Friday, 19 February 2010

The Brahm Gyani realises its all God's play

SatNaam Ji,
Dandauth Bandhna Ji
here is a translation of some good katha by Sant Ram Singh ji about the state of mind of a person who has become Sukhmani.
(Baba Ji also mentions this story in one of his talks.)

"nah kich janma na kich maray
apanay chalat app hee taraa.
The Brahm Gyani he realises from Sukhmani that God plays his own play and no-one actually is born or dies. 
The Brahm Gyani realises it's all God's play and lives by accepting that.
A Sikh prayed to Guru Arjun Dev Ji to have sangat of such a soul like that, of a Brahm Gyani.  Guru Arjun Dev ji
in his humbleness sent the Sikh to Brahm Gyani Bhai Bhikari ji's house.
Guru Ji told the devoted Sikh to go to meet him and his desire  to meet such a Brahmgiani would come true.
Bhai Bhikari ji greeted him kindly and asked him to stay. Bhai Ji's family was preparing for his son's wedding.
But Bhai sahib was neither recited or down, he was doing Sat Sangat, and at the same time was sowing a sheet. 
The Sikh asked him what are you doing?
Bhai replied, "now is the time for Sat Sang, not for talking. Let us join together in rememberance of the Guru."
Night came, they retired to bed.
The next day wedding took place, but later the son had sudden tummy problems and died.
Where there was happiness, now there was sadness.
The Sikh saw Bhai Sahib's face, not excited, no sadness.  Still at one.
The huge sheet  that Bhai Bikhari Ji had stitched together was used for the sangat to sit on.
And he said - "its all as He pleases."
The Sikh asked, "if you knew your son was going to die, why didnt you stop the wedding? Or pray for him to have longer life?"
Bhai Ji replied, "if we know all of Gods divine play, then we dont interfere,
we accept whatever he does as SAT.  It had to happen that way.
This union had to happen,  this girl had to come to our house,
our son had to leave now. The Gurmukh who accepts the will, doesn't interfere. 
"nah kich janma na kich maray
apanay chalat app hee taraa"
The Brahm Gyani realises it's all God's play
and lives by accepting that."
Dust of your feet

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Why Do Sikhs Ritually Read Sukhmani?

