From: Gur Preeto <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2015 07:26
Subject: Re: [SatNaam Parivaar] Hypnosis
To: <>
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji
Baba ji said that hypnosis is a good start to go deeper into the mind. But dassan dass ji said it's also still on the maya side, because without grace hypnosis can't take you beyond the mind. Just look at how many times you wrote "I" and "my". You wrote it like you are in control. That's still the ego part talking. So overcome that as well, negate ego. "I did nothing, nothing is mine, I am no one, I am an illusion, all is you, tuhitu, all is by your grace on a fool like me."
na kuch keea
na kar sakta
Na karna yog sareer
Jo kush keea
So sat keea
Rakh leho kabeer gareeb
I did nohing
Nor am I capable
Nor is this body able
Whatever was done
TRUTH did it
O keep humble kabeer.
So hypnosis is good to bypass the conscious mind into the subconscious and deeper states. But while there is I, me, mine, I did it, then mind is still there. That's when grace has to take over, only Truth can take us beyond. This is a Gurparsaadi khel, game of God's grace. When having tried all of our own efforts we fall in failure at God gurus feet and say save me, rakh leho kabeer gareeb.
See when grace happens and we love Satnaam then he takes us through all the stages you mentioned previously. All those stages are just signs of him coming closer to us. Our soul is light, amrit, divine music, feelings of love, bliss and so on. But what happens is without grace people focus on trying to experience those things using techniques, yoga or chanting or hypnosis or meditations, reikhi etc, but it's all driven by ego and desire "I want". So baba nanak ji said jusy get rid of ego and desire, haumai and trishna. Die for the love of Satnaam,to be with Satnaam, to not be even a moment without him, to be humble foot washer of the ones who love him and fill us with humbleness and kindness and selfless seva too.
In our experience when we knew nothing much about the inner workings, all we did was praise to God we will do your naam day and night u til we meet you or we die. For three days we took off time from work and all we did was that under blessings of our sant at that time. And all the inner things started happening by God's grace. He made us sit up, he made us do Dandauth for hours, he made us sing and feel connected to the universe, he made us sing our heart out and pray from the depths of our soul. He made the kundalini experience happen, he came as divine e light he opened all our chakras. See no techniques, first grace and love for him only. Then he did every thing. Nowadays people have techniques and not many want to die for the love of Satnaam. So ego doesnt die. Baba ji said that he ate the banana and left the banana skin for others to slip on. Meaning the divine souls experienced grace and love of God because they were in love and for that love their ego died. That's the fruit. But the followers (all religions) just got lost in the stories, the writings, the techniques and ceremonies and rituals, I. E they have slipped in the banana skin.
God bless all.
Is gurmantar the only way to stop your thoughts and to progress by being in hukham.
Me being a hypnothetapist, I find I can stop my thoughts and go very deep using my own hypnosis, then continue with sanaam simran doing sass sass.
Then the shabid is very loud and Amritrass is strong their anything wrong in what I'm doing?__._,_.___
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