Saturday, 28 February 2015

Soul bird


Karissa ji:   Baby bird just flew up to Babaji at sundar nagri by window. Babaji blessed bird to be man in next life.

Gur Preeto :  Brahm giani kee drisht amrit barsi... The look of the divine being is full of amrit.

When we do heartfelt prayers then satgurus amrit   filled gaze falls upon us too.

Their look of grace showers us with mercy.

Once at the Gurdwara a bird was trapped, flying above sangats heads into the closed windows.   We also prayed to god we are trapped in this maya like the soul bird,  knowing about the light beyond but unable to reach it.

The bird in the picture is also trapped outside, even though it's so close.  So another  lifetime.

And also sangat here on, so close to satgurus, but so many barriers in the mind.

God bless all.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Face of god

A Gurmukh's face is always turned towards the Guru.

When face is always turned towards the Source of all Lights; all darkness is left far behind.

When face is always turned towards the Source of all Purity; all impurities are left far behind.

When face is always turned towards the Source of all Bliss; all grief, misery and sorrow are left far behind.

When face is always turned towards the Source of Truth; all falsehood is left far behind.

When face is always turned towards Guru Parmeshar, Maya is left far behind.

When face is always turned towards 'THOU', 'I' is left far behind.

Baba Narinder Singh Ji .

All creation is equal in the eyes of God

Satnaam Baba ji,  03 Feb 15

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

The Divine Spirit is Truth itself, Truth itself is the master of the universe. Truth itself is also the servant of creation.  Truth free us from illusion and keeps us in absolute reality.  To serve the master above we must become truthful to all and also to ourself.  We must serve the creator and creation seeing one Truth in it all.   See all as one. You may call it Ram, or Allah, Nanak's husband or Muhammad's master, or the Sublime heart of every soul, you may call it the divine light, it's name is the TRUTH, Sat Naam.

All creation is equal in the eyes of God. If equality wasn't there then he is not One God with one vision for all.   All have the one divine light  of the father in them, and all species and every soul are the children. (Baba ji said this is why the story of Jesus's virgin birth is false, made up by the priest class.  Because we have the right to say to God, "what kind of Father are you when you have one rule for Jesus and another for the rest of your children? What kind of equality is that, God? ")  Equality creates compassion. Superiority is created by ego and pride, that is the real Satan inside us.  We have gone astray chasing mammon, in this illusion we think we are in reality.

Emotions are also part of falsehood. All our crying is false, downplaying others, not doing Truth, then deceiving others. Just feeding our pride, untruthful, how can we be part of God?   The sublime heart is the light of God, the seat of the soul,  which we forgot by chasing mammon.  Not doing deeds of Truth just produces egotistical characters, that is what Satan inside us is.    "My will, my choice" is anti-God.  Hell and heaven are just a state of mind tasted by the ego character, but God, Truth is beyond it.    Do good deeds outside, the rewards are felt inside.   What are you truly inside? Have you ever seen it?  Do truth and it will show on your face.   Don't do truth and your ego and pride mask shows on your face.   Do truth and it shines on your face.  Say to God, "not my will, but your will be done.  I am here to die for your name and serving you."  Practise being dead whilst alive. 

Love all equally.  Are we thinking we are superior than others,  racist, sexist, proud of our religion, segregating ourself? That is all false, it is ego. It doesn't matter how much those ones say we belong to God, in pride it is false. The real God is your sublime heart.

Kill the desires, realise God inside and the real paradise is inside you too.  The real Satan of pride and ego has fooled everyone.  Real humanity speaks Truth only, does Truth and compassion and love, that is being human.  But we can't call the people in the world humanity because we are all living the mind, none are practising the truth. I will call the population beastly, not humanity, until they do truth.  No one knows who they really are. And let me tell you, you are split from the one God, here to experience your pains and pleasure in your journey of falsehood and truth.

God is the master, yet serves his creation as the lowest.  But Satan, the ego character wants to be master and served,  so can never be lowest, loving and compassionate.

Ask yourself, where do I stand right now? If I am really doing truth then am I lit up inside? It doesn't matter what your religion or nationality or gender etc is, just do truth, love, compassion and service to all.

The one focus of life is to serve God.   Be truthful 24/7, you will be the most joyous.  Abundance is all around you. Abundance is you. Chanting the name of God, Satnaam, even the servant becomes king of Kings.  

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

God, we are beggars at your door, save us by your grace, teach us by your kindness, bless us with your love to see the Truth, bless us to see the love that you are.

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

You can either be the diamond of Truth or you can be an imitation. So be truthful. Don't be selfish with anybody. Love all and be compassionate to all.  To show compassion you don't need to wear religion, just open your arms, love all and be truthful.

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Great, great Nanak, great, great Kabir, great, great Supreme God.  It has no form yet all forms belong to it. There is no difference to God between a man and a dog. He keeps every species alive. Human is also an animal, only superior due to senses and being able to decide what is right and wrong. And able to realise the divine, but the human doesn't surrender his ego. Only then can you redeem yourself.  The divine law is the same for all souls. 

Scientists want to see God in DNA, but that is still physical, God cannot be seen with outer eyes.  But if you knew God within yourself,  if for even a moment you had full faith even the size of a mustard seed, you can move the mountain of the mind and see God within.

So pray to God that he puts you in the company of the Truth Guru, the  preceptor of Truth, not the priest class, they only want to keep you trapped in their religious group. 

You can only realise God if God has written it for you. Nothing is in your hands.  Not your bodily functions.   God is the creator, what have you created? Only hell in the chase of mammon, from pauper to politicians.  Even religion keeps you in discrimination.   But, we are all the same in the eyes of God.

We have no quarrel in the maternity ward or the funeral home. But talk about relgion and we are ready to fight each other.  The very same neighbour who might have given you a pint of blood a week before. That is what the darkness of mind, the Satan of ego and pride does to us.

So surrender to Truth and live it, then experience the fountain of Truth, wisdom and ambrosial nectar all inside you. 

The astral body embedded inside the physical body contains all the spiritual knowledge of all ages.  Inside your brain lies the book of your life, of your own soul's journey. So meditate on Truth.   Learn to meditate and make your mind one focus and transcending the mind goes to God.

You have to earn divinity and shine like my face shines.  You have the same right.   God will become whatever mammon you desire, in order to serve you, his beloved creation. But can you become what he desires and be  a servant of all like him?

Let's sing the glory of God now.

Aasaraa sanu tere charna da
Our hopes are to be at your Holy feet

Tere charna da, tere charna da
At Your Holy feet, at your Holy feet.

Bless all, stay in peace.

ik tuhi nirankar baba ji ik tuhi nirankar

Sat Ik tuhi Sat kartar,
sat ik tuhi  nirankar,

sat ik tuhi sat datar,
sat ik tuhi baxanhaar,

sat ik onkar ji
sat ik onkar,

ik tuhi nirankar baba ji
ik tuhi nirankar,

ik tuhi nirankar baba ji
ik tuhi nirankar

Sacha tera Naam babaji
sacha tera darbar,

sacha tera pyaar baba ji
tu mera sacha yaar,

tu sacha SIRJANHARA babaji
ik tuhi baxanhaar, 

jagat Jalanda Rakh leho babaji
apanee kirpa dhaar,

Satnaam da adhaar babaji
Satnaam da adhaar.

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Thursday, 26 February 2015

By your grace.. Part 2

Gur preeto:

Kirpa karke sanu papiaan nu taar deh.   Kirpa karke sadee hankar nu maar de.   Kirpa karke sanu gareebee
ves hirdha baanaa deh.  
Kirpa karkey tera Satnaam
sada sada ley yaad reh.

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

kirpa kar ke sanu  baksh leo
hum papee vad guneghar jeeo
Loonharami kami krodhi jeeo
Lobhi Mohi hankari rogee jeeo

Ihay ha meree benti maharaj ji, 
mera subh kush gal jaavay ji,
Bhavay parivaar mar jaavay ji,
par tera ik naam vas jaavay ji. 

Tere Satnaam dee sada jai hovay ji, 
Tere sant satguru dee jai hovay ji,
preemeeaa dee sada sangat hovay ji,
Tera ik naam hirdhe vas jaavay ji.

