Monday 8 September 2008

cheating and stealing

ik onkar satnaam gurprasad||
dandauth bandhana ji
Just like to share a couple of things that happened this weekend.
There was a wedding to attend on Sunday, so we packed our bags and went to stay with relatves the night before.
At 9pm I realised I had forgotten my suit and it was too far to go back home.  With Guru's kirpa Tesco was open and
had one pair of trousers and a jacket left that was nearly my size - but good enough.  Some relatives said to me
"Just wear it tomorrow and then return it."   IT sounded simple enough and even lingered in my mind for a while.
But then with Guru ji's kindness realised that God through Tesco had shown some goodness to me, by being open so late, by
having a suit at that time of night.  And I was just thinking of how to cheat them - for my benefit.
Then on Sunday morning after the wedding at the Gurdwara found my shoes had been taken from the shoe rack.
Angry thoughts came into my mind, cursing thoughts about people who take other people's shoes from the Gurdwara.
Then even the thought "I should take someone elses shoes now so I dont dance in my socks at the reception."
It was a tempting thought, but with again with Guru ji's kirpa just said to the mind, "No, someone else needed those shoes,
I'm glad to have been able to help them.  Dear Guru ji forgive me for my negative thoughts, make me wear whatever You want me to wear. I was born naked,
these clothes and shoes and all other belongings I have accumulated and got attched to, they have become a burden, I dont need attachment to them - its all Yours - You do whatever You want."
Then speaking to the attendant he said to me, "her you go, take these flip-flops - we cant send you bare foot from the Guru's house."
Heading to the car, told some relatives that my shoes had gone missing, to my horror one replied, "You should just take someone elses then," and the other said ,"They took mine too, so I'm wearing somone elses.   I'll bring them back to the Gurdwara tomorrow."
I just thought that I am so fortunate to have had Baba Ji's blessing , to understnd the higher wisdom, to get out of selfish thinking "What is in my benefit - then letting that make me into a cheat and a fraud."
Baba Ji said on one of his tapes that we may go to a shop and at the till the attendant doesnt charge us the right price, he charges us much less, then we stay quite hoping to benefit from his mistake.  Not thinking that he will be in trouble when the owner does a stock take and finds the mistake.  Baba ji said if we a re Gurmukh, on this path to God then we have to stop thinking of our own benefit, we have to say to give the best to others and take what's left over.
Baba Ji gave the example if there is a stack of chipatees, then we serve the good ones first to others, and take the cold burnt one at the bottom for ourself.
And apply that attitude to everything in life.  And get out of selfish thinking, or getting hurt or angry when what we think our our belongings are stolen or damaged or lost.  Also get out of the opposite feeling of delight when we receive gifts or gain things for free. 
There's no point following an spiritual or religious path or of going to Gurdwaras or Sangats, if deep on the inside we still haven't got out of selfish thinking.
dust of your feet

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52