Tuesday, 29 September 2009
celebrating diwali and other fesitvals
Monday, 28 September 2009
Fwd: "I am that" - book on awareness by a spiritual master
From: Harjit <satsatsat@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/9/28
Subject: "I am that" - book on awareness by a spiritual master
To: gurmukhs@yahoogroups.com
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
The Devil In Disguise
The following is written inspired by a conversation with Baba Ji in 2005
The Devil In Disguise
When I was a kid I hid behind a pillow while watching Count Dracula about to bite the neck of some poor girl. And then trying to creep upstairs past the open window was terrible. Thoughts of "What if a vampire bat flies and bites me?" We all like to feel a bit of fear and that's why we watch scary movies, and afterwards we can laugh it off "its not real – just a story."
We can laugh of Count Dracula as a fictional character, but billions of people actually believe in the existance of the Devil. Listen to any Christian evangelist on the GOD channel screaming about how the Devil is running the world. Or even within Sikhs we hear people say "Kaljug" (The Dark Age) came as a Devil to tempt Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Why do religions need the concept of the Devil? A Christian psycholgist told me that in the old days Christian preaching was done with the basic premise "DO THIS OR GOT TO HELL!". Meaning people who didn't fit in with the general society would be punished. Fear was the motivating force to make people pray to God and to conform to the religious belief system. But scientific thinking has exposed the false belief systems imposed by religious organisations.
For example, Galileo lived around the time of Guru Arjun Dev ji – 1600s. He was a monk as a kid and then became a famous mathemetician and astrologer. He worked out that the planets revolve around the sun. However, the Catholic Church interpreted the Bible to mean that the Earth was the centre of the Universe. The Pope of the time had Galileo sentenced to lifelong imprisonment. Even upto this day, the Catholic Church has not admitted they were wrong for what they did.
"On 31 October 1992, 350 years after Galileo's death, Pope John Paul II gave an address on behalf of the Catholic Church in which he admitted that errors had been made by the theological advisors in the case of Galileo. He declared the Galileo case closed, but he did not admit that the Church was wrong to convict Galileo on a charge of heresy because of his belief that the Earth rotates round the sun." http://www-groups.dcs.st- and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Galileo.html
If the Pope of Galileo's time and the Pope of our time are more concerned with preserving their Church's reputation than accepting the Truth, then who is the Devil that is corrupting the masses? Some imaginary being with horns and a red tail, or some real figure dressed in white , smiling and looking good on the outside but fake on the inside?
Are the relgious leaders the Devil in disguise?
Are the President and Prime Ministers the devil in disguise?
Gurbani teaches that the individual consumed by the 5 thieves – anger, greed, lust, attachment and pride – is the living, talking, walking Devil.
It doesn't matter that on the outside the religious leaders look good in their robes and preach morality. That they lay down what they think is God's law about social topics like abortion, gay marriage, using contraception etc etc. It doesn't matter that Presidents wear business suits and have utmost respect from world leaders. It doesn't matter that they justify wars saying "Good against evil". None of it matters if they are consumed by the 5 thieves. Then all they say and do is corrupt. Beware of these Devils that walk about in broad daylight to the adoration of the media and the masses. Its just a show.
Are they not corrupt? In the old days the power lay with the King and the Church, and the musicians entertained them whilst the masses lived in fear. Now in the 21st Century, neither the Rulers nor the Religions managed to save the starving in Africa. Why? Because they are not interested where people of their nation or their relgion are not involved. They have not had enough compassion to help the God in the heart of the dying Africans. So where the Rulers and the Relgion have failed, the Heart of God singing love songs from the mouths of musicians have managed to move the world into action (Live8 concerts last weekend).
The time where people lived in fear of their Rulers and of the Relgions is coming to an end. Now is the time for the heart of God in every body to come forward and make a difference.
God is the power in our body that can make the world better for everyone. Don't be scared of some imaginary Devil or "Kaljug", look inside and only be scared of yourself turning into the Devil in disguise. And avoid the Devils in organised religion and politics. Don't give them time or money, don't give them respect. With your own hands go and feed the poor and needy. There's a saying "The mouth of the poor is the Guru's moneybox." Don't waste your money in donations to Building funds and travelling preachers building Temple complexes in India.