By your grace forgive us sinners,
By your grace destroy our pride,
By your grace dress our heart with poverty (nothing is mineness) ,
By your grace may we always and forever remember Satnaam.

By grace please forgive me,
I am sinner and great offender,
A traitor, lustful and angry,
Greedy, attached and diseased with pride.

This is my prayer request great guru ji,
May everything  I have rot away,
And even if my family dies,
Even then may your name remain in my heart.

May the victorious praises of your naam always resound.
May your saint gurus victory always resound.
May I always have the company of the ones who love you.
And may the name of the One, always reside in my heart.

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

By your grace Lord...

From Ravi ji;





By your grace make us the foot dust of all creations.

By your grace make us your eternal wife.
By your grace merge us for always and forever into you.

By your grace bring your light and soul bliss into each and every bit of me.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

We love baba ji because he tells us about God.

We love baba ji because he tells us personally about God.  Not past saints experiences and stories, but the living God right here right now.

In Baba ji's words God is so close.   Baba ji and dassan dass ji are pure white light, divine spirit.   Thinking of their lotus feet whilst saying Satnaam, we feel close to God.        But forgetting them even for a little while, God is far away, for the world God is a bad word, and you are a fool to believe it.    Tu bisaro ta sabh kish lagay.. Forgetting God everything hurts me.   Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam.

Sant sang antar prabh deeta
Naam prabhu ka laga meeta
In the company of saints God is seen, and his name becomes sweet.

... Guru arjun dev ji.

Free your heart from the clutches of the mind

Satnaam Baba ji, 01 Feb 15

Don't take other's sad stories to heart  otherwise it will get you down. If people start dropping down dead around me it won't effect me.   (Satnaam makes you so strong, still compassionate.)

You become whatever you deep down believe (in this life or in future ones, strong desires keeps you in rebirth.) But if you want to be anything other than God you got pain.  So believe 24/7 be good,  do good and that is called Satnaam.  There is no joy in anything else. Where there are desires there are complaints and leads to aggression and ultimately violence.  Without Satnaam there is just chaos, abuse, murder, mayhem. Even the desire for maya is molesting you.

Satnaam the absolute reality.
Satnaam The Truth within.
In Satnaam self realisation.
Satnaam believing in what is happening to you is your destiny, no complaints. 

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam the cry of the lost child to find the supreme mother.  

Satnaam Satnaam bless you.

Satnaam the healing sound,  the vibration that heals everything. 

Satnaam the perfect word to recognise your true self. The sound of the word gives realisation to the light. Gives us peace from the constant trap of the mind. 

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam forgetting you is all pain, remembering you is all peace.  There is no peace in maya.   Renouncing maya leads to peace.   There is no peace in me and mine.   Happiness is knowing the Truth about God, Satnaam.

I am nothing, I do nothing, it's all your doing. All creatures are yours.  O Giver, I give everything back to you.   All glory is yours. 

Lord, mind and body are yours.  So I let go of it, I give all my fears to you, my worries to you, my doubts to you. 

Satnaam Satnaam makes you successful in self realisation. You become healthy, wealthy  and wise. In serving others you get served. In asking for service you get hatred.  A true believer surrenders everything back to God. All life is God's. Life is to serve God,  the supreme master.

Great guru, dhan guru, Truth is forever.  Satnaam Satnaam.

Sit quietly,  go deep down into your core, down through your chakras, to the kundalini, then rise up to the tenth door and the third eye.  Keep doing Satnaam.  

May I Sing your praises, I live for you Lord.  In Truth is all the peace and beauty. Then free your heart from the clutches of the mind.  Then serve all as God, proclaim all as God. When you do Satnaam and do truthful deeds you are earning God. Give him all the credit for he is the source. We are physically alive but mentally dead in selfishness. Become truly spiritually alive by serving Satnaam, saying, "I want nothing but service." Then you will get everything, the Giver himself. So learn to love what is alive in you, serve what is alive in you,  Satnaam.   If you want love in your life, don't ask for it, just go and love everything around and then you will realise what love is.

Carry on focusing inside, doing satnaam. Feel the presence around you, experience the divine in the emptiness.   Feel and sense the peace.  Sing about God and experience God. See the power of silence and peace? Isn't that beautiful. The body's not a burden  when you feel that. Being desireless the mind doesn't become a thorn. So why desire anything but God.?

May I praise you day and night, with You, Satnaam, all is joy.  

Pursue what is free and inside you.  Serve everything without desire. You will get everything that was written for you. Now you will accept it without rejecting it.  Lord I want whatever you want for me, that is sweet.

Satnaam Satnaam you only you, tuhitu,  you are here now.  Sat parbraham, Truth supreme.   No one can buy and sell God. Only love him. The one who is in my life force, in my breath, in my food.    Truth is within us, stop chasing it outside us. Put God first, all will be taken care of.  You won't lack in anything when you believe wholeheartedly.  

O Lord you are always with me, in me and around me.  The one who manifests him inside is called a bhagat, Sant. Others have just drowned in the mind.

Sat parbraham. Sat parbraham. Sat parbraham. Sat parbraham.   O I have forgiven all Lord, please forgive me too.   Serve him in all, and he will serve you day and night too.

Nanak's husband looked after him, make him your husband too and won't he look after you too?

Nanak invites us, his girlfriends, to also get married to such a husband. What a big invitation. Take it up.

What belongs to God, give it back, then all your falsehood will end.  You will become truthful inside and out.

Lord I am a fool, look after me.  I give you all my pains and pleasures. I am a fool you are the wisest Lord, only you can ferry me across.  

Does anyone ask you about your pains? No.  But we don't stop telling everyone about them.  Tell the Lord, O I am in so much pain, save me like you saved nanak and your saints.

You don't need any priest to pray for you, pray like this from your heart.

The supreme Truth is here, everyone recite his name, sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham.

Don't start saying you are the owner of what God has created, become truthful with him inside.

Pray humbly like this,  not with cleverness. Don't do deals, God you do this for me and I'll do this for you. That one will get slapped.

O Lord I have fallen at your feet, you are everywhere, o please become mine too Lord.   You are my mother and father Lord, I am your innocent child.  O my satguru you lift the lowly, I fall at your feet, save me O Lord.

Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham.

He himself recites his own name, he does his own discourse.  

You are 100% God, made by him, made from him, but you don't believe it. All is your glory Lord, your saints have come to sing them.   You are the husband of husbands.

Sing along.  You will become peaceful.  Just believe in saying it.   To praise the other is to recognise God. For all is god. Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham.  Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham. Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham. Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham.

Who says God isn't here?   Sing and rejoice.  Great guru with your grace we are singing, you are right here. This tongue sings because the mind believed. 

O man leave me and mine, leave your animalistic behaviours.

O when you put the light in me then I came into the word. So, who says God isn't with  them?   Recite his name and experience supreme joy. @

Believe and become sat.  Live for your god. Love for God.  I am yours Lord, o recite his name,  sat,  Truth, Parbhram, supreme.

Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham.  Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham. Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham. Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham.

When all is God, then no one is a stranger, no one is my enemy.   O Lord come into heart.

Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham.  Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham. Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham. Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham.


Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham.  Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham. Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham. Sat parbraham, sat parbraham, sat parbraham.

This is how we rejoice.  If we believe and repeat his name then God is right here with us.  If we don't then we can search the whole world and still not find him.   But everyday your mind doubts, so don't doubt and remember the peace you are feeling now. Earn the true profits by keeping on reciting. Keep the Giver ahead of the gifts.  Don't stop doing your inner pilgrimage no matter if it's a party or a funeral. No excuses.  If you stop, you forget God and he also forgets what he is (becomes silent in your heart again.)

If you don't identify God in everything you can't serve him in everything.  If you identify him in all, then serve all and you will come to love all.

Bless you, stay in peace.

Testing a sant

A proud middle aged sikh came to see sant isher singh ji,  he doubted him, he said,  "if you are a sant then show me what you have got."   sant ji got up and bowed at his feet and said,  "gareebee and nimratha (poverty and humbleness) is all I have."

Killing in the name of God and his prophet is WRONG

Ravi ji:

Someone shared a video of the muslim women in arab country being shot in the head by its people in the name of god and its messenger. This was done because the women wore a red jacket rather than full black.

