Monday, 29 June 2009

Young girl dies of swine flu - coping with fear

Dandouth bandana ji,


Kot Kot Shukrana ji,


Today my family was very disturbed on hearing the news of a young girl 6 year old who died of swine flu. She used to live in neighbourhood and was very lovely , playful girl. Being a father of young girl,,,we feel scared as something like swine flu which spreads thur air ,,,how do you protect your loved ones.My feelings are coming out of MOH,,,but felt the desire to ask these questions


While we understand that every thing happens under hukam,,,but heart says

what opportunity did that young soul get  to do Naam simran?  To understand any Gur praasad? How will she be Jivan Mukt when her journey ended so early before she could understand any Naam Mahima?  Its another thing  that even after getting gurprasad, a person can fall from grace.


This brings another very important question to forth.....should we as a parent decide to seek Gurprasadi Naam for our children,,,for if any such thing happen atleast we will have the satisfaction that they  had the eternal naam and The Naam will take care of them.


Harjit ji, kindly bless this ignorant fool with some divine insight into this incident as feeling little emotional as the girl was same age as of my daughter and the incident totally shook our souls..that life has no guarantees .


Bhool chuk Maaf Karna ji.


satnaam ji





Satnaam Satguru Satsangat ji - dandauth bandhana ji.


Our prayers and love go to the family of the child and to Dassan Dass Ji to bless the soul of that young girl.


The journey of the soul is more than one lifetime, Baba Ji told us we have had 189 lives just as a human.


We are reaping what we have sown and are trpped in Infinite Loop of Maya i.e. reincarnation.  Som ego old, some go young, we get what we have sown from this and past lives.  God doesn't lie to anyone of us, as soon as we take birth we all know we will also die.  But we get comfortable with Maya and fall in the trap we will love a long life. 


Dassan Dass ji says in his Gurprasadi writing that we think old age is for Naam Simran when actually it is much harder to go into Samadhi in old age, but if children are encouraged and surrounded with good parents, gurbani , kirtan , simran and seva then they go can stay pure for longer.  Dassan Dass Ji told us that we can not tell anyone to take Gur Prasadi Naam because the feeling has to come from within the individual.  So same with children as is for us, we can teach them to accumulate good deeds, refrain from bad deeds, do some simran every day, listen to gurbani in an encouraging enjoyable way and pray for Gurprasaad of Naam.


The reason people feel scared or shocked when a young girl dies is because inside yourself something is getting triggered. And when you ask yourself what, you will start getting to the root cause which is your own 5 thieves.  Moh within us means attachment to our family, which means the fear of losing them.  When a young girl like our daughter dies, then the Moh in us rattles us. But instead of questioning god, the real thing to do is to thank God for showing us how much Moh we still have inside us.  Dont fear, because "karmee apao apanee" - our deeds are our own, the girl who died had her own karma - your daughter has her own - swine flu was just the story, but Karma was the real reason. 


Baba Ji told us that KARMA OVERRULES EVERYTHING - we think we are doing something eg going to a wedding because its our close relative, but actually Karma is the underlying reason because we have give and take to fulfill in that time and place with those people.


When it is time for someone to die, then no one can save them, but when it is not time then no one can kill them.  Our step uncle was shot 25 times in the head and body and survived, as he was being shot all he could see in his mind's eye was His Guru in spiritual form.


"Janam Maran Hukam Ha" meaning that birth and Death are by God's Command  (not by swine flu or whatever other reason we put on it like cardiac arrest for Michale Jackson - it was his time to go according to God's will, the rest is just a story the world gets carried away in, because they think birth and death is in their hand).


Dust of your feet


Save the burning world

Satnaam Satnaam Ji,

Dandauth Bandhana Jj,



This maha paapi would like to share somethings about  family (given by HIM)background to you.Before i go any further pls.....pls. ....pls.. ...forgive this worst sinner of all sinners if wrongly said that hurt you all.I'm not a highly educated for your info.when each time i read all the mails send by this group i feel with so much joy,and see so much wisdom in you that this dog don't have.i am totally zero.This ignorant fool kiss your feet with humbleness and am not even to the dust of your feet.


As earlier i mentioned i'm a hindu but i know there is no religion to God's eye.All man made. we are from darkness and live in darkness (my family) who worship god and godess.After few yrs by His grace my brother who is God servant taught the true path.we call him guruji.


Thats is where my 2 kids(belong to HIM) and i are walking now.i have 3 children.My elder son is leading to a christian path,no objection from me.The thing is that my husband (given by Him )is not in this path.i did talk to him saying this is the true path to God but in vain and so is the rest of our relatives.Nobody listen even my own sister.


Some people come to ask God's slave to pray for them,some came want to know more about God.He will share about God to them.Only a handful follow and majority came only to be heal but not for the healer.Healing they want but devotion they give to elsewhere.i'm not condeming them but this is what happening in Malaysia and 99.99% are all idols worshipper and it is so dificult to bring them to light.we dont condem them .They do not want to come out from this bondage which is holding them from generation to generation and in the end they don't realise that they are going to suffer when they take their last breath.We do not want to see all this souls belong to God being hold by this bandage,Forgive me if words been said rudely.i feel very sad at times seeing all this.

It is their choice and we cannot force them,it must come from the btm of their heart.i do not know how to explain in more details,hope you can understand whatever i have written and ask for forgiveness, if have said something wrong,This stupid swine beg for your prayers for HIS grace,mercy and blessing unto our center called Nanak' center that one day that all this children out there will realise and walk in this path and will see the TRUE living God.


Again sorry for my english


Dust of your feet



Satnaam Satnaam Ji,

Dandauth Bandhana Jj,



in Malaysia 99.99% are all idols worshipper - what i meant was the number of indians staying in Malaysia (11 %)

sorry and forgive this idiot.Need ur advice and prayers.and do correct me pls in whtever i have written.

dust of your feet





Satnaam Satguru Satsangat ji - Dandauth Bandhana ji

Dearest Omanaa ji,


you are describing what you see and feel all around you, the darkness of Maya, the Dark Age.

However, when a person is drowing , he cannot save others who are drowning as well.

Baba ji has asked all of us to become a Guru and go even further than him in the extremes of love with Sat Naam.

We cant save anyone else, everyone is reaping what they have sown due to their past karma, and

we are all kept blindfolded to the Truth for however many days it is written that we are to be punished for our past bad karma.

But, when the time comes God sends the Guru and our blidfold is removed, we see the TRuth and move forward with Grace.


But we have one job to do, and that is to fight maya inside ourselves, to clean up all ourown filth and to serve everyone else in the world by becomng lowest of the low.  We cannot judge or condemn or even comment or cirticise even one person in the world, we are only allowed to keep the focus on our own filth done under the influence of five thieves and desires.

