Friday, 27 January 2012

Satguru mera poora - My Satguru is Perfect

Ik Onkaar SatNaam SatGurParsaad.

When we enter a spritual path it is so hard to trust the Satguru we have been given, even though our heart leaps with joy, sometimes our mind still wants to hold back and fills us with doubts and fears.   Dassan Dass ji always told us at those times recite "satguru mera poora".

We have recorded this beautiful shabad here:

This Divine shabad is by SatGuru Arjun Dev ji, full of love, sweetness, Truth and compassion. The meaning is here: 


    aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
    Aasaa, Fifth Mehla:

    prabh hoe kirapaal th eihu man laaee ||
    When God shows His Mercy, then this mind is focused on Him.

    sathigur saev sabhai fal paaee ||1||
    Serving the True Guru, all rewards are obtained. ||1||

    man kio bairaag karehigaa sathigur maeraa pooraa ||
    O my mind, why are you so sad? My True Guru is Perfect.

    manasaa kaa dhaathaa sabh sukh nidhhaan a(n)mrith sar sadh hee bharapooraa ||1|| rehaao ||
    He is the Giver of blessings, the treasure of all comforts; His Ambrosial Pool of Nectar is always overflowing. ||1||Pause||

    charan kamal ridh a(n)thar dhhaarae ||
    One who enshrines His Lotus Feet within the heart,

    pragattee joth milae raam piaarae ||2||
    meets the Beloved Lord; the Divine Light is revealed to him. ||2||

    pa(n)ch sakhee mil ma(n)gal gaaeiaa ||
    The five companions have met together to sing the songs of joy.

    anehadh baanee naadh vajaaeiaa ||3||
    The unstruck melody, the sound current of the Naad, vibrates and resounds. ||3||

    gur naanak thut(h)aa miliaa har raae ||
    O Nanak, when the Guru is totally pleased, one meets the Lord, the King.

    sukh rain vihaanee sehaj subhaae ||4||17||
    Then, the night of one's life passes in peace and natural ease. ||4||17||

Dandauth bandhna ji

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Thursday, 26 January 2012

O Dear God, You are the Support of my soul.

SatNaam SatGuru SatSangat - Dandauth Bandhna ji
Dhan Dhan SatGuru Arjun Dev ji whose Divine words are saturated with so much love and extreme humility.  With Baba Ji's blessings we sung the shabad and you can join in here
The Shabad is here :
bilaaval mehalaa 5 ||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehla:
prabh jee thoo maerae praan adhhaarai ||
O Dear God, You are the Support of my soul.
namasakaar dda(n)ddouth ba(n)dhanaa anik baar jaao baarai ||1|| rehaao ||
I bow in humility and reverence to You; so many times, I am a sacrifice. ||1||Pause||
oot(h)ath bait(h)ath sovath jaagath eihu man thujhehi chithaarai ||
Sitting down, standing up, sleeping and waking, this mind thinks of You.
sookh dhookh eis man kee birathhaa thujh hee aagai saarai ||1||
I describe to You my pleasure and pain, and the state of this mind. ||1||
thoo maeree outt bal budhh dhhan thum hee thumehi maerai paravaarai ||
You are my shelter and support, power, intellect and wealth; You are my family.
jo thum karahu soee bhal hamarai paekh naanak sukh charanaarai ||2||2||82||
Whatever You do, I know that is good. Gazing upon Your Lotus Feet, Nanak is at peace. ||2||2||82||
Dust of your feet.