O men of 'faith', if you believe in your master, the king of the west, king of the east, then know that transgression of limits is an insult and a challenge to your king. Bear witness that those who have trangressed, have seen the might of SAT.
The killing of a child based on the outer appearance, then such a sinner will walk around with his heart sealed for he knows not that the lord is present as light in the inside of ones walls made of earth. The same earth, the same dust from which all walls were fashioned. The same light from which the entire creation manifested and the entire creation is sustained.
The power of divine laws are in the hands of the divine alone, if one loves the beloved, then learn to walk in the way of his law, for one who commits an act of such nature without sanction is regarded as a criminal.

Help this world, in the dark age, one women in being killed but many are committing spiritual suicide.

In the name SAT the most merciful the most beneficient, the most righteous.

Monday, 23 February 2015

You can't do anything on your own

Baba ji,  21 Dec 14 part 2

God blesses you for everything you have done in service to the sants.  Serve truthfully with full belief.  It will come back to you ten times multiplied.  Your sorrows will leave you. You will smile from ear to ear. Even if you are hundreds of miles away, walk towards your guru by earning what I say.  You are here to get the guru's blessings.  Earn it and cool down. Reject it and go down.   If  you could do it by yourself then there was no need for nanak or kabir or Buddha.  Even eating or educating you need others to give you food and knowledge.  It's all ego to say, "I don't need anyone else." And the words you say, I used to say them too when I was ignorant and in the pit of hell.   I know you inside out because I am nothing but your heart.  You can build all the temples and fill them with statues (or holy books)  but nothing will happen without your guru.  You can't do anything on your own.  So stop saying you can, it's all illusion, it destroys your life.  You can't fool me, I wrote the book called God.  

Sit here as long as you want and you will go into mediation, but it's not you doing it, it's the guru filling you up.   Creator is the doer, all glory is his.   Without praising him, the world is crazy without Naam.   The entire world is mentally insane in ego and pride, cheat and lies, commercialism and desires.   Sleeping from reality within.  Even spiritual or religious people are just busy teaching others in order to fill their own belly,  but don't know God inside themself. What is alive in you is god. 

Have you heard a newborn baby, it's singing a lullaby, that's me inside you.  It is a beautiful place, praising only God, but the fools of the world, parents and educated dummies can never know this God inside themself.   

You can't copy saints to pretend to be God like. But you can become God like if you do meditation.

Me and shotee mata have gone beyond our bodies, just serving God, gone too far, no other attractions.   Mata ji is my mother and I am her 63 year old son! This pure state is what we are born from, so focus on the feet of the guru, clean up your inner temple, the more dedicated you are the faster you go.   There is no other ladder or way.  Then I'll do the last dance with you,  that's the dance with God. It's intoxicating.

I am an infant child, nameless, I am Infinity in reality.  I am Satnaam. And then I am nothing.  That's why if you give your head on a platter I can chop it off and give you life.  Absolute bliss, so pristine, so fragile, that I will have to come in (pure comes to pure).

(sangat sits in silence).

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Earn humbleness

Baba ji,  21 Dec 14

Ik onkar Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Lie down, do Dandauth, earn humbleness, leave your own wisdom, manmat, at home, it's going to benefit you, not me.

Do Dandauth with complete surrender. Demolish your ego, do it with your whole being, give everything in love. With love everything inside will purify. Without love even decades at the gurdwara and there is no change.  Do Sangat with love and you will transform and the colour of love will light your  face.

Don't just keep singing out loud, also practise sitting quietly and going inside.

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Tera naam tera Naam datar.
Sat Naam Sat Naam kartar.
Your name, your name O Giver,
Sat Naam Sat Naam O Creator.

If we don't praise him, then what will we do?  If we honour his name he will honour us to.

Jap munn mere Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Just think by doing simran in the womb for just nine months we got blessed with all these worldly gifts. Now imagine if we close our eyes and ears and go inside again, wont he give us a place in his divine court?

Immerse yourself in Sat Naam. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Divine light is your naam.
Sweeter than all is your naam.

The one who can't do any thing, they do Naam and they do everything.

Look at ru and ro ji, both had split relationships, had not much left, no family support. They did Naam with love and have got good jobs, house and car.   This is practical satnaam if you do it right.   Do Naam and he takes care of everything.

Day and night I bless you without you asking for anything.

Do Naam, don't get proud of anything, ever. Just say, "he has blessed me the best."

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

May I not forget your naam even for a second, even if it means I forget everything else.

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

True compliance is to do Naam simran.  To do maya is death.  Mind is lost in desires, body is lost in tastes.  Say to God no matter what happens I will not ask for anything worldly, just for Naam, seva, bandagi, service to all.

There is no satisfaction in maya, and there can never be, even Alexander conquor the world but went empty handed to be born again.    In desire you go into debt and get crushed by it. Desire I only want a little house, little food and lots of naam. For me your crumbs are enough. Whatever you want for me that is what I am happy with.   All this thinking and planning is a waste, I only want what you want for me.

All these actors popping pills, so rich and famous but in hell.   Only Satnaam is peace.   Other than this sangat there is no joy anywhere. Go away for a month and see for yourself.

So always pray:

(dear satguru ji) may I never lose sangat of Truth.

That wherever I go, I find sangat.

And I may never lose Truth from my tongue.

That my eyes only want to see You.

My ears only want to hear You.

My hands only way to touch and serve You.

My feet yearn to be with you.

And my body cries out to you,  for you are the original owner.

My ego is a thief, my pride is a sickness.

I surrender at your feet.

Make me yours for I yearn to make you mine forever.

This is my love story with you God,  make me be so in love with you that I may get out of this hell hole called Earth.

You will have to love so much you love all your sleep and yearns only his vision, Love and blessings. That should be your thirst.   Make me into your Swan not a scavenger seagull.

Baba nanak said whoever is not doing Truth  is already living a ghost life and that's what they are going to get next.

Keep ego and pride under your feet and your head under his feet.   All your complaints will stop and Satnaam will expand. You will become embodiment of God. This word Satnaam is the philosophers stone, it is precious and pure.  Stop suppressing your heart, express it, don't control your children.  Do Satnaam and let God in them guide them.  The one who controls others is already destroyed. The one who praises God in others is already preserved.

All the nanaks , kabirs and sants are here, that's why you feel peaceful, because God is here.   When you praise you feel peace, joy and want to do good for others. Bad doesn't even come to mind, God stops it in its tracks.

Make your mind stop writing dark deeds and deeds of Truth  will flourish in you.  You will become the garden of Eden, not with Adam and Eve, bit the real garden in you with God inside.

When your mind is empty of negativity it will become temple of absolute purity.   Even you don't seek sweetness from food, you know Satnaam is sweeter than all.

If you are truthful there is no confusion.  Truth  always does good to others. Bless you all, stay in peace forever.   Eat now, food is blessed, you are blessed, whilst  eating keep your mind on the feet of the guru, repeating Satnaam.  Don't let go for a moment. When you do its all a hell hole again.

You can only serve your guru, your family and friends if you are ready to sacrifice yourself. So don't exist, live to serve everyday. Never give up, even if he takes you through hell. One day he will transform that hell into Truth  as well.

Sister: in our vision last night we saw flower with goddess inside it.

We don't yearn for demigods, only supreme God.  Don't pray to forms, not even my form, only form is White light.   I am divine spirit too, not the body or mind.  I am the master of both. So be that, don't be slave of body and mind.  Disregard all your bad things you did since birth. Don't blame others for polluting yourself. You can also purify yourself now.  You come here again and again because there is nothing  out there. So if you come here, come with not even 100% faith but 1000%.

In sangat you can fill your empty tank, your body is a vehicle and I am the amrit station of purity.   You can sit here but you can't think of supreme God, you have to think of me (your satguru)  to get to him. You think you can get it direct if it is not written like that for you?

Sing loud, top of your voice


Scream out his name, release all your negativity. You feel your head and body has all cleared up. Better than screaming at your family or others in anger.

You haven't seen me driving singing at the top of my voice  Satnaam.  It goes all around for miles.  So express it out loud from your heart. If you don't it will rust inside you and make you sick.

Express yourself, don't hold anything in. Let the child God inside you come out. (after releasing, sit quietly do simran inside).

