Friday 1 June 2012

Dealing with an unhappy wife


remember that NO_ONE is your enermy,
ONLY the 5 THIEVES are your enemy.
Everything that happens around you, you have to say is DHAN DHAN - all is good all is God.
If you think she (your wife) disrepects your parents, and that hurts you, then you need to reflect upon that.
Before starting your simran, sit and relax, say satnaam satnaam satnaam for a few minutes.
Then ask Satguru ji inside your heart to show you all of your deeds done under the influence of each of the five thieves.
So under MOH (attachment ot family), you will see it is your MOH to your parents that is getting hurt.  The real you, the soul, the SATNAAM, never gets hurt.
So then see how your MOH hurts you, and then your EGO/PRIDE gets offended ("who is she to hurt MY parents!")
then ANGER comes up (you feel you need to teach her a lesson, to tell her off, to send her home).  
See you want to punish her for hurting your MOH.
You are being run by the 5 theives completely, only with GurPrasad can you start seeing how MAYA is playing you, so that your karma plays out.
The ONLY way you get peace is by defeating MAYA by first recognising howthe 5 thieves are playing you.
And only one word defeat sthem, and that is SATNAAM - the name of Truth.  Because even Maya & five thieves are created by SATNAAM, so they have to bow to the one who does SATNAAM.
MAYA and 5 thieves cannot touch you if you remember:
a) no one is your enemy, only your five thieves
b) wife is not your enemy, it is baba ji in her showing you all of your five thieves
c) see wife as your guru and thank her for showing you all your filth inside (anger, moh, ego/pride that comes up)
d) break out of MY MONEY, MY REPUTATION, MY FAMILY ...nothing is MINE,  when you have given your head to Satguru who gave you naam, then nothing is yours, you are already dead, so why are you complaingin so much?  Dead people dont care what happens in the world to them, only ego complains what is happenign to it.  
e) do 2.5hrs of Satnaam simran every morning and do do good deeds all day long
f) before starting simran, relax and ask to be shown all the deeds you have doneunnder Maay and five thieves
g) then sit and wash your wife's feet and families feet, and her families fet and your guru's feet in your simran, keep washing until you feel only love to everyone.
Do this EVERYDAY, you will change, when you change yourself from deep down, then others wont be able to hurt your MOH or aggravate your ego, 
when you are at peace inside then accept if your wife stays or goes it is all good, as god wants it to be.  If god wants you to serve her flowers and only give you slaps in return
for the rest fo your life then say to Baba ji niside her - thankyou - give me more!!   This is how you break out of your inside Maya.
And when you truly change inside and LIVE AND LET LIVE, and dont try and control anyone else, just serve everyone else, then other people also change.
People also change when you pray for them, because remember they too are slave of their own Maya dn 5 theives.  Als Satnaam in their soul is trapped underneath  their karmic filth. so your prayers also help to shatter their karmic layers.
It all takes time, your wife is YOUR BEST TEACHER, your wife is your Guru right now.
God bless you to realise it.
This is all Baba ji's wisdom, thankyou for letting us share it.

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52