SatNaam Ji,
Dandauth Bandhna Ji.
Are the Gurdwaras just making a joke out of this beautiful Sukhmani Bani?  Let me tell you of a recent experience.
A few weeks back our family arranged Sukhmani reading and langar seva at the Gurdwara.
The Sukhmani reading cost £400 I was told.
The preacher started reading Sukhmani at around 9.10am, he started a bit late so had to rush.
The Gurdwara was pretty empty at that time, so he fired off Sukhmani like a machine gun.
I'm not joking, it was the fastest reading I have ever heard.  It was in tune, each word was pronounced correctly,
it was technically perfect, but empty, totally empty of any emotion.
Our father told us afterwards, the preacher used to get told off by the committee for reading too slowly
and making the remaining Gurdwara programme overrun. So now he's gone to the other extreme.
What is the obsession with ritual readings in Sikhism?  And not just with one reading, but multiple readings a day.
Some people are doing two Sukhmani sahibs a day for 40 days?  I know that's what I did many years ago after being told to do so
for my spiritual progression.   To tell the truth, at the end of those 40 days i was completely shattered, because
I am not a fast reader so it was taking a total of 2*1.5hrs each day - an extra 3hrs ontop of working and doing my normal nitnem
and going couple hours of simran.  Before that experience I used to read an Astpadi a day and really enjoyed reading and
understanding.  It felt like Guru Arjun Dev ji was talking to me personally.  Or even better now I enjoy singing it and feeling the love.
however, after being told that I needed to read twice a day , it made it into a ritual and I absolutely hated it by the end. I even
renamed it "Dukh-mani Sahib" after that experience.  Which wasn't a good thing to say.  But since then I have learnt
that it is much more important to enjoy the Gurbani.  To sing it, to cherish it, to love it and most importantly to bring it into my daily life.
To bring even one beautiful gem of divine wisdom into my life everyday is more important that counting how many tims I read it and how quickly 
I can read it.  For example, the line "eeha ka neech dargah ka ooch" means become lowest in this world and hence you are regarded as highest in God's world.
Its easy to read, but hard to do.  Hard to be humble.  Hard to bow liek a stick (dandauth bandhna) at your children's feet, at your wife's feet, at your parents feet, at a Sant's feet,
at the feet of the whole of creation - its hard because ego doesnt let us do it.  So rather than reading like crazy, slow down and earn that one line.
I was interested in where this culture of multiple readings and speed-readings has come from and on top of that how come there is
now a price on it if a preacher at Gurdwara or at your home reads it?  It isn't written in Gurbani as to how often to read it.
So who is giving the instructions to the Sikhs to do this?  I have just listened to kirtan and katha of Sukhmani by Sant Ram Singh of Nanaksar.
Here is the incorrect logic and unverified stories they use for reading Sukhmani and spreading the curse of multiple ritual readings of this beautiful bani, which should be treasured and earned.
"There was a sickness in the town that no doctor could heal, so people
in desperation came to Guru Arjun Dev ji.  He prayed to God and for next 8 days
the Sukhmani Bani came from God and all sickness went.
Whoever reads this SUKHmani bani will have their DUKH removed.
Baba Nand Singh ji told whoever came to him to do Sukhmani daily as it
is the treasure of Sukh.  Hence, if you want Sukh from the Guru read Sukhmani daily.
When we were suffering upside in the womb, we were praying to God to give us Sukh -
to get us out of this hell.   We promised and prayed that we would not forget God
and would remember Him with every breath for the rest of our life.
So Baba Nand Singh said Sukhmani is the Bani that can make that promise
we made to God in the womb come true.  As reading this Sukhmani
even once in a day means all breaths in the day are accepted as having remembered God.
Because the problem is that we dont remember God with every breath.
Sikhs came to Guru Arjun Dev ji and said that you have instructed
us to remember God with every breath and when we come in your sangat, we do remember God.
But when we go back into our daly lives, we forget.  Our spirtual state is not so
high.  Our mind is not into God all the time.  It goes into our work.
In this way, most of our life is being wasted, only a small part is on God.
So how will we be saved?
After reciting this Sukhmani Bani, Guru Arjun Dev ji also said that
whosoever reads it with love and devotion even once will have all breaths approved. 
24 Astpadis cover the 24 hours in a day.  Doing Sukhmani is same as doing
saas-saas (breath-breath) Simran. "
As you can see, its not what is actually written in Sukhmani that is emphasised.
They create an illusion around Sukhmani. 
If you want SUKH read Sukhmani.
If you want your Dukh to go read Sukhmani.
They incorrectly redefine the meaning of Sukhmani, eg Guru Arjun Dev ji says
do saas-saas simran, but that is impractical, so they make a story telling us
that by reading Sukhmani, the 24 Astpadis is equal to 24 hours of saas-saas simran.
That is not what is written in the Gurbani.  That is man-made story.
It is very difficult in the Sikh world to get away from the illusions that are wrapped
around the rituals and readings that Sikhs are performing on a daily basis.  But the
best way to get out of the illusions is to actually discard what people, even relgious
people have told you, and to actually just read what the Guru Himself has said.
Really read and earn the words you read.  It will transform your life.
Only the one who has become Sukhmani , who has earned every single divine jewel
in their heart can tell us the true divine meanings. 
Dassan Dass ji has explained that Saas-Saas/Saas-giraas simran in not a breathing technique
as promoted by some Sikhs.  That Saas-saas simran is not achieved by reading
Sukhmani every day either.  Saas-saas simran is the state when your simran has gone so
deep that every bit of your mind, body and soul is saturated in the Naam, that your Simran it now in auto-pilot mode.
Here is a final comment by Dassan Dass Ji on the twisted culture of ritual readings promoted
and charged for by modern day preachers:
"There are many of preachers out there who preach to read Sukhmani for accomplishing worldly things, but we have yet to see a preacher who tells the Sangat to become Sukhmani by doing what Sukhmani is telling us to do.  We have not yet seen any preacher who delivers the complete Divine Truth to the Sangat.  We have not yet seen any such preacher who delivers Puran Tat Gyan to the masses.  The real Divinity is in becoming Sukhmani by doing what Sukhmani is telling us to do and not just in reading Sukhmani every day and even multiple times every day.  Such souls who do what Sukhmani is saying become Sukhmani for sure."
So we need you and others to tell the truth to these preachers and to your Gurdwaras and families and to stop making a mockery out of Sukhmani
with speed readings and multiple readings ontop of which you have to pay for it.
Dassan Dass Ji has delivered the Puran Sat - the complete Truth of what Sukhmani is in the book available here .
It is freely available to read online or print off, on in english and punjabi as well.
Dust of your feet