We came here today, kirpalini and dev were here before preparing.  That is called seva and pleases God.  His blessings open the doors for you.  Serve and blessings come to you.

Bless all, stay in peace.

Do one service, do it well


If we just pick one seva, loving service to others, and stick to it with full devotion it will please God-guru and he keeps blessing us and opening our inner doors.
There is a motto in programming,  "do one thing, do it well."

We can apply that to everything we do.   Whatever we are doing at any time, wether it is work, family, or simran, do it well, with full attention.   It stops the mind running elsewhere.

Another thing is to keep our word.  If we say we will do something,  then we need to do it, or let the other person know we can't do it.    Too many times in sangat people promise to do a seva and never do it.    If we don't honour our own word,  why should God honour it either?   In gurbani it says a sants word is true here and on the other side. That's how powerful our word can be.    Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam.  When baba deep singh ji made an army to defend golden temple, first he drew a line in the sand and all those who crossed it promised to do or die.    Same with us, if we promise to do something  we must try our best or let other person know if we can't do it, especially if we promised our guru.   Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

God bless all.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

God feels our pain, Saint prays for all

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Even God gets Hurt when his bhagats get hurt, santan dukh paai te dukhee, even baba ji maharaj felt the pain of everyone and said they knew they had to do bhagti to take the pain.   Even baba ji said to ferry across the faithful is easy, but sant will ferry across his slanderer too.   This is how big a heart God has, he feels the pain of even those who turn away from him. Baba ji said God never stops loving us.   When we feel the same for everyone we are also becoming God like.   If we don't feel sad that someone has fallen back into the dark well then we won't pray for them. If we don't pray for them then who will pull them out.    Heartfelt Prayers of Sangat are most powerful in reducing karmic layers that cause people to go astray.    All of gurbani is the heart of God and prays for others.   It's Compassion, Love in action.   If we are not sad, if we don't feel the pain of others, if we don't pray for others then why are we doing bhagti?

If we are doing bhagti just for ourself, our own liberation, our own peace if mind, our own spiritual advancement, then ego will never go.  We find we are closest to God when we are helping and praying for others, in service.   We are furthest from God when we are doing simran wanting God for ourself, and getting nowhere.

Just sharing our experiences, God bless all.  Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Either we are cycling up the mountain of the mind or we are rolling back into darkness

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam until we overcome doubts in God and guru, and desires for maya,   ego will always pull us back into darkness.   Baba ji said that Ego, five demons and maya are doing the job the creator gave them day and night with out fail.     They are solid workers. Like the sun and moon too, like the elements, all are working as the creator assigned them.  Because they make sure the law of karma is obeyed. But the one stubborn donkey in this whole workshop is us.  The job he gave us was to do Satnaam and serve him as satguru.  So when we don't stick to daily daswandh of simran, then our karma had to play out again and ego, five demons, desires all pull us back into maya.

Or we can say in a simple way, either we are cycling up the mountain of the mind to the light, or we stop peddling and are going to role back into the darkness. There is no standing still.

Baba ji says take bandagi very seriously, it's a game of life and death.  But it's also a game of love.

Welcome back ka ji, your kind seva saved you.  You have touched everyone's heart with your words, your guitar, your seva.   Whole Sangat was sad when you left,  all were praying for you, God blessed you again.   Your are the lucky one.  Stay in peace.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

God is much more than energy, God is love

Baba ji,  27 Jan 15... Baba ji

In the womb we promised God we won't forget you, Truth.  But to survive we lie and cheat everyday.   Then we justify what we do.  Ego and pride bullshits ourself.  Sublime Heart, seat of your soul, can never lie. It's the first thing, and we forget it.    

You can have best looking wife, only your mind gets the taste and pride of trophy wife, soul didn't get anything.   Don't chase money, nothing went with the King's and pharoes, don't make the same mistake. Nothing can make you happy. Not a pretty looking spouse, nor all the money in the world.  When you lose what you had then mind goes into past and you keep looking for that thing again in future.   All our fantasies are running the moment. Everyone is dreaming I will be rich or find someone rich and live all my fantasies. But soul doesn't get enriched by any of it. That's why these fantasies don't make us happy. The pharoes were gods, but they weren't happy and took nothing with them.   Their soul lived that life but didn't get enriched.   Body wants massage, comforts, organisms, foods but it's all level of hell.     In the womb you were hung upside down, a few inches away from the poop and the piss. You were promising to God, please get me out and I won't forget you.   But the moment you are born you get hungry you suck on the nipple and you are hooked on maya. And later on mother who gave us comfort also gives us slaps.   So we all start from hell.   Soul will only be enriched when we kick all the worldly chase away and do truth.   No one is happy on this planet in worldly chase. Go and ask them, anyone.   But a saint in torn clothes in love of naam is happy, because their soul is saturated in truth.   Without doing Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam all the time soul is not enriched. Soul is not chasing anything and there comes satisfaction. In everything else comes dissatisfaction.  

When you attach to Satnaam inside you can carry on doing your worldly functions and still not lose anything.


Remember this in your life. If you lie to others you lose. If you do truth you win.  Do unto others as you want done to you.   When we do truth then love blossoms.   What you sow you reap is  the rule of bandagi,  so earn Truth. Not  chase money.  I was born in money, had everything, saw top of society, big respectable family, lots of land, school friends were sons of prime ministers. It was all bullshit life.  I have drank the best whiskey and eaten the best foods. I have been through alot of wealth and women and had three marriages too.   Let me tell you no partner will give you satisfaction, only God.  When all our filled with ego and pride and empty headed , no peace from them.  Only from heads filled with amrit will you get peace. God is the only Truth, rest is untruth.  This marriage with shotee mata is only good because their is god in it.

When it comes to doing seva dont make excuses, real sevadar loves to serve even if our body resists.   God loves service. He wants your full devotion, just like he was fully devoted to you in the womb and even now whilst you are ignorant in ego, to keep you alive.

We have seen all women of all societies, but without God all bodies are just empty shells, even male bodies are empty shells without God.

So fill with God by dedicating this life to him.  Devotion and dedication is going to give you the level of love you cannot even imagine.   You won't even feel hungry, or sleepy, or require any praise or respect from others. There is so much bliss in God's love, this is free and what I want for you.

In this time we have taken the pure word God and devalued it to the word energy. The devil inside us, ego and pride, have devalued God. Defining God as energy only, means love is not there and neither is Truth.  Ego becomes boss again by defining God as energy. But God is the breath  of our life, when he takes it out ego is no more. So give God the respect he deserves. He is very kind, very loving, very compassionate, define God like that and you will fill with love.  God is priceless and precious.   Calling him just energy you miss all that.   My head is at his feet for all eternity.  Praise him with beautiful words and he will make you into those words.     So don't devalue him, devalue your ego and pride. 

No clothes, food, partner is going to satisfy you for long without God. But with God, even stale food tastes good. I have done that, but that stale food tasted even better than delicacies. Made me realise he was sitting in the stale food too.

God is always the king, the giver, so many names in gurbani to praise him, so many love poems and bani to glorify him, but we just call him energy? Is that all the love we have?

We have seen that deep love in every moment, it never wears off like a drunks drink.  God bless you to see it too deep within.

Satnaam Satnaam
All glory is yours
All glory is yours
The devotees have sung them
In all ages.

Your glory is great in all ages.
Your lovers have loved you always.
Sitting on this earth
They sing your glory.

In all ages
The lovers have sung them.

Your praises were sung
by kabir and nanak.
You are mother and father,
supreme guru,

The word of the satguru
Is the medicine
Singing  your praises
Sitting  on this earth
Glorifying your name,

You glorious glory
O my master
We are the lovers
In your house,

Great guru
Dhan guru
Dhan guru
Dhan guru

All your glory
All your glory

Day and night
We sing the glory
Of nanak's house.

Sing his praises and your filth is washed... Gun gavaa teree utras mayl.

This is not just energy, this is a love story. God is love, it is joy, it is the statement of Truth.   Man has to see God in the woman, the woman has to see God in the man.   Then this life has meaning.  Otherwise no meaning in just sex.  

Give your children education, it's their good fortune. Also give them wisdom of God, that is the parents duty.