"I am not good, no one is bad, Nanak is ferried across like this. ..hum nahee chunga buraa nahee koee pranvat naanak taray soi."


But what we can do is pray, we can pray to God-Guru to send blessings and love to others, even Guru Amar Das Ji prays:-"jagat jalanda rakh lehu apanee kirpaa dhar.  jit duaaray ubarraay tit lehu ubaar" - Dear Satguru Ji bless save the burning world, please shower your Mercy and save them through whichever door (path) you want."  .


By praynig to God-Gur for others our heart becomes more compassionate and kind.  When finally we die and become nothing, then God's Light shines through us into the world and that blesses and heals and saves others.   so we can never take the wieght of the world upon our own shoulders because we will crumble under the load, but we can pray to God-Guru to shower His mercy ...nanak naam chardhi-kalaa tere bhnay sarbhat da bhalla.


Dust of your feet







Satnaam Satnaam Ji, Dandauth Bandhana Jj,



Thank you Harjit ji for these very words of your explanation.Please accept this pakhandi's worthless at your feet.

This fool is too drowning from all this maya and need to fight  inside us, and to clean up all our own filth and to serve everyone else in the world by becoming lowest of the low. May God-Guru Dassan Dass Ji bless us all, always and forever to beat maya and stay lowest of the lowest of the low.

Please pray for us to be like all of you who are God- Guru like even a dot of it too, is precious for us.

Harjit ji,Baba ji, Dassan Dass ji please please please bless us with the strength to remember God and help us reduce our desires for the world so that we can overcome the darkness of Maya.



We beg at your door

Longing to be the dust of your feet


Friday, 26 June 2009

Death and Michael Jackson

Satnaam Ji, Dandauth Bandhana Jj,
a guru Pyare asked us yesterday how to get up early, he said he does ardas before going ot sleep and wakes up at 3am, but then cant get out of bed.  All we said to him was Guru Pyare ji if you knew that you were going to die in a year, or in a month or in a weeks time, would you have any trouble getting up to do Simran?  At that God in him started laughin, laughing and laughing so loud, he said we had put him into Anand!  We replied, that when we forget death and start thinking we are going to be around for along time, we struggle to do simran.   We were actually thinking of R jis email 19 months ago when he was asking about praying for worldy wants , he said "if we cant pray to God to fulfill our desires who do we ask" -- which showed he didnt want to give up asking for wants to be fullfilled.  But if he had known 19 months ago that he only had a short time left (he passed away a few weeks ago), his wants for worldy things would have been killed instantly and his priorities would have changed to surrendering to God-Guru with mind, body and wealth.
Actually today's news of Michael Jackson has also brought home the reality of death for many people, they were all planning and promoting his comeback tour in a few weeks time- where is all that now?  The  only reality is we are gong to leave this body sooner or later, just like the BILLIONS AND BILLIONS AND BILLIONS who have done so before us and the BILLIONS who will do so after us.  No one will remember our name or our existance or our stories in the long run, just as we dont remember the ones who have gone before us, the ones who dust our houses our built on.  Its very simple, when we forget Death we forget God.  So let our ego die before our body dies, before our time runs out.
Love and blessings to all the friends and family and fans of Michael Jackson and millions of others who have also died today but we never hear about.  Baba Ji said once that
Michael Jackson as with all talented people actually listened to their inner intuition, their inner feelings which is god within them and they lived by that and it made them successful.  Wereas others are living by their head and logic and never following their intuition - ignoreing their heart , their inner Guru.  Plus Baba Ji said whatever skill or talent god has given us, it is for us to use that to liv ein the world by serving others with it.  So Michael Jackson had the gift of music and dance and shared tht with the world, others can write , others can cook , others can heal - whatever it is listen to your inner voice, develop your talent and serve others with it.  Then the material and spiritual rewards come back to you multiplied.
Dust of your feet

A few thoughts - Seva, Michael Jackson, Death

Satnaam Satguru ji Satsangat ji- dandauth bandhana ji at your holy feet,
1)spoke to Deepa Ji on the phone yesterday, he is so blessed and his Mama and friend in the village - Aman have also had naam from Baba ji.
They got inspired after visiting dhan dhan Taranjeet Ji.  Last year when we went and did sangat with Deepa Ji and His mama ji, his mama ji spoke to baba ji
but was moreconcerend about getting blessed to have a child.  This time Deepa ji told us that after having sangat with Taranjit ji  all he wanted was Naam without desires.
Deepa Ji also asked how to get up early, he said he does ardas before going ot sleep and wakes up at 3am, but then cant get out of bed.  all we said to him was Deepa ji if you knew that you were going to die in a year, or in a month or in a weeks time, would you have any trouble getting up to do Simran?  At that God in him started laughin, laughing and laughing so loud, he said we had put him into Anand!  We replied, that when we forget death and start thinking we are going to be around for along time, we struggle to do simran.   I was actually thinking of Rajbir' jis email 19 months ago when he was asking about praying for worldy wants , he said "if we cant pray to god to fulfill our desires who do we ask" -- which showed he didnt want to give up asking for wants to be fullfilled.  But if he had known 19 months ago that he only had a short time left, his wants for worldy things would have been killed instantly and his priorities would have changed to surrendering to God-Guru with mind, body and wealth.
Actually today's news of Michael Jackson has also brought home the reality of death for many people, they were all planning and promoting his comeback tour in a few weeks time- where is all that now?  th eonly reality is we are gong to leave this body sooner or later, just like the BILLIONS AND BILLIONS AND BILLIONS who have done so before us and the BILLIONS who will do so after us.  No one will remember our name or our existance or our stories in the long run, just as we dont remember the ones who have gone before us, the ones who dust our houses our built on.  Its very simple, when we forget Death we forget God.  So let our ego die before our body dies, before our time runs out.
2) Also another thought, it is very hard to be a servant, a Sevak , a Dass - it is easy to read about but the hardest thing to surrender in service.  Last fwe months with guru ji's kirpa we have been tryingto serve family as sangat and not ordering anyone around, but this week heard under maya, heard ourself saying to others "you dont do anything"
"I do everything", "I spend an hour in the kitchen  while you watch TV , I would like to watch tv instead as well." 
Ego doesnt like being a servant at all, ego thinks its not fair others are not helping, ego is blind to seeing how much seva they are doing all the time without any recognition from us and just ungratefullness.
Even when we started editing the sukhmnai articles at XMAS it was the most difficult thing to do that instead of doing what "I" wanted, but still with Guru ji's kirpa we resolved we did not want to go back to how we were and to just do the seva.  But angry aggressive maya thoughts would come to criticise and get fed up with editing and we realised it was actually all the maya in side us that was getting agitated by the gurprasad in the articles and having to give up "my time".  After it was uploaed then Dassan Dass ji requested us to make a book, so with Guru ji's kirpa we resolved this time we will enjoy the seva , and we started taking our time and before each Pauri just said to god that He was doing His own seva, then our mind became really focussed for a while.
But still the mind comes back with maya and shows us how hard it is to truly surrender and seva of family , seva of satguru ji is what we need in order to see our own filth.  Like when we go to the gym and need some weights for resistance, then the muslces get stronger.  Seva causes resistance in the mind and that is what we need to wrok through.  Dhan Dhan are all the Dass's. Sevaks, Gurus and everyone who has surrendered and died in the seva of their SatGuru, only they know how to eat iron - to eat the uneatable, to bear the unbearable, to die whilst alive, to dive into the ocean of Light and be transformed in this world.
Dust of your feet

Thursday, 25 June 2009

a rapist asks to be forgiven.

