Tuesday 2 September 2014

Naam, karma and maya

Sharing maharaj ji wisdom :

5 thieves plus 3....jealousy, slander and gossip. Maya's gang of 8 we have to beat,  have to clean up our mess. 

We went to India once, there were about twenty outdoor cubicles, we had feeling to clean them. And those Indian toilets have no water in them and no flush, so big smelly poos with flies buzzing around them ... We did all twenty! You have to prsy at the same time, baba ji we are filthiest than these toilets please clean us like we are cleaning them and make them shine.

After we had Naam, we had a dream and there was a swan at the bottom of a filthy well, we pulled it out, it was covered in thick oil, we hugged it to our chest and run across a dark field in a stormy night, and all along we were absorbing the filth into our body, when we got to the other side, the Swan was spotless, and we were vomiting all the filth out. Then we realised, when dassan dass ji says that everyone (swan soul) is under fourty foot scum of maya they mean it literally. And when they say satguru ji when they give us Naam they absorb our poison, they also mean it literally. They give us a clean start. Why do we all feel lighter and free after guru Sangat last week? Because our filth got washed. But it had to go somewhere, so who took that negativity? Satguru jis.

Baba ji told us for the guru to place Naam in someone (in their astray body where the chakras are) they first have to make a space, so they have to take the poison out to put Naam in. But they don't complain, they say a sant loves to drink pains of Sangat and to give them amrit.

 But most sants do not give Naam to the masses for this same reason they don't want to take the pain so they give waheguru and nitnem and pahul, but not the real thing... Satnaam. There was a story of a radhasoami guru we read online. A devotee brought his friend and begged the guru to give his friend Naam. The guru said no (baba ji said a true sant can't say no, because they only see God in the other asking God in them and it's happening as per destiny), but the devotee kept insisting over time, the guru gave Naam and then was bed ridden due to sickness for two weeks. And he told the devotee that's why I didn't want to give your friend Naam because I knew I would have to take his karmic filth on myself.

Really made us appreciate how truly compassionate and giving baba ji and dassan dass ji are. They give without any conditions, they uplift all.

What we learned from maharaj ji is that things are not happening according to our logic, eg people work and make money. Every thing is happening as per law of karma. So if a beggar is asking you for money, you and him have past karma which has caused you to meet again and you owe him. If he says how much he wants give it to him. If he doesn't say, then give whatever you feel.

Some people work very hard but get little reward, others hardly work and have so much money. It's all as per what each soul is reaping from past lives as well as this life.

 Law of karma overrules all our logic of what we or society or laws think is right and wrong.

So in our extended families we all hope and wish for things to be one way, loving kind, happy etc, but instead it turns into hell. So it's law of karma playing out. How? Desire is the root cause. Our wants and don't wants run us. They are like the carrot and stick that make the donkey mind to move in the direction of our karma.

We get attracted to someone outside out of thousands of people we see all the time, but that one person attracts us, then desire, then marriage then hopes and wishes for a happy life, but then it goes sour, bad words, fights, separation divorce. Underneath the whole love story was just karma for everyone to balance their dues to each other from the past. And the number of days written together were completed and it finished.

So without this understanding everyone is just being played by karma and generating more bad karma when they don't forgive and retaliate etc

Yes and it carries on with the next partner and the next life and this keeps us being reborn, so that is the infinite loop of maya everyone is stuck in.

Only one thing overrules the law of karma and that is satnaam. Which is God himself. He made the laws of karma and we all have to read exactly what we have sown. But for his devotees, the one who love him, he overrules their karma, wipes it out When he Gives us Naam through the heart of an enlightened soul.

Karma doesn't get wiped right away, but satguru takes a lot of poison when they give us Naam, and then when satnaam goes into our heart then our karmic layers get shattