Tuesday 17 November 2009

Soul Mates ?

Sat Naam Ji
Dandauth Bandhna Ji.
We are sharing this as it may help others to get out of the grip of confusing relationship desires.

The following was sent in reply to a question about meeting your soul mate and both parties feeling strong attraction even though they may already be married:


Forget about soul mates, Baba ji said that souls dont merge with each other, only into God. What we have with other souls is Karma. And whenever you have an interaction with someone else its due to your past karma or making new karma. And where you have a big attraction its probably because you were married/partners/realted before. You have the attraction because your left over karma with each other has to play out. Baba ji explained that law of karma overrules everything. So that means karma has to play out regardless of the story of "he is married" etc. Karma doesnt care about man-made things that we have , wether that means the other person is married and made promises to be faithful to his wife (so why are there so many affairs? - because karma overrules everything).

How does Karma play? Through desire. Attractions is all part of wanting and desiring something of the world. Once we have desire then we work on making it come true , which leads to all the interactions (monetary, time, words, gifts, kissing, sex etc) - which is basically all of the give and take that was due to each other accroding to past karma. Along the way we will end up making new karma as well, to repay on another day in future. So that in a nutshell is how we are all repaying our dues so that the LAW OF KARMA prevails. No one and absolutely no -one escapes their Karma. It doesnt matter how educated you are, or how religious you are, or how high your morals are, when desire takes over all that goes out of the window so that KARMA can be played out, plus consequences.

The only way to escape from our Karma our have it reduced is through the eternal blessings through the grace of our God-Guru, to give up desire, to ask for forgivness, to not follow the desire, not even the logic of the mind which will try and tell you it is not desire but hukam. Actually the LAW OF KARMA is one of the Divine Laws (hukam). But the direct Hukam of God in you which we call intuition is never selfish, is never thinking of our own happiness and our own attractions, it is always thinking of the benefit of others and not causing pain to others (unless their pain is caused due to their false beliefs being shattered by Truth).

Hope that makes sense.

Also when you are doing more simran and meditation as you are, things you desire deep down will come to you thick and fast. The things you desire will be in any area where you have unfullfilled wishes eg relationships or money are the main ones i found. So that is how you know its a test. Its always a test. You always have the choice to follow the desire to get it out of your system, but whilst doing so your spiritual elevation that you have workes so hard at gaining will drop drastically i.e. you will chase heaven (pleasure) enjoy it for a while, but eventually end up seeing the hell (pain) of it as well. Then when you come out of it you may once again turn towards Bhagti to find the Truth again. And that is the cycle we go around and around and around in.

Its all just evolution of our consciousness, to get out of desires, to become desire free - either by following the desires until we feel the pain, or letting them go because we have surrendered to our Guru and to keep going forward.

So how to protect yourself from it?

Pray to Guru ji to say "I am full of desires, full of five thieves, I fully accept all my mistakes, please forgive us and keep us always under your feet SatGuru ji. Mind is Your, body is Your, Wealth is yours, nothing is mine, just give us Naam, Seva and Bandagi guru ji."

And then inside yourself you ahve to decide 100% I dont want this. And It doesnt matter if I end up being lonely or alone or never find anyone else (etc and all the other things the mind tries to tell us so we wont give it up).


dust of your feet


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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52