Satnaam ji - dandauth bandhana ji,
this article is a living example of what Baba ji teaches us to do about our sins:-
1) admit we have done something wrong,
2) confess what we have done in the sangat,
3) pray for forgiveness from God-Guru,
4) apologize to the person you have hurt, because God is in their heart too, the very God tht we are trying to attain.
When we keep our misdeeds hidden away then we are living under the cover of darkness - under ego.
But a Sant is naked, a Sant's deeds are all out in the open.  Whatever He is on the inside is what He is also on the outside and then their is no guilt.
So that is whay Baba Ji says only a Sant lives in the Light, everyone else is living under the cover of darkness and doing misdeeds.
Dust of your feet

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

What does Gur Parsaad feel like?

Satnaam Ji - Dandauth Bandhana Ji.
What does Gur Parsaad - the Eternal Blessings, feel like?
How do we know when we are under the Gur Parsaad? 
Well, an easy way to understand is to look at the opposite, look at how we feel and think when we are not under Gur Parsaad.
I have had a strong expereince of this over the last few days so thought it woul dbe nice to share with the Sangat.
Over the last few weeks strong thoughts have come up about why am I not having spiritual expereinces any more.  This has lead to thoughts
of you must have done something wrong, you must have failed a test, you chose maya over the guru and now are back to square one.  These
thoughts built up every day, triggerring feelings of failure and despair that nothing I have done has turned out as I wanted. So a constant nagging feeling
was hanging over my head like a black cloud for the last few weeks, getting heavier and heavier. Then on sunday morning got up from Simran and
had felt some love for Baba Ji's lotus feet, but istead of becomgni humble did the opposite. 
Get upset with the kids for making a mess and not helping ot tidy up.
Said some upsetting things to our wife.
Fumed around the house like a control freak.
Then even stronger thoughts came that this spiritual path is not for everyone and I should give up another thing I've failed at.
Should just go into worldy pursuits and whatever.
Then I went and talked negatively about our wife with our parents.
The next day the cloud was still there heavy and strong.
No desire to pray for forgiveness, no desire to forgive anyone, just a stubborness that I was right, that the others aggravated me.
Then went back to eating some junk food - comfort eating and having a ong hot shower - more comfort.
Struggled to get to the gym, but didnt feel like training.
So then the Gur Parsaad started.
First, the thought came to look at the root cause of my state of mind, and the root cause was me sending out anger to the wife and kids after doing simran.
Then the realisation that I was reaping what I had sown.
Then the humblness to accept that it was my misdeed.
Then the acceptance that anger and ego is my own and I cannot blame anyone else for it.
Then apologising in my heart to God and the wife and kids for my bad behaviour and washing their feet in my heart whilst doing Sat Naam.
The mind cooled down alot.
Then another piece of wisdom that the past is just a trail behind us and what matters is the energy we bring to this current day.
Just like the sun comes out everyday blasting light into all the corners of the world, not taking long to shift the heavy darkness.
to be like the sun and not to worry about yesterdays failures, focus on being bright and full of energy today.
Then did our ardas to accept all of our mistakes and for the gift of Gur Parsaad of Naam and Seva.
With Gur Parsaad we sat down and did the editing seva of the Sukhmani book by Dassan Dass ji and within a few minutes our mind
went into humbleness, became focused on the words, became soothed and calm the more we read.  By the end we realised that the last few weeks 
had been an atttack of our own ego.  Ego is dying when we do more naam simran and seva, but ego tried one last time to stand up and tell us
that "I am a failure in the worldy pursuits and spiritual pursuits and relationships." so that I should go back to ego, to becoming something in the world.
But with Gur Parsaad we say to Baba Ji to please save us, we have seen the worldy pursuits and we will always be worse off compared to someone else and better off somprared to someone else, so we are happy we we are and dont want to ride into maya again on the horse of ego chasing desires.  
So always be alert as to the state of our mind - is it under Maya or under Gur Parsaad?
That is why Dassan Dass Ji has asked us to keep doing our ardas every 5 minutes for Gu Parsaad and also reading the articles on the website also cools the mind down, they are saturated in Gur Parsaad - eternal blessings of Dassan Dass Ji.
Dust of your feet

cat filth

satnaam ji - dandauth bandhana ji
when i didn't bother about the front garden, it was overgrown and messy.
But when we dug it up, weeded it, put new soil in and planted flowers, it looked very pretty.
That was until, the cat struck and started using the soft new soil as its toilet.
So everyday I have been trying different ways of deterring it - scatternig drawing pins,
spreading wood chip, covering the soil with bricks, but everyday the cat finds a way through do its poo.
So a part of us gets angrier and angrier, starts hating the cat, starts hating the cat owners who let their cats roam about.
Then with Gur Prasaad we have realised that
God is the Creator of the Garden of the Mind.
Guru is the Gardener who plants in us the seed of Naam and guides us.
Guru is the one who is weeding out the 5 thieves and showering us amrit.
Guru is the one who is making our mind garden beautiful.
So what am I?
I am the cat who tramples over the Guru's flowers of divine qualities planted so lovingly by the Guru,
and just does another poo of ego, anger, greed, attachment and lust.
Guru is the most patient and cleans us up again.
And I am the most stubborn and just poos again and again.
Dear Satguru ji, I fuly accept all of the misdeeds I have done under the influence of the 5 thieves, 
please forgive me and bless me with the Gur Parsaad of love, devotion and faith so I may blossom with Gur Parsaad of Naam, 
Naam Simran and Seva - Parupkaar (helping others) and Maha Parupkaar (saving others).
As for the cat in the garden, I forgive him as even his poo is part of nature - created by God - but I'm going to build a fence!!!!
Dust of your feet

Friday, 19 June 2009

Prayer for a Child

Satnaam Satguru SatSangat Ji,

With palm pressed together thank you for allowing me to join this group.Have learn so many humble words
from Harjit ji,Surinder ji,Dassandass ji and in satnaam info which i cannot describe.I am not even to the dust of all your feet.
Right from the bottom of my heart i meant it.