Wherever you go in maya, wether you are a king, you will still be crying.  Look at the beggar's from punjab who have become Kings in canada, still crying.

Look at the faces of those in maya, dissatisfied.  Only the one who s in love with God is going to an his glory and enjoy their true husband.   They have come to share God with others, to become dead whilst alive.  The ones who can't sacrifice themself for God can't get joy in life either.

Feel the peace right now, he loves us so much.  Amrit is pouring down in this room, in the whole house.  

Look how much he loved us before when we had forgotten him. He still loves us now. He always loves us. He never forgot us, but the creation forgot him for their selfish experiences. But no satisfaction.

Love has all the satisfaction.  So choose carefully what you want to be.  Live your selfish character or live your heart?   This amrit will only intensify the more sangat you do.

Just say make me as you want me to be.  If I ask for anything else it will only fall short of what you want to give me.   Asking for wealth we th ink we will be happy.  But become his and all the wealth of maya will come to you anyway.   The world is in business to make wealth. I  am in the business of making you into God.  

Satnaam Satnaam, peace, isn't that beautiful?  Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam. Acknowledge it, receive, believe it, serve it.  But deny it and it will roll over you like water around a rock.

In gurdwara sangat they serve sacred pudding, here we distribute God.  Different levels of Sangat.

Don't get proud of singing or praising, for if I did it, it wouldn't happen. He does it, he sings, he does his simran in us.

Everyone sing

Tera bhanna meeta lagay
Your will is sweet
Satnaam Satnaam
Satnaam Satnaam
Your glory, Satnaam
Your glory, satnaam
Satnaam satnaam
Satnaam satnaam
O my master
O my master
You cherish us
You protect us
Satnaam Satnaam
Satnaam Satnaam
Jap jap satnaam
Jap Jap Satnaam


May I Sing your praises
Day and night, satnaam
Your will is sweet
Tera bhana meeta lagay

Looking for love

All of us are trying to know what love really means.
Living for others is Love
Living for others is really living truth
Living for others is really serving truth
Living for others is really delivering truth
Parupkaar and MAHA parupkaar is what love is

   - Dhan Dhan Dassan Dass Ji

earn humility

Baba ji, 27 Jan 15

Always say Satnaam, always praise your satguru. Get rid of the filth in the mind, empty your mind, light up your heart. Be the change, be truthful, otherwise all is darkness. Your job, your bodily functions, your family, everything you do is darkness. If you don't do truth you won't become Truth. Happiness won't come if you let your mind obstruct you. You have to win to your own mind. You polluted it, you clean it. I can tell you how. Sants and bani have told us how, but only you can do it. I can tell you food is on the table, you have to eat it. Sowing filth you are not going to reap Truth. If you think you can have both, you are fooling yourself. The faster you start doing Truth the faster to can be with God.

In sangat don't come and look at my face, only gurus feet. If you come here like it's a party then your ego won't go. Become a sevadar , servant, earn humbleness. Looking at my face you will only get ego and pride, only look at sants feet and sangats feet. 7 years I never looked up from sangats feet. Never went to parties, funerals, weddings, restaurants. To earn poverty and humbleness is through action. Many of you think it's just by talking. If you are not changing, it's your own fault. Sell your mind, body, wealth to guru. Don't think it's you doing Naam simran, it's God. Everything is watching you, even God in the banana is watching you. You must have fear that God is watching you always, through all eyes, then you will be fearful to do bad deeds. I don't look at what you are doing right now, I look to see how much you have changed. Talking good here and being good here, but going back into your life and not changing is no good. Should have thirst to help others, not to get self praise. Your own mind will blame you in the end for not teaching it the right way to the light. It will be you to blame and no one else. This poverty and compassion you have to pick up and put into your bag. If you don't earn it what they sants are telling you, then you will die again and again until you do. Don't think I know God and get proud, no earn poverty and uplift the lowly.

God's colour of love was on nanak's face. If the same colour is not on your face then you are not complete. You have to put guru first in everything. And keep fear that I don't go away from gurus teachings. And that I am not losing Naam through what I am doing right now. If you want to really find the guru, you have to leave the worldly things.

Truth is most calm, most unselfish, most loving. This will only come if you are most truthful and dedicated to your guru feet. This Truth is true forever that you have to surrender completely. Without Naam is hell. Stop doing Naam and right there it will be hell. Blame the guru is hell. Complain is hell. So you come here to Sangat to earn humbleness not to look at my face. We sat at the gurdwara every day for eight hours and kept eyes downwards, didn't talk to anyone, didn't even look who is sitting next to us or behind us. The one who is busy earning humbleness and poverty has not even got a moment to lose in anything else. The moment you do you lose. Have to conquer every moment. Conquor 60 seconds you conquered a minute. Conquor each minute, each hour, each month, each year like this.

If you come here and think baba ji is my friend and I am his friend then you never changed your habits then what use was it doing baba jis sangat?

So earn it then it is most beautiful. If you don't do it, you will say I am your friend baba ji, but your mind tells a different story. When you are by yourself and your bad habits come out.

When you have love and do truth, then your mind will bow, then you will collect humbleness. Straighten out yourself. Mind and body keep fighting until you surrender them to the guru. You can't buy guru with gifts and money, only with love.

Satnaam always Satnaam, always praise your satguru who gave up u Naam. Praise satguru in nature. Think where would I be now if I didn't have guru and Naam. Keep some fear of going into ego again. Think alot on the gian and have thirst to do it and only increase. Maya should decrease.

This wisdom is for you on how to pick up the jewels, not for me.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

The journey home


The train leaves on time and arrives on time, takes us from a to b.   All we have to do is get on the train.  Rest the driver takes care of.     Amritvela is a 2.5hrs journey from earth to dargah, through the field of your dark mind.   2hrs in the evening is another journey.    All we have to do is jump aboard day and night.    We will go home.    Otherwise whatever distracts us, or stops us, including our ego's complaints,  is the reason we remain homeless.    Daily discipline, determination, devotion, dedication to the satgurus lotus feet is what we need.  Pray for it and have some courage to put God first in your life instead of work, family and other comforts.  Otherwise keep crying and wondering why you never progressed even after all these years after having Naam.

God bless all, mere mat thoree ram.

Seva and simran without complaining

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji we came in the world to serve.   When there's service to do for family, work etc accept that us what god wants from us right now.  When it's quiet then do simran as that us the hukam.     Getting upset means not accepting what we are supposed to go doing in that moment.   That is the manmat we want to erase. 

Same problem we had with  job for all these years,  didn't accept that is what god wanted us to do.   And when job went,  and we had all that spare time we could t do bhagti either because mind wasn't accepting no job either.

jiv jiv rakhay tiv tiv raheeay
As you keep me, I accept that willingly

Keep saying it when mind objects to serving.

Satnaam baba ji said whilst we still have these irritations in our mind and get aggravated, then we still haven't finished our bandagi.

Ego is Satan, ego is complaining, ego is fooling us we should be doing something else and ego makes us blame the people around us, makes us think they are the devil!

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam same things we go thru, learned the hard way. Ego fooled us. Never again by gurus grace.

The thing ego complains about, say to it, please give me more.  Satnaam baba ji used to go to the gurdwara and find the kitchen full of dirty dishes a d prayed to god,  "please give me more!"   be positive about everything. Thats what we see about baba ji.

Just do the task infront of you as seva. Make this step in love, kindness, Satnaam. That's all. Then all us peaceful.  

You're dhan dhan, be happy in this moment.   Be thankful for kids, husband, health, wealth, don't even think about what we haven't got or didn't get (support)  from others.

Mind has got bad habits, complaining, blaming, feeling guilty,  getting  upset, thinking things will be better if our situation was different.    Mind is biggest liar.

Mind got us into this mess,  so we don't want to do what it says anymore.

But also if you have too much to do, work, cooking,kids, etc instead if getting upset and saying negative things , calm yourself.   And when you feel calm talk to family and explain it's too much for you and ask them how they can help share things.

Just sounds like you are super stressed.

When you have little kids, taking care of them is your simran and seva until they settle down after a year or so.  That's it.  Nothing to feel bad about.  When they get older then to ur situation  will change and god will give you time to do more simran.    Your seva if your kids  is your simran right  now.   That's how we dealt with  daya and stayed in peace . But first two kids we used feel bad like you.  Trying to look after them through the night,  working and trying to do Amritwela wasn't practical at all.  So we just did what we could as seva.  Simran came later on with  Gurparsaad.

