Tuesday 6 October 2009


At the beginning of Sangat we talked about three key words in Bhagti "LET IT GO."  That in itself Maya can't do anything bad to us.  But it only becomes bad for us when we have a desire.    Kabir Ji gives an example in Gurbani of how we get trapped.  He wrote that a monkey is trapped by the hunter because of his greed for grain.  He puts his hand into a narrow necked pot to grab the grain.  He makes a fist full of grain and finds his hadn wont come out of the pot.  All he has to do is to "LET IT GO" and he is free.  But then he thinks, "If I let it go then I may never get grain like this again.  If I let it go another monkey will get MY grain."  Trapped in his desire of Maya, the hunter sneaks up behind him and casts his net.  Kabir Ji then writes that the monkey becomes a slave of Maya dancing door to door for grain.   Another example is of a person who walks to work everyday past a car showroom.  He is quite happy and content. But then one day he notices the shiny new car in the window. Everyday his desire for the car increases.  Then he starts planning on how to buy the car, he may find that he cant afford it and that frsutrates him.  Then he gets jealous of others who drive to work.  He becomes angry and resentful.  He starts hating his journey to work.  He starts blaming God for his bad luck, he blames everyone and everything for being poor.  He lives as a slave to these destructive thoughts of Maya for the rest of his days, or until he realises.  

Baba ji teaches us all, "I never ask Him for anything and He never stops giving anyway."  Wereas most people keep asking HIM for everything and get disappointed when they dont get it.  We only get what we are destined to get.  We need to work honestly and enjoy things of life - car, possessions, house, family and so on.  But dont desire any of them or get upset when they get damaged or destroyed.  Dassan Dass Ji gave the example of treating things in maya like a disposable cup - you use the cup to drink the water and toss the cup away.   Do the same with maya - use it and discard it, dont get attached to it - LET IT GO.
Like the monkey with a handful of grain, who will not let go because of greed
- just so, all the deeds committed in greed ultimately become a noose around one's neck. ||1||
Without devotional worship, human life passes away in vain.
Without the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, without vibrating and meditating on the Lord God, one does not abide in Truth. ||1||Pause||
Like the flower which blossoms in the wilderness with no one to enjoy its fragrance,
so do people wander in reincarnation; over and over again, they are destroyed by Death. ||2||
This wealth, youth, children and spouse which the Lord has given you - this is all just a passing show.
Those who are caught and entangled in these are carried away by sensual desire. ||3||
Age is the fire, and the body is the house of straw; on all four sides, this play is being played out.
Says Kabeer, to cross over the terriffying world-ocean, I have taken to the Shelter of the True Guru. ||4||1||8||59||
Dust of your feet

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52