Please pray for this child.Her name is Hema Lata.She is having tumor on her forehead.(at her third eye)She had her operation done previously.
But now the growth came back causing her in so much agony.Doctors said that she cannot go for another operation cos it is too risky for her.But
doctor said they are going to take another scanning on her in the month of september to see how big is that growth.
Thank you very much.Pls forgive me if words wrongly said.

Dust of your feet.
Omana ji


Dear Satnaam Satguru Satsangat Ji,
Dandauth bandhana ji,
Dearest Baba Ji, you are the healer of healers,
the cure of all cures is your name , Sat Naam,
because of our karma we reap illness and sickness,
because of your grace you heal us.
Dearest Satguru ji, you are the creator of this body,
you are the knower of this body,
you are the sustainer of this body and its destroyer too.
This body is all your Satguru Ji,
please forgive us all of our faults and sins,
please bless us to merge with your Divine Light, Sat Naam, All Bright, all Healing,
please send all your love and healing to your daughter Hema Ji
through this difficult time.
Please send love and blessings to all the ones around her so they
may pray for her too, rather than worry.
Ik Oankaar SatNaam SatGurprasaad.
Ik Oankaar SatNaam SatGurprasaad.
Ik Oankaar SatNaam SatGurprasaad.
Ik Oankaar SatNaam SatGurprasaad.
Ik Oankaar SatNaam SatGurprasaad.
Dear SatNaam KartaPuarkh Ji, SatGuru ji, who are the Divine Mother of all,
please take this child close to your chest
and hug her inside your hirda
and wash her troubles away, as you deem best,
as you wish.
you are the Kindest of the Kind,
the most compassionate,
the Cherisher
these are all Your Names Lord,
May you always be with her.
Ang Sang Sat Naam
Ang Sang Sat Naam
dust of your feet

Pray for Rajbir Singh

Satnaam Satguru SatSangat Ji,
Please accept our head at your holiest of the holy lotus feet.
Please keep us under your Charan Saran always and forever.
In the same way that Rajbir Ji wrote that email only 18 months ago without knowing how close death was,
we are also living our lives thinking we will like to live a long imte, infact our daughter said to us when she was 6 that
she never wants to die.   But as we get older we all realise we will die, so Guru amar Dass Ji expresses this feeling and gives us the answer on how to truly die
ikAw jwxw ikv mrhgy kYsw mrxw hoie ]
jy kir swihbu mnhu n vIsrY qw sihlw mrxw hoie ]

Third Mehla:
What do I know? How will I die? What sort of death will it be?
If I do not forget the Lord Master from my mind, then my death will be easy.
The world is terrified of death; everyone longs to live.
By Guru's Grace, one who dies while yet alive, understands the Lord's Will.
O Nanak, one who dies such a death, lives forever. ||2||

Dearest Dassan Dass Ji, thankyou for telling us about your supremely blessed father.  Neither have you cried, neither have you wailed at the passing of your father.  You have seen gold and dust as the same, you have lived what Gurbani has taught us, you are Gurbani in the flesh.  We bow to your feet.
AwpixAw syvkw kI Awip pYj rKY AwpixAw Bgqw kI pYrI pwvY ]
He Himself preserves the honor of His servants;
He causes others to fall at the feet of His devotees.
The whole world has been blessed through your father with your presence.
Dnu DMnu ipqw Dnu DMnu kulu Dnu Dnu su jnnI ijin gurU jixAw mwie ]
Blessed, blessed is the father;
blessed, blessed is the family;
blessed, blessed is the mother,
Thankyou for giving us all this seva to do so that sinners like us can have a chance to be ferried across.
Please forgive us for all our ego, all our fears of losing our worldy possesions including fear of losing this body , losing the children, losing the house, losing the wife and parents.  Forgive us for not having enough faith that the Guru is taking care of everything, to release the fears and to go into full faith that Satgur tumaray kaaj savaaray.  thankyou for every day giving us another chance to pass the tests.
dust of your hoy feet
2009/6/18 SURINDER SINGH <>

Guru Pyare Harjit Jee Satnaam Ji.


God bless this soul with the Gurparsaad in his next life. He was a good soul. It is all the Hukam that prevails. But this is not the end of life, there is a next opportunity for him to realize his spiritual dreams. Our father also passed away on June 8th. He was 100+ years and until recently he took care of himself. We knew his time has come so we spent a week with him just before his departure. He had excellent health all along. We spoke to Baba Ji on June 3rd and Baba Ji also said that he has very little time left.


Looking at the communications with Rajbir Ji, we think it will be a good idea to consolidate all such communications with various people in the form of another book on the net. These communications will help a lot of people to get answers to their questions. Eventually these can also be published in the form of a book. You might be able to delegate this work to somebody else as you are busy preparing the Sukhmani Sahib. Harmeet, Jaspal, or Taranjeet may be able to help you.


We deeply appreciate your seva. God bless you with all the eternal treasures.


Dassan Dass    

--- On Thu, 6/18/09, Harjit <> wrote:

From: Harjit <>
Subject: [Truth] Pray for Rajbir singh
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 11:52 AM

Satnaam Satguru Ji Dassan Dass Ji,
Dandauth bandhana ji,
just read on facebook that this person Rajbir Singh who emailed you a few years ago has passed away - dont know the details.
I did not know him more than this email and pictures on facebook.
Please pray for his soul.
His death reminds us that young can die too - he was in his 20s, and we need to keep focused on Bandagi with your grace.
We did have a few email conversations with him but he never stayed in touch and never got to the stage of asking for the Naam.
Dust of your feet

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SURINDER SINGH <dassandass3@>
Date: 2007/1/4
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re Sukhmani societies
To: rajbir22@gmail. com
Cc: satsatsat@gmail. com

Dear Singh ji

I realise I am much lower than you in a lot of respects. You are spiritually advanced soul. But there is something i read on the web site I felt the need to ask you.

RESPONSE:We are just a humble servant – charan dhool of the entire creation, worth of nothing, just a slave of the slaves. You are most welcome to ask any questions, we are not capable of answering any of your questions, it is the Gurkirpa and Gur Parsaad that makes things happen – there is only one Karta and He is the Supreme Doer and with His eternal grace and Gur Parsaad we will try to answer your questions. One thing more we would like to present at your shree charans is that with the Gur Parsaad and Gur Kirpa this website is dedicated to Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva – Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar, which is what is the true divine essence of the entire Gurbani and the true divine essence of the lives-(their Dhan Dhan Kamai) of the Guru Sahibans and all the Puran Sants, Puran Braham Gyanis and Satgurus of all ages.  

