Friday, 25 May 2012

SAtNaam - Western style singing-

SAtNaam - Western style singing-
Yahoo Messenger :

Why Dont You Do your Simran?


Preeto:  Satnaam ji, remember to do your simran!


R Penji: :(

that we do very rare


Preeto: you're on holiday now so what's the problem?


R Penji: laziness and stubborn stupid mind


Preeto: but you're not lazy when it comes to doing other work, nor are you stupid when it comes to studying,  so why the problem when it comes to simran?


R Penji: no words :(


Preeto: that's what we want you to think about

what is blocking you?

really blocking you inside

rather than just saying lazy and stupid

what is the real reason


R Penji: ji

we dont know the reason


Preeto: you dont feel any thirst for it


R Penji: ji we dont feel thirst

to be true


Preeto: that's right

because if we are thirsty we get a drink right away

but if we are already full, then we dont eat anything even from a full plate of food infront of us

so you must be full of something


R Penji: kaam, krodh, lobh, moh, ahankaar

 we full of bad deeds


Preeto: and go behind them, why are you full of them?  Think about your desires,

ask yourself what do you want in life?


R Penji: dont know what we want


Preeto: yes you do

you have very strong and determined wants


R Penji: ya they are many but not a particular


Preeto: your biggest want is get out of the life you are in

so studying is a way out


R Penji: ya thats true


Preeto: your next biggest want is not to upset your parents or your brother - so FEAR runs you as well


R Penji: but we have one more strong desire which is getting more strong as time passes

we found that we cant sit and do simran

like we get irritation sometimes when we force ourself to do simran

becoz it dont want to


Preeto: that's right

you dont enjoy doing simran anymore


R Penji: if we trying and trying failing and failing to concentrate


Preeto: that's why you dont have any enthusiasm to do it


R Penji: yes veer ji

aap ji know what

guru ji stopped talking to us

becoz we dont do simran

from 2 months

they havent talked to us


Preeto: really its the other way around

you have stopped talking to the guru


R Penji: they told us dont talk until and unless you do a lot of simran


Preeto: that's the outer guru

we are talking about the inner guru

you have stopped talking to your own innner guru, pita ji, in your heart


R Penji: but outer guru ji is upset with us

how to talk to inner guru ji


Preeto: there is only one guru

same guru inside you is outside in Dassan Dass ji

so he is telling you to talk to him inside you, not the outside


R Penji: ji


Preeto: everyday we stand infront of guru ji's picture

and we do ardas with joined hands

and we say satguru ji we want to know you on the inside

please forgive us for all our mistakes,

please dont forget about us - mohi na visaro je ma junn tera

without you satguru ji, we just fade away and die

we dont want to go back into maya

but we dont know how to come back

please forgive us

for we are full of mistakes, full of five thieves, chase after desires, ungrateful great offender of our guru and it weighs on our head

please bless us with naam, seva and bandagi



please you come and do your own simran, because if "I" do it "I" cant concentrate

please you come into this heart guru ji, and come into all the chakras and come into our rom-rom

please keep us as the lowest

keep us washing everyones feet


R Penji: you know what veer ji, I have no patience


Preeto: yes, because mind is running all over the place


R Penji: if we sit silently our mind says get up its enough now

like frustration


Preeto: yes

so you have to accept you are at rock bottom (and we have hit rock bottom so many times!)

and start again

one step at a time

one ardas at a time

one day at a time


R Penji: means one ardas?


Preeto: means do ardas now

from your heart

talk to satnaam satguru inside

accept your mistakes

ask for forgiveness, naam, seva and bandagi

that all


mohi na visaro ji ma junn tera – please don't forget about me, I am your slave.


R Penji: ji veer ji

aap ji know what sometimes we feel like crying becoz we cant do simran with concentration


Preeto: yes, soul cries when mind doesnt listen and makes it into a prisoner


Preeto: just learn to relax

doesnt matter if you cant get up early, or cant sit for very long, just do ardas and relax and do as much simran as you can.  Even if that is only 5 minutes to start with, that's good first step, then build up every day.  It will start to make you feel positive about yourself.  Then when you feel good about yourself, you will be able to get into a good routine.  Just keep talking to Sat Naam Sat Guru ji inside your heart all day

long, otherwise you are the one who has forgotten your guru.  

