Friday 17 July 2009

our deeds have to be naked

Sat-Naam Sat-Guru Gian-Guru Sat-Sangat
Dandauth Bandhana (Prostration Greeting)
Veer ji, I am more than happy for you to send me as many emails as you like, as long as you like, and for you NOT to hide any details.  Baba Ji said on this path we have to be naked.  It means we have to not hide our deepest, darkest and worst thoughts, also not to hide the bad deeds we have done in the past and are covering up.  Everything has to be exposed so that is why Baba Ji says we our deeds have to be naked.  The Sant lives in the day where all can see his deeds, the rest of the world is living in the night , doing the bad deeds under the cover of darkness.
When you begin doing Sat Naam Sat Naam under your Sant-Satguru Ji's kind blessing, the Sant-Prasad, then Divine Light is entering into you.  Divine Light - Prabh Jyot Prabh Naam - is cleaning you up. Sat Naam is the Master, the rightful King of your mind, body and soul.  Sat Naam is returning to sit on the throne in the temple of your heart.   And the more you keep doing smadhi and good deeds and keepconfessing your bad deeds and bad thoughts, the purer and purer you become.
So who is losing the power over you?  Who has been running your mind for most of your life (since the age of 2 when your mind starts getting trapped in maya.  Upto age of 2 is pure God running you.)
The 5 thieves have been running you since the Age of 2.   Now in your dreams you are having battles with them because they do not want to lose control.  They tempt you with naked women, with Gurdwaras (religious beliefs which you are proud of), they make you feeel ashamed (your sense of being respected (ego) gets offended) and so on.)   In your dream you saw all 5 thieves trying their best to keep control over you.  One word would have sent them running - Sat Naam.   So as you keep doing your simran everyday, you need to conquor your 5 thieves whilst awake (conscious mind), and also conquor them in your dreams (subconscious mind).   As Satnaam makes ou purer and pureer and cuts thru all the layers of your consciousness, you will find in your dream you will say Sat Naam , Sat Naam , Sat Naam.  And they will leave you alone.   IT has happened to all of us in the sangat.  You are doing great, keep going, its a good sign, the thieves are being rattled, they thieves are no longer invisible, the thieves are on the run.
When you feel confident, you will need to start to confess your misdeeds under the influence of the 5 thieves in your past, and gain forgiveness from God.  Your ego will not want you to do this as your "maan" your honour your respectable name and honour in society will get tarnished.    The quickest way to clear up your past deeds is to confess infront of the sangat ...which means you can send an email to the satnaam group.  People have sent emails about addiction to masturbation, about child abuse and other great sins that weighed on their minds.  By bringing them out into the open, you gain forgiveness and are freed from the trap that ego keeps you in.  you tthen have to gain forgivness to the ones whom you have hurt, and start doing good deeds too.
Baba Ji said the three biggest things that MOST people cannot beat are
My Money,
My Reputation,
My Family.
But once your have a Sant-Satguru, you give your mind, body and wealth to the Sant-Satguru, you give daswand, Naam becomes your family, and slander and disrepect from society becomes your clothes.  This is how ego dies.  How fear is conquored then only love remains for satnaam satguru and satsangat. 
Its not an easy path, but at the end you become purer than pure and all those who have slandered you and tested you will come to respect you.
dust of your feet

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52