave the laziness and be more active in your daily routine.
If you all follow these tips you can never fall in doing your simran.
This will transform you for sure.
If you have devotion and love for your SATGURU then you will start doing all this without any delay.
If you don't do so that means you don't want yourself to move on this path which may lead to your exit from the sangat.
Those who are doing 2.5 hours Amrit vela should go to 5 hours and not get stuck at 2.5 hours only.
Your goal is rom rom satnaam simran.
Sit in even longer sessions of simran over weekends.
We hope you all are listening.
We have not seen much response from you folks.
Does it make sense to you all.
Is it doable?
All of you have the divine power to do so?
Can we count on you all?
You all will not let Dassan DASS down?
You will not let us go through the pain of throwing you out?
Serve the grace if you don't want to lose it.
Those who are thrown out are not really thrown out by us. They have betrayed us by not serving the grace they were blessed with.
Sat sat sat bless you all.
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
humble meaning of anjuli and Dandauth
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji satgur parsaad
Now we understand more what gurbani means when it says that on seeing the sant do anjuli it's a virtuous deed. Do Dandauth it's a virtuous deed.
Kar sadhu anjuli pun vada ha.
Kar Dandauth pun vada ha.
Baba ji said that Anjuli is crawling on elbows and knees to the guru and Dandauth is falling at their feet in total surrender. Because in ego we were a spoilt brat, now put our selfish face in the dirt and be for forgiveness. Baba ji said in one recording recently that dev ji heard a voice in his meditation, but instead of taking it as a blessing of God and doing Dandauth, he questioned, "who are you?" then God appeared as a continually expanding being with a sword raised up the tip expanding infinitely until it pierced the sky and all the stars started crumbling. Then innocent dev ji realised his mistake and became lowest and did dandauth. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam if we really believed in God would we be doing half the wasteful activities that we do?
Pritam anand ji : Doing Dandout with conscious will fruitful. we do dandout outside and get fruit within us that is Greebi. Dandout is total surrender
We don't have to become MAN HOR MUKH HOR. Bandagi is part of the heart not the mind. Doing with mind won't be fruitful. Doing from mind will keep us in duality.
We have to earn the dandout not just do it and think we done it. We have to earn in action.
True actions will keep us in Truth.
If we get sent away by the Guru, even that is for our benefit
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji even if someone gets sent away from Sangat, it is still guru doing good for us. The more stubborn our mind, the more set in our ways we are, then when we keep ignoring kind loving words of guru ji, then the baseball bat of Truth comes out. And if we get expelled, then either we can get angry and blame and hate the guru. Or we can blame ourself. And take a good hard look at what guru had told us, and what we did or did not do. And how many times they told us and how many times we didn't do it. Take a good hard look at our own arrogant, self centred, stubborn, nature. Then accepting our faults our ours alone we are halfway home. We suffer because of our own bad deeds. Then confess and crawl on hands and knees to beg for forgiveness and become an obedient child not a spoilt brat.
Monday, 4 May 2015
Re: [SatNaam Parivaar] Sangat Recording
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji Dandauth bandhna ji thanks to Supreet ji sharing recordings of dhan dhan guru sangat. We listened to yesterday's recording (below) . Baba ji maharaj ji said they are spending majority of time now in a room in deep love of the Lord as per God's will. That no falsehood can come near. That also mata ji is also doing similar and accordingly they are not to be disturbed. So for all calls or visits to please contact pritam anand ji first because they know how to enter the room. Baba ji maharaj ji said that please do not have deceit inside even when talking to baba ji. Even don't think bad of baba ji or any saint because this path is to develop faith, and faith expands into God. But cleverness only makes you into a loser. They said to the sangat that we can't be beggars from baba ji forever, earn the Naam and teachings and become givers. So they will only attend sangat on a monthly basis and they want sangat to organise own sangat, with love for each other and to sit every week listening to gurbani and doing simran. That we all have to earn the Naam with love and faith and who knows if we have so much love inside us baba ji will know and call us himself or come to sangat and be sitting in some corner waiting for his beloved. Baba ji maharaj ji said be lowest of the lowest of the lowest servant of all, and then still stay I am capable f nothing and I did nothing and do nothing. Only being nothing merges into nothing and that is perfection. Baba ji maharaj ji said we have to look inside at our cleverness and ask ourself "how long do I want to carry on our this? How long before I really die to the guru's word?" God bless all.
Satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaamDandaut bandhna to all jiwith Baba Ji's blessings:
2015-05-03 Baba Ji Sangat.mp3 - File Shared from BoxDownload (50.4MB) Sign up | Log in 2015-05-03 Baba Ji Sangat.mp3 Preview by Yahoo
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Sunday, 3 May 2015
UK Sangat recordings, really blessed today
have shared '20150503' with you on Box - https://satnaam.box.com/s/wu9ejwnaay8sa7oxc4axok4lcrr1q8um
Great, great is my complete satguru.
Ik onkar Sat naam sat gurparsaad.
You are GOD
You are TRUTH
You are LOVE
You are SAT NAAM.
Great, great is my complete satguru.
I am nothing
I am nothing
I am nothing
I am nothing
Saturday, 2 May 2015
God protects his saints in each and every age
God protects his bhagats in every age. Har jug jug bhagat upaaya payj rakhda aayaa raam rajay.
Just like dhru and prahlad ji, the child saints mentioned in gurbani. Here is a child saint now in Nepal who's house and followers were protected from the earthquake last week.
Home of child goddess unshaken in Nepal quake
Victor Mallet and Binod Bhattarai
Amid the devastation of Kathmandu's Durbar Square, where the old royal palace and Hindu temples were reduced to rubble by last week's earthquake, one house decorated with carvings of deities stands almost unscathed: the home of the Kumari, the city's living child-goddess and the nation's protector.
"We believe that it was her powers that might have protected the place," said Mahendra Shakya, one of the dozen-strong family that guards the 10-year-old girl revered by Nepal's Hindus, "although there are some cracks inside and we are trying to fix them".
Mr Shakya stood outside the intricate wooden door of the Kumari House, leaning on one of the brightly painted stone lions that guard the entrance and watching troops and rescue teams sift through the debris of the historic square with their bare hands and clear away heaps of bricks with bulldozers.
The 7.8 magnitude earthquake in central Nepal last Saturday killed more than 6,000, including tourists visiting fragile brick-built temples and monuments, villagers whose homes were destroyed in the foothills of the Himalayas and climbers swept away in a post-quake avalanche that tore through Everest base camp.
Matina Shakya, Kathmandu's so-called royal Kumari, is the most prominent of the child goddesses who represent the fearsome Hindu goddess Durga and are worshipped in various Nepali towns until they reach puberty and are replaced by another Kumari.
When the earthquake struck, demolishing most of the older structures in the square, "she was upstairs and had just finished eating", said Mr Shakya. "We couldn't manage to get down at first, but when it stabilised we came down. For safety we're living on the ground floor, although the building is unaffected."
It is not clear how the Kumari reacted to the earthquake, although the selection process for the position is so severe that she might have been less frightened than other girls of the same age: not only must a Kumari have a body like a banyan tree and a neck like a conch-shell; she must also calmly endure a test of nerve in which the young candidates are confronted in the dead of night by men in demon masks and a roomful of severed buffalo heads.
Another Kumari in nearby Patan — seven-year-old Yunika Bajracharya — was sitting at her ceremonial altar at the time of the earthquake and told those around her to calm down and not rush outside, according to the Nepali Times.
"She had her eyes closed as if she was in a trance, told us nothing would happen to us," her father Ramesh was quoted as saying. In Patan, too, the Kumari house withstood the earthquake while other temples collapsed, the newspaper said.
Mr Shakya said he understood that the Kathmandu Kumari house had also survived the terrible Nepal earthquake of 1934. "She's the protector of the nation — and purifies the place she's in," he said.
One love in the heart of the saint
Satnaam gurparsaad
One love, one Truth, one heart,
one love, one love, one love,
one love, one life one love,
one love Satnaam
one heart Satnaam,
one guru Satnaam,
one religion Satnaam,
one caste one colour
one nation Satnaam,
one husband Satnaam,
one formless one Satnaam,
one name
one game of love Satnaam
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
universe spinning
galaxies singing
Satnaam Satnaam
Satnaam Satnaam
saints spinning
heart singing
Satnaam Satnaam
Satnaam Satnaam
Satnaam Satnaam
Satnaam Satnaam
outpouring overflowing
everlasting love
Satnaam Satnaam
Satnaam Satnaam
Satnaam heart heart heart
of baba ji maharaj.
Only ask for God in your heart
Ik onkar sat Naam Sat gur parsaad.
Everything is in satguru ji's lotus feet. All other meditations, healings, yoga, hypnosis and religious ways that we tried without grace didnt open the door to God's court, our heart, dargah. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
Baba ji maharaj said that only the divine souls already in dargah, are the doorway for their followers to enter. Their lotus feet are the doorway, the Naam they give us is the key. Focus on their feet and turn the key by doing Satnaam.