Remember that your Guru never forgets you.


R Penji: ya true


Preeto: guru has promised God to ferry across your soul.

Only we break our promises to our Guru.


R Penji: ji

ya true :(


Preeto: so you cant drown in maya

because guru inside wont let you

but you can sink in maya and suffer in Maya until you pray for help and ask to get out of it


R Penji: ji veer ji


Preeto: thats the blessing of satguru to us

he wont let us drown

but we will go up and down until we put into practise what they have asked us to do.

We  need to get a good daily discipline and give up desires and that only happens when we get fed up with maya


R Penji: ji veer ji


Preeto: but you are not fed up yet

when you are young you have many things to chase and do

so the path is longer


R Penji: ya


Preeto: it has to come from inside you when you really want to surrender to naam and give up the maya chase

might be in another 10 yrs

might be when you are old and grey

might be tomorrow


R Penji: ya


Preeto: but no one else can make you surrender

guru can open the inner door

but you have to walk through it

when you choose to do that is when you turn your back to maya's door

see the thing your mind doesnt understand is

that everything you are fighting to achieve in the world

only drains and exhausts you – look how your health deteriorated during the last year of intensive studying.


R Penji: ya


Preeto: but still you carry on fighting, hoping and wishing

because that is what everyone else around you is doing

and fear of failing wont let you rest


R Penji: ya true!

but what the mind doesn't understand

is that if you surrender to Sat Naam Sat Guru, He takes care of everything.

You still study and do exams and get a job and have a family


but without having to fight inside

without having to fear

and your whole life goes smoothly

it is much easier way when you let Him look after you

but that requires Trust in your guru

but no one around you is following this inner path of trust and devotion , so you don't follow it either no matter how much wisdom and blessings you have got from SatGuru ji.


R Penji: ya we are lacking in trust


Preeto: baba ji said once to us "the one who runs you, I run him"

dont think satguru's words are nothing

even God does what his Sat Guru humbly asks


R Penji: ji veer ji


Preeto: and you have that power and grace available to you

you have diamonds but chase after coal

this is how you have to persuade your own mind

the battle is inside you

to throw out maya, and say my satguru is higher

even if i am poor, a failure and useless, even then I dont want anything from maya, just dust of my Guru's feet

that is how you beat maya inside

and do you see anyone in the sangat who is poor and out on the street or a failure?


R Penji: no


Preeto: because satnaam just wants to see your love


and he takes care of you

he is your real parent

he is the dad inside your dad

the mum inside your mum

the guru inside your guru

the god inside you


R Penji: ji


Preeto: gobind bhau bhaga ka bhukka

god is hungry for your love

and baba ji says

what does it cost you to love?

not a penny

to love is free


R Penji: but how that loves comes?


Preeto: in service to others without expecting anything in return,

love others

water plants with love

help poor with love

play with kids with love

cook for others with love

forget about yourself


R Penji: why dont we feel do much attraction love towards guru god that we feel when we are in love or attraction with a boy or a girl


Preeto: because that is your age and moh is strong and kaam as well and you have to live out your karma, but that that "love" isn't really love, because it is selfish

because you WANT the other for your own happiness


R Penji: true!


Preeto: this love is harder to earn, so is called true love, Divine Love, - PREM

you have to live for others with no selfishness

and then your heart blooms one day

God bless you

danduth bandhna ji


R Penji: thankyou veer ji

dandauth bandhna ji

now we will bring copy and pen and will write this divine wisdom on a copy so that we dont forget :)


Sat Naam

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Punjabi Explanation of JapJi 27


Punjabi Explanation of JapJi 27 by Dassan Dass ji - 

Greatest Guide is SatNaam SatGuru, not spirit guides.


Always remember that the highest guide is Sat Naam Sat Guru -call it White Light or Reiki if you like - but inside remember your are channeling for SatNaam. 

