Thursday 23 July 2009

How to focus and what to recite in Simran


Sat Shri Akal Ji, Harjit i want to share one thing with you I really get hurt when I see so much frustation in people heart's. No one loves anyone.All people want is money.Another thing is when we do naam simran what should be the actual words that we should recite.And I cant remain consitent.Can you tell me how to remain consistent.Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh

Sat Naam Veer Ji,
Dandauth bandhna ji,

channel all your emotions into Gurbani. Read Salok M:9, Guru Tegh babadur Ji urges us to get our of maya and not to waste our life. When we look within we have so much to work on , so be thankful that God has given us the chance to do that. and pray to God-Guru to also give other people that opportunity too. Its not for us to get frustrated at them, we are all at different stages on the journey of our soul. some aare ahead, some are further back, some are enluightened, some dont even believe in God and its all due to their Karma when they will change. so be thankful to the Lord for changin you, for waking you up and just think good of everyone. Dalai Lama said that whoever he meets he tries to find at least one good thing about them that is better about them than himself. It helps him to stay humble. Once he met a man who he couldn't see anything better about, he really struggled not to think bad about him. In the end the thought came "he has more hair than me!!" . so whoever we meet just try and take even one good quality from them and bring that into your life, and forget about all their stuff. They have to live with themselves and will reap what they sow, you only have to learn to live with your own mind in a peaceful happy positive way. People are also more likey to respopnd well to you if they feel you are not loooking down at them and judging them. so if you become humble and "live and let live" and just have an attitude of gartitude and of serving one and all as being Guru in every heart, then people will feel your love and humbleness and that may awaken some of them too.

Dassan Dass ji taught us a very good way to do Simran, do your ardas, sit down and start doing "haumai nahee tuhee-tu, haumai nahee tuhee-tu" meaning "no ego , You only You". And keep reciting this until it turns into "Sat Naam Sat Naam " - when ego goes, mind settles and Sat naam can be heard.

We also found when doing "haumai nahee tuhee-tu" it helped us to wash people's feet in the following order
1) wash the SatGuru ji's feet in our heart until we feel love in our heart. Take that feeling of love and
2) Wash thre SatSangat's feet in our heart until we feel love in our heart. Take that feeling of love and
3) Wash friends and family feet in our heart until we feel love in our heart. Take that feeling of love and
4) Wash our "enemies" feet - or the people we feel frustrated with or have issues with in our heart until we feel love in our heart.

That really worked for us - it is very difficult to do number 4 especially if you have strong issues with people. But that shows you how sharp the thron of ego is, your resistance is the thorn of ego pricking you. so that is what you have to earase on a daily basis. Until you can go from 1-4 with no resistance at all.

try it and let us know how it goes.

Dust of your feet

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52