Monday 25 May 2015

No more Dandauth bandhna by lying down infront of another person

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji

Pritam anand ji :
Sat baba Ji says to all of us, if you want to do  dandout to them, then just  do it from the heart.  No more dandout bandana to anyone by lying down front of any one.  Just do it from the heart. satnaam ji. bless all. So please  follow sat bachans of sat baba Ji.

Dassan dass ji :   the real meaning of dandaut is complete surrender.      POORAN SAMARPAN. Don't make it a ritual make it a reality.

Gur Preeto :  Ok ji.   What about Dandauth or matha tekna to guru granth  sahib in gurdwara?   Thx

Pritam anand ji : 


Dandout front of sggs means earns sat bani.    If we are not earning bani in our actions, then dandout bandana front of sggs is also  fake.

Gur Preeto :

Ik onkar sat Naam we already took baba jis picture down and put IK OANKAAR  symbol instead and do Dandauth to that  now, Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam.   We don't know anything, we just pray to ik onkar sat jyot guru ji,  "please make us Do simran how you want."  that was the feeling we had  that's what we do.  Same this morning, got the feeling to let everyone know focus on shabad guru,  ik onkar Satnaam , in our heart or mind,  not baba ji/mata ji/dassan dass ji or any  saint's physical feet.

It's has always been sat jyot guru  (Truth Light guru) in baba ji mata ji pritam ji and dassan dass ji guiding and blessing the sangat. But most sangat didn't see the sat jyot guru in them, but just their physical body and feet and presence.  So that becomes demi God worship.   That's why all these corrections are coming to focus us all on shabad Guru,  ik onkar Satnaam.

Baba ji has always been straight and to the point that they are here to promote ik onkar Satnaam only. And to destroy  worshipping if anything less.    And unfortunately sangat has become less than worshipping highest Truth, ik onkar Satnaam. Baba ji has never wanted millions of followers or fame or big centres all around the world. Only glory of his guru,  ik onkar Satnaam,  not self glory or self worship.

Their job is to light us, like one candle lights another. Our job is to worship the light inside us,  not the candle that lit us.

Baba ji is not God's competitor, but has always said I am just the servant of God of Truth, sat ram das.   And has wanted us all to become sat ram dass too.   Servant of supreme god,  sat parbrahm and all his bhagats and all his creation.

Baba ji said when he is and God are merged, the nothing state,  neither knows who they are. Like when the river merges into  the ocean, then which is the river? Which is the ocean?   That is "gur parmesar eko jaan"   See guru and God as one.     That the light inside them, atma, merged with the supreme light, parmatma.    And in that state of nothing, sat parbrahm ji has spoken through baba ji's body.   So don't think it is baba ji saying "I am God",  that is God himself speaking saying "I am God."       but baba ji says on the other side, sat is parbrahm, Truth  is the supreme god. But on this side, Truth is always ram dass, servant of his creation.

Baba ji said, that sat jyot guru,  divine light of Truth is the guru.   Jesus called it his father and said "the father inside me".    But Christians now call Jesus as God.  And made him into a demi God and can't accept others.    Hindus made their gods and goddesses into God too.  Sikhs made the ten gurus into God too.   All have forgotten the one father of all the bhagats, and made the bhagats into the father.  Baba ji maharaj is not letting that happen again in this sangat.

Better we all really learn this lesson and worship ik onkar Satnaam and don't make same mistakes other religions have.

Guru gobind singh ji wrote that whoever God sent into the world got themself worshipped.  That if anyone calls him supreme God, they will go to hell. They are only servant of the supreme, come to watch the world drama. 'ma hum param purakh ka dassa. Dekhay aayaa jagat tamasa. "    but still Sikhs have worshipped tenth guru as God and can't accept other gurus that God has manifested in.   In past Sangat a sister had a vision for a realm full of followers of tenth guru.  Dressed in blue,  with weapons, and holy book or writings of the tenth guru. She asked them what they were,  they said they worshipped tenth guru.  She asked, "can I have his darshan please"  they replied "he never comes here."        Baba ji says whatever we are doing in this world today,  we are building our home in the next world at the same time.  Eg suicide bomber causes hell here,  so he'll realm awaits him on the other side, not paradise.   Worshipping gurus as God, we just make a heaven realm for us like demi God's have their own heavens.    Only doing what the guru's said works,  and that is glorify ik onkar sat Naam,  not yourself, not anyone else.  Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam.

When baba ji left UK Sangat last summer, whole Sangat was crowding around them at gurcharan house. Baba ji turned and said it very clearly, "don't cling to this body,  cling to these words."    Baba ji has only ever told the truth,  listen to recordings from a month ago or 15 years ago,  same Truth. But the ones who don't listen make the sangat into a demi God sangat.   God bless all with Sat budhi, True wisdom.

K penji :  We read the whole conversation regarding dandaut and feel to confess our mistake..

When we do simran we get the darshan of the image of IK ONKAR but i forcefully replace this image with focusing on Maharaj ji & Satguru Sat Pita ji's charans..

Kindly forgive this fool n offender.. i m such a fool don't know anything just do manmat everytime..

Dassan dass ji :  your focus should be on satnaam, how many time we have said this - focus on satnaam and still you folks do not do it.

The physical body is not the GURU. Satnaam(the name SAT) is the guru, sat is the guru so please focus only on satnaam and nothing else, no images no pictures no OBJECTS.

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52