Once in sangat we were teaching Reiki to them, and we said to everyone "call in your guides to help you" (because that is how our teacher had taught us).  Then one Bibi ji who could see the other side, saw so many guides come - one for each person, and they were all ancestors of everyone in the room.   She didn't see anyone come for us though (looking back it was thanks to baba ji, but at the time we were a bit disappointed).  It was very exciting for her and she started passing messages from the guides to the sangat members.  Then when she called baba ji to tell him about it, Baba ji put her right and explained that what can these guides do for you?  They are just past ancestors who never made it to the Light, and are hanging around thinking they can help their relatives - MOH.  Baba ji said dont channel for them, dont listen to them, if you want to channel, then just channel for SATNAAM and you will save these souls from where they are trapped.  In the next sangat session, we didnt call upon the guides, but they came anyway and they kept on passing messages to Bibi ji, but she kept her mouth shut and did Satnaam.  It became her test.

We remember our Reiki teachers used to tell us to call in all the angels and your personal guides or your ancestors.  but, we leanred from baba ji that these are all less than Satnaam SatGuru.  They are the same as what we call devi-devtas - gods and godesses - they have not finished their journey.  We went on a meditation course and everyone there was calling upon the guide, even the teacher had a spiritual guide she was channeling for.  We were trying to understand how that fitted in, was their guides like we say our Guru is our spiritual guide?  Then this line fro gurbani kept coming to us:

gur Jaisaa nahee ko dev
jis mastak bhaag soee laagaa sev

no gods(guides) are equivalent to the Guru
only the one who has this great good fortune written on their forehead comes into the service of the Guru.

-- Guru Arjun Dev ji.

Greatest guide is SatNaam in the form of SatGuru, who is here in physcial form of the Sant who gave you Naam, and who is with you all the time you do Satnaam in the form of Divine Light.

God Bless all.
Yahoo Messenger :

Maya vs Naam - chat with J paji.

 Ik Onkaar SatNaam GurParssad.



 satnaam ji


 satnaam ji - we were thnking of you as we didnt see you in the sangat and hadn;t heard from you for a while

 glad you are still here!!



 thank you satnaam ji

 we only can get uplifted if you think of us


 God-Guru Bless you always

 maya takes us down, naam lifts us up


 we need to stay in humility under the sangats feet


 so how r u


 not the best today, only can improve

 few days back we in good stable position

 felt like doing simran all day


 yes keep doing ardas all day

 get back into good daily discipline, that is the key

 give up thinking about other stuff - desires, etc

 focus on just doing bhagti and work

 and trust SatGuru will take care of everything else

 have to do bhagti like an athlete

 put everything else in your life that is unfulfilled on hold

 we just tell ourself as well,

 for next 6 months we are focusing on bhagti

 so mind whatever you are wanting us to do will have to wait!!

 Seems to cool the mind down for a while at least.


 this is what sangat does - helps us, motivates us and throught the true guru gives us the right gian at the right time

 so thanks again ji


 we are all going thru the same maya

 just when we find a way thru we share it with you

 you know the other things that helps

 is too think what would you be doing if the doctor told you you had only 6 months to live


 its brilliant, everything used to be secret, when we share, sometimes it helps people who are going through the same condition

 like we went a little bit of anger, frustration at work because we dont get our way then it was so hot.... its funny mind likes to get his way all the time.



 always do little ardas when you realise your mistake

 then also before doing a task, just do little ardas, for satguru ji to come and do it

 or change your attitude that you are doing it for satguru

 that is how we overcame our anger and inner furstrations, change attitude of every little task in the day, everyday

 takes time


 the other day we got a spark that when we say haumai nahii tuhi tuhi

 to imagine and contemplate at the same time that it doesnt matter what I wants, just let us do what YOU want satnaam

 feels so grounded



 what do you want anyway?

 what is the stuff that comes up inside you?