Eat less, get rid of desire for food

Qn:  Dandaut Bandhana Preeto Veerji the Homework Dhan Dhan Babaji gave us it was Eat less Sleep less and talk less what did Babaji mean by eat less. What's considered eating less? Is it avoiding binge eating? Satnaam ji

Reply:  Satnaam just make a little effort to have smaller portions.  Satguru ji knows when we are making a sacrifice inside.  

Baba ji said in an older talk we heard today about changing the thought  inside our mind about food.  Just say,  "sachay patshah make me eat what you want."   then if God just gives us half a chapatti that day, even that will fill us up.   The aim is to take out desire for food out of our mind, so do ardas like that.    Baba ji said the wrong way to give up food is when people say th e want to lose weight, then they force themselves to go on a diet,  or better than that they also start exercising,  but inside they still desire food. So the wise person will change the the thought  about food, that is the root cause.  So do ardas to overcome. Desire, "baba ji make me eat what you want me to eat today.    Tera ditta khaavana."   become humble beggar even about the food we receive,  thank God by doing Satnaam with live as we eat,  thank God in the food,  the farmer who planted it,  the person who transported it, harvested it,  cooked it,  served it. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

God is the guru... Baba ji

If it has not been understood then understand that the satguru of the sikhs is akaal paarbrahm parmeshwar. All ages belongs to naam, without naam there is nothing.. Everything radiates by it, it sustains it all. All happens by it, all is by bhaag. satguru is sat sri akaal.
satgurprasaad should have space so should be SAT GURPRASAAD. truth by the grace of god. All is contained within gurbani. Soorma is one who is parupkaari, fights five theives, does or listens to slander but turns around does seva naam to satguru and face turns radiant - baba ji

Ones who dont share, they are pakhandis, they have no respect, they have all delivered garbage. Kaal has taken,  all given kood to everyone, sikh is one who turns his back to kaal, son of god. Such brahm gyani, is the one who carries u across, world will slander you, spit on you, maybe even hang you, but he will be the warrior, u will see in the way he walks.. Break the ego which is the mind - baba ji

sada satnaam sada satnaam sada satnaam naam nahee chaadnaa, darnaaa nee snow tho,  once you go forward, then dont go back, dont give up, never give up when you walk on this path, keep at it x5, you will win, this is the wonder of naam.  we have to earn this , then we will conquor himalay mountain (of our mind)

Dont break anyones heart, in heart is god, the true darbar.

All sants have known this and it is eternal

Concentrate on ur heart, dont worry about anyone else


Gur Preeto :

dhan dhan baba ji maharaj, dhan dhan there oocha paar beant bhagti, their unlimited blessings upon us all,upon the whole creation, we are very blessed to be living at the same time as them.  satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam lets make the most of it,....gurmukh laha laygaay aaa....the gurmukh took the real profits (from his efforts in the world)

baba ji's heart is beant, we all live in their heart, and they live in our heart. one heart, one love, one Truth, sat sat sat.

snow, oceans, mountains, thousands of miles...nothing can get between satguru ji's heat and our heart.

heart to heart.  baba ji said nirgun sargun means unseen and seen , when we say satnaam we join the two together.

How to get mukti

Maharaj ji said we need EXTREME LOVE for SATNAAM to get mukti. sit in poverty at his feet ask to be forgiven like nanak was forgiven.  Ask to be given a place directly in his court, dargah, because we can't live without him.

For Satnaam to come to us we must become full of Compassion and truth and love and service to all, because Satnaam himself is Truth, Love, Compassion and serves all.   Pure can only come to pure.

Keep doing satnam without desires and you are pulling out all the thorns.   But have desires and you are putting in more thorns into your mind.

Only the one who sees all as one and has broken from religious rituals and false beliefs can be called a  sant satguru, and only they are MUKT, liberated.   JO bharamghar dharamghar thorayiaa so sant satguru akhaai.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Tera Naam... By gurcharan ji

Satguru Dassan dass pathsha ji ke Dargahi bani...





Sunday, 15 February 2015

Live broadcast of baba ji worldwide

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji Dandauth bandhna ji, with apaar kirpa of maharaj ji, we have ability to listen to live sangat from sundar nagari, Canada.

Listen live - Satnaam is on Mixlr

Or you can download mixlr app on your smartphone. Then make an account.  And follow Satnaam.   Then you will get automatic notification when the channel goes live.

Dhan dhan sukhee raho ji.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Re: Tere charna naal pyaar baba ji

Ik tuhi nirankar baba ji ik tuhi nirankar, tere charna naal pyaar baba ji tere charna naal pyaar, hum papee guneghar babaji hum papee guneghar, tum baxanhaar baba ji tum baxanhaar,  toRo mera hankar baba ji toRo mera hankar, ik tuhi nirankar baba ji ik tuhi nirankar, tu aap naam jaapvanhaar baba ji tu aap Naam jaapvanhaar, tu aap milaavanhaar babaji tu aap milaavanhaar, tere charna naal pyaar baba ji tere charna naal pyaar, tere darshan kau balhaar baba ji tere darshan kau balhaar, sada hirdhay vich VASO baba ji sada seva laynde rahu. Hum papee pakhandi baba ji loonharami guneghar, hum maha moorakh baba ji toRo mera hankar,  hum kami krodhi baba ji karda galat vichaar, hum lobhi mohi baba ji tu aapay baxanhaar.    Tere charna naal pyaar baba ji tere charna naal pyaar, jeh jeh dekha baba ji teh teh tera pyaar. Tu aapay suraj chand babaji tum aapay puran prakash, tum aapay data karta baba ji tum aapay karnay haar, tum aapo laavo apana seva vich baba ji tum aapo karo sadda par utar.   Tere charna naal pyaar baba ji tere charna naal pyaar, ik onkar sat babaji Sat Ik onkar, ik Sat nirankar babaji ik Sat nirankar.  Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Baba ji Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji

On 13 Feb 2015 21:26, "Gur Preeto" <> wrote:

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji.   It is easy to be good when life is going well,  but what are we like when things are not going our way?   Like when we are tired or lost our job or our relationship failed.   What do we do when we are in dukh? Do we seek comfort from maya, sex, pleasures, drink, or do we still have love for Satnaam?do we still keep Truth, Love and compassion as the highest?   Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Dass tere kee benti ridh kar pargaas. Tumari kirpa te parbraham dukhan kay naas.  Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Without trust there is no bandagi.  Without trust, How can Truth be realised?    Look in the news, whole world is lacking in trust.  No one trusts their politicians, religious leaders,  spouse, kids, employers.   Watch TV shows, dramas, films, all full of betrayal, cheating, suspicious of others.    Everyday if we are reading and watching these kind of media, then we are also learning that no one can be trusted.   Then it becomes very difficult to trust even God himself when he comes as our satguru, Truth guru.      Dassan dass ji said that trust in your satguru  is the foundation stone  of your bandagi.

Ik onkar sat Naam Sat gur parsaad param jyot puran prakash Dhan Dhan sat Parbraham pita parmesar bless all, hum mayla tum ujal karte hum nirgun tu data hum moorakh tum chattur siane tu sarab klaa ka giataa maharaj ji hum ayse tu aysa hum papee tum paap khandan neeko takur desa maharaj ji Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam tere charna naal pyaar baba ji tere charna naal pyaar, toRo mera hankar baba ji toRo mera hankar, tuhi nirankar baba ji tuhi nirankar, tere charna naal pyaar baba ji tere charna naal pyaar, tuhi baxanhaar babaji tuhi baxanhaar, hau papee babaji tum karo paar utar, tere charna naal pyaar baba ji tere charna naal pyaar, Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam sat kartar, hum guneghar babaji toRo Mera hankar, tere charna naal pyaar baba ji tere charna naal pyaar

Ik onkar sat babaji Sat Ik onkar, tu aapay karta babaji tu aapay karnay haar, hum apradhi babaji tum baxanhaar, hum moorakh babaji tum aap milaavanhaar, Tera ik naam babaji taray sabh sansar, tuhi Sat baba ji tuhi Sat kartar, tuhi Nirankar baba ji tuhi nirankar, vaso mere hirdha babaji tere say charna naal pyaar, Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Glory to the one Truth king

Ik onkar sat Naam Sat gur parsaad param jyot puran prakash Dhan Dhan sat Parbraham pita parmesar bless all ji dandout pyare babaji pitaji mataji pritamji hum papee tum paap khandan neeko takur desa maharaj ji Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

I have tried many ways
and none of them have worked. 
Now my mind just do Satnaam
and become lower than the earth.  

