Friday 8 May 2009

strength, strength, strength

satnaam satguru satsangat ji, dandauth bandhana ji
Just like to share a few experiences with you , with Guru ji's kirpa.
Yogi Bhajan ji said estate agents have a saying "location, location, location", but on the path to God the motto is "strength, strength, strength".
Physical strength.
Mental strength.
Spiritual Strength.
With Guru ji's kirpa I have been building strength in all three of these areas over the last few years, so his motto seems very true.
Being physically weak has caused no end of difficulties in my life, from long term knee problems, to frequent neck and back aches,
to weak immune system resulting in catching colds and flus, sniffing and coughing all of the time.   With guru ji's kirpa over the last 5 years,
Guru ji has taken me into yoga first , then good diet, now weights and running too.  Having a strong body and good diet has really lifted my spirit.
It has also lifted us out of laziness, lethargy, overeating and an inactive lifestyle.  When I was at rock bottom and completely unable to concentrate on naam simran,
running and excercise and doing "satnaam satnaam" at the same time was a very easy way to feel good (release of natuarl endorphins - "happy hormone") as well as to get the mind into a rhythm and to concentrate on one activity for longer periods of time.
Being mentally weak, means being unable to stand strong in the Guru's words.  Being unable to give daswand of time and money.  Being unable to give up
the 3Ms of My money, My reputation and My family.  Being unable to put God-Guru at number one, Gursanagat at number 2 and family and friends at number 3.  And rather
putting keeping the family and religion happy rather than keeping God-Guru's words highest.  All of last year was spent away from satsangat because I didn't want to have more arguments at home.   Being mentally weak, means crumbling inside when people dont like us, slander us and threaten to leave us.  Being scared of losing our wife, our job and our comfortable life.  Having more faith in my bank account than in my guru. Having more faith in my own past expereinces, rather than full faith in Guru's wisdom.  Being unable to trust fully the guru's word and to put it into practise.  That was why I kept falling back into maya, failing the tests and learning the hard way. 
Mental strength has come by BELIEVING our Guru is God on Earth and His words are the word of God - amrit bachans- and to give everything just on the foundation of belief, regardless of if I lose my nearest and dearest, if i lose my wealth and reputation.  At the beginning of the year, I resolved to try my hardest with guru's kirpa to make this one line come true for me "tunn munn dhan sabh saup gur kau, hukam mannio   paaiaa" ...sacrifice mind, body and wealth ALL to the Guru, obeying the HUKAM (command) one realises the Truth ...Guru Amar Das Ji.   With guru ji's kirpa we started gving 2.5 hrs of simran in the early hours - for the first couple of months we did it in ego , did it all wrong become very agitated and very angry at family for no reason.  Previously, 6 years ago i gave up trying to do simran in the early hours as i just got too stressed.  but this time with guru's kirpa I  just prayed to God-Guru that I wasn't giving up no matter what happened and begged for him to show me the way through.  and he did - humbleness, to become a slave, to do simran with the attitude of a dog waiting patiently at the Master's table for a crumb or two to fall down.
With guru's kirpa I also started giving  daswand, giving back to guru what was his already, but that I think is mine.  I did it in secret.  But the truth comes out, and my wife found out.  It lead to a big clearing of issues and sorting of finances and has actually worked out for the best as she is now motivated to give daswand too.  But at the spearating of finances, it left me with £50 in my account, the lowest i;ve ever had and even worried that i would not be able to take out daswand the following month.  However, baba ji always says that god is already planning where our next piece of food is coming from and same applies to money.  One week later our company announced a surprise bonus, which they previously had said we would definitely not be getting.  So it was easy to go back into maya and stop giving dasand at this time as I had previously done a few years ago when things got tight.  But with full faith this time and passing up the fear to Guru, it has worked out.  Even then i had to struggle to give it yesterday. But am glad that I did so with guru's kirpa.  Because simran is going higher now.
Which brings me with Guru's kirpa nicely onto spiritual strength.   Spiritual strength has been building up gradually over the last year.  One year ago Tavleen, our yungest, had extremely bad exczma and vitilag (white spots), I was unable to do any naam simran for myself at that time due to un upset mind.  but out of compassion with guru's kindness I was able to do do reiki for her.  And just with that one acto of compassion for 10 minutes a day, God has given us back amritvela and long hours of simran.  Now I am even feeling love in my heart.  Baba Ji always says compassion leads to love, and in a loving heart Truth can reside.  Just in the last few weeks lots more has been happening spiritually.  As well as doing mornign simran, also doing evening simran and the metanl sickness of anger and iiritibility has mostly left this mind.  children are happioer, wife is happier, when people around are happier it is easier, much easier for me to do simran.  a few weeks ago Dassan dass ji came into our smadhi and as we touched his holy feet our hirda filled with amrit, everytime we touched his feet the amrit exapnded.   Then last week baba ji came and we said we give him everything and he also started off simran in our hirda.   Then this morning, went into smadhi and felt this body exapnaing, inflating with amrit and amrs rising upwards in ASAN - whcih never happens to me, and in that smadhi state, which was not under our control at all, we kep doing satnaam simran and kept thanking baba ji for all his kindness, upon me, a slanderer, who was not and still is not worthy, who is so full of filth and stubborness.  and as we did this ardas the amrit increased.  And we did this ardas again and the amrit surged again.
Physical strength, to mental strength to spiritual strength.
By giving munn (mind).tunn(body) and wealth (dhan) and obeying the Guru's divine words as the word of God himself. 
Leads to strength, strength, strength.
May God-guru bless you always and forever.
dust of your feet

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52