Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Wage love and peace, not war in the mind


With love peace gratitude surrender Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat

Letting go into present moment just as it is.

Dandaut to ONE light in ALL.

When mind is quiet we can make right choices and automatically start to release things which pull us away from Sat from peace.

Conceptual mind creates idea of Maya, when we still mind desires cease and reality of SAT is revealed, dandaut ji we share from our heart forgive us if it may seem other wise we do not want to be violent in any way satnaam.

We'd rather focus on postive of cultivating love, gratitude, kindness focus on present moment than think about waging a war with our own mind s creation, sorry if we've said anything wrong, we find through our experience that when we focus on Sat and positive qualities the negative quality subside on their own.

When we have an idea that we are creating a war against something, including the idea of Maya, it creates even more disturbance in the mental waves and leads to tension in mind and body.

When we focus on Sat,  we soften and focus on all the positive qualities love present moment peace light truth acceptance surrender kindness generosity gratitude contentment, then automatically everything else is taken care of

May we wage peace and truth peace and love, please no more war, Sat love peace focus on light, love, letting go, satnaam satnaam satnaam this will take care of everything dandaut to all we love you all satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam this is what God has guided us to in this life time may all beings be blessed with peace, light love satnaam.

'Maya' will fall at the feet and dissolve in front of us when we lovingly focus on Sat and bring peace love light and kindness to our troubled tensed minds, Sat Sat Sat naam all will dissolve with love peace light and Sat.

Dandaut at the lotus feet of one and all satnaam.

We pray a zillion times that every one here and all beings every where come to experience love and peace through naam 'Gods' holy name may all be blessed with peace. Satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam

May we learn how to bring our selves to a peaceful state of being and drop the jewel of naam into the calm lake of mind so the healing ripples can spread through out our being, satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam.


Only we will go to peaceful state under the Grace of Gurparshad when we will attach to Sat and detached from all and love all serve all.  Satguru sat pita Dassan dass ji Sat bachans STOP COLLECTING POISON, STOP DOING THOSE THINGS TAKE US TO MAYA. This is our effort under the Grace of Gurparshad.  We don't have to hate anyone because SABHAY GOVIND HAI.  We have to live in society and DEAD WHILST ALIVE. This practise only keep us under the Sat Charns.  We can focus on SAT under the grace. Sat will takecare the rest.  Our prayer for all SARBAT DA BHALLA.  SATNAAM JI BLESS ALL JI.  DANDOUT BADANA TO ONE AND ALL JI.  Thanks to sat sister Rose ji for your wisdom and your share your heart with all of us ji.  Thanks ji, Always keep this fool brother under your sat charns ji satnaam ji

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52