A dear Bibi ji expressed her frustration at not having divine experiences since receving Gurprasadi Naam even though she is doing 1-2 hrs simran most days.
Here is the reply from Dassan Dass ji which can help us all, followed by our reply which expands on it.
Satnaam SatGuru Ji and Dear bhenjee Surinder ji,
right now I am also feeling as you have described in your email.
Feeling frustrated that those things aren't happening to me that I read about in the lifestories and hear about in the sangat.
And when we do sit down to meditate for longer - just go into a drowsy state, rather than alert, probably sleeping and having silly dreams than anything. Then on finishing feeling that this is very difficult. Then even wondering if we are doing it right and what we are doing wrong. Even the thought crosses our mind to give up - some people are destined to meet God and majority are not in this lifetime.
With guru ji's kirpa we have realised that this is all a trap of the mind.
To read other's achievements, - like Dassan Dass ji's lifestory. Then to have that as a target for ourself, then to beat ourself up when we dont experience those same things.
It is a trap because firstly, the spiritual expereinces are not in our hands AT ALL. They are in God's hand. He is the Master.
My job is to teach my ego to become the slave (banda) and to do bandagi (divine slavery) without complaints, without targets and goals. Just with pure love and devotion. and actually reading Dassan Dass Ji's words more carefully , he has written too that he knew nothing of these spiritual things or Khands when he started, only that he loved Baba Ji and just did what baba ji said to him - the rest just happened as and when God wanted it too.
Look at how much long and hard seva the Guru Sahib and Bhagats did in order to realise God. Bhai Lehna ji did all the seemingly crazy things when Guru Nanak Jis sons wouldnt. Bhai Amaru - an old man walked in the ealry hours through the forsest to get the water for his Guru's bath - even through storms even when people called him mad. Bhai Jetha ji rebuilt the platform 7 times without getting frustrated and calling his Guru amar das ji a fool as his brother in law did after the fourth time. Guru Arjun Dev ji sat away from his Guru in Lahore writing letters full of love to come home and meet His Guru again. Guru Arjun Dev ji gave his mind body and wealth - everything and so on.
We need to learn that this path is all about giving everything - becoming a slave for however long it takes until ego finally dies and stops tormenting us "you haven't achieved anything, you need to do x y and z" - we need to look inside and find the root cause of our frustration, and it is ego. so why are we still doing simran with ego? We are we desparate to have fantastic spiritual expereinces, when really the path of all the bhagats has been to take as much hardship as possible for the love of the Guru ..je sukh deh te tujhee aradhee dukh bee tujay dhiayaa ..if you give me Sukh i will take your support, and even in Dukh I will still surrender everything to you.
So do simran for hours on end and instead of judging ourself on the scale of our spiritual expereinces or lack of them, lets not judge. Its not a slves place to judge. Lets just put our head at the feet of the Guru and say thankyou for what you have given us today and thankyou for what you , in your great wisdom, have not given us as well. Please bless us how you wish, however you want to, whenever you want to, please give us the Gurprasad of love , devotion and belief, please bless us with more and more awareness of what the panj dhoots are doing to us, pleae fill us with more and more divine qualities.
And let us not forget what God has already given us, even if we spent the rest of our life just saying Sat Naam, it wouldnt even be enough to thank god for what he already has done for us - given us this body, this breath, the beautiful flowers, the chance to be a human , good people around us, money to spend, good health and the priceless gift of gurprasaadi naam - which we can never repay God for. The mind forgets that god is the Master, vast, infinite, the owner of Everything, the Doer of everything, but somehow we think that sayng His name for a few hours a day for a few months, we are now worthy of some big spiritual rewards.
We forget Lord how great you are, we are lost in ego, we do simran in ego, we complain in ego, we get desparate in ego, we have got nothing good about us, we have not even surrendered one thing. Dear Satnaam Satguru ji, as many drops as there are in the ocean are as many sins in me, so how can the Purest of the Pure come and reside in me? Only by your grace Guru ji, make me pure, forgive my sins, teach me for i am your stupid and ignorant child.
Let us not forget to earn the 32 virtues to string them in our necklace. Lets start with compassion, lets feed the birds everyday , lets water the plants, lets speak kindly to the children, lets offer food to others before we eat , lets feel love in our heart for every heart like god loves every heart. Dassan Dass ji has taught us to excercise these divine qualities in our life everyday, they have no limits, there is no limit to how compassionate we can becomes. Dassan Dass ji has said that these are the real Infinite Divne Powers of the Lord, and they are something we can actually do and that actually do bring peace to our mind, do clean us up, do make our are purer place. Then move onto the other virtues too (see
http://www.satnaam.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=43&Itemid=13) and earn them all. Lets forget about trying to have spiritual expereinces and boosting our ego and having targets and goals because it is all ego based and that is why it leads to frustration and desparation.
But what will happen one day, is that when we become a total slave, living for others, accepting every crumb that falls to this dog from Gods table with humble gratitude, that one day when our heart is pure enough, then there is nothing to stop god appearing in that space. Like air rushes into a vacuum. when ego disappears God rushes in.
Jub hum hothay tub thoo nahee
ab tuhee ma nahee
Whilst "I" resided, You did not
but when You did, "I" did not! - Gurbani.
Become the lowest, of the lowest of the low
the slave of the slave of the slaves
the servant of God's servants
the one who cares not for gold or dust
cares not about reputation or dishonour
cares not about being rich or poor
cares only about others
gives everything
for the love of Guru
and walks every step with Satnaam in their heart
breathes every breath for Satnaam
enjoys every ray of sunshine like a blossimg flower
follows the hukam to NOT MISS A DAY like the sun and moon follow the hukam to bring day and night every day.
We can focus on all the little things that God is doing for us every moment, the smile on a childs face, the wind on our face,
the food on our plate, the good thoughts in our mind and so many more and that leads to peace and an attitude of gareebi ves hirda - humble heart. Or we can be blind to all those things and focus on what we haven't got - haven had this expereince, havent had that expereince and end up with frustration due to ego.
Baba Ji said to us the first ime we met him, "I say to God why do I need to see you in siritual realms, when you are permeating everything, when you are right here in everything and everyone." Baba ji said dont go for spiritual expereinces as many people in his sangat did and when the tests came they fell from Grace because they hadn't conquered their ego. so baba ji said to us, beat your ego, defeat your five thieves - thats all and that is something we can do with Gods grace and leave the rest to the Master as and when he wantss.
Thankyou for putting your feelings in email, it has helped me too in sending this reply with Gods grace
Sabh ako dhan dhan dhan gur soi.
sabh akhi dhan dhan dhan gur soi
everyone say Supremely blessed blessed blessed is our God-Guru.
Everything comes at the right time, in the right place, you can go to local gurdwara and do seva, see Satgur ji sitting infront, see Satguru ji;'s sangat in everyone, wipe their shoes with love, take donations of food and cook and serve every heart as it is Satguru ji, help whoever asks you, any good thoughts towards others that come in your mind - just do them. Any bad thoughts just ask for forgiveness. Do simran whilst listening to kirtan, do it moringin and evening and whenver you get a chance. Every 5 minutes keep doing ardas for gurprasaad and asking for forgiveness, keep praising God and Guru in nature, be kind to anything and everyone, become nothing and EVERYTHING (God) comes to you.
dust of your feet