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Wednesday, 25 January 2012

I have not appreciated You

Ik Oankaar SatNaam SatGurParsaad||
A really beautiful and divine shabad written by SatGuru Arjun Dev ji from the depths of his soul.  Accepting we have no goodness and only because of His grace we have met out true friend the Satguru.  He gives us the Naam, SatNaam, and we blossom. Let's join together and sing it from the depths of our own heart - we sung it this morning with Baba Ji's blessings -
salok mehalaa 5 ||
Salok, Fifth Mehla:
thaeraa keethaa jaatho naahee maino jog keethoee ||
I have not appreciated what You have done for me, Lord; only You can make me worthy.

mai niraguniaarae ko gun naahee aapae tharas paeiouee ||
I am unworthy - I have no worth or virtues at all. You have taken pity on me.
tharas paeiaa miharaamath hoee sathigur sajan miliaa ||
You took pity on me, and blessed me with Your Mercy, and I have met the True Guru, my Friend.
naanak naam milai thaa(n) jeevaa(n) than man thheevai hariaa ||1||
O Nanak, if I am blessed with the Naam, I live, and my body and mind blossom forth. ||1||

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Monday, 23 January 2012

Satnaam Parivaar Sangat Singing SatNaam & Preeto Talk

SatNaam SatSangat Ji,
Dandauth bandhna ji
we recorded the blessed Satnaam Sangat yesterday, there is SatNaam Singing followed by Preeto Talking in english with Blessings of Baba ji.
Before doing this sangat, Dassan Dass Ji told us to explain to the Sangat:
1) the Sangat does not belong to anyone, not us, not Dassan Dass Ji not even Baba ji, Sangat belongs to the Highest - SatNaam.
2) the Sangat is the SatGuru, so love each person in the Sangat as you love your SatGuru.
3) ego and sangat dont mix, so wash everyone's feet and drink the water to bring in humility.
With dassan Dass ji's blessings we did all these things and all were blessed.  And May all that listen to this MP3 (1hr 43 min) also be blessed by SatNaam Satguru Dhan dhan SatParBrahm Parmesar Ji.
God Bless You.

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Thursday, 19 January 2012

Deep Dark Well

SatNaam SatGuru SatSangat, dhan dhan Sat Parbrahm Pita Parmesar ji,
Dandauth bandhna ji
If you spent your whole life in a deep, dark well, stuck in the mud and covered in filth and with more garbage being thrown on your head day and night, what would you do if a light appeared above and a rope came dangling down?
You would think most people would grab the rope and pull themselves out, no matter how many times they slipped up and sunk back into the scum, they would get up, grab the rope and claw their way up one way or another.
The well is your mind, the scum is maya we are stuck in due to our desires, the daily filth is the karma we are generating, the Light is God, the rope is His Infinite divine Power - the Naam - SatNaam, the one one who is pulling the rope from above is your Satguru,  giving you instructions on how to climb are His words of Truth - Gurbani - Shabad Guru.  Every step you take is your recitation of "SatNaam Satnaam" simran.  Everytime you fall back and ask for help again, is your ardas.
SatNaam Baba Ji Maharaj said to us last year in Canada, "tell others to do Satnaam Satnaam and I guarantee I will be in their heart pulling them into the Divine Light."
God Bless Everyone.

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Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Jup Munn Satnaam - Mind repeat Satnaam - sung by Preeto -

SatNaam SatGuru SatSangat , pls accept this seva.
Jup Munn Satnaam - Mind repeat Satnaam - sung by Preeto -
DnwsrI mhlw 4 ]
dhhanaasaree mehalaa 4 ||
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehla:

ieCw pUrku srb suKdwqw hir jw kY vis hY kwmDynw ]
eishhaa poorak sarab sukhadhaathaa har jaa kai vas hai kaamadhhaenaa ||
The Lord is the Fulfiller of desires, the Giver of total peace; the Kaamadhaynaa, the wish-fulfilling cow, is in His power.

so AYsw hir iDAweIAY myry jIAVy qw srb suK pwvih myry mnw ]1]
so aisaa har dhhiaaeeai maerae jeearrae thaa sarab sukh paavehi maerae manaa ||1||
So meditate on such a Lord, O my soul. Then, you shall obtain total peace, O my mind. ||1||

jip mn siq nwmu sdw siq nwmu ]
jap man sath naam sadhaa sath naam ||
Chant, O my mind, the True Name, Sat Naam, the True Name.

hliq pliq muK aUjl hoeI hY inq iDAweIAY hir purKu inrMjnw ] rhwau ]
halath palath mukh oojal hoee hai nith dhhiaaeeai har purakh nira(n)janaa || rehaao ||
In this world, and in the world beyond, your face shall be radiant, by meditating continually on the immaculate Lord God. ||Pause||

jh hir ismrnu BieAw qh aupwiD gqu kInI vfBwgI hir jpnw ]
jeh har simaran bhaeiaa theh oupaadhh gath keenee vaddabhaagee har japanaa ||
Wherever anyone remembers the Lord in meditation, disaster runs away from that place. By great good fortune, we meditate on the Lord.

jn nwnk kau guir ieh miq dInI jip hir Bvjlu qrnw ]2]6]12]
jan naanak ko gur eih math dheenee jap har bhavajal tharanaa ||2||6||12||
The Guru has blessed servant Nanak with this understanding, that by meditating on the Lord, we cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||6||12||

Dust of your feet.
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Tuesday, 17 January 2012

How to do ardas

Veer ji, your statement is negative.   Please make it into an ardas by adding the following
"i am great sinner, kaami, krodhi, lobhi, mohi and ankhari, please forgive me."
Dassan Dass ji taught us to say the same thing in punjabi "hum maha papee , maha kaami, mahaa krodhi, mahaa lobhi, maha mohi, maha hankaree, sanu baksh deh."
 Or just use verse from gurbani:
kaam krodh ar lobh moh binas jai ahanmev
nanak prabh sarnagaatee kar parsaad gurdev - Sukhmani.
Please rid me of lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride,
Nanak seeks the shelter of God, shower your Grace Divine guru."
See what you are writing is just like what amarjit veer ji explained last time - just negative - you become what you keep repeating to yourself.   So yes, you are full of five thieves, but what are you going to do about it?  Ask for forgiveness and grace of Guru.
Then once your ardas is done, start "satnaam satnaam satnaam".
Its like you are facing the darkness inside and admitting you are full of darkness.
But you need to then do something about it.  Ask for forgiveness, and grace of Guru and by doing so you face the Satnaam sunshine inside you.
You can either walk towards Satnaam sun  or Maya's dark shadow.  Just by admitting you are in the darkness doesn't get you out of it.
God Bless you.

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Satnaam veer jee..dandaut jee.

Veer jee with Satnaam satguru's kirpa we wanted to share gyan with sangat jee. Please email this gyan to sangat jee.

"We were eating dry fruit and nuts one by one. But when eating little tiny nuts one by one, mind is not satisfied so we continue eating many of by one. Then we thought oh we can remove the shell (like from peanuts) from a handful and then eat whole handful at once. So when we did that, that was when mind was completely satisfied and really enjoyed the taste of peanuts.

Similarly, when we focus on simran only in short sessions like 15-30 minutes, the soul is still craving for more and it's never really satisfied with amrit and therefore we mostly find ourselves stressed and anxious. However due to our lazy, donkey mind we kept this ineffective practice up for a long time. So with satguru's kirpa we realized that to truly enjoy the amrit we MUST focus on "handful" of naam simran by aiming for longer and longer sessions. We need to break up the habit of doing multiple short sessions in one day into one or two long sessions (at least 1 hour).

Dhan dhan satguru, dhan dhan satnaam, dhan dhan sat sangat jee...dandaut to all jee. Please keep us under your feet always jee."

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Monday, 16 January 2012

Dassan Dass ji & SatNaam Sangat - Dec 2012

SatNaam Ji
Dandauth bandhna ji
we have uploaded the MP4 videos of the blessed sangat - mostly in Punjabi.  You can download and watch and be Eternally Blessed to.
Dust of your feet.

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Naam and Amrit -


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Seva versus Ego

Dhan Dhan (blessed blessed) are the ones who live, breathe, eat and serve Satnaam (Truth)  in everyone with every breath.  Keep us under their holy feet so a sinner like us may be ferried across.
gursikhaa kee har dhoor deh hum papee bhee gat paai.
Dear God, please give me the dust of the feet of the Guru's sikhs,
so a sinner like me may be ferried across.   - Guru Arjun Dev Ji.
Sometimes thoughts come in our mind that what is the point of doing seva, we should just focus on long hours of simran and enjoy the divine bliss that other's are revelling in.   We ask ourself, why do we send emails, and record video and kirtan of sangat, when we could just be doing long hours of simran instead and enjoying those wonderful things that other people talk about?   We question wether we are focusin on the right thing?  Because sometimes we feel we are just not getting anywhere and are getting frustrated and tired and exhausted doing seva at the expense of simran.  So we should just go quiet, say little , go inside , be quiet , do our bhagti with 100% focus and no more physcial seva, just simran seva.    Then with SatNaam SatGuru ji's Kirpa, we get the thoughts inside us, "the seva is showing you all of your frustrations and wants that are still inside you,  so are you going to give up seva or give up ego - the root cause of all these questions?"  And we say to SatNaam SatGuru Baba Ji Maharaj,  "we dont need any spiritual expereinces or wonderful expereinces, visions or whatever else others are enjoying, we just need to become DESIRELESS, NIKAAMEE - just make are ego totally useless, make us do seva until our ego finally gives up, may we keep doing seva everyday and with every breath forever, may everyone else benefit and experience what they want, just keep us in your seva, under your feet, we dont need anything else, not physical, not spiritual, not magical, not supernatural, just need to serve what is real aroundu s right now, serve Satnaam in everyone right here right now.  We remember Baba Ji Maharaj already told us to say to SatNaam "why do I need to go to those realms to see you when I can see you here in everything and everyone."  Baba ji said to us already "Satnaam Ji you stay up there, and we will stay here in hell and throw out the suffering souls to you."   All we know is that in this sangat over the years, Baba ji Maharaj has shown us that everyone who has gone for spiritual success (to become a Sant) has ended up in hell, and everyone who served the ones in hell, are living in extreme humbleness, extremely open and full of Truth, Love and Compassion and Baba ji Himself calls them as Sant.
God Bless all.

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Friday, 13 January 2012

Sacrifice Mind, body and Wealth to the Guru

SatNaam SatGuru SatSangat - I bow to you.
Guru Amar Das ji served his Guru with everything he had, he wrote this divine wisdom, that to  realise the Truth you have to sacrifice mind, body and wealth to the Guru.
We have recorded this divine verse here:
Awvhu sMq ipAwirho AkQ kI krh khwxI ]
aavahu sa(n)th piaariho akathh kee kareh kehaanee ||
Come, Beloved Saints, let us speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord.

krh khwxI AkQ kyrI ikqu duAwrY pweIAY ]
kareh kehaanee akathh kaeree kith dhuaarai paaeeai ||
How can we speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord? Through which door will we find Him?

qnu mnu Dnu sBu sauip gur kau hukim mMinAY pweIAY ]
than man dhhan sabh soup gur ko hukam ma(n)niai paaeeai ||
Surrender body, mind, wealth, and everything to the Guru; obey the Order of His Will, and you will find Him.

hukmu mMinhu gurU kyrw gwvhu scI bwxI ]
hukam ma(n)nihu guroo kaeraa gaavahu sachee baanee ||
Obey the Hukam of the Guru's Command, and sing the True Word of His Bani.

khY nwnku suxhu sMqhu kiQhu AkQ khwxI ]9]
kehai naanak sunahu sa(n)thahu kathhihu akathh kehaanee ||9||
Says Nanak, listen, O Saints, and speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord. ||9||
This is one verse from 40 in the Anand Sahib - Prayer of Divine Joy - read full version here.
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Pritam Anand Ji Chanting SatNaam -