Guru Nanak Ji says that wherever the poor are looked after God's mercy rains down. So become God on Earth, not a Devil in Disguise. And remember "If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem."
Written under GurPrasad.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Re: [Truth] Expernce of Shweta jee
Satnaam tera kiyaa tu hee jaane satgurur aap hee hai tu toh ko maane.Dandouth at feet of divine blessed and blessed beings of One Love, Satnaam,we are sharing experince of Dhan Dhan Shweta jee ( in India ) she have limited excess to intenet so told us to write this.Few Days back we called dhan dhan shweta jee by grace of Guru Akaal sat naam she was little upset said having attachment with someone and she also verbally abused him in ahankaar and couldnot get out of guilt consiousness so we asked us by ur grace to call babajee ( dhan dhan of Canada) , generaaly she ignores it but that night she called immeditely babajee was with dhan dhan preetam Ananad jee , babajee told him that go to mirror and see ur image and asked her hw is her image she said beautiful babajee told her the things we dont like in miirror image is our ego showing us , and then told her to do dandouth and seva at temple or Guru dwara , we dont remeber all just tring to give somewhat we remeber by ur grace jee please forgive us for that satnaam jee tu sab jaandaa hai pyaare..that night she had all night satnaam going inside her , her room mate( her name is Dha Dhan Jyoti Jee she is also blessed satguru jee Bless her with naam sat naam ) , told her she was waving in sleep and doing satnaam ,Next Day she had so many day dreaming plan making coming in her head all day she kept thinking and thinking till her thought made her to sangat and then instantly she went into samaadhee with Naam going inside us , she reached a place which has seemingly no end and no start that place was very dirty real garbage all over then babajee always the one Love came and told her to sweep this place she said there is no broom he told her to look down and there was broom by which she ducted all the place and threw the garbage at the end of the place ( it was kind of end ) and them babajee was gone then a light came from where Satguru Dasaandaas jee ( please forgive us for adreesing u so love . u are hooney sweet dargling of ours Satnaam jee honey sweet darling satnaam jee ) and he told her to moop the floor using water , she asked for water and it was there she cleaned all the place again , then she asked Dhan Dhan babajee ( dassandaas jee Satguru ) what is this ? where i am? what is this place ? then Dhan Dhan always Truth form of Love Dassandaas jee replied this is ur mind , and the things u cleaned where ur bad negative thoughts ( u can say thoughts) then she asked Satguru jee what is to be done next now , he told her u know it ! , yes she said we have to call God form now so she called God ( from child hood she is viewing God in form of Shiva jee dhan dhan and Dhan dhan Parvatee jee ) so God came in that form and sat on a higher platform and that ganagjali was flowing from his hair, she got bathed in it they sang a song for her " Tujh Sung Preet lagaayee Sajnaa" then Satguru jee asked Shwetaa jee that these are ur parents ( then there parents were there ) respect them do dandouth she did dandouth to all every one there and Satguru jee said they have given birth to u here they are dhan dhan do there service , there seva is our sevaa. Thenwhile she was telling this experince to to this maha moorkah kapatee we asked her by ur grace to go again inside she said she was there again but there is some web in the place Satguru jee in us asked her to clean it using broom then she soid one sipder is there which is agian making it fast Satguru jee told her to strike that spider and she did it after some hesitation so that spider ran away , now babajee , dhan dhan dassandass jee ( the lover one ) was there her parents and Shivaa jee dhan dhan god form and parvatee jee , she asked us what to do we asked her that our dandouth to ever loving babajee and dhan dhan sat kaal roop satnaam jee babajee and she said we are also there laughing like we were doing at that time on phone. she asked us what to do satgur jee told her to put some soil on that place sow the garden of flower and there was phew! garden where roses were there and ( it was like real live reporting she was doing so dhan dhan for a worm fool ilike us who is in ego and pride ) satnaam there were butterflies also , she got command that we have to everyday cleaning of our inner being " mut palit kapat hoyee ley sabun leyeye oh dhooye bhareye mat paaapa keay s-ung uooh dhoove Naame ke Rung" ( so she got message that she and us have to clean our inner being from these thoughts which distract us from satguru