Wednesday 28 April 2010

Unfulfilled desires and Maya's Test.

SatNaam Dearest Dassan Dass Ji,
Dandauth bandhna ji
after your blessings yesterday we spoke to D Ji in India for nearly an hour.
He confirmed that he was going along with his family's plans to have a fake marriage and get into USA. 
That they were always hassling him about what he was going to make of himself in the future.
We asked if he had talked to Baba ji about these plans.  He said he hadn't, that he only asks Baba ji for
naam and to become charandhoor of His feet.
We explained to him he cant blame his family for his own decisions (have to take responsibility for our own actions,
every second is accounted for).  That we understand that deep down he has an unfulffilled desire to emigrate
like he has seen others in the village do.  And that is why when people talk about those schemes he gets caught in their ideas. 
The root cause is his own weakness, unfulfilled desire, deep seated. 
We explained that we had the same problem when doing bhagti 15 years ago, we went very high very fast like him
because we were innocent and thirsty and just did what our sant at the time told us.  But we always had the
deep down unfulfilled desire for a wife.  And in the end, we stopped listening to our Sant because he broke his word
to us by not replaying a loan, and we used that as an excuse to sto doing bhagti and went after our desire. 
But, it has now taken another 15 years and we are still not as spiritually
advanced as we were then.  We had accumulated alot of maya's filth and lost all of our peace of mind and enjoyment
of simran and seva.  We even remember we chased after making a business, a bigger house and got frustrated and thought we had
wasted our time doing bhagti for all those years as e should have just been making money like everyone else.
And when going to the gurdwara could no longer even sit in sangat and close our eyes for 5 five minutes.  When in the
past we could sit for hours and hours - all night in rehnsbhaee kirtan as well.  We only woke up when our cousin
died in young age and we realised we have chased falsehood and need to realise death is true and can come at anytime.
We gave up ou rmaya dreams and our hatred to others,
then we prayed seriously for a Guru to guide us again and the very next day Dassan Dass ji email came. And you told
us that this time it would take longer to achieve our spiritual goals.
So he needed to understand that he has collected alot of bhagti and can very quickly get what he wants.
But not to fool himself that it is his family's desire and he is "serving" them by going along with their plans.
Their plans are based on lies - fake marriage.  And he has been given the divine wisdom to weigh up what he chooses to do.
Why did he choose the path of Truth, if he still wanted to get his desires fulfilled by untrue means?
We said , this  his test, for him to chose if he is going to go after maya or stick to Truth, even if it means
facing the wrath of his family.
We explained to him that whatever he is dreaming about going to America is false.  He is dreaming of a great
life, of good times.  He said, "yes, I was thinking I will get there and then go to baba ji and stay with him and do his seva."
We said, firstly Baba ji has not asked you to do that.  Baba ji has only ever asked us to do seva on our doorstep,
to accept the place god has put us in right now, and serve the ones around us right here and now.  And for him that
meant to be happy as a farmer in a village and that he is serving others around him and serving nature around him as well.
We passed on your message that he would be better to stick to his trade of agriculture rather than struggling in USA.
We also said to him that he is dreaming that his uncle is arranging for his family to get over there and will give him a job.
but the reality is that his uncle will only use him for his benefit and his mind will become disturbed as a result. 
We passed on the message that his uncle will only exploit him.
We also passed on your message that he could easily get caught by immigration for his fake way of getting their, then
he will be sent back and lose all the money he has given to the middle-man, his uncle.
We also passed on your message that by doing untruthful deeds his bandagi would not go with him.
He started crying on the phone on realising his mistakes.
We said that this was his test, that I failed when I had the test 15 years ago because i didn't know any better as I had no Guru.
but in the end, we could only share our expereince and the guru's wisdom with him, but he would have to fight
the battle within.  That he needed to keep his Guru's words in first place, Sangat in second place and family and everyone else
in third place, as you explained to us in the very beginning.
We gave him the example of our sister , who with Baba ji's blessings followed her destiny and married outside of our parents wishes.
Which then made her an outcaste for over a year with our parents and others.  But Baba ji had told her they will come back into compassion.
And now they have all accepted her and realised that their own hate and anger lead to bad health and bad state of mind.
So we said, ask yourself what is the point of making a Guru , taking the Naam and then not listening to him , and not praying to Him to beat your desires?
But instead, to keep saying nice things to the Guru, but go after false deeds to keep the family happy and to fulfill your desires? 
We also gave the example of when we almost migrated to Canada 3 years ago.  It was our dream and we had everything in place - got
redundancy payout from work, got our papers made, had gained new skills in meditation teaching and thought we would make a meditation centre.
But we called baba ji for a blessing and baba ji just said to us that it is better we stick to our technical job 5 days a week and do seva at the weekends.
Our heart sank, we could have overruled baba ji in our mind and said, "no we know best, we are going."  But, we remembered our mistake 15 years ago when we followed our desires which meant we lost all of our bhagti.  So we said to Baba ji our true problem was we are not motivated by our job, we hate it, and we prayed if He wants us to do it
then to please give us motivation.  following which we found our books really interesting, we got offered two jobs and am working 10 minutes from home
with apy increase and fantastic people.  We can never thank Baba ji enough.  We also had a dream at that time and Maya's servant took us to Maya.
she showed us that she had arranged everything for us for our new dream life.  We smiled at her and said , "No thanks." turned our back and walked away.
That desire was deep seated within us for 5 years or more.  And only with Baba ji's kirpa we we able to walk away.
So we said to D have faith in Dassan Dass ji's words.  But the battle is his to fight within his own mind.
We said pray to Baba ji and tell him your real problem - your unfulfilled desire which torments you.  Dont hide it from your Guru and then
turn to Maya to fulfill it.  Face it, beat it and move forwards.  Pray to God-Guru Ji, "You gave me birth in a village, if I die in these fields that is fine with me.
Just keep me in your Naam, Seva and Bandagi."
We also explained to him what Baba ji told us about wants and karma.  Baba ji said we only reap what we have sown.  But people keep wanting
more than they are destined to get at this time.  If they keep sowing towards the things they want, they will get it eventually, maybe later in this life,
maybe many lives in the future.  But people are impatient, they want it now, they may try many religious prayers and readings and go to worldy sants,
if they dont get it they get upset and lose their faith. Or they turn to false deeds to get it.   But they dont realise they will get it only at the right time
when its stined for them.   So we said to D, if he really wants to emigrate, to have faith and let God take care of it for him at the right time.  however, we said
whislt he still has unfullfilled wants, to get it fullfilled will mean many more reincarnations.  Does he want that?  Isn't it better to give it up and to jsut go for God in this lifetime?
to stick to the path of Truth he has chosen, otherwise why did he not stay like the other guys and follow his desires?
May satGuru Ji bless us all to defeat our desires, our false dreams, our illusions, and to accept wherever God has placed us and to do seva in humbleness.
Dust of your feet

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52