As per my understanding the main and sole objective of this life is naam-simran, however, Gurbani doesn't say we should not ask for material benefits. Afterall everything is Him and to live this life material things are required. Even bhagats asked Him for food, shelter and other things - there are two such instances in Aarti.
RESPONSE:The sole objective of human life is not just Naam Simran – but the sole objective and purpose of the human life is to reach salvation – obtain Jivan Mukti – Mukti from Maya – Mukti from Janam Maran Key Bandhan – and go back and merge in the Nirgun Saroop – become one with the AlmightY, reach the Braham Gyan State and go in to a Sada Sukhi Statge – always and forever in the eternal divine bliss, and not keep on running after Maya. So in order to achieve this sole objective of the human life the Gur Parsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva is an essential part and that is what this website and the Satsangat is dedicated to. When everything is Him then don't you think that He knows about your needs as well – when He is sitting inside you – the life element inside you is nothing but God Himself – your physical body runs only due to the Jyot inside you – when the Jyot is withdrawn the physical body dies, so where is the question of asking for anything – do you think that if you ask Him for anything He will give you just like that? And how many times your desires have been fullfilled just by asking Him – Puran Bandgi is winning over the Maya – Panj Doots and Desires – and keeping the desires alive becomes a reason for your reincarnation – Janam Maran Kaa Bandhan – and your sole objective of human life is to get out of this Janam Maran Kaa Bandhan. Those Bhagats which you are referring to were Puran Braham Gyanis – and they have recited Gurbani after reaching the Puran Braham Gyan Stage – so if you reach the Puran Braham Gyan stage then all your desires are conquered, all your Doots are conquered – so do you think that Aarti describes the physical needs and desires of these Bhagats? Or something else? Gurbani is not that easy to understand – it is the language of Sach Khand – it has come from Sach Khand – it has come from Almighty – so how can you understand the depth of the Gurbani without taking a deep dive in to the Mansarovar – it is like asking a forth grader to solve a rocket science problem. The meaning of the Gurbani changes when your Bandgi moves from Dharam Khand to Gyan Khand to Saram Khand to Karam Khand and then to Sach Khand, so inorder to get a glimpse of the Mansarovar you will have to go through the process of Puran Bandgi and earn Jivan Mukti. Please read the First Ashtpadi of Sukhmani Bani – to understand what happens when we collect naam Ki Kamai – Prabh Key Simran Karaj Purey, Prabh Key Simran Gyan Dhyaan Tatt Budh, Prabh Key Simran Ridh Sidh Nao Nidh – by doing Naam Ki Kamai you can achieve a lot more than the worldly comforts, you can obtain all the eternal treasures. Also please read the Gur Parsaadi writings on Gurbani (Harjit Ji Please send him the appropriate links). So if you have to ask for why not ask for God Himself – the Gur Parsaad of His Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva and once you get that then all your Doots and desires will be conquered and the entire creation will become yours.         

The purpose of this email is not to contradict what you are trying to achieve through your website(more awareness of true religion), but it is to seek answers to the questions I have.
RESPONSE:Everything is in Akal Purakh's Hukam so there is no contradiction, we are very thankful to the Almighty for giving us an opportunity to a truth seeker like you – again the purpose of this website is to bring out the eternal truth – about the Gur Parsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva and help the Sat Sangat realize their sole objective of being in human life – Jivan Mukti.

So continuing with my query, I would like to know who do ask for material things if not God. There is an understanding that material things follow you once you focus on Lord and His name, Gurbani also says so. But people are distressed and they need material comforts.
RESPONSE:Your material gains are connected to your Karams – Jeyha Beejey So Luney Karma Sandra Kheyt – whatever you will sow so shall you reap – this is a mandatory divine law – you are the creator of your own destiny – if your Karams are Sat Karams then your future will be good, if your Karams are Asat Karams then your future will be full of pains and sorrows – so make all your Karams Sat Karams and shape your future accordingly. Based on your past Karams your current destiny is carved in stone – no matter what you are bound to pay for your bad deeds and enjoy the benefit of your good deeds oin the past of your this life and all the previous lives – so why not start now to concentrate on Sat Karams – and highest Sat Karam for you at this time is to focus on Sat Naam Simran and keep on praying for the Gur Parsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva. So focusing on Lord's Naam is not a mere understanding but it is a divine law and promise of the Guru – if you do so then you will get all the benefits that are described in Sukhmani Bandi First Ashtpadi .Material comforts will not take people out of the distress – desires are the reason for distress – there is no end to the desires – when one is fulfilled then there sill be a few nmore – and when the desires are not fulfilled then there is disappointment – and continued disappointment leads to mental dipression and physical and mental ailments – material comforts will never be able to diminish the desires – only the Gur Parsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and seva will be able to win over the desires and Doots – your needs are fullfilled but not he desires – so desires is the main reason for the distress and only Naam can help remove this distress.

Bhagvad Gita says there are 4 types of people who come to Lord - one in distress, one who nead material benefits, the inquisitive and finally those who are seeking absolute truth. And Lord loves them all, though He loves the last two categories more than first two, because they are selfless.
RESPONSE:Lord loves them all the same, Lord's love is not different for different category of people, Lord is single vision – Ik Drisht – for Him all are equal, so where is the question of discrimination – it is the destiny that is different, everyone's destiny is unique, because everone's Karams are different – destiny is a function of your Karams – so the ones who get the cosmic conciousness their Karni goes in to a more and more pious and pavittar mode and their Karams become more and more Sat Karams and that way they are able to divert their destiny closer to the Almighty and eventually get the Gur Parsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva and they make their life sublime by achieving Jivan Mukti, and the ones who are absorbed in the worldly comforts and material gains remain drenched in the scum of Maya and continue to do so until they start to realize the sole purpose of their human life and start to work towards getting the Gur Parsaad.

These four classes can also be seen as four stages a lot of people go through.
As far as reciting Sukhmani is concerned, the recitation itself purifies the environment. So even if people are reciting it for material benefits they are getting purified by listeneing to Gurbani, which glorifies none else than the Supereme Lord.
RESPONSE:Reciting Gurbani is a Sat Karam, but doing Gurbani is a much higher level of Sat Karams, reading Sukhmani is a Sat Karam but doing what Sukhmani is telling you to do is the highest level of Sat Karam – PRABH KAA SIMRAN SABH TEY OONCHA, PRABH KEY SIMRAN SEHAJ SAMANI, PRABH KEY SIMRAN DARGEH MAANI, HARI SIMRAN MEH AAP NIRANKAARAA. So what would you like to do – recite Sukhmani or do Sukhmani, read Gurbani or become Gurbani – read Gurbani or do Gurbani – read Gurbani or become what Gurbani wants you to become. The purification of Hirda is the key – bringing your Hirda in Puran Sachyari Rehat and fill it with all the divine qualities is the key and you can purify the environment only by purification of your Hirda. So reading is not the key, doing is the key – that is why Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak Patshah Ji have very clearly described in Asa Di Vaar – Padh Padh Gadda laddye . . . . . . Naam will purify the Hirda and nothing less then that – Naam Simran and Naam Ki Kamai will purify the Hirda and for purification of the environment a pure Hirda is needed – that is why where there is  Braham Gyani Sitting that place becomes purified.