jee 's charan Naam Satnaam) May God-Guru give us this Sat-budhee, sat-sangat and Naam.just had this thing to share , also in this whole experince we asked her that God doesnot have any form u shud go beyound forms ( easy said then done for fools like Me ) , she told us that God comes in form to reside in heart for which we have viewed him we said satbachan by Grace of akaal sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sta sat sat naam akaal sat satnaam and she said even dhan dhan lovable babajee also saying so so we again hence proved to be as fool than as we dont think to be.just had this piece of experince to share jee by ur grace shared by u and read by u only u only u only u only.we say one is having" Presence of Mind" means intelligence so thats what naam leads us to Presence of Mind , Mind in present.satnaam.just a lazy procratinator fool.__._,_.___![]()
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Sunday, 20 September 2009
Dealing with emotional people
meeting the sangat one is ferried across
Friday, 18 September 2009
Re: [Truth] Warror
This one resonates with me so clearly as I watch my parents make themselves ill through poor diet, my son-in-law reduce his life through obesity and the grandchildren grow lazy through lack of exercise! We are responsible for ourselves, both physically and mentally - no one else! Here is a way of life that if we follow it will give us our responsibility for body and mind.
Thank you, Simran, for pointing this out.
From: satnaam@yahoogroups.com [mailto:satnaam@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of simran kaur
Sent: 17 September 2009 21:01
To: satnaam@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Truth] Warrior
Share the following. Blessings Simran
Where have all the warriors gone? Where are all the stoics, the hardy grafters, the industrious inventors, the pioneers and adventurers? Why are men's shirts tight on the belly instead of on the chest and back, and why are woman having to get post codes placed on each cheek of their very large arses? What ever happened to physical prowess, the hardy mentality and the imaginative acuity that enabled our great species to survive eons against seemingly impossible odds?
I was watching an old film the other night, The Last of the Mohicans, starring Daniel Day Lewis, a moving and visceral account of the dying Mohican race. It was amazing how these stoics dealt with their harrowing circumstance in history. It was an incredibly inspiring film, it stirred in me a need to reconnect with my warrior ancestry. All the time I was watching the film I kept reflecting on life in the twenty first century and thinking, 'where….have all the warriors gone?' These sinewy men and svelte women lived a challenging and purposeful existence, and they were all the more vibrant and passionate for it.
People today, by comparison, have become slobish and lazy, moaners and wingers of the first order, they have forgotten how to break a sweat and they don't know how to handle discomfort anymore. At the fist sign of distress they run to the pub or the doctors or they smother their hurt under another blanket of addiction.
Daniel Day Lewis would be ashamed!
Ours is largely a sedentary society but we still live in body that is built to move. It needs physically demanding work every day in order to stay healthy. The hunter-gatherer that once roamed the plains and jungles with arrow and spear is still inside us, it is a vital and untapped resource, part of our heritage that needs recognition and expression. Re-claiming this legacy is vital for the physical, mental and spiritual well being of our species. And the pulsing vitality derived from expressing our inner warrior spawns a confidence and a congruence that will permeate through every aspect of our lives, whether in the work place, at home or in a dark alley facing down and angry mugger.
People have forgotten how to be courageous.
They have forgotten why it is important to be courageous.
Maybe now is the time to reconnect with the warrior that you once were and could be again.
Here are a few tips to help you towards self sovereignty and hardiness:
1) Get your physical well being back to balance. And start now. You should not be fat! You should not be unfit. You should not be out of shape.
2) Do not put of until tomorrow when you and I both know that for the procrastinator tomorrow does not exist.
3) Don't point the finger of blame, unless you have a mirror handy. It is not a warrior trait to blame. The responsibility starts and ends with you.
This is the exciting bit. You don't have to wait for permissions, you don't need
the nod from your wife or your mum or your mates down the pub, it is down to
you, and making your own decisions is one step towards becoming a warrior.
