Thursday 16 July 2009

RE: What am I so angry about?

Sat Naam Ji,
Dandauth bandhna ji
with Guru ji's kirpa we had a really helpful conversation with Taranjeet Ji this morning about anger and would like to share with you all.

Taranjeet: u are dhan dhan jee.  We read ur mail by ur grace jee regarding anger.  Its the same here


Me: oh - i thought it was just me!


Taranjeet: "jo jo deseay so so rogee rog rehat mera satguru jogee" -everyone except the Satguru Jogi is Rogi – diseased with ego.  To what extent may be less or more satnaam jee dey pyaare jee.  But all are rogi.  But that Rog (disease) is Him also!  Namoh rog roge – I salute the source of disease ..Jaap Sahib Guru gobind Singh Ji.   He Himself is the One in us who keeps on trying to find Himself -  the selfless limitless One beyond any boundary.  So the search is endless too dear guru dey pyaare so I am nothing  u are erevything and its truth.  Satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam sada sada satnaam.


Me: yes you are right, the search is endless, the more we love Him , the more there is too love, we cant give up, if we give up we roll back into maya, so we have no choice but to carry on and to pray for Him to show us the way.  Thankyou for all your blessings ji, we did feel better this morning, like another layer of kood (karmic filth)has been wiped.  We remembered when you said that confessing about Kaam every other day or so really helped you, so we thought we need to confess about anger everytime it comes.  Also just as we were about to send the email yesterday, our wife called us at work and spent next 20 minutes getting very angry at us about little things which were not my fault, so we laughed it off, but at the end we cursed her in our mind  and then apologized to God.   That is why we are angry , because we feel we are being attacked and not accepted.  So when we are attacked it reminds us of all the previous attacks we have had from family and religious society.


Taranjeet: by confessing our ego gets diluted we will find lot difficulty to confess in front of relatives friend it is because we still have ego which is the cause of all problems.  We feel angry because we dont identify that other being as God.  For eg:- what if God was cracking a joke on us by getting angry.  We would love to see our God-Guru doing that


Me: "je gur jirkay ta meeta lagay" – if the Guru tells me off – that seems sweet to me.


Taranjeet: once we were coming from rudrapur in india towrads station to catch train in a Rikshaw by ur grace.  Rikhshaawala (driver) was so blessed blessed being.  A drunk came and asked for lift.  We gave him by ur grace.  After getting off the rikshaa he asked for 2 ruppes as kiraya (for the ticket) to reach his home.  We gave him 5 by ur grace.  At this that Rikshawala got angry and was cursing that drunk that he didnt gave him money.

Then by ur grace we told him "oh rikshawala if you think of that man as God, then would u have scolded him?"  He said, "no" and became Dhan Dhan.   We were also humbled by his grace had this inner command to hug him fall at his feet but didnt do by ego.  Please forgive us for that.  So the moral or result is our view of things.  When we view everthing everyone as God, then all is God.


Me: "sabh gobind ha sabh gobind ha" – All is god, All is God.


Taranjeet: Say in your mind to God in the angry person , "u are hiding from this fool - its ur grace!" and  have a blast of laughter and joy!   


Me: : When we are in that state of mind, nothing can aggravate us, but if we are already a bit on edge due to five thieves, then it is hard to tolerate someone elses five thieves!


Taranjeet: its divine love.  "ek ghadee na milte taan kaljug hota – without meeting You even for a meoment it becomes Kal Yug – darkness."


Me:  yes we did laugh at first, but right at the end our ego started gettgin offended, now we are holding a grudge and giving wife the silent treatment, then in a few days we will be happy again.


Taranjeet: Just take His name and He will come running like a mad lover.


Me:  We go aroud in this cycle every few weeks!!!


Taranjeet: just forget everything


Me: ok.  We also couldnt get to sleep last night as confessing our anger stirred up those old feelings of failure , so went to watch TV then had feeling to go to the sikh channel and there was gurpreeet singh ji shimla walay doing kirtan so sweetly.  He really inspired us, when we see his face shining and radiant and hear his words.  Actually we always think of you when we see his face.  He did really good katha, it really helped us.


Taranjeet: we are nothing just a mud slandere manmukhee


Me: He said that if we feel that we are not making progress, that we can't do bhagti, that its too difficult, then dont give up, pray to our Father - Pita Parmeshwar Ji and tell him our problems.


Taranjeet: yes jee.  He is listening.  He is in our heart.


Me: "Pita Ji, we hear your kirtan, we listen to your katha, but still we cant do it. Pita ji bless us with the gift of being able to do it."


Taranjeet: pitaa jee ney ditaa jee

ban sat-ajeeta jee

naam ley sat-meetha jee

aap sat-reetha jee

tu hee hai


Me:  That really helped me, because the reason I go to watch TV is because even though we have read all the website and Gurbani, when we get stressed and its too hard we feel like giving up and go and watch tv - go back to maya. But God thru the TV, even in Maya,  sent us to that katha to teach us – and we listened to that inner feeling to change the channel.


Taranjeet: u are filling this empty bag with air of love.  Gur baanee isn't just limited to wriiten shabads in Guru granth sahiib dhan dhan sahib jee.  They are in all songs just our view is differnt some evoke the master to dance some to tears some to listen heart.


Me: God is reminding us of His love, we really miss going to sit in kirtan at Southall gurdwara in mornings and evening and miss our face being radiant and miss that love the Bhai gurpreet ji has in his heart - we were blessed with that once too. But so much anger and kood has covered us since then, we cant believe how much filth we have accumulated in the last 14 years, but we know Dassan Das ji-Baba ji is cleaning us and so are you and the Sat Sangat ji.


Taranjeet: we are nothing jee -  just a evil.  u are dhan dhan sweet pyara satgur aap kaharaa.  God bless u with divine treasures of love which are in chest - the heart.  Full of love & compassion towards every one sada rahoo alkh sat dhan dhan.  u are that one.


Me:  That's good - make our chest into a treasure chest by remembering the diamond of Satnaam in the hirda!


Taranjeet: u are that one - that is why its called chest seems so.  u are just awesome sweet baby of love jee.  Baby of love.  Like a baby forget everything and just seek that wondrous anand parmamand.


Me: thanks for your time ji.


Taranjeet: sada aap sat hee rahaayee jee.


Me: dust of your feet


Taranjeet: naa jum ki chotaan khaaye jee

aap jee dey saare parivaar nu ess nich kapatee dee dandoth jee

sab nu pyaar

sada sukhee rahoo

dust of your feet

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52