There are a lot of instances in Gurbani where there is a mention of Kamdhenu- the holy cow that fulfills all wishes. There is mention of Lord as fulfiller of all material desires. So I think there is nothing wrong in asking for material benefits- moreover it depends on one's mental state. People like me who are not spiritually advanced will ask for material benefits under the influence of material nature and it is not easy to change it overnight. So I think we should not be judgemental of other people like me, who are much below the spiritual ladder than other more advanced people. It is just like punishing a child who has intellect of 4 year old and can't understand or make sense of a concept which requires an intellectual level of 10 yr old. Another way of looking at this would be to consider that even though the 4 year old child might have understanding of the concepts of a 10 year old's level, he might not be able to implement those in his life because he has other restrictions- health, physical strength, mental strength. Similarly people might have a lot material sufferings to deal with before they surrender to Him. Lust for material benfits is one of the diseases, and listening to Sukhmani - whatever their intentions is only going to help them.
RESPONSE:A common person will not be able to get an access to the Kamdhenu just like that, Gurbani also tells us that the Akal Purakh is ever ready to give us all the Ridhis and Sidhis (for that matter there is no treasure bigger then these supernatural powers, which live under the charans of the ones who Trehu Gun Tey Parey – means who won over the Maya) so if you are thinking that Kamdhenu is sitting there to fulfil the wishes of a common person then that is an illusion, these are the rewards which are given to the Bhagat when He reaches the Puran Bandgi stage. There is nothing wrong in asking for material things (but your rewards will be only according to your destiny)– but that is not counted as Bandgi – Puran Bandgi is possible only without asking for anything – it can't be conditional or based on material desires, and we are not being judgemental in anyway, we are just trying to bring out the eternal truth in simpler and plain words – if you want to get absorbed in God give your Tunn Munn and Dhan to the Gur and Guru – complete surrender with comittment and belief, faith and trust, devotion and love, and pray for the Gur Parsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva. Preaching for Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva is not punishing anybody, it is the Gur Parsaad and can really make you to grow to the heights of the spiritual world and achieve all the eternal treasures. Puran Bandgi is a path of giving giving and giving and not asking for anything except Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar.

I agree with the need to have a lot of Naam Simran societies in the world, at the same time saying that the sole outcome of Sukhmani societies in India is material benefits would be wrong. I am not in touch with any society at present, but when I was very young I used to accompany my cousin ( who was 15 years older to me and was member of a Sukhmani society) every sunday to society's programs.
RESPONSE:Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva is a Gur Parsaad and can't be run by any kind of societies or organizations, that is another big illusion in the minds of those who think like that. A Puran Braham Gyani is a custodian of this Gur Parsaad which can't be achieved through these societies. We are not talking about any such societies at all.

I still remeber they never charged any money from people hosting such recitations, they also insisted that parsad should be simple so that everyone can afford it. As i can remeber their sole aim was to raise awareness of this precious resource- Sukhmani sahib, and thus make people better sikhs.

I am sorry I may have offended you by writing something, that you might find objectionable. Please forgive this ignorant sewak of yours if I have in any way hurt you or anybody else. And please enlighten me on anything you think is appropriate, all sugestions based on Gurbani are welcome.
RESPONSE:There is nothing offensive at all, all your questions are welcome, hope you find answers to your questions, all our Bandgi has been by doing Gurbani so all the Gur Parsaadee writings posted on the website www.satnaam. info are based on actual physical experiences, whatever Gurbani says has come true to us, Sukhmani has come true to us, whatever Gurbani says is happening physically to us on a daily basis, rewards of doing Gurbani are beyond description and are being experienced by us and other members of our Sat Sangat on a daily basis.

Thanks for your precious time, I pray to Lord for the company of spiritually advanced devotees of His.

Kind Regards

Rajbir singh
RESPONSE:Please feel free to communicate – more questions? God bless you, Dassan Dass


Meditate Upon The Truth <satsatsat@gmail. com> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rajbir singh <rajbir22@gmail. com>
Date: Jan 3, 2007 7:38 PM
Subject: Re Sukhmani societies
Dear Singh ji

I realise I am much lower than you in a lot of respects. You are spiritually advanced soul. But there is something i read on the web site I felt the need to ask you.

As per my understanding the main and sole objective of this life is naam-simran, however, Gurbani doesn't say we should not ask for material benefits. Afterall everything is Him and to live this life material things are required. Even bhagats asked Him for food, shelter and other things - there are two such instances in Aarti.

The purpose of this email is not to contradict what you are trying to achieve through your website(more awareness of true religion), but it is to seek answers to the questions I have.

So continuing with my query, I would like to know who do ask for material things if not God. There is an understanding that material things follow you once you focus on Lord and His name, Gurbani also says so. But people are distressed and they need material comforts.

 Bhagvad Gita says there are 4 types of people who come to Lord - one in distress, one who nead material benefits, the inquisitive and finally those who are seeking absolute truth. And Lord loves them all, though He loves the last two categories more than first two, because they are selfless.

These four classes can also be seen as four stages a lot of people go through.
As far as reciting Sukhmani is concerned, the recitation itself purifies the environment. So even if people are reciting it for material benefits they are getting purified by listeneing to Gurbani, which glorifies none else than the Supereme Lord.

There are a lot of instances in Gurbani where there is a mention of Kamdhenu- the holy cow that fulfills all wishes. There is mention of Lord as fulfiller of all material desires. So I think there is nothing wrong in asking for material benefits- moreover it depends on one's mental state. People like me who are not spiritually advanced will ask for material benefits under the influence of material nature and it is not easy to change it overnight. So I think we should not be judgemental of other people like me, who are much below the spiritual ladder than other more advanced people. It is just like punishing a child who has intellect of 4 year old and can't understand or make sense of a concept which requires an intellectual level of 10 yr old. Another way of looking at this would be to consider that even though the 4 year old child might have understanding of the concepts of a 10 year old's level, he might not be able to implement those in his life because he has other restrictions- health, physical strength, mental strength. Similarly people might have a lot material sufferings to deal with  before they surrender to Him. Lust for material benfits is one of the diseases, and listening to Sukhmani - whatever their intentions is only going to help them.

I agree with the need to have a lot of Naam Simran societies in the world, at the same time saying that the sole outcome of Sukhmani societies in India is material benefits would be wrong. I am not in touch with any society at present, but when I was very young I used to accompany my cousin ( who was 15 years older to me and was member of a Sukhmani society) every sunday to society's programs.
I still remeber they never charged any money from people hosting such recitations, they also insisted that parsad should be simple so that everyone can afford it. As i can remeber their sole aim was to raise awareness of this precious resource- Sukhmani sahib, and thus make people better sikhs.