 its good to write it all down

 think about it

 fix what you can

 let go of what s out of your hands

 stay calm




 pray to satguru

 there's no harm getting married

 or having a business

 or getting a bigger house, car etc

 getting rid of desires doesn't mean

 we give up all that and live in a forest


 its all part of life,yes


 just means we give up the desire for it inside


 its true


 and then not having it cant topple us

 and wanting it cant drive us crazy chasing after it

when our simran goes down, desires come up, ego starts chasing or complaining

and we cant get rid of that weight on our head

 in th end we just sent the email "some thoughts", like a  confession

 and realised next day with gurus kirpa

 that is was just ego crying again

 ego cries a lot when it knows its going to die

 as we try not to listen to it anymore

 so it tries harder to remind us of all the things we wanted to do etc

 but we have to remind ourself satguru is greater

 after sending the email the weight from the last 2 months lifted

 otherwise we were struggling with those thoughts every day

 as our amritvela got messed up due to baby and wife new routine

 and we went back to old habits -tv, junk food, late nights, no discipline, mind all over the place etc

 then Baba ji told us on the phone as well, that WE CANNOT MISS A SINGLE DAY ..naga nahee paunaa

 and WE CANNOT LET A SINGLE DESIRE COME IN - koee mung na rakhee


 just highlights what mind is capable of


 hell mind is sitting right inside us

 just waiting underneath the surface to rise up at anytime

that is why Pritam Anand ji always says for us to keep ego under our heels

 the key is meditation

 to take that time out every morning and evening

 and see what storm has come up

 and to sit back

 do satnaam

 and take a  break from being tossed around by the storm

 if we dont take the time to break out from those thoughts

 then we start really believing those thoughts and resulting emotions get stronger

 and even lead to bad actions


 its only in meditation we get to see where we are




 otherwise  in ego we are drowning in maiya


Yes,  otherwise we get lost in those thoughts, we become our ego and pride again

 lost in the illusion again, believing it is all real, that all these thoughts about "me" and "mine" are the true me

 we completely forget again we are the soul

 we forget everything SatNaam had brought us in terms of peace and calmness of emotions, even samadhi and spiritual gifts – we forget it all.

 Instead, we get so mean we start thinking bad of even our satguru and find all their divine wisdom as being restrictive - not letting ME live

 its all ego raising its ugly head

 tapping into our unfulfilled desires

 to motivate us to step back into maya

 and that is your test

 maya or naam?

 your choice

 when we are young or new in bhagti

 we always end up going for maya

 and we justify it, saying but we need to sort out these worldy things

 but really we are just doing it for our excitement and hopes and wishes to come true

 but after we have seen so many times we went down that road of maya

 and all we got was more headaches

 then it gets easier to choose naam

 seva and bandagi


 till one day the mind/ego will give up

 and knmow it cannot corrupt us anymore


 we remember when we used read solok mayalla 9 , guru tegh bahadurs baani

 and they tell us straight in our face that the world is jhoot and fake like a dream

 we couldnt understand it then

 but know at times we really feel it


 yes baba ji said that we can only understand with gurparsaad

 otherwise no one can understand

 ego cant believe it is a fake


 and this is the truth

 the mind cant justify that how can matter be a dream

 but this is the complicated play that had been set by akaal purakh ji

 although it feels real at the time

 once passed we cant bring it back


 it only means dream in the sense that like in a dream we think it is real

so ego in this world also thinks its thoughts and dreams, desires and wishes are all real too

 its only this aspect that is the illusion, not real.

the actual world around us, your body, your mind, your soul is all 100% real

 just our perception of it all is wrong

 like if we look through tinted glasses makes everything seem a different shade

 ego is the tinted glasses

 naam washes our eyes

 we can see clearly then

 satnaam satguru in everything

 we pray, "satguru ji please wash our eyes with amrit

 please clean our ears with amrit,

 so we can see and hear only you only Truth in everything."

Llike if we are in a cinema

 watching the screen, getting lost in the story

 we forget who we really are  for a couple of hours

 but if we look back we will see all was just a projection of light and sound

 same inside us




 ego and pride are just projecting thoughts into the screen of our mind

 which we totally get absorbed into

 but when we do simran, which means REMEMBERANCE , we say our real name - SATNAAM and remember we are the soul sitting inside this mind and body

 but this story being projected onto our mind is SO STRONG

 that mostly we just think we are that STORY and even on our death bed we still believe it and are terrified of dying.

So that is what Gurbani is saying that all this is just a dream

 when you remember you are SATNAAM then you see all is REAL all is TRUTH all is GOD.