Mind you think you know something,
you are the greatest fool.  
Look inside your heart
and find Satnaam the jewel.

Mind you keep on running
like a dog in the chase. 
Mind sit still and feel
Satnaam's loving embrace.

Mind you keep on thinking
all day and night.  
Give up this darkness
and go into Satnaam light.

Mind you are so worried
about what other people think. 
This life will be over
quicker  than a blink.

Mind you want to look good
in this fake world. 
Better you hold on to Satnaam
and the guru's word.

Mind you want to be loved
and liked and praised.
But everything you do
will be forgotten and erased.

Mind you want the world
to give you respect.
But without good deeds
you are just another reject.

Mind you want your family
to be proud of you.  
You love them even more
than you love your guru.

Mind you cannot break free
of your selfish self at all.   
You are a prisoner of
your own logic wall.

If now your life has
become unbearable,
where every step you take
is nothing but a struggle. 

When you cannot carry on
with the burden on your soul. 
Then call upon satguru
to make you his own.

Fall at the feet of the one
who has the key, 
surrender yourself and
Satnaam will set you free.   
This is the promise of
the the satguru to you and me, 
this is God's court's guarantee.

Once you fall down at
the Satguru's feet divine,
then never again look up
and say "I, me and mine".  

The satguru will chop off your head,
and you will live in this world
alive whilst dead.   

If you can understand this mystery.
You will become Satnaam
and you will be free. 

You will live to serve all,
twenty feet below their feet.
You will give away everything
and eat their pain like a sweet.

You will pray for others
and live from your heart. 
You will be remembered forever
even after you depart. 

For you sung the glory
of the one Truth king.
And he gave  you absolutely everything.

So Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
is the thing to sing. 

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
is glory to the king.

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam
is my love, my life, my everything.

Meree mat thoree ram Satnaam Satnaam Babaji all by your grace.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Tere charna naal pyaar baba ji

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji.   It is easy to be good when life is going well,  but what are we like when things are not going our way?   Like when we are tired or lost our job or our relationship failed.   What do we do when we are in dukh? Do we seek comfort from maya, sex, pleasures, drink, or do we still have love for Satnaam?do we still keep Truth, Love and compassion as the highest?   Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Dass tere kee benti ridh kar pargaas. Tumari kirpa te parbraham dukhan kay naas.  Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Without trust there is no bandagi.  Without trust, How can Truth be realised?    Look in the news, whole world is lacking in trust.  No one trusts their politicians, religious leaders,  spouse, kids, employers.   Watch TV shows, dramas, films, all full of betrayal, cheating, suspicious of others.    Everyday if we are reading and watching these kind of media, then we are also learning that no one can be trusted.   Then it becomes very difficult to trust even God himself when he comes as our satguru, Truth guru.      Dassan dass ji said that trust in your satguru  is the foundation stone  of your bandagi.

Ik onkar sat Naam Sat gur parsaad param jyot puran prakash Dhan Dhan sat Parbraham pita parmesar bless all, hum mayla tum ujal karte hum nirgun tu data hum moorakh tum chattur siane tu sarab klaa ka giataa maharaj ji hum ayse tu aysa hum papee tum paap khandan neeko takur desa maharaj ji Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam tere charna naal pyaar baba ji tere charna naal pyaar, toRo mera hankar baba ji toRo mera hankar, tuhi nirankar baba ji tuhi nirankar, tere charna naal pyaar baba ji tere charna naal pyaar, tuhi baxanhaar babaji tuhi baxanhaar, hau papee babaji tum karo paar utar, tere charna naal pyaar baba ji tere charna naal pyaar, Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam sat kartar, hum guneghar babaji toRo Mera hankar, tere charna naal pyaar baba ji tere charna naal pyaar

Ik onkar sat babaji Sat Ik onkar, tu aapay karta babaji tu aapay karnay haar, hum apradhi babaji tum baxanhaar, hum moorakh babaji tum aap milaavanhaar, Tera ik naam babaji taray sabh sansar, tuhi Sat baba ji tuhi Sat kartar, tuhi Nirankar baba ji tuhi nirankar, vaso mere hirdha babaji tere say charna naal pyaar, Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Fwd: [SatNaam Parivaar] Dassan dass ji in china [1 Attachment]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Gur Preeto [satnaam]" <>
Date: 12 Feb 2015 08:18
Subject: [SatNaam Parivaar] Dassan dass ji in china [1 Attachment]
To: "Satnaam Group" <>



From dassan dass ji;

This is a Chinese Girl who works as an engineer where we went. She took good care of us. She was our daughter in previous life. 

We wrote in her diary to live in truth follow truth serve truth and deliver Truth.
We held her hand for few seconds and asked her how she felt. She said very peaceful and happy.

She said she will look at our message that we wrote in her diary. She said it is very difficult to live a purely truthful life. We told her we will help her in doing so.

Sat sat sat bless her.

Sat sat sat bless you all

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Dassan dass ji in china


From dassan dass ji;

This is a Chinese Girl who works as an engineer where we went. She took good care of us. She was our daughter in previous life. 

We wrote in her diary to live in truth follow truth serve truth and deliver Truth.
We held her hand for few seconds and asked her how she felt. She said very peaceful and happy.

She said she will look at our message that we wrote in her diary. She said it is very difficult to live a purely truthful life. We told her we will help her in doing so.

Sat sat sat bless her.

Sat sat sat bless you all

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Re: Your love so great

Your love is beyond borders
Deeper than the waters
Higher than the stars
Your grace and mercy abound
In all nations in peace You surround
In all the music your love drowns
Blessing you Eternal Father
Loving you in all languages
Praising you in each moment forever
Your child sings your song
And call upon your Holy name
S  A T  N  A  A  M

On 11 Feb 2015 16:11, "Gur Preeto" <> wrote:

Kirpalini ji;

Your love so great
Oh blessed fate
The earth is singing
The Ocean is swirling
From all sides your light is flowing
The weak is healing
Your love so sure
Stronger than mountains
Deeper than the sea
Oh your love unfailing
Your love is everything
Your love so high
How deep how wide
How tall how high
Your love is everything
Your love so high
S A T N  A A M

Your love so great

Kirpalini ji;

Your love so great
Oh blessed fate
The earth is singing
The Ocean is swirling
From all sides your light is flowing
The weak is healing
Your love so sure
Stronger than mountains
Deeper than the sea
Oh your love unfailing
Your love is everything
Your love so high
How deep how wide
How tall how high
Your love is everything
Your love so high
S A T N  A A M

More humbleness more amrit

More gareebee more amrit.   Baba ji said on recent sangat to lady, lie down do Dandauth, leave manmat at home. Earn gareebee, it's going to benefit you, not me.

We do dandaut to all family now, everyday.  Daya calls us her puppy!