4) Be industrious. Be busy investing your hours into the conglomerate that is You Inc. You should not be lazy, your time is very valuable because your time is finite, it is a once only deal, you will never get lost time back again, so make the very best you can of it.
5) Kill the self pity; you should not be self-pitying, it does not serve you and it is not a warrior trait. You need to be stoic about life, if you get knocked down seven times, get back up again eight.
6) Groom! People say that you should not judge by appearance. But if someone does not even have the self discipline to honour their body by keeping it clean and groomed, then it does not say an awful lot for their inner being.
7) Make an inventory. Abraham Lincoln made an inventory of all his faults; impatience, procrastination, lateness etc. He ended up with about fifteen personal failings on his list. He then spent a week, in rota, perfecting each area until he had erased them all.
8) Self invest. Set an amount of time out every day to invest in yourself. Read, write, study, train, meditate – what ever does it for you, but invest. Make the investment consistent. And don't say you do not have the time. You have the same time as everyone else. And if you don't invest in you, who will?
9) Build a library. I have yet to meet a very successful person who does not read heavily. Readers are leaders. So start your collection of books and audios now. It will be life changing, because it is through the library that we escape mediocrity.
10) Serve. Make a point of serving others, because what you give out will keep returning. There is much power here! This is a reciprocal universe, what you give you will get back ten fold. Where possible make your service anonymous. Ideally only you and God should know where and how you serve. The real power of service is when it is secret service.
Be a warrior. Do not let life kick sand in your face. Stand up to it. Stoics see adventure and growth in every life situation, even and especially the tough life situations. It is in adversity that warriors are made. Be a hardy grafter, an industrious inventor and a pioneer. Do not settle for second best or complain about the fact that you would do more 'if things were not so difficult.' Life is hard for everyone, no one can escape the human condition, but it does not have to be dull and mundane; it can be exciting-hard and colourful-hard. You just need to give yourself a change of perspective, stop seeing what you have not got, and start looking at what you have got.
Don Juan Matus, a Yaqui Indian and Shaman, when teaching his student Carlos Castaneda, told him that the universe is made up of consciousness, and that if he changed his perception of the universe whole new worlds would open up to him. So get busy, change your perception, see the growth is difficulty, the adventure in the warrior life and whole new worlds will open up to you.
Be well
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Tuesday, 15 September 2009
The Art Of Meditation - Yogic Way
By Dr. Rita Khanna
When the flow of concentration (Dharana) is uninterrupted, the state that arises is Dhyana. Dhyana is the study of deep concentration, calmness, and tranquility of the mind. As Dhyana grows and matures, the mind goes on – becoming more and more pure. It folds open up, the old Samskaras are dissolved; the ego, the arrogance become humble and then insignificant. One, then, progresses from the unconscious to subconscious state, from subconscious to conscious state, and from conscious to super conscious state (the state of Samadhi). There is no other feeling except a state of Supreme Bliss.
• The place for Dhayana must be clean, well- ventilated, and free from insects. Ideally, it is better to have a separate room or a corner for Dhayana. This space acquires special energy as you meditate regularly, and you will feel calm when you enter this space. As meditation is repeated, the powerful vibrations set up will be lodged in the area; an atmosphere of peace and purity will be felt. You can meditate outdoors if you like, but choose an area where you will not get disturbed. Avoid meditating too close to the sea, as sea breeze contains moisture and can hamper correct breathing.
• The direction you face, while meditating, affects concentration to some extent. If possible, sit facing the East or the North, to derive the benefits of favorable magnetic vibrations from the earth.
• Meditate in a peaceful and relaxing environment. Create the right atmosphere by putting up pictures of a deity you like. You can also relax by playing soft and soothing music. Things that have a positive effect on you will help your mind settle down faster.
• Use a soft, comfortable cushion or mat for your seat. You can use a four-folded blanket or a yoga mat. Cover your legs with a blanket if it is cold.
• Set aside a specific time for meditation. The best time for Dhayana is dawn and dusk as it is very calm and peaceful. If you cannot meditate at dawn or dusk, then choose a time that is convenient for you. If you meditate in the morning, you will remain calm throughout the day and work better. The best hours are from 4 to 6 in the morning. This is the period of Brahmamuhurta. At that time, the atmosphere is charged with a special spiritual force. Meditating, before going to bed at night, will ensure a sound sleep.
