Monday 15 September 2014

Daddy loves me


Satnaam satnaam satnaam ji.   When we got down last year,  it's very easy to forget we are loved.   All we see is our failures, and if we are surrounded by people who bring out the worst in us,  then it just compounds it. Feeling even worse about ourself, we were sitting in front oof our maya comfort, the TV,  and got some gian from a show.  The failed old pop star was in court accused of killing his ex wife to get custody of the child.  He said,  the child was everything to him,  because when she looked at him and hugged him, she only saw a loving, doting dad,  and he forgot for a moment the rest of miserable existence.     That really inspired us,  when we look at ourself through our negative mind and negative eyes of others, we feel like a failure,  and feeling bad we go in a downward spiral into our maya comforts and feel even worse for doing so.  We don't feel good so we don't want to get up and make our situation better.   But when we looked at ourself from the point of view of our children,  especially daya,  they don't care how much money we have in the bank  nor how educates we are, or how mean we have been in our past or how much pain and fear of rejection we carry inside. They don't care what we look like or what we are wearing, all they see is a,  "daddy"  and they know daddy plays with them  loves them and is there for them.     They see our daddy is kind,  caring, helpful, fun and loving.   They love their dad regardless of what anyone else thinks of their dad or even what their dad thinks of himself.   Even when we shout at them,  but say sorry,  they forgive without even thinking about it.   When we saw ourself through Daya's eyes it really healed us.   And if we take it one step further and see ourself from the eyes of our inner child,  our soul, our satguru,  then also we see we are loved unconditionally, regardless of us being a saint or a sinner,  or being married, single or divorced, of being ugly according to society or pretty,  regardless of if we are wearing rags or designer labels.   When we remember that we are loved,  we heal the negative mind,  bad feelings go,  we feel good about ourself again,  we want to get up and improve our situation and eat better, work,  and do bhagti and help others.   Simran means to remember.  When we do simran we are reminding our mind that it is from the light,  that it's source is love,  and that is the TRUTH, satnaam.   So when we do satnaam satnaam,  remind yourself,  you are love you are loved, your real you is divine light,  bright, radiant and never ending and it will shine through the dark night of the negative mind.  Satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52