Friday, 20 March 2015

Think about... Mool manter and me

Gur parsaadi japji explanation,  by dassan dass ji. ( Some practical tips to take away and put into practise.

Ik onkar.   One God. 

Do I see all as one?

Do I serve all equally?

Do I love God in all?

When I see and treat all as one, then ego will go. 

Sat Naam.   Truth is God's name.

Whatever deeds I do are my guru.  Do I do truthful deeds? If so, only then is Truth my guru. Sat guru.

Karta purakh.   Creator/doer, resides in all.   

Do I think I am the doer? That's ego.  Accept God is the creator of me and my surroundings, and his power is in everything running it.   

Pray,  "I am not the doer, you are, if I do it nothing happens."   

Do "karta purakh sat naam" and ego will go.

Nirbhau.   Fearless. 

What am I scared of?

What am I afraid of losing and attached to?  

Can I do Dandauth to God in all?

In gurdwara, at home, outside?  

Only by becoming fearless can Truth be delivered to others. Do I share the divine wisdom fearlessly without worrying about what others will say?

Nirvair.   Doesn't hate.  

He created all and he is kind to all, loves all.   Am I?

Do I say or think bad things about others?  

Only by becoming Nirbhau Nirvair can God appear in our heart.

Akal moorat.   Deathless /timeless image.    He doesn't age with time nor die, he is beyond the creation.   But everything around me is changing with time and heading to its death. 

Do I remember that my time here is very short?

Do I do Truth?

Ajuni. God gave birth to creation but God is unborn. 

Only by going beyond maya can my soul merge with him forever, never to be reborn.  Have I got this freedom yet, Jivan Mukti?

Saibhan(g).  Self supported.  

Ik onkar created himself and called himself Truth, sat Naam. He supports himself and is the support of every creation.

Do I take his support?

Do I trust sat Naam to take care of everything?

Or do I take support of my family and money to give me the feeling of security?

Gur parsaad.   God's blessing.  

Am I blessed with God's qualities from ik onkar to saibhan(g)?

Have I done enough good deeds and given up bad deeds for God to now bless me with his grace?

Has God, Sat , as guru in a enlightened heart, blessed me with his name, Truth, Sat naam? 

Have I progressed in spirituality?

Or do I need to pray for the gur parsaad so God  will bless me.  Have I completely surrendered to his grace?

Have I won over the five demons of anger, greed, lust, attachments and pride?

Have I then defeated maya and finally erased the chronic sickness of ego? 

Has God given me his grace to do so?  Has his grace blessed me with the totally stable state where my soul can never again be disturbed by whatever is happening around me? 

Have I realised everything is happening as per God's hukam and I gone into living the hukam? 

Has my infinite trust in my guru made me complete, pooran? 

If not then do I really have the gurparsaad that dhan baba nanak ji is saying? 

And if I have had the blessings, have I dedicated my whole being to it with full surrender of mind, body and wealth?

Have I given up my own wisdom and what my society and even religious preachers have taught me and replaced with guru's wisdom from gurbani and satguru only?

Have I earned the respect of the divine souls that run God's court, dargah, and have they then caused me to meet God?

If not, then ask yourself why am I lacking in spiritual progress?

And offer repeated prayers from your pure heart asking for the gurparsaad of Satnaam from an enlightened soul and do only good deeds.

___End of mool manter.___

JAP.  Instruction to do simran.  

Do I do simran of Satnaam under God's grace, or am I just repeatedly reading gurbani without doing what it says?

Has Satnaam gone deep into my heart, and every cell of my body?

Has it activated all my chakras, and has kundalini power risen? 

Have I merged with God and become Satnaam? 

Have I been blessed with highest divine wisdom? 

Have I obeyed this highest divine order of dhan baba nanak ji to do simran,  JAP?

The central focus of jap ji:

Ad sach jugad sach habhi sach nanak hosibhi sach. 1.  Truth is, was and always will be.   

Have I really contemplated how short my existence is?

Do I want to spend it attached to what is false and temporary?

Or do I want to merge into the everlasting Truth whose key divine qualities have just been defined in the mool manter?

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52