Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Ego repels Truth

Satnaam ji,

we are just going to share with you how ego vs guru works in your mind.

We are in ego, we are in logic, we think we know what is the right way and wrong way.  We think we have it all figured out, but still why so much pain?  So we go to God and he sends us to the nearest sant for us.   Then they tell us something to do based on gurbani,  but our ego resists, our ego fights, our ego comes up with logic, our ego convinces us we are right. Net result is we are still stuck in ego.

If we have higher wisdom, understand gurbani, and know sikh divine stories,  you know that to get beyond ego we have to go to the Guru, warts and all, and if we are really a truth-seeker, then we have to say like in gurbani, "I am a foolish child, I make so many mistakes, i dont understand anything, I am not capable of breaking out of my ego and logic, I fully acceept all of my misdeeds, please forgive me, please give me strength and courage, please lift me up and keep me with you at your feet."

Prayer like that from your heart is heard, we are forgiven, heart opens up again , stubborness goes, path opens up again.  And overtime all the impossible obstacles in our logic mind's way (family against us, not practical, other sangats etc etc etc )  all get resolved.  Even if you tried to earn what the guru  said but failed, at least you honoured the guru's words to you.  That's all we have to do keep honouring their words and say sorry if we couldnt and ask for courage and strength to do so.  Not listen to ego and get repelled away.  Most people dont understand this especially at the beginning and do step away.

That's how this divine path works.  None of us are capable of breaking free from ego and logic mind, everything we come up with that resists what the guru said is generated by ego.   Baba ji said "ego repels truth"  That has helped us so much over the years to identify which of our thoughts are from ego.  Because they are logical and right, but if the net result is they keep us away from the guru that god sent us after we were praying hard for help, then its ego.

Then we just pray

tum karo bhalla hum bhalo na jano
tum sada sada dyalaa
you do good for me, but i dont see it as such
but you are always and forever kind

Thats how we earn extreme humbleness and overcome ego stubborness, otherwise there is no way out.   Otherwise if our ego and logic had been right all our life we listened to it and made our decsions based on it, then why did we get and still get so much pain?  Ego and logic only went after happiness, but got pain!  So its called manmat - self wisdom, has to be replace by gurmat - gurus wisdom.

See you do so much good for others, God is trying really hard to bless you and uplift you too.  No one is your enemy, especially the divine souls, just see God in all helping you. Only ego resisting is holding us back.

Dhan dhan sukhee raho

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52