Tuesday 2 March 2010

Re: a question

Namaste Ji
SatNaam Ji,
we had similar problems, we always loved guru Nanak dev ji in particular and ten Gurus,
so found it difficult to place Dassan Dass Ji and laso Baba ji in my mind.
Also within sikhism we were always confused as to who our guru was, as they teach you its
the Guru Granth Sahib ji, but then people call upon individual Gurus eg Baba Nanak as well.
And others love their Sants as Gurus as well.
But now with guru Ji's kindness we have realised it is so very simple.  And Baba ji says
it too that God is simplicity, maya is complexity.  So anytime we have these kind of confusions
in our mind just recognise that the root is maya.  Maya is confusing us.
Its very simple Kurt ji, its so simple you will laugh.  There is only One Guru and that is God.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji says it too, and I used to read it everyday twice a day and still didn;t get it.
"Aad ant ekay avtaraa. soee guru samjio hamaraa."
The One who pervades from primal begininning to unknown end.
Understand that that One is my Guru.   ...Chaupai.
God is the only Guru.
However, He is Formless.   He is Pure Divine Light (Jyot/Parkaash).  He is Pure divine Wisdom (Gyan/Shabad).  Dassan Dass ji
refers to God in this state as "Gur".
So we in human body are part of the Creation, praying to Him, the Creator.
We are of Form, He is Formless.
So how can the two meet?
How can we communicate when the senses we have only recognise this world of maya (anything that has shape, form etc is part of Maya)?
The Formless One needs a heart - not biological, but spiritual heart chakra called the Hirdha.
The Hirdha that has bloomed is where the Divine Light, the Formless One, has manifested within the Creation.
And Baba Ji says that is the closest God comes to entering His Creation, as a manifested Jyot (pargatio Jyot).
So that manifesteddivine light (pargatio jyot) within a Hirdha , the Formless One, the One Guru.  Dassan Dass Ji refers
to God manifested within the heart as GURU.
So how does it play out in your life?
You are praying from your heart to God.  One day your sincere prayers pierce through and God hears them.
You are not yet in tune with your own soul (Jyot) as it is buried under the layers of your karma.  And until we clear all
of our past deeds, clear our karma, we cant go back into the Jyot.  so we cant hear the intuition, the answer fro God within our
self.  So what does God, the Gur, do to answer our prayer?  He sends (according to our great good destiny (bhaag) us to the nearest GURU.  The One within whom HE is fully manifested.  The One within whom He is in control and speaking through.  
That one on the outside may not be what we thought a God person should be like, maybe a woman when we were expecting a guru to be male. Maybe Hindu when we were from a Christian background, maybe a warrior when we were expecting a Guru to be
like Mother Teresa.  But God only operates from the inside realm.  He doesn't care about what we were expecting according to our
minds belief system.  He only deals heart to heart and sends you to the nearest one within whom He is fully manifested according to your destiny.  What does that mean?
Baba ji said no Guru every saved the whole world even though the followers may like to believe it eg Christians think Jesus is going to save everyone, Mulsims the same about Mohammed.  Baba ji said each manifested soul (pargatio jyot) only saves the souls that are connected to him due to past Karma.  Baba Ji said that only those can come to him upon whom Baba Ji's name is written on their forehead - means the have past karma, past connection with Baba ji.   Baba ji told us that we were his brother in a past life.
Dasssan Dass ji told us we were sisters in a past life. And in the same way you are with your Hindu Guru because you have past life connection with him.  And you have come to Dassan Dass Ji becuase you have past life connection there too.
The beauty is that this is a journey of your soul and at different times you will meet the one who can help you at that time.  God will come to you as Guru within the person who can help you at each particular stage of your life.  when you needed it God came to you as your Hindu Guru.  When you needed it, God came to you as Dassan Dass Ji.   Under Maya, we think they are different Gurus and which one should we love. But under dinve law, its the same God, the same GUR.  So its very simple ji.  There is only one GUR, but He takes many bodies form.  Guru Nanak Dev ji says it simply, "Gur Gur Eko ves anek" - The Gur is One, His forms are many.
I was very confused about this during my sikh life as to which holy man to believe, Baba ji told us "you did not recognise God in
each of them."   Even though on the outside they may appear different and have different teachings, but inside they are the One Guru - God.
On a practical note, what we do now is focus on Baba Jis feet, and say in you Baba Ji is the ten Gurus, Dassan Dass Ji, all Bhagts , all Gurus and saints.  We bow to them all. Baba Ji has taught us to bow to everyone who has helped us on our journey, even our slanderers.
You can do the same, bow to your Guru and in his feet bow to all the ones who have helped you.
Baba Ji also said he has not come to change anyones religion. He just says "come and get the Eternally Blessed Naam and carry on doing what you are doing."  so if you are going to mandir, mosque or Gurdwara or church, just get the Naam and go to those place and do your naam simran.  Meaning go withni, surrender within in, then all your relgious efforts are useful.  but without Naam, all religious efforts are like churning water hoping to get butter.
Hpe yo dont mind, but we have forwarded this message to the group as well to hlep others who may have similar questions.
Dust of your feet

On 1 March 2010 20:53, Kurt Dornauer <kdkurt@hotmail.com> wrote:
Namaste Harjit ji,
   Thank-you for the kind and helpful e-mail. May you be blessed mightily for helping me so much.
   I have a question that I was hoping you could help me with. You mentioned in your e-mail to continually praise my Guru, etc.. This is very wise advice , but now I have a troubling question. My Hindu Guru is of course my Guru that I am tied to for life and I am certainly very happy for this. But it was Dassan Dass ji that told me that I was ready to meditate on SATNAAM. So of course I owe Him gratitude and reverence every day for this great gift. However, a person cannot have two different Gurus. I must, of course consider my Hindu Guru to be my Guru, however, I realize that I am forever indebted to Dassan Das ji. So do you agree that it is my Hindu Guru to whom I must forever be devoted to, and that a good way to honor Dassan Das ji for His great gift would be to prostrate in gratitiude to him every day and thank him daily in my prayers? I hope you can see my predicament that I cannot abandon my Hindu Guru for another Guru, however I still need to honor Dassan Das ji in a special way. Any suggestions to help me would be very much appreciated. Harjit ji, I long for the day that I can be as devoted a servant of God as you are. PEACE.
     Kurt Dornauer 

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52