Monday, 30 April 2012
Punjabi Explanation of JapJi Pauri 24 by Dassan Dass -
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Satnaam Sangat Kirtan & Talk, Baba Ji talk -
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Flare Up
Jap Man Satnaam -
Friday, 20 April 2012
The Inner Path and The SatGuru
kar banda tu bandagi
jichar gat meh sahu
o banda (slave) do bandagi (divine slavery)
so long as you have breath in your body.
--Kabir ji in gurbani.
Before there was anything there was the One God in perfect silence absorbed in Itself - Ik Oankaar.
God broke that silence , created the Naam (divine energy/supreme force) and called Itself the Truth - Sat. SatNaam - Truth is god's Name. SatNaam is also much more than a mantra, it is also a part of God Itself , like the drop is part and parcel of the ocean it came from. When you say Satnaam you are not just saying god's Name, you actually connecting to God Itself in th deepest part of your soul - the place that God is still absorbed in Itself in total silence.
Out of the Naam came all of the Creation, the Naam is the stuff that the Creation is made of and is supported by, like the canvas on which a the painting is painted upon.
And inside you the creator is running you as well creating all the time new cells, new thoughts, new ideas, new babies.
Nirbhau - when Satnaam has created everything (good or bad), then what is their to be scared of? When you feel scared or anxious just recite "Nirbhau Satnaam Nirbhau Satnaam".
NIrvair - when Satnaam has created everything (good or bad) then who or what should we hate? When you feel angry , hurt or betrayed, then recite "Nirvair Satnaam Nirbvair Satnaam".
Everything that is keeping your mind stuck in fear and hate, worries and regrets, hopes and dreams is all called Maya. When you cut away at all these entaglements inside you become free (mukat) of Maya whilst still alive, that is called Jivan Mukat. Then you are truly free, free inside. Then your Satnaam Satnaam simran takes you further and deeper inside and your astral body becomes cleaned up of all your karmic filth, it becomes radiant and pure, golden like a buddha statue. This is all by your outer Guru's Grace - GurParsaad of the one who gave you the Naam - the spark that has burnt through all the Maya inside you and cleaned you up.
Inside yourself you have visions of your outer Guru, and other Sants, they are all to encourage you. Actually they are SatNaam Itself who is Formless (nirankar) taking the form of somone you love - your Guru to come and bless you.
When you completely absorb into your own soul - the One Source, Ik Onkaar, you enter the complete silence of mind and sat chit anand - the bliss of Truth Consciousness.
And at that time, SatNaam has manifested completely in your heart - your real Anand Karaj (divine marriage) has taken place. The outside marriage is just part of societies rules to keep people together, bring up a family etc and the fear of god to make you stay together. (But Karma overrules everything). Sat sits on the throne of your heart - that is the real Gur-Gaddi, your heart is the real Gurdwara - Guru's Gate. Sat sitting as the Guru in your heart is called SATGURU.
The one who gives you the Naam is the SatGuru, not the body of the Sant but God sitting intheir heartItself is the SATGURU who gave you the Naam, and then guided you from within your thoughts, dreams, astral realms until you finished your journey.
All this is infront of you, leave all the Maya behind you now. When you face the sun of Satnaam the shadow falls behind you. Before you were facing the shadow of Maya and all was darkness.
May Satguru bless you.
Thursday, 19 April 2012
JapJi Pauri 25 - Punjabi Explanation -
How to remove your anger and hurt by washing feet
Satnaam ji,
dandauth bandhna ji
our anger is of our own making, we cant blame anyone else, no matter what happens around us, its our choice how we react inside. You may feel its not your choice as you dont want the anger, but yet it keep on coming up. That is because it is deep in our subconcscious. So that is why even though consciously you can say you dont want it, but still it doesnt go.
So you have to sit in your simran, and start bby doing ardas "satguru ji I am full of anger, please forgive me, I am your child, please show me the way." ..or words of your own choosing , but sincerely from your own heart.
Then forgive the other people and wash their feet and recite "haumai nahee tuhi tu satnaam (no ego only you satnaam)" and wash the feet of your guru first until you feel love for satnaam .
Then take that love and wash the feet of the satsangat until you feel love for satnaam.
then take that love and wash the feet of your family until you feel love for satnaam
then (the hard bit) take that love and wash the feet of those who have hurt you, until you dont see them anymore, only feel love for satnaam inisde them as well.
You have to do this everyday for as long as it takes, even now we still do it every morning to clear any minor resentments or issues that come up.
The only reason we cant let go is
a) we feel hurt
b) we feel they got away with it
c) we feel we haven't been heard
and as much as we would like to go and confront them and have it out with them, we know its not going to happen, so then we feel trapped - frustrated. but just by going to the gym, that inner anger doesnt go.
So we have to let it go, trust in God that no one escapes his justice (karma), and focus on what we want to be - pure and beautiful by reciting satnaam, rather than dark and miserable (by focusing on our past hurts).
You dont have to call anyone as your husband/wife or ex-husband/ex-wife - you are just playing games - defining yourself in relation to others. Just see all as Satnaam, all as having God inside them, and then you will see Satnaam inside yourself as well. Get out of the game of relationships defined by worldy people.
God bless all.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Everything I do, I do with Love.
SaTNaam SatGuru SatSangat ji, dandauth bandhna ji
Dont stop loving
in gurbani Guru Arjun Dev ji says the true warrior is the one who is coloured by the naam, because only that one has turned the battle inwards and overcome their own ego. So only when you become low and wash everyone;s feet in your simran (recite "haumai nahee tuhi tu satnaam") and all day long can you say you are a true warrior in the guise of a simple (innocent, not dumb) person. Your soul is simple, God is simple, love is simple, compassion is simple, a humble heart is simple, kindness to one and all is simple. When you do satnaam simran, the Truth of other people's intentions comes out - and mostly that whatever they are doing is for their own best interest, not yours, so you dont go along with their wrong maya advice
God bless you.
SatNaam SatGuru SatSangat Dandauth bandhna ji,
Crimson - Snatam Kaur -
Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52
SatNaam Kurt ji another easy way to get out of thinking about "I" is by serving others, hence thinking only about SatNaam in o...
Sat Naam Ji Dandauth Bandhana Ji. This was a reply to someone, hope this helps others too. ==== thankyou so much for emailing...
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji Dandauth bandhna ji Thanks greg ji for that detailed answer....and like the punjabi! It makes it more real ...