• Do not mediate on a full stomach. This is because attention is drawn to the stomach and the digestion process. You might suffer from indigestion if you force yourself to meditate before your food has been properly digested. Wait for at least three hours after a meal.
• Meditating when you are depressed or unhappy is also not recommended, as your dejection could get intensified. Try to reduce intellectualization, as much as possible. Let the mind follow the mental actions necessary for execution of the practice. Remember – meditation is not something that is done by the mind. In fact, it is the absence of the mind. When the mind stops, or becomes still, meditation happens.
• Regularity is extremely important, if you want to derive all the benefits of meditation. Otherwise, you will lose the discipline and find it difficult when you start again. Regularity conditions the mind to slow down its activities with a minimum of delay.
• Set fixed times for yourself and keep firmly to these times. It should be practiced once or twice during the day, depending on your need, without any break whatsoever. Like eating, meditation will become a natural part of you.
• In the beginning, set aside 15-20 minutes to meditate, and gradually increase it to one hour. Calm your mind by controlling your thoughts. However, do not force yourself to meditate. Stop meditating immediately if you feel uncomfortable or disturbed.
• While you meditate, at first, you will have a feeling of calmness, happiness, and contentment, only. Gradually, your mind will become focused and controlled, and you will learn to relax and avoid impulsive reactions. As you meditate regularly, this contented and peaceful feeling will permeate into the rest of your day and then into your entire life. Concentration techniques enhance and increase your control over your mind, so that it does what you want it to when you want it to.
• Sitting postures are the best for meditation. When you are seated, metabolism, brain waves, and breathing slow down. The strain on the heart and lungs reduces considerably. Padmasana, Siddhasana, Sukhasana, or Vajrasana are all meditative postures. These four sitting postures are the most effective to calm and master your mind, as they exert pressure on the nerves that induce physical relaxation.
• It is important to be comfortable during meditation so that physical discomfort does not distract you. Your mind will not be calm if you are distracted. If you need, you can rest your back against a wall. If sitting on the floor is difficult, use a straight-backed chair. Make sure that your spine is erect and your feet touch the ground. Remember – do not lie down to meditate, as you might fall asleep.
• To meditate, you must master each step before you move to the next one. Proceed to the next step only after you have learned to make yourself comfortable in a meditative posture.
• Yoga Postures are an effective way of preparing your body before you start meditating. While doing asanas conscientiously, we are increasing our power of concentration. Then we concentrate fully on those parts of the body which are stretched and influenced during a particular asana. In this way, we not only get physical benefits, but also increase mental power.
• If there is pain, stiffness, or general tension, in the body, then do a relaxation technique first so that you can sit comfortably. An excellent and simple method of systematically relaxing the body is to tense it as much as possible for some time and then release the tension. All the different parts of the body should be tensed in turn. You must not move on to the next step until you have relaxed yourself.
• Once you are seated comfortably with back straight, the next step is to calm your mind. To do this, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Inhale deeply, slowly, and consciously for 3-5 seconds. Exhale deeply, slowly, and consciously for 3-5 seconds. As you inhale, feel the body filling up with clean, fresh air and the body is becoming more energetic; as you exhale, feel the toxic air emptying out of your body and the body is becoming lighter and lighter. Continue breathing like this until you feel completely calm and relaxed. When the mind is connected with breathing, its fickleness disappears and it achieves a perfect state of stability. If you feel uncomfortable, or agitated, during a meditation session, open your eyes and start again.
• Once you are calm, shift your focus to your mind consciously. Focus only on your thoughts. You will notice that your mind is crowded with all types of thoughts. If you are not reacting to them, it will be easier for you to remove them. As you keep doing this, you will be able to watch your thoughts without reacting to them. If you are able to hold this detached attitude for some time, your uncontrolled thoughts will reduce, as you are not reacting to them. By controlling your thoughts, you recharge your mental batteries and sharpen your focus. It will also give you more control over your actions and reactions.