I am sorry I may have offended you by writing something, that you might find objectionable. Please forgive this ignorant sewak of yours if I have in any way hurt you or anybody else. And please enlighten me on anything you think is appropriate, all sugestions based on Gurbani are welcome.

Thanks for your precious time, I pray to Lord for the company of spiritually advanced devotees of His.

Kind Regards

Rajbir singh

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Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Feeling frustrated by lack of spiritual expereinces?

Satnaam Ji - Dandauth Bandhana ji
A dear Bibi ji expressed her frustration at not having divine experiences since receving Gurprasadi Naam even though she is doing 1-2 hrs simran most days.
Here is the reply from Dassan Dass ji which can help us all, followed by our reply which expands on it.
Ik Oankaar Satnaam Satgur Parsaad
Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Parmesar Ji
Dhan Dhan Gur Guru Satgur Gurbani Sat Sangat Satnaam
Guru Pyare Jee:
God bless you
As you said earning drop by drop makes the foundation stronger and not shackable by any amount of negative forces around you. Physical Sangat is important but not necessary.  Inperson meeting will happen whenever it is destined to happen. But spiritual meeting is happening with every time you recite Satnaam inside you. Spiritually we are always and forever with you. As you improve your Naam Simran and go in to longer sessions of Satnaam Simran, your spiritual progress will keep on enhancing. Missing a day is not an option. Satnaam Simran should be the highest priority of your life. 100% dedication and surrender is a mandatory divine law which divinity follows and rewards. Giving Tunn Munn and Dhan at the Sat Charans of the Satguru is the key to the Dargah, which is not impossible but a difficult task to perform. Every one's Bandgi is unique, and so is yours, therefore, we can understand and see  your thirst for achieveing the eternal truth and will pray for you. Longer sessions of Satnaam Simran will take you in to Samaadhi and Sunn Smaadhee – longer sessions are over 2.5 hours at a time. First two hours your Simran is on earth then it goes in to the Dargah, so that is what you need to do, Satnaam Simran for 4-6 hours in the early morning hours starting from midnight onwards will help you a great deal. This will open all your divine doors. Just reading the writings helps but doing what the writing says is the key to success. We hope we have reiterated what you need to do and what will happen when you do what you are told to do.
God bless you with all the eternal treasures.
Dassan Dass  
Satnaam SatGuru Ji and Dear bhenjee Surinder ji,
right now I am also feeling as you have described in your email.
Feeling frustrated that those things aren't happening to me that I read about in the lifestories and hear about in the sangat.
And when we do sit down to meditate for longer - just go into a drowsy state, rather than alert, probably sleeping and having silly dreams than anything.  Then on finishing feeling that this is very difficult.  Then even wondering if we are doing it right and what we are doing wrong.  Even the thought crosses our mind to give up - some people are destined to meet God and majority are not in this lifetime.  
With guru ji's kirpa we have realised that this is all a trap of the mind.
To read other's achievements, - like Dassan Dass ji's lifestory.  Then to have that as a target for ourself, then to beat ourself up when we dont experience those same things.
It is a trap because firstly, the spiritual expereinces are not in our hands AT ALL.  They are in God's hand.  He is the Master.
My job is to teach my ego to become the slave (banda) and to do bandagi (divine slavery) without complaints, without targets and goals.  Just with pure love and devotion.  and actually reading Dassan Dass Ji's words more carefully , he has written too that he knew nothing of these spiritual things or Khands when he started, only that he loved Baba Ji and just did what baba ji said to him - the rest just happened as and when God wanted it too.
Look at how much long and hard seva the Guru Sahib and Bhagats did in order to realise God.  Bhai Lehna ji did all the seemingly crazy things when Guru Nanak Jis sons wouldnt.  Bhai Amaru - an old man walked in the ealry hours through the forsest to get the water for his Guru's bath - even through storms even when people called him mad.  Bhai Jetha ji rebuilt the platform 7 times without getting frustrated and calling his Guru amar das ji a fool as his brother in law did after the fourth time.  Guru Arjun Dev ji sat away from his Guru in Lahore writing letters full of love to come home and meet His Guru again.  Guru Arjun Dev ji gave his mind body and wealth - everything and so on.
We need to learn that this path is all about giving everything - becoming a slave for however long it takes until ego finally dies and stops tormenting us "you haven't achieved anything, you need to do x y and z"  - we need to look inside and find the root cause of our frustration, and it is ego.  so why are we still doing simran with ego?  We are we desparate to have fantastic spiritual expereinces, when really the path of all the bhagats has been to take as much hardship as possible for the love of the Guru sukh deh te tujhee aradhee dukh bee tujay dhiayaa ..if you give me Sukh i will take your support, and even in Dukh I will still surrender everything to you.
So do simran for hours on end and instead of judging ourself on the scale of our spiritual expereinces or lack of them, lets not judge.  Its not a slves place to judge.  Lets just put our head at the feet of the Guru and say thankyou for what you have given us today and thankyou for what you , in your great wisdom, have not given us as well.  Please bless us how you wish, however you want to, whenever you want to, please give us the Gurprasad of love , devotion and belief,   please bless us with more and more awareness of what the panj dhoots are doing to us, pleae fill us with more and more divine qualities.
And let us not forget what God has already given us, even if we spent the rest of our life just saying Sat Naam, it wouldnt even be enough to thank god for what he already has done for us - given us this body, this breath, the beautiful flowers, the chance to be a human , good people around us, money to spend, good health and the priceless gift of gurprasaadi naam - which we can never repay God for.   The mind forgets that god is the Master, vast, infinite, the owner of Everything, the Doer of everything, but somehow we think that sayng His name for a few hours a day for a few months, we are now worthy of some big spiritual rewards.
We forget Lord how great you are, we are lost in ego, we do simran in ego, we complain in ego, we get desparate in ego, we have got nothing good about us, we have not even surrendered one thing.  Dear Satnaam Satguru ji, as many drops as there are in the ocean are as many sins in me, so how can the Purest of the Pure come and reside in me?  Only by your grace Guru ji, make me pure, forgive my sins, teach me for i am your stupid and ignorant child.
Let us not forget to earn the 32 virtues to string them in our necklace.  Lets start with compassion, lets feed the birds everyday , lets water the plants, lets speak kindly to the children, lets offer food to others before we eat , lets feel love in our heart for every heart like god loves every heart.   Dassan Dass ji has taught us to excercise these divine qualities in our life everyday, they have no limits, there is no limit to how compassionate we can becomes.  Dassan Dass ji has said that these are the real Infinite Divne Powers of the Lord, and they are something we can actually do and that actually do bring peace to our mind, do clean us up, do make our are purer place.   Then move onto the other virtues too (see and earn them all.  Lets forget about trying to have spiritual expereinces and boosting our ego and having targets and goals because it is all ego based and that is why it leads to frustration and desparation.
But what will happen one day, is that when we become a total slave, living for others, accepting every crumb that falls to this dog from Gods table with humble gratitude, that one day when our heart is pure enough, then there is nothing to stop god appearing in that space.  Like air rushes into a vacuum.  when ego disappears God rushes in.
Jub hum hothay tub thoo nahee
ab tuhee ma nahee
Whilst "I" resided, You did not
but when You did, "I" did not!  - Gurbani.
Become the lowest, of the lowest of the low
the slave of the slave of the slaves
the servant of God's servants
the one who cares not for gold or dust
cares not about reputation or dishonour
cares not about being rich or poor
cares only about others
gives everything
for the love of Guru
and walks every step with Satnaam in their heart
breathes every breath for Satnaam
enjoys every ray of sunshine like a blossimg flower
follows the hukam to NOT MISS A DAY like the sun and moon follow the hukam to bring day and night every day.
We can focus on all the little things that God is doing for us every moment, the smile on a childs face, the wind on our face,
the food on our plate, the good thoughts in our mind and so many more and that leads to peace and an attitude of gareebi ves hirda - humble heart.   Or we can be blind to all those things and focus on what we haven't got - haven had this expereince, havent had that expereince and end up with frustration due to ego.
Baba Ji said to us the first ime we met him, "I say to God why do I need to see you in siritual realms, when you are permeating everything, when you are right here in everything and everyone."  Baba ji said dont go for spiritual expereinces as many people in his sangat did and when the tests came they fell from Grace because they hadn't conquered their ego. so baba ji said to us, beat your ego, defeat your five thieves - thats all and that is something we can do with Gods grace and leave the rest to the Master as and when he wantss.
Thankyou for putting your feelings in email, it has helped me too in sending this reply with Gods grace
Sabh ako dhan dhan dhan gur soi.
sabh akhi dhan dhan dhan gur soi
everyone say Supremely blessed blessed blessed is our God-Guru.
Everything comes at the right time, in the right place, you can go to local gurdwara and do seva, see Satgur ji sitting infront, see Satguru ji;'s sangat in everyone, wipe their shoes with love, take donations of food and cook and serve every heart as it is Satguru ji, help whoever asks you, any good thoughts towards others that come in your mind - just do them.  Any bad thoughts just ask for forgiveness.  Do simran whilst listening to kirtan, do it moringin and evening and whenver you get a chance.  Every 5 minutes keep doing ardas for gurprasaad and asking for forgiveness, keep praising God and Guru in nature, be kind to anything and everyone, become nothing and EVERYTHING (God) comes to you.
dust of your feet