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Thursday, 12 January 2012

Benti Chaupai - Prayer for Protection - sung by Preeto

SatNaam SatGuru SatSangat - Dandauth Bandhna ji.
ijn nr nwm iqhwro khw ]dwird dust doK qy rhw ]24]
jin nar naam thihaaro kehaa ||dhaaridh dhusatt dhokh thae rehaa ||24||
One, who repeats Your Name, Will be relieved from poverty and saved from attacks of foes.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote this most humble request (Benti) in the form of a four line (chaupi) verse poem.  There are 25 verses recorded here (this morning!) although there are longer versions available as well.   It is so beautiful, so humble and so compassionate praying for protection from Ik Onkaar SatNaam - One god Named "Truth".   SatNaam Baba ji also said to a devotee to recite this along with Satnaam simran when he was seeing dark spirits and lost heavily in maya.   You can read the full shabad here : .
And listen to our simple recording here:
Dust of your feet, we are not a singer, but only by SatNaam Baba ji's grace he has taken this seva from us.
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Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Your One Name ferries across the whole world.

Dhan Dhan Jan Aaiaa Jis Parsaad Sabh Jagat Taraaiya.
-Blessed Blessed is the coming of that Devotee,
by whose Eternal blessings the whole world is ferried across.  - Gurbani.
How ?
Satgur data har naam ka. - Gurbani.
- SatGuru is the giver of God's Name.  - Gurbani.

Tera Ek Naam Taray Sansar
- Your One Name Ferries Across The Whole World.  - Gurbani.
What can we do to thank God for our blessings to have met such a Guru and received the One Name?
Sabh ako dhan dhan dhan gur soi.
-All say "blessed blessed blessed is such a Guru." - Gurbani.
What can we do to on meeting such a Guru?
Se simreh jin aap simrahi.
Nanak ta kau lago paai.
The ones whom He causes to remember, remember Him
Nanak falls to the feet of such one.  - Gurbani.
What is in ego, what is in stubborness, what is so good about being what we are right now - miserable, grumpy, broken hearted?
So why are wel holding onto the old habits, the old way of thniking, the old way of living?
Nothing changes until we change.
Everything is in humility, in the dust of the Sant sangat's feet,
all peace is in thanking, thanking, thanking everything and everyone,
starting with thanking for this chance to be in this body,
in this time and space. 
Thanking for every little thing we have aldready been given,
and not even thinking and complaingni about what we haven't got, or what we have lost.
Nothing was ours , nothing ever will be no matter how much we go on collecting and wanting more and more.
Tera Ek Naam Taray Sansar
- Your One Name Ferries Across The Whole World.  - Gurbani.
SatNaam Satnaam Satnaam
Nanak naam chardhikala tere bhane sarbatt da bhalla.
Nanak says may Naam Spiritual Heights by blessed to Everyone by Your will. - Gurbani.
God bless all.

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Dassan Dass ji's Sangat Singing "SatNaam Satguru" -

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Religion versus Name and Deeds

Name and Deeds (Naam and Karam)
Religion and Naam

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Tuesday, 10 January 2012

First Love


When u are in relation with sum1 for the first tym...
and u truly love that person and care for him more than yourself,
u try your level best to keep things right between u both...
U start sacrificing your own happiness to make him smile and
no matter how much and how many tyms he keeps hurting u,
... ... u juz forgive himr only cause u dont want to lose him...
everything that u do for him, u do it out of your own happiness...
a strong desire to make him happy, to suprise him rules your mind..
u do crazy things like making cards, buying anything that u think he'll like,
wear dresses of his favourite colour, eat his favorite food,
u keep telling him "I Love U!" over 100 tyms a day...
it just happens once... that crazy & mad love..
u give everything u have to this relation, u give your best..
and when this relation breaks, u juz feel lost and
believe that u have lost every thing u ever had...
the 2nd tym u get into a relation, its juz your physical presence...
u know that your heart was broken and u can never feel the same again...
u smile incompletely, u give a part of the broken heart to the new boy.
Sadly, even if u want to make him feel special,
u can't... the best in u has already been taken out by sum1 else..
u live and love juz once!!