 But, only when we are disciplined in our amritvela 2.5hrs a day and no desires all day long, do we start waking up again

 And that is the key thing to work on, to wake up and stay awake

 "jag re mun tu jaganhaaraa

 o min wake up, you are capable of waking up."  - Guru Arjun Dev ji


May SatGuru Ji bless you always.


Dandauth Bandhna.


Yahoo Messenger :

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Interview with Dalai Lama


Interesting what he says about his own inner self - angers, fears - at least he is honest and stirves "to develop infinite love and infinite compassion:"

God bless all, dandauth bandhna to the Dalai Lama, he is dhan dhan no matter what he says to put himself down!!

"the main destroyer of a peaceful mind is anger.”

But he hasn’t quite mastered this himself, he concedes. He gets angry “quite often” with “advisers, secretaries, other people around me when they make some little, little mistake, then sometimes I burst. Oh yes! Anger, and I shout! And some harsh words. But that remains for a few minutes, then it’s finished.”

At 76, he doesn’t have time to allow his rage to linger. He wakes at 3.30 every morning, meditates for four hours, pounds the treadmill, and then uses Buddhist prostrations to relax. He hasn’t watched television for two years, doesn’t read novels or poetry, but stays up to date with Newsweek and Time and is a BBC radio “addict”. He stops work just after three in the afternoon and is tucked up in bed by 7pm.

He wishes he had been more studious and less playful as a young boy, and regrets not learning to swim. His great fear, though, is of flying and of sharks. “Long flights, those I really feared, but now I’m used to them,” he says. “The fear now is that I never learnt to swim so if the plane crashes on water, I would immediately go deep under the sea and be enjoyed by a shark. That I really fear.”

The greatest single thing in life, he says, is the intelligence of human beings. “With the help of human intelligence, we have the ability to develop infinite love and infinite compassion.”

It is what drives his dedication to others, and inspires his favourite prayer from an eighth‑century Indian Buddhist master. “So long as space remains and suffering of sentient beings is there, I will remain to serve,” he recites. “That prayer really gives me inner strength.”

Yahoo Messenger :

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

SaTNaam chanting to dance music -

SaTNaam chanting to dance music -

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SaTnaam SatSangat Jeeo,

Dandauth Bandhna ji


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Thursday, 10 May 2012

Divine Women

SatNaam SatGuru SatSangat Jeeo,

Dandauth bandhna ji

We watched a documentary called "Divine Women" on BBC TV a few weeks ago.  It was very interesting to see how religious people have viewed women over the last 12,000 years and how it still effects people now.

They found stone statues of goddesses from 12,000 to 7,000 years ago in Europe.  Some were beautiful and big from the front (representing life and prospertity), but like a skeleton from the back (representing death).   They said that these are the earliest known human settlements.  And these people seemed to believe in godessess.   Why?  Because the most important thing (desire) for these people was survival which depended on their crops succeeding and the women giving birth to healthy children.  Crops would fail and one in two babies would die in childbirth.   The Earth and Women were seen as similar - both had the power of life and death in their hands.  Hence godesses were worshipped as they could give healthy children and good crops.

The Greeks then adopted these goddesses and renamed them, made more mythical stories and every single person at that time would be haevily influenced by worshipping of gods and godesses. The Greeks believed that Gaia was the goddess who created everything including all of the other gods.   Her grandson was Zeus the great warrior and dispenser of firm justice.  Overtime, the needs (desires) of the Greeks changed from survival to protecting their land, wealth, and civilisation.  As humans had gone beyond just surviving in villages, they ahd become vast empires, and other empires were trying to take over them, the Greeks decided they needed a god of war - so Zeus became even more important to them than Gaia.  And in their society as well women became second class citizens.  The life bearing qualities they had, were not considered as divine qualities anymore.

The Romans also incorporated these gods and goddesses renaming them and worshipping whichever one would give them what they wanted.  They also worshipped the male powerful gods and women in society did not have an important place.  however, things changed when rome was under attack from Hannibal, the emperor was desperate and told the scholars to find out how they could win.  The scholars studied the old texts and found there had been a female  oracle (fortune teller) who had written that if rome was attacked in future then the Romans should call upon a particular female godesses.    The scholars told the emperor and they had a hge ceremony and prayed to that godess and they won the battle.  After that, the goddess was celebtrated every year in rome and she gained a high place.  Even priestess were kept at her temple and they were the only highly revered women in Roman society - they had to keep the holy fire burning day and night for hundreds of years and remain as virgins.

