Monday 20 July 2009

Confused about who is the one and only true SatGuru?

Satnaam ji, dandauth bandhna ji,
sharing a chat with Taranjeet ji this morning.

Taranjeet: Ppyaare paarbrham dey payaare jee.  We came acroos one website . It says by Sant shrimani Kabir jee  is the only satguru that can cross u from this ocean of mind.  And they say it is Amarlok where one gets real salvation otherwise one gets false salvation created by mind-formless kaal niranjan

  and mind is kartar,  mind is doing all.  They say that one nirgun God whch people take about is mind's trap.  God is not kaal-akaal,  He is beyond that and only Satguru like satgur madhu paramhans has that naam daan which take u out of this.


Harjit: Satnaam ji, has this put some kind of confusion in your mind? Is that what you are asking?


Taranjeet: yes jee.


Harjit: who cares about salvation? "Raj na chahu mukat na chau munn preet charankamalaray."  So when you feel love, then you know you are right and when you dont feel love then you know your mind is off.


Taranjeet: yes jee, it is truth.


Harjit:  We cant find the answer from outside, always just see how much love this person or website is making me feel.


Taranjeet: Yes jee.


Harjit: Ask yourself , after reading this, how do i feel?


Taranjeet: We felt confused - although their love for satgur is great there.


Harjit: Then work out if that is getting you closer to Truth or further away?  There are so many ways and so many teaching and so many people at all kinds of stages in their journey.  It is just TOO COMPLICATED to understnand all the ways and all the plays of God.


Taranjeet: har dum har ko mungoo jee.  Yes jee.  He keeps on making fool of this fool!   He is love!


Harjit: And its not in our hands the Guru HE comes to us as.  If you know you were praying sincerely to God and you trust God, then trust that HE has sent you the right one for YOU at this time in space and time.


Taranjeet: sada sukhee rahoo jee.


Harjit: Thats what helps me to stay on track.  When the write on their website "He is truly THE ONLY real master, "  then that is what Christians also say about Jesus, that is what Muslims say about Muhammed, that there way is the ONLY way.


Taranjeet: yes and thats is where illusion lies.


Harjit: we never like that kind of thinking from day one, it has EGO of the follower behind it.


Taranjeet: yes jee.


Harjit: We asked a Christian once, if he believed that Jesus was the ONLY way?


Taranjeet: u giving us strength.


Harjit: and if He did then did that mean that all other ways were doomed?  He gave us a really good and true answer, he said to us "I believe Jesus is the ONLY way for me."  So just trust that whatever path God has put us on after we were praying sincerely to meet him, is the ONLY way for us.  And whatever path others are on is the path for them at this time and place in space.


Taranjeet: yes Satgur is our lover.


Harjit: All we have to do is keep on looking inside and if we are getting love and peace of mind then thats good, but if our path is making us egotistical and proud then that is the path of the Panj Dhoots.


Taranjeet: u are truth jee.  Sada sukhee rahoo jee.


Harjit: Dassan Dass ji also requested us a while back to STOP reading other wisdom, just to do simran and if we were going to read then only to read BRAHM GYAN.  Read only those writings from a Brahm Gyani.   So we have cut down reading other books and websites now and gone back to reading Gurbani and the website.


Taranjeet: yes we had same feeling frm inside.


Harjit: that is Truth then.


Taranjeet: thanks for showering blessing on ever illusioned doubtful fool.


Harjit: Otherwise it is TOO CONFUSING.  As many people as there are in the world are as many paths!!!


Taranjeet: God bless u eternity and love jee.  You are so blessed and dhan dhan jee.


Harjit: thankyou ji, your are so kind, we are nothing, all this wisdom is thanks to Baba Ji and Dassan Dass ji – we hav eno wisdom of our own.


Taranjeet:  This ool has disturbed dhan dhan babajee also by mailing him please forgive this ever mistake making fool jee

Harjit: dhan dhan sukhee raho ji.


Taranjeet: bye lovable jee.




Dust of your wife



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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52