~U fall in love just once...
what happens the next tym is just an adjustment !!~
just an adjustment to live this life...:(((
The feelings of love and intensitiy you felt were all generated inside you by your own mind , body and emotions. The other person was just a beautiful trigger. Your heart never breaks, heart is the temple of God. What breaks is the grip of attachment that was like a fist around your heart. So you feel the pain in your chest. Love God and God never breaks your heart, infact God comes out of your heart and you recite His name in a very person and intimate way and feel in love all the time . every moment of everyday. Love God like you loved that first time without caring about yourself and ready to sacrifice everything. The same feelings come inside and on the power of Love you transcend to the Divine - you go beyond mind, emotions and body, you realise your own spirit, the Truth - Satnaam.  Then you feel the same wonderful love for every single creation and not one particular person.
God bless You to Know True Love Already inside you.
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Listen to Baba Ji and Dassan Dass ji in Punjabi

You can download all the Punjabi Audio MP3s of Dassan Dass Ji from

And also Baba ji in punjabi here

Close your eyes, listen , do ardas and simran. you will get all the blessings inside.
God bless You.
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Friday, 6 January 2012

Punjabi Explanation of JapJi Sahib Verse 20

Punjabi Explanation of JapJi Sahib Verse 20 by Dassan Dass ji
Dust of your feet
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Dassan Dass ji UK Sangat Part 5 - Singing "Satnaam Satguru"

SatNaam SatGuru
Dandauth bandhna ji

Dassan Dass ji visited the UK Sangat in Dec 2012. Here is the sangat singing simply magical kirtan together.  Please close your eyes and receive the Eternal Blessings of sitting at Dassan Dass ji's lotus feet. 

Dassan Dass ji started us off with chanting "satnaam satguru" that Naam is the Guru, not the physical body but the Naam vibrating in every cell of the Sant.    Then he blessed us to sing a tune composed right there and then.  As we sung, the magic started happening and Satnaam took over.  Then with His blessings we sung an octave higher, which is not normally possible for us as we are not a singer, just a servant of the Satguru.   but with His blessings He can make even a dumb mute sing.   Please close your eyes and enjoy the Eternal Blessings of SatNaam Satguru.
You can also download the mp4 version from :

Dust of your feet.

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Thursday, 5 January 2012

Dassan Dass ji and sangat singing in punjabi - video - Part 2

Satnaam ji,
Dassan Dass ji came to the UK last week and we filmed his divine talks in punjabi - this is Part 2.  The sangat sat at his lotus feet and sung God's praises. Please join in with the sangat and receive the blessings of the Eternal Guru - Satnaam 
Dust of your feet.
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Dassan Dass ji divine discourse in punjabi - video - Part 4

Satnaam ji,
Dassan Dass ji came to the UK last week and we filmed his divine talks in punjabi - this is Part 4.  There are various clips from the whole day.  At the end we sung a shabad together as sangat and thee was so much love and humility.  Please join in with the sangat and receive the blessings of the Eternal Guru - Satnaam 
(PS We have not uploaded PART 2 yet). 
Dust of your feet.
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Dassan Dass ji divine discourse in punjabi - video - Part 3

Satnaam ji,
Dassan Dass ji came to the UK last week and we filmed his divine talks in punjabi - this is Part 3  and starts off with "Satnaam Satnaam" being recited and blessed to the sangat.  Please close your eyes and join in and feel the Grace of the Guru.
Dust of your feet.
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Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Dassan Dass ji divine discourse in punjabi - video

Satnaam ji,
Dassan Dass ji came to the UK last week and we filmed his divine talks in punjabi:
Dust of your feet.
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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52