However, things were not looking good for women in Europe.   When the Roman Emperor Constantine was struggling to control his vast Roman Empire, he realised he needed one set of beliefs to unite the people in order to control them.  his mother had converted to Christianity and he declared Christianity as the new religion.  They got rid of the gods and godesses.   However, the people were used to worshipping goddesses and then cult of the Virgin Mary appeared - "The mother of God" - they made her into a godess and made the stories to go along with it.    Then the Bishop called Saint Augstine came up with the concept of the orginal sin, where he said that the story of adam and eve showed that women are the temptress.    He himself had had a very lustful youth and then become celibate as a monk and must have seen women as the root of evil.  Early christian history was re-written after that to block out references to women , who had actually been the first preachers of the new religion and had set up most of the early Christian churches.   Even now, 1700 years later, the Catholic church is so against women becoming priests.   We also see that in all other organised religion, including Sikhism (even though Baba Nanak broke out of it, still in practical life we  that women are kept as second class citizens and men having the direct connection to God.)    

So in Europe were women were once revered as being divine and even given godess status as life and death came from them and prosperity of the community depended on women, once men took over then war gods and Christianity stamped all that out, making women into being lesser then men.

The presenter then went to India and showed how godesses are still being revered, celebrated and a central part of many hindu communities.   She also visited China were a prostitute, Wu Zetian, ended up marrying the Emperor and became Emperoress after him.  She used Buddhism to increase her own status as being divine, and people worshipped her.  But after that her name has also been almost wiped from history as male dominance came to rule.

The thing to realise is that gods and godesses are worshipped by people to fulfill their particular desires (survial, winning war etc).   And also that organised religions have had the desire for men to be in charge and for men to have the connection to God, so they have used the fear of god to make women into second class citizens.

Naam bina jag kamalaa firay - without Naam the whole world goes around crazy - Gurbani.

We are all so fortunate that we have Satnaam, but we all have to make efforts to drive our prejudice that we have in our community and religions against women.

God bless all.

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Tuesday, 8 May 2012

English explanation of Nirbhau (Fearless) -


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Punjabi Expanation of Japji 26 -

Punjabi Expanation of Japji 26 by Dassan Dass - 

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Monday, 7 May 2012

Re: [SatNaam Parivaar] How a Sant makes your future better

pyare Dassan Dass ji
Dandaut bandana anek baar
thank you for giving such a devine wisdom

From: Preeto <>
To: Blogger email <>; Facebook Group <>; facebook group - you are god <>; Satnaam Group <>; satnaam satnaam facebook group <>
Sent: Tuesday, 1 May 2012 6:23 PM
Subject: [SatNaam Parivaar] How a Sant makes your future better

Dassan Dass: Satnaam Jee please read responses next to your comments:
Preeto: SatNaam Dassan Dass ji, 
dandauth bandhna ji
so are you saying that the future (our destiny) is already written (by our past deeds that we have to now reap) and cannot be changed  ( "there is nothing that a man can do to deviate from his destiny ") unless we do naam ("there is only one divine power of naam that can penetrate through your karmic layers and destroy them ").
So based on that does this mean that people (Sants/psychics/astrologers etc) can read our future and tell us what we are going to reap - our destiny?
It is hard to speak for psychics and astrologers, buts Sant will tell you what you need to do to make your future. He may not tell you what exactly is going to happen in your future if you don't do what you need to do and what he tells you to do, then your future course will not change. In other words those who follow and earn the words of a Sant can change their future. Following the words of a Sant will bring you the gurparsaad and the gurparsaad will change your destiny, provided you serve the gurparsaad with tunn munn dhan. This is where complete surrender comes in as a divine law, that brings you the gurparsaad as you follow the words of the Sant and start collecting sat karams, the collection of Sat Karams bring you the gurparsaad, or also if you have been collecting the sat karams then you will meet a Sant who will give you the gurparsaad, and when you surrender with tunn munn dhan at the sat charans of the sant then you will be blessed with the gurparsaad and then serving the gurparsaad you will break all your karmic layers as naam goes in to your hirda, then the shackles of maya will be broken, and when you win over the maya completely and merge in sat paar braham pita parmesar then the effect of all the previous karma will be deleted, whatsoever it may be and you will achieve jivan mukti. This is the most critical point in bandgi.
But you have aid in the past that our future can be changed by doing good deeds right now, so we start reaping good in future, and doing naam to reduce any bad karma that was destined for us.
But yes at the same time when you are focusig on your truthful deeds and doing satnaam simran being blessed with gurparsaad, then yes your future will become better, but still you will be facing the effect of some of your previous karma, though the effect of the previous krma may be reduced, but can't be eliminated altogether until you achieve jivan mukti. There is always a chance to fall back until you achieve jivan mukti. This is what have happened to many people who came in the Satnaam Sangat, they were blessed with the gurparsaad, they could not surrender and serve the satguru as they were supposed to do, some of them went into slandering and others just left due to tests of maya and their own illusions,
We always thought the future is NOT set in stone, so when people get glimpses of the future, it is only showing what COULD happen if we carry on as we are.   So we do have some control over what happens next.  Otherwise most of the world does not have Naam,  but we can see depending on a persons actions they get accordingly, and people believe that and make efforts to get a better life, improve etc.
This amounts to a struggle with maya and nothing else, those who understand the game of maya try to be truthful, but they are still being ruled by maya and are bound to committ untruthful deeds for which they will have to bear, though their future may become better with more and more truthful deeds. That is why for a normal person it is a never ending process, short lived happiness,  pains, sorrows, sufferings, success and failure all happen according to the destiny. In short you are the master of your own destiny. The future is carved according to your own deeds.
At the same time winning over maya, winning over panj doots and desires is beyond the capability of your own efforts, you can do efforts and become better and better, but you can't be granted freedom from the slavery of maya until you achieve the gurparsaad of jivan mukti. So gurparsaad is the key to success and gurparsaad is achieved by complete surrender, which means death of haumai and winning over maya.
Longer hours of simran will bring your mind under control, your hirda will go in to peace, the panj doots will be diluted, desires will be diluted, and you will continue to move on towards jivan mukti, this will also bring in you the strength and power to surrender yourself, and as you continue to surrender with devotion love and trust, you will continue to march on towards complete surrender, when you cross the fine line then maya will be defeated and you will merge in the infinite, when your identity is lost, then the infinite divine power will take over you and will merge you in itself, that is what is called jivan mukti. Only then your effect of your karma will be completely deleted, your own wisdom will be finished, and you will get only divine wisdom, which will make all your deeds truthful and under puran hukam, until this happens your five gyan indrey and five karm indrey will still be under the rule of maya. But when you merge in sat then you become sat that is why all your deeds are in hukam – means under only divine wisdom.
Lack of surrender and lack of following satguru's words is the main reason for the ups and downs in the bandgi. COMPLETE SURRENDER IS THE ONLY SECRET OF ACHIEVING THE GURPARSAAD OF JIVAN MUKTI. IT IS SO SIMPLE AND EASY.
Dassan Dass
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Friday, 4 May 2012

This is not the Truth


we may not know what SatNaam is for ourself,
but we do know what SatNaam is not.
On the journey of your life
through the maze of your mind
no matter what the desire
know that Truth is higher
and stand up to the false thoughts

And push it out of the way
Dont get sucked into Maya's play 
dont sucuumb to the panj dhoots

Satguru Ji "I may not know SatNaam - yet,
but I know what it is not,
keep my mind focused on your Naam
my forehead on your feet
every minute of every day
keep pushing Maya away.

My Life if for 
This is the TRUTH.


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Baba Ji talking in Punjabi at Canada Sangat 29 Apr 12 -

satnaam ji

thanks to  paji for the seva:

Baba Ji talking in punjabi at Sangat 29 Apr 12 -

Massive rise in Asian eye damage -

Massive rise in Asian eye damage -

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52