Saturday 2 May 2015

Only ask for God in your heart

Ik onkar sat Naam Sat gur parsaad.

Everything is in satguru ji's lotus feet.   All other meditations, healings, yoga, hypnosis and religious ways  that we tried without grace didnt open the door to God's court, our heart, dargah. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Baba ji maharaj said that only the divine souls already in dargah, are the doorway for their followers to enter.  Their lotus feet are the doorway, the Naam they give us is the key.    Focus on their feet and turn the key by doing Satnaam.

Baba ji maharaj said that there is no other way into dargah except guru's grace. The sant hirdhas run dargah.  God runs the creation but the sants who love him to the extreme run God.

Baykunt (real heaven of God ), sach khand (realm of Truth), dargah (God's court) is your own hirdha (spiritual heart) said baba ji maharaj,  and only those who are dead whilst alive (Jeevat marna), enter it.

Bhai Gurdas ji wrote that Bhagat Trilochan ji used to go for daily sangat of Bhagat Namdev ji .   He so desired to see God one day he requested Namdev ji to pray for him.   Namdev ji requested God on his behalf :

Bhai Gurdas ji:

(Trilochan asked Namdev) "kindly pray for me so that if the Lord accepts, I may also have a glimpse of His blessed vision."
Namdev asked Thakur, the Lord, as to how Trilochan could have sight of the Lord ?

The Lord God smiled and explained to Naamdev;

"No offerings are needed by me. Out of my delight only, I would make Trilochan to have sight of me. "

I am under the total control of the devotees and their loving claims I can never reject; rather I myself also cannot understand them.

Their loving devotion, in fact, becomes mediator and makes them meet me."


Every single person who has ever come into sangat of dhan dhan Baba ji Maharaj ji and experienced anything divine, would do well to always remember... Did we earn it by our own effort? Or did satguru ji request God to bless us?  Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji always thankful.

If we thought we earned it then remember this story. A yogi sat in a cave on a tigerskin rug, on a huge rock for decades meditating on God. One day God blessed him and he heard his voice "ask for whatever you want, mangla jo kush mangana."  But the yogi thought if I ask for something specific I may ask for less than I could have got. So he replied, "please give me what I deserve."   

Them God asked, "are you sure? Would you not rather have my blessing?"

And the yogi said, "I have done so much jap and tap, meditation and penance, I want what I fully deserve."

Then God said, "ok, you will get what you deserve."

And then the Tiger skin spoke and said," yogi, first give me what I deserve for you sitting on me."

Then the boulder spoke, "yogi give me what I deserve."

Then mother earth spoke, "give me what I deserve for holding all of you up."

The foolish yogi's ego shattered.

We can't do any thing, all by grace of our satguru baba ji.

S:   Satnaam ji dandaut dont say nobody reached without guru .. Our Baba ji had reached without guru.

Gur Preeto :  Even baba ji maharaj had a sat guru and that was God himself.     Baba ji maharaj ji said that for the rare one, God is their satguru directly, for others they become the satguru.   

The first one does the real hard earning, the ones who come to him have just have to follow the path they made. 
Baba ji maharaj ji said even dhan Baba Nanak ji searched and served sadhu and sants and tried religions to no avail, then he was ready to die if that would bring God to him. This why they walked into the river and God heard his prayer, baba nanak ji said from the deepest heart full of the pain of separation, "I couldn't find a satguru Lord,"  and God replied with endless love,  "I will be your satguru." 

That's how baba ji maharaj told the story. Dhan dhan dhan dhan Baba Nanak ji Dhan Dhan dhan baba ji maharaj.

Dassan Dass ji maharaj always says: Only ask for "Naam (God's name) , seva (service) and bandagi (devotion)."

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji Dandauth bandhna ji

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52