Baba ji maharaj said that there is no other way into dargah except guru's grace. The sant hirdhas run dargah. God runs the creation but the sants who love him to the extreme run God.
Baykunt (real heaven of God ), sach khand (realm of Truth), dargah (God's court) is your own hirdha (spiritual heart) said baba ji maharaj, and only those who are dead whilst alive (Jeevat marna), enter it.
Bhai Gurdas ji wrote that Bhagat Trilochan ji used to go for daily sangat of Bhagat Namdev ji . He so desired to see God one day he requested Namdev ji to pray for him. Namdev ji requested God on his behalf :
Bhai Gurdas ji:
(Trilochan asked Namdev) "kindly pray for me so that if the Lord accepts, I may also have a glimpse of His blessed vision."
Namdev asked Thakur, the Lord, as to how Trilochan could have sight of the Lord ?
The Lord God smiled and explained to Naamdev;
"No offerings are needed by me. Out of my delight only, I would make Trilochan to have sight of me. "
I am under the total control of the devotees and their loving claims I can never reject; rather I myself also cannot understand them.
Their loving devotion, in fact, becomes mediator and makes them meet me."
( http://tuhitu.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/sakhi-series-129-bhagat-trilochan-ji.html?m=1)
Every single person who has ever come into sangat of dhan dhan Baba ji Maharaj ji and experienced anything divine, would do well to always remember... Did we earn it by our own effort? Or did satguru ji request God to bless us? Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji always thankful.
If we thought we earned it then remember this story. A yogi sat in a cave on a tigerskin rug, on a huge rock for decades meditating on God. One day God blessed him and he heard his voice "ask for whatever you want, mangla jo kush mangana." But the yogi thought if I ask for something specific I may ask for less than I could have got. So he replied, "please give me what I deserve."
Them God asked, "are you sure? Would you not rather have my blessing?"
And the yogi said, "I have done so much jap and tap, meditation and penance, I want what I fully deserve."
Then God said, "ok, you will get what you deserve."
And then the Tiger skin spoke and said," yogi, first give me what I deserve for you sitting on me."
Then the boulder spoke, "yogi give me what I deserve."
Then mother earth spoke, "give me what I deserve for holding all of you up."
The foolish yogi's ego shattered.
We can't do any thing, all by grace of our satguru baba ji.
S: Satnaam ji dandaut dont say nobody reached without guru .. Our Baba ji had reached without guru.
Gur Preeto : Even baba ji maharaj had a sat guru and that was God himself. Baba ji maharaj ji said that for the rare one, God is their satguru directly, for others they become the satguru.
The first one does the real hard earning, the ones who come to him have just have to follow the path they made.
Baba ji maharaj ji said even dhan Baba Nanak ji searched and served sadhu and sants and tried religions to no avail, then he was ready to die if that would bring God to him. This why they walked into the river and God heard his prayer, baba nanak ji said from the deepest heart full of the pain of separation, "I couldn't find a satguru Lord," and God replied with endless love, "I will be your satguru."
That's how baba ji maharaj told the story. Dhan dhan dhan dhan Baba Nanak ji Dhan Dhan dhan baba ji maharaj.
Dassan Dass ji maharaj always says: Only ask for "Naam (God's name) , seva (service) and bandagi (devotion)."
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji Dandauth bandhna ji
Friday, 1 May 2015
New operating system for the mind
Satnaam satguru
We all use email and other computer apps everyday perhaps without realising how many lines of code are behind it. So that it behaves in the right way. Eg we hit the send button and the message gets delivered. Baba ji said that all the thoughts in our mind are also just our operating system, so throw out the selfish program and put in God's program. All this wisdom we learn, we are recoding our mind. And we should then behave in a different way in our daily life. People who interact with us dont need to know all the code in our mind. They just need to see from our deeds where we stand. The mistake people make is we learn the higher wisdom and stories of the past gurus and we tell others. But without doing it ourself. Better than talking about love and service, is to go and do some seva with love. And also better than believing what other people tell us about themself (ego always wants to look good) look at other people's deeds, that will tell you where they really stand. God bless all.
Dandauth to all.
Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52
SatNaam Kurt ji another easy way to get out of thinking about "I" is by serving others, hence thinking only about SatNaam in o...
Sat Naam Ji Dandauth Bandhana Ji. This was a reply to someone, hope this helps others too. ==== thankyou so much for emailing...
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji Dandauth bandhna ji Thanks greg ji for that detailed answer....and like the punjabi! It makes it more real ...