• Now that you have control over your thoughts, choose an object to give your mind something positive to concentrate on. This could be a candle, a flower, a fruit, or even the image of a deity. It is easier to meditate on an object, especially for beginners to hold its attention. You can meditate on sound. For that, you can use a mantra like OM. Mantras have healing and spiritual powers. If not mantra, then you can focus on the sound of a waterfall, birds chirping, or visualize a beautiful, natural place of your choice. Avoid things that upset or sadden you.
• When you have chosen your object, look at it closely. Then close your eyes and recall its features, color, and shape. Next, choose a point of focus on your body, such as the space between the eyebrows, your navel, or the base of your throat. Place the mental image of the object you have chosen at this point on your body. Draw all your attention to the image – maintaining it at the focus point. If you have chosen a mantra as an object, repeat it mentally or audibly. Focus all your attention on the sound and the effect that it has on your body. When sunlight is focused through a lens, thousands of rays converge at a single point, increasing the intensity of energy; mental power too increases if you focus all your energy at one point.
• In the beginning, you may not be able to concentrate for more than a few minutes. Your mind will keep getting distracted and random thoughts will pop up. You might even start day dreaming. Do not lose patience, and do not force your mind to stay focused. If it wanders, allow it to go wherever it wants, and then gently bring your attention back to the object, and keep its image at the focus point. Gradually, it will lose the desire to wander and voluntarily remain focused. With practice, you will master this step.
Now that you are able to concentrate effortlessly and for a longer period of time, allow your mind to move freely – let it make connections and associations. You will discover that thoughts do not appear at random any more. Instead, they will continue to be associated with your chosen object. They will revolve around it – getting absorbed into it. At this stage, you will automatically move into the state of meditation. You will find yourself merging into the object and becoming a part of it. As a result, you will experience extreme bliss and peace. In this state, you will transcend all man-made boundaries and feel a sense of timelessness.
There are a number of meditation techniques. However, the basic principles and stages are the same in all. These differ mainly in the way you go through the whole process. The foundation, of all the techniques of meditation, is the awareness of the present moment that helps in promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing personal and spiritual growth. You can choose any technique – depending on your interest, ability, and aptitude.
With practice of more and more Dhayana, duality disappears and Samadhi, or the super-conscious state, is reached. Do not become impatient, as this takes a long time. In Samadhi, one rests in the state of bliss in which the Knower, the Knowledge, and the Known become one. This is the super conscious state reached by mystics of all faiths and persuasions.
If you meditate for half an hour daily, you will be able to face life with peace and spiritual strength. Meditation is the most powerful mental and nerve tonic. Divine energy freely flows to the adept during meditation, and exerts a benign influence on the mind, nerves, sense organs, and body. It opens the door to intuitive knowledge and realms of eternal bliss. The mind becomes calm and steady.
If you feel inspired by this article, feel free to publish it in your Newsletter or on your Website. Our humble request is to please include the Resource as follows: Courtesy: Dr. Rita Khanna's Yogashaastra Studio. A popular studio that helps you find natural solutions for complete health and detoxification.
Mobile: + 919849772485
Email: yogashaastra@gmail.com
Dr. Rita Khanna
Dr. Rita Khanna is a well-known name in the field of Yoga and Naturopathy. She was initiated into this discipline over 25 years ago by world famous Swami Adyatmananda of Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh(India). She believes firmly that Yoga is a scientific process, which helps us to lead a healthy and disease-free life.
She is also actively involved in practicing alternative medicines like Naturopathy. Over the years, she has been successfully practicing these therapies and providing succour to several chronic and terminally ill patients through Yoga, Diet and Naturopathy. She is also imparting Yoga Teachers Training. At present, Dr. Rita Khanna is running a Yoga Studio in Secunderabad (Hyderabad, India).
Monday, 14 September 2009
Dealing With Stress
From what you said, you are just very stressed at the moment. The frustration of not being able to FIGHT or to take FLIGHT
is coming out as anger as you rightly said. That anger is reason why your mind couldn't settle in the meditation. You asked for guidance so what you need to do is deal with the anger. If you dont deal with the anger and keep it in, it will turn into depression and sickness in your body.
