Friday 26 June 2009

A few thoughts - Seva, Michael Jackson, Death

Satnaam Satguru ji Satsangat ji- dandauth bandhana ji at your holy feet,
1)spoke to Deepa Ji on the phone yesterday, he is so blessed and his Mama and friend in the village - Aman have also had naam from Baba ji.
They got inspired after visiting dhan dhan Taranjeet Ji.  Last year when we went and did sangat with Deepa Ji and His mama ji, his mama ji spoke to baba ji
but was moreconcerend about getting blessed to have a child.  This time Deepa ji told us that after having sangat with Taranjit ji  all he wanted was Naam without desires.
Deepa Ji also asked how to get up early, he said he does ardas before going ot sleep and wakes up at 3am, but then cant get out of bed.  all we said to him was Deepa ji if you knew that you were going to die in a year, or in a month or in a weeks time, would you have any trouble getting up to do Simran?  At that God in him started laughin, laughing and laughing so loud, he said we had put him into Anand!  We replied, that when we forget death and start thinking we are going to be around for along time, we struggle to do simran.   I was actually thinking of Rajbir' jis email 19 months ago when he was asking about praying for worldy wants , he said "if we cant pray to god to fulfill our desires who do we ask" -- which showed he didnt want to give up asking for wants to be fullfilled.  But if he had known 19 months ago that he only had a short time left, his wants for worldy things would have been killed instantly and his priorities would have changed to surrendering to God-Guru with mind, body and wealth.
Actually today's news of Michael Jackson has also brought home the reality of death for many people, they were all planning and promoting his comeback tour in a few weeks time- where is all that now?  th eonly reality is we are gong to leave this body sooner or later, just like the BILLIONS AND BILLIONS AND BILLIONS who have done so before us and the BILLIONS who will do so after us.  No one will remember our name or our existance or our stories in the long run, just as we dont remember the ones who have gone before us, the ones who dust our houses our built on.  Its very simple, when we forget Death we forget God.  So let our ego die before our body dies, before our time runs out.
2) Also another thought, it is very hard to be a servant, a Sevak , a Dass - it is easy to read about but the hardest thing to surrender in service.  Last fwe months with guru ji's kirpa we have been tryingto serve family as sangat and not ordering anyone around, but this week heard under maya, heard ourself saying to others "you dont do anything"
"I do everything", "I spend an hour in the kitchen  while you watch TV , I would like to watch tv instead as well." 
Ego doesnt like being a servant at all, ego thinks its not fair others are not helping, ego is blind to seeing how much seva they are doing all the time without any recognition from us and just ungratefullness.
Even when we started editing the sukhmnai articles at XMAS it was the most difficult thing to do that instead of doing what "I" wanted, but still with Guru ji's kirpa we resolved we did not want to go back to how we were and to just do the seva.  But angry aggressive maya thoughts would come to criticise and get fed up with editing and we realised it was actually all the maya in side us that was getting agitated by the gurprasad in the articles and having to give up "my time".  After it was uploaed then Dassan Dass ji requested us to make a book, so with Guru ji's kirpa we resolved this time we will enjoy the seva , and we started taking our time and before each Pauri just said to god that He was doing His own seva, then our mind became really focussed for a while.
But still the mind comes back with maya and shows us how hard it is to truly surrender and seva of family , seva of satguru ji is what we need in order to see our own filth.  Like when we go to the gym and need some weights for resistance, then the muslces get stronger.  Seva causes resistance in the mind and that is what we need to wrok through.  Dhan Dhan are all the Dass's. Sevaks, Gurus and everyone who has surrendered and died in the seva of their SatGuru, only they know how to eat iron - to eat the uneatable, to bear the unbearable, to die whilst alive, to dive into the ocean of Light and be transformed in this world.
Dust of your feet

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52