Sunday, 14 June 2009

How does one receive Naam?

Satnaam Ji
Dandauth bandhana Ji
 beloved soul asked how does one take the Naam?  Here is Baba Ji's divine words on this topic.
The most important thing to understand is that only the ones who are pre-destined to recieve the Naam, will have the feeling and thirst to pray for it.  And when their time comes after accumulation of many good deeds, they will meet God in the heart of the Sant-Guru for destined for them.
Also Baba Ji has given the internet Seva to Dassan Dass ji so please feel free to email him personally on if you feel the divine thirst.
dust of your feet

Friday, 12 June 2009

conversation with baba ji this week

Dandauth Bandhana Ji
With Satnaam Satguru ji's kirpa we have spoken to Baba ji this week and would like to share the following with the Sangat Ji:
When dealing with mental stress and bad health due to separation/divorce :
Take the Naam and start doing Sat Naam simran. Secondly forgive others for whatever they have done to you, thirdly confess everything that you have done as well and pray to God for forgiveness too.  Baba ji said, dont feel bad if you are not married now.  God doesnt care if you are married or single.  He just wants us to be married to deeds of truth, that is what counts.  So now is your chance to do deeds of Truth.
Also skin problems and so on is all a result of stressful thinking.  So Baba ji said make sure you have a good diet, good thinking and take some of these supplements like B12  and Ginko Biloba morning and night.   Also other products like Blueberry and Pomengranet Juice is very high in anti-oxidants and helps if taken daily.  Plus drinking Green Tea instead of caffine laced products like tea and coffee.
Baba Ji said learn to live outside the box, Nanak, Christ, Mohammed all went to Truth consciousness and lived outside the norms of their cultures and traditions.  The box is just made by our fears, traditions, habits and dreams and it is only ego that feels suicidal when things dont stay in the box.  But living outside the box means you are in good company if you get married to deeds of Truth.
Coping with bodily disorders
Much of the population is living with some problem or the other.  Many of these are genetic.  Like women who have excess body hair, or boys who have hair all over their face and where in the past called Wolfmen.   Just learn to accept that this is all part of the cosmic soup and genes are crossed over in reproduction.  So some problems are not going to go away because they are part of genes crossing over.  The thing is not to get down about it.  also others shouldn't tease anyone who is different from them.  Tht is their egotistical nasty side coming out.  Remember that the heart doesn't see physical condition, love is blind, and no matter what the condition, love will come to you.
Dust of your feet

Thursday, 11 June 2009

A Sant lives to drink the poison

Satnaam ji - Dandauth Bandhna ji

a sant lives to drink the poison and the pain of the sangat, it is so easy for them to burn it, and so difficult for us, they take our pain and lighten our load, the Sant carries the whole sangat on His back, the Sant is here for that purpose and that purpose only - living for others.

Asking for spiritual help is nothing to feel bad about, so please do ask, do pour your heart out, do let out all of your troubles , questions, hurts, pains , stress, hopes , fears, anxieties.  Confess our misdeeds, pray to the Sant for forgiveness and at the same time forgive others for whatever is bothering us.  In this way free your mind, free your soul and become a Sant yourself to help others too.

When I met Dassan Dass ji, he showed me a scar on his tummy and said that was from all the posion he had taken from me - and he smiled and was happy to have done it.  Their one recitation of God's Name cleans up millions of souls from Hell, whereas millions of recitations of God's Name from us doesnt even clean us up!!
Dust of your feet

Monday, 1 June 2009

Thankyou for being in my life.

Satnaam Ji, Dandauth Bandhana Ji,
With Guru ji's kirpa just found this poem we wrote  few years back for appreciating what Dassan Dass ji and Baba Ji have done for us.
Everything I have,
Everything i own -
Mind, body, wealth, 
This property, this home,
Nothing is mine,
Nothing under my control,
Everything is Yours -
Mind body and soul,
I give it back to You
My Guru.
You are True,
Through and Through.
Thankyou -
Thankyou for being in my life,
For keeping your hand above my head,
For giving me hope always and forever.
Dust of your feet

Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52