Satnaam Satnaam ji

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Don't be a victim

Satnaam  ji,

your family are a den of snakes.  Doesn't mean the physical family. Means your five demons,  your destructive mind (seen as mum saying pakhandi) ,  maya,  laziness (seen as your brother sleeping).    These are our closest family, the ones that live with us day and night in our mind.    Now make Satnaam, Truth, your family.  Satnaam parivaar.  Naam is the only family of a brahmgiani.    Also stop seeing yourself  a victim at the mercy of the people around you.    That they have control over you and what you and where you go.     And then in frustration you wish they there you out. Still giving them control to choose what happens to you.  When we were a teenager we wished our parents would die then I could love who I wanted.  We didn't have Naam or gian or any sangat.   We were a victim.   You may still have to stay with the people around you for however long, that is as per your destiny. But dont think of yourself as a victim.   Just sau,  God you want me to be here right now, fine. And one day when you want me to do some th ing else then fine as well.    Be at the mercy of God not people. There was a Jewish professor in the holocaust camps. Everyone else got depressed because they became victims, thinking  we have no freedom and are at the mercy of these nazis .   But he decided not to be a victim. Sure he couldn't change the situation, but he changed his attitude. And everyday he stuck to his daily routine in his imagination, beloved I am still a teacher,  imagined going to work,  giving lectures and he stayed postive.    Guru gobind singh ji shows a whole nation don't be victims any more.  Same with gandhi.    Just change your attitude.   We have given mind, body, everything  to satguru.  Now he is in control of where we are and for how long.  If he wants us to sit in our hell situation, so trust he knows best. He wants us to do Naam simran right where we are so he can transform the place.   We first thought  4hrs commuting  everyday... Very  hard. Now we realise satguru  wants us to do Naam simran for London to get blessed.   When we see things from our ego point of view we see how bad it is for us.  But if we see it from God's point of view, he has given us Naam and gian and put us here to bless the place we are in.     So don't be a victim, ego complains and blames and resents.   We gave everything to God, so do Naam and practise being humble.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Transform your mind

Maharaj ji said, "you can tell me baba ji I do Satnaam thousands of times and  I will tell you without changing your manmat you are still not getting anywhere."

It's good everyone does Satnaam Satnaam on kakao but how many are actually evaluating  our daily deeds before simran everyday, how many are confessing them on here and asking for forgiveness?   That is what is going to get rid of our manmat/bad habits , otherwise even the Satnaam we are doing is like pouring water on a rock hard mind.

Baba ji said we will become whatever we believe. If we believe we are a bhagat we will become God . If we believe we are a soldier we will become that.    If we believe we are a drunk we will become destructive. But until we believe we are nothing but God, then there will still be pain to erase the difference between God and our ego.


God came and wrote, God came and sang, God did dandauth to family today, God cleaned the dishes, God did simran, it was all God.   

We told baba ji once our friend said he felt something great in his simran. Baba ji replied, still ego is talking like it's the big one and calling experience of God as some small thing  that entered into ego's house.

It's all God, it's always God even when we, ego, feels like it's not experiencing God, get rid of this sense of ego talking  about God and experiences as some thing   else.

Baba ji said people say I am on a journey to God.  When you realise God you realise there was no journey, IT WAS ALL GOD!

Baba ji said once,  "I am God, just like you are god, but I am not scared to say it(no ego) , but you (ego)  are.  O when will you realise you are already God, stop thinking you are not."

We find this useful "I am not the body, I am not the mind (thoughts from ego), I am the soul, Satnaam."

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Blessed dream and messages

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji Dandauth bandhna ji

After simran today we went to sleep(didn't have to rush to work!) in the dream we were in a big room on a sunny day, sangat was all over the house, there was so much amrit in the room, we got absorbed so much, our right arm went up and palm facing forward, our left arm down and to the left, blessing the person next to us.   Then later we felt so light, closed our eyes, sitting cross legged felt we were just floating in mid air like a baby on a thousand soft pillows.     Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam whenever we have flying /floating dreams it means our weight has been lifted, our hard time is over, guru's grace has freed us.  Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji this time we are going to keep going forward and not get weighed down by worldly thoughts, maya, and my ego self. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam


Only 6 weeks till Texas sangat, we bless everyone to just focus on amritvela and 2hrs evening simran and honest work all day, and to tell our mind for next six weeks we are not going to worry about life I. E no thinking what shall I do, where is my life going, I have to learn this or that, or money or family etc etc.   For next 6 weeks don't worry about any worldly problem just surrender and give daswandh of time and money and stay lowest, give up bad habits, tv,  junk food,  complaining, blaming, past regrets, fears, hopes, just tell them mind we are just doing bhagti now for at least 6 weeks.  We are going to Sangat as pure as possible.  Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam.    Last month we have been commuting and committed to our daily simran and seva. And the first month is always about fighting the five thieves and ur ego which wants to give up.  Second month the magic starts happening like the dream today, third month and beyond heart opens and all our ego thoughts and five thieves jut stop bothering us. And our down and depressing thoughts disappear.    Dassan dass ji said if we commit to just 6 months like this our journey is very fast.  That is there promise to us.  But can we commit for just 6 weeks to start with? If so we will be the winners.


Hum maha kami krodhi lobhi mohi hankaree sanu bax deho Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji meree mat thoree maharaj ji tu samrath vada.     We are not capable of teaching or helping anyone, you are sat you are the guru, you are sat you are the Naam, you are sat your are the gurparsaad. Please make us your tool as you help others thru us, let us be your servant only, whole world is crying sache patshah, please use us to bless all and to praise you.  Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji please bless urvi, met her yesterday. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam


Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam karissa ji, you did the right thing, he asked for food to offered to buy food, he said no.     Nothing else to think about, karma played out, what was owed was done.    Just remember it's only karma playing out wether it's your interaction with a beggar or a king or sangat.    So it's only ego thinking afterwards it should have done this or that etc ego has no control, that is the problem we all believe the story our mind tells us,  but really it's just karma playing out.   And only doing satnam overrules karma. So do Naam. Bless the other person. Finish your give and take with them and don't thin about the story.

Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji even if he had asked for money and you gave him some, your karma is done. What he does with it is going to play out as per has karma. Even if he buys alcohol, that money went to the shopkeeper cause he owed him, each do of alcohol has an effect on the beggar's body, as per karma, and sickness will come as per karma.    So when karma is running everything, all your have to do is make sure your karma is good. And stop doing bad deeds.  Don't worry about other people's karma. Ego can't control it. We are all getting what we deserve.

Only gurus grace forgives us and give us beyond what we have sown and that is Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam merew mat thoree ram.

He may not have bought  alcohol or drugs, so again at your ego are you psychic now?   He may have had some other story got go which he didn't want to te you.   Better we stop trying to think what other people are thinking or going to do.  That's one reason we have so many fears and worries,  thinking how neither people will react or what they will see.  Just focus on doing the right thing in this moment. That's all we can do, focus in our mind doing good . Don't think at what other people's minds are going to do.

If he had directly asked for alcohol or drugs we would have said no,though. That's not a good deed to give someone poison. Just deal with the facts infront of you.


Santeh charan hamaro matha nain daras tun dhoor paro Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji we are very blessed to have sangat of satgurus and Sangat of all kakao, we prayed for many years for sangat of the one who are thirsty for God,  we met many Sangat along the way, but only on meeting dassan dass ji have all the doors opened to sangat of sat, sangat of sants on a daily basis.    Without sangat of sat we are full of filth, without good destiny we don't get sangat of Sat.  Sangat of sat is wen we say sat sat sat in our hirdha, may we have sangat of sat sat sat in our hirdha day and not, may we never even forget for a moment, that moment becomes the dark age. In that moment maya can get back into our mind. Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam bless all praise all love all forgive all, start with our own family.


Ik onkar Satnaam sri satguru. Ik onkar Satnaam sri satguru. Ik onkar Satnaam sri satguru. One god names Truth is himself the sat guru.

Ik onkar sat Naam Sat parbraham sarnaee ik onkar sat Naam Sat parbraham sarnaee ik onkar sat Naam Sat parbraham sarnaee ik onkar sat Naam Sat parbraham sarnaee ik onkar sat Naam Sat parbraham sarnaee ik onkar sat Naam Sat parbraham sarnaee ik onkar sat Naam Sat parbraham sarnaee ik onkar sat Naam Sat gur parsaad param jyot puran prakash Dhan Dhan sat Parbraham pita parmesar bless all ji dandout pyare babaji pitaji mataji pritamji

Hum maha moorakh, loonharami, guneghar, pakhandi, papee, maha kami krodhi lobhi mohi hankaree sanu bax deho Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam we sleep too much, eat too much, talk too much, judge others, don't fear Satnaam, think God is a to, do what we feel like, forget Satnaam all the time and  think that is OK. Think we can teach others when we haven't even practised love and humbleness in our own family.  Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam

Best way to teach others is through our own actions.  Better than telling others to do sat Naam and be humble, is to become Satnaam and humble ourself.     Galee jog na hoee ik drist kar sansar janay jogee kaheea soi ... By talking (about God ) union is not attained, see all as one god, then you will be called a yogi(United with god).


Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52