Wednesday 15 July 2009

It seems religion has no importance


Waheguru ji khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh,
                                                              I have read in the testimonials section about the religion, and it said to get above religion and its pride. My question is why did then god made so many religions so that people can pride on?

How should I start my journey Harjit Bhaji ?
Thanks please help I am very confused to me it seems religion has no importance Please help

SatNaam Veer Ji,
Dandauth bandhna ji
God didn't make religion, man did.  God is only interested in one thing and that is merging with Himself.
Baba ji explained that God was One and alone , He created the separation - i..e each soul as a part of himself so He could find our what He was.  The journey of our soul, is actually God's journey to relaise what He himself is.  He is born a new and afresh in every living thing, expereinceing everything for the first time like a new born child.  He himself comes as the Guru - the one who has merged into Him, and blesses the ones who are still searching Him.
That is the path of divinity - God , God as Guru, God as your soul.
This is the path of prema bhagti - loving devotional worship between the Guru and the disciple.
This same story has played out in every age - har jug jug bahagt upaayaa.  Religion is just what the Guru taught the disciples which within a very short time gets taken over by lesser men, distorted and made into a man made organisation used to control people through fear and guilt, using the tools of religious pride to promote its own beliefs to fill the bellies of the leaders and priests and so on.
Baba ji told us that the true dera - relgious community is Dassan Dass Ji - Dassan Dass Ji has become one with God - Sat Roop.  His mind body and soul is the temple of Truth.  He is the temple of God - the real Hari Mandir - the real golden Temple.  The Guru i.e. god sits in all His glory in his heart.  And that is why the whole world - the thirsty souls, came and bow at the feet of the temple of god - Dassan Dass Ji.  gurbani says this too ...jin nanak satguru pookia tin har pooj karaavaaa ...nanak: the ones who worshipped the satguru, god makes the world worship them too.
Like one flame lights another, Baba ji has lit Dassan Dass ji.  And in the same way we, the separated souls come to the dera of Dassan Dass ji and bow and follow the instructions that come thru him to us from God.  that is our relgious path - direct with god thru the satguru.  We avoid the man made corrupted relgious organisations that thrive off relgious pride and get us entabgled in the web of worldy rituals , stuck in the past stories and illusions and superstitions.
Veer ji , this path is very simple, so simple, find the Satguru, surrender mind body and wealth, become a slvae - a dass of the one who is god's slave - Dassan Dass.   Guru nanak dev ji himslef calls himself "dassan dass ka dass" , become bhai lehna at the feet of guru nanak dev ji.  Become Harmanpreet at the feet of your Guru, it is your turn to play this Game of Eternal Blessings .gurparsaadi game.
Thankyou for all yur questions, it shows your thirst.
dust of your feet

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52