Re: [Truth] confessions from an unforgivable fool utmost fool

SatNaam Dearest Taranjit Ji,
Dandauth Bandhna ji,
Veer Ji,
out of everyone you are the one who confesses the most and regularly,  but is it helping you?  Are you getting worse, before it was confessing bad thoughts, but now are you confessing violent actions as well ? " we are even doing lot of anger we hurted our younger sister hard with beating."
You have been confessing regualry about masturbating for a few years now, but has your lust diminished, has it gone?
Gurbani says, "Kaam Krodh Nagar Bahu Pariaa, Mil sadhoo Kandal Kanda he" - ANger and Lust compleelty fill the body-town, but meeting the Sadhu
they have been complelety destroyed.
Ask yousefl why haven't my Kaam and Krodh been completely destroyed since meeting Dassan Dass Ji?
Why am I still confessing to these actions of mine even after all these years?
By confessing, which is a good thing to do, you are gettinng calm again.  But until you deal with the root caue of your Lust and anger, you will always be fighting those fires and confessing.
The reason you still get angry and have lust and masturbate is because deep down you actually enjoy those things.  If it didn't make you feel good, or give you some positive feeling, then you wouldnt be donig it.   You masturbate because you enjoy it and its a release.  You get angry and beat your sister because your took out your frsutrations out on her - YOUR OWN FRSUTRATIONS out on an innocent person.  But it gave your anger a release.
These are the reasons why all of us keep on indulging in our 5 thieves, because they satisfy some selfish need within us.
So how will you ever get out of their grips if you really deep down dont want to, because they satisfy your needs?
Confessing has become like washing a mud wall, its still muddy.
There is only one way to beat them and that is to relly earn the Guru's Words, Dassan Dass Ji;s words, Baba Ji's words, Gurbani's words.
There are two ways to beat desires according to Baba Ji, and that is either to give them up completely and fight them and be willing to die trying.
Tanraj ji told us that with lust, the way to beat it, is to hold out for as long as you can without masturbating.  Then when you fail, then try again and hold out for longer, and when you fail again, hold out for longer and keep doing so, and everytime keep on doing your dasandh of seva and simran and giving daswandh.   Then one day lust will not bother you again.  Tanraj ji is living example of this.    The other way Baba ji said to beat desires is to fulfill them, so go and get married, have as much sex as you desire, years and years of it, and children will come and it wont give you any guilt because within marraige sex is a boon.  But keep doing your daswandh of sva, simran and money.  Then it wont bother you anymore.  Like Rajneesh said a ripe fruit falls off the tree by itself.  When lust has served its purpose it will wither away within you.  This is how we feel mostly nowadays.  The first path is very difficult, we tried that year ago and there were many blessings to be had.  But second way is longer but also works. 
So you really need to decide how you are going to win this war against lust, simply confessing everytime is goig to work without deep down practical changes.
Also with anger, anger is due to yourown frustrations.  so why are you frustrated?  What is your ego holding onto, that is getting offended and then causing you to be violent towards others?  we were same last ear when we beat our daughter - it was due to our own controlling nature and her nature to to be acntrolled.  After that we gave up trying to control anyone, its only God's Hukam that controls everyone anyway, trying to go against that or to change that causes anger.   Baba ji said to us just do your bhagti and God will take care of your family.  So you also have to trust in god as well and stop controlling your sister or family or whatever it is that you are doing that means you are not trusting others or accepting what they are doing.
Bottomline is you have to get to the root cause of your anger and lust and take postive steps by changing your attitude and perhaps change your life to overcome them.
Dust of your feet

On 17 February 2010 04:24, taranjeet singh <> wrote:

Satnaam SatNaam Sada Satguru puran hai Satnaam

Dandouth at feet of eveyone Satnaam in all Please accept this ritualistic seagull's dandouth at ur feet  jee,

Satnaam jee from few days we have been comannded to confess about continous misdeeds which we are making may God bless us to be in sync with Truth and love satnaam jee we are full of lust, we are full of anger, we are full of mistrust, we are full of foishness, we are slanderer, we are lazy and manmukh we dont deserve the kind of love which is being poured on us without any discontinoution Satnaam-satguru dhan dhan sat sangat jee we keep on speaking, hearing doing out of ego please forgive us if u can and take us along with " Oh durr key musaa fir humko bhee saath le le rey hum reh gaye akele" Satnaam jee we are full of greed and attachment we dont do ardaas of self slandering we keep on accumalting maya desires and we are masturbuting every night this our naked self centric self we keep on lusting on par dhan par tan " mein prem naa chaakeyaa bhav karey " we are full of mistrust and we are disobedient lot who needs to be sticked hard please stick us so much that we forget the sense of self and we die and u rise oh always phoneix of love u rise we die , we are even doing lot of anger we hurted our younger sister hard with beating please forgivethis maha kapatee, maha krodhee rakshash for misdeeds which we are knowingly commiting if u can Satnaam-satguru sat sajaan meet preet sat muraaree mein moorkah ardh , gawaar gawaare teri dey mat apni maare man nivaa mat uchee kar taare oh puran sant bhagwant sat banwaare satnaam jee we are full of desires please dust all these desires by beating we are manmukh please make us sanmukh and if u wish please make us Gurmukh please delete us and u come all over u take command satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam sada sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat satnaam give us that ardaas which takes us out of this paash karo puran ees maya daa vinaash Sat pargaas satnaam jee oh God of gOds oh param of param oh suprme divine blessed graceful Satnaam and his divine sat roop sadhu sangat jee sat-sangat jee please bless this manmukh with naam ka sukh naam ki bhukh and we shall move forward towards u satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam.

please all forgive us if u wish to for the offendings which we keep on commiting SatNaam.

just a nirgunaare ainaa samjhe khud ko siyana satnaam



Wednesday, 17 February 2010

becoming sukhmani

SatNaam Ji, Dandauth Bandhna ji
manytimes we forget the basics of this path, so it is good to go back to the beginning and start again.
The first lesson in the Sukhmani Book is to do Dandauth Bandhna (see Sukhmani Excercises).
With Guru ji's Kirpa please pray to bring this first lesson into our life.  
We had astrong feeling to do so this week, to do Dandauth Bandhana to everyone we meet this week.
We started with our cousins family and our own.  We noticed all the resistance in our mind - and that resistance is EGO within.
We delayed for a day to do it , "What will they think of us?  We will be drawing attention to ourself again and ridicule etc".
But with Guru ji's kirpa we managed to do it and they were all ok about it, even our relative told us we need to do it to our wife because she deserves it, so we did.
With Guru Ji's kirpa we realised that by doing Dandauth Bandhna to family especially breaks all illusions that they are cousin, nephew, wife, kids and so on.
All the illusions of Maya go and we are free to see God in all.
Its like saying to Maya, "Game Over - we are no longer playing by your rules, no one is any relation to us, all is God."
After that our Simran has been much better, we have been seeing ourself flying higher and higher into skies upon skies upon skies, patala patal lakh akashaa akash.
We felt our hands and feet filling with amrit and expanding.
We feel better and freer.
We feel more loving and peaceful.
Dust of your feet

Friday, 12 February 2010

You are starting out on your spiritual journey

It is lovely to meet another kind soul in the world.
You are starting out on your spiritual journey by the sounds of it,
although your soul is just carrying on from where it left off.
Nothing happens by accident, you were destined to come to the website and
God wants you to know all the Gyan - divine wisdom contained on the website.
It all happens by his grace, whoever He calls to His divine court - Dargah, can come
via the SatGuru.  He is the Husband our soul is the lonely woman.  The Satguru
is the matchmaker and introduces us to our divine Husband.  The Satguru blesses
us with the key to the Husband's palace.   That key is called gurParsaadi Naam - the Eternally Blessed Naam - Sat Naam.
The palace is our spiritual heart chakra (hirdha). 
All these teachings are from gurbani and are 100% real, you will experience it all we feel.
Gurbani says that our divine husband is in the heart, but that room is locked.  So we spend our whole life raoming around all the other rooms within our mind and body, but never entering into the only room that mattered.
The first step on the journey is to find our SatGuru, to pray to god to meet Him, and when He hears our true heartfelt prayer,
then He, who is Formless - Nirankar, takes a form of the SatGuru, within whom He is fully radiant and blesses us with the gurParsaad of Naam.  Then the quicker we surrender our mind, body, wealth and everything to the Guru's divine words, the quicker we go through the door.   Its as simple as that ji, but we make it complicated.  So we have to work through all of our doubts by asking questions. We have to recognise the deeds we are doing under the influence of the 5 thieves, and confess those bad deeds in order to be free of them.
God bless you and your family, always and forever.  Please fee free to ask questions and to shre about yourself any problems issues you go through, we are always here to help and pray for you.  
And most of all start praying everyday, every moment for the gift of GurParsaadi Naam.  Then when you feel ready email and ask for these blessings.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Fwd: omega-3 oil to beat depression

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Harjit <>
Date: 2 February 2010 09:18
Subject: omega-3 oil to beat depression

SatNaam ji
when our daughter had very bad skin a couple of years ago we researched dinto diet and nutrition and found that most people in the west are lacking in omega essential fatty acids.  They are essentail for good skin , brain food and mental health.  But nowadays, people have completely missed it out in their diets.  You can get it from oily fish, or vitamin supplements or vegetarian alternatives like seed oil.  We have been giving it to our kids using wellkid vitamins for the last year and their skin and mental health is good. 
We also take a handful of almonds, nuts and seeds with our cereal every morning - so we get it that way.   Our mum used to tell us that Sants in india used to eat plenty of nuts and seeds because they knew it was essential for people doing  meditation and bhagti.
If you struggle with bad skin or depressing thoughts it is worth looking into your diet to see if you are lacking in omega.
More scientific article
dust of your feet

Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52