There are a few options. Whenever we have a problem like this we have basically three options:
a) accept it,
b) change it,
c) leave it.
Firstly, just accept your situation as for the best, trust in God that everything will turn out ok and just keep on doing your work. Its actually only your ego thats getting offended, then that retalliates as anger.
Secondly, if you cant truly accept it, then either talk to your manager about all the issues (have to overcome your fear of doing this or the consequences of doing this). At the end of the day, even your manager is just a person with weakness and issues like most other people. Like a dog only barks because its actually scared inside.
Thirdly, make an escape plan!
You will probably have to do a bit of all the above. But once you have dealt with this issue, you will find your anger subsides, and you will be able to still your mind for meditation.
Also, whenever you do find those thought overwhelming you, then step back , name the thoughts eg "these thoughts are coming from anger", let them go like clouds in the sky, and come back to the mantra "Sat Naam Sat Naam" - Truth - Truth.
Keep focusing on the others person's good qualities, pray for their upliftment, forgive them and do something good for them eg give them chocolates, take some things in for them and the team etc. Be positive.
On the spiritual path, all difficult people are actually all our teachers. They highlight all of our inner weaknesses which are called the five thieves (anger, ego, greed, attachment and lust). These are our real enemies that stop our mind from settling. No-one else is our enemy.
Dust of your feet
More tips on Amritvela.
setting up alarm to get up at amrit vela
From: Harjit <satsatsat@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/9/14
Subject: Re: [Truth] setting up alarm to get up at amrit vela
To: satnaam@yahoogroups.com
Dearest Sat sangat ji,Dandout bandana Ji,I will like to put one question at your sat charans ,,pls throw some light on thisIs using an alarm to get up at amrit vela is "Manmat" and an act of "Hath and ego"?It is often discussed and suggested that one prays to God before sleeping asking for help to get up early, without the mention of using alarm.while dass started doing that( praying only ) but am notiicng that my waking up time is slipping from 1 am to 1.30 then 2.00am and now am getting up at 4am.It wasnt a problem when i was using a watch to set up an alarm,We decided to accept it as gurprasad as whatever time Guru wakes us up as the objective is take out Me ,,,so its his will and it is by his grace we are able to devote this time and energy in simran.Kindly help show some light on this issue.dandouth bandana ji.Harminder
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hi; i need your help. i've been practicing kundalini for the past few years and i've been able to enjoy it's multiple benefits, both physical and espiritual. nevertheless, there is this one aspect i haven't been able to surpas thru practice. it is my fixation when it comes to people with whom i feel a great deal of incompatibility (apathy). i've complemented my practice with some reading about reincarnation and the only explanation i find is that maybe i still hold some sort of "unfinished business" with some of these people.
currently i have this particular case with my brother in law, with whom i have a limited level of tolerance for his actions. i feel extermely unconfortable when i'm arround him since i see him as an arrogant person, who shows little gratefulness to the universe for the blessings he's received (no humbleness at all). this all goes against my actual believes and values. the thing is, i don't know if this feeling of mine has a particular espiritual base, or if it's just a simple case of mental fixation, and how to solve it?
if it were about any other person maybe ignoring him would be the wisest choice, but in this case it's about a close family contact with whom i have to deal with frequently. i've tried to discuss this with my wife and assess the possibility of even speaking frankly about this with him, but the way we see it, it's a mather of carachter, and it's all very difficult to change. besides, why would it be my quest to change this person? this situation is the anti-thesis of my line of thinking and the things i believe and value out of life, i even see this person as a bad influence for my dearest and closest ones.
i would truly appreciate any insights you might be able to provide in this matter.
Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52
SatNaam Kurt ji another easy way to get out of thinking about "I" is by serving others, hence thinking only about SatNaam in o...
Sat Naam Ji Dandauth Bandhana Ji. This was a reply to someone, hope this helps others too. ==== thankyou so much for emailing...
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji Dandauth bandhna ji Thanks greg ji for that detailed answer....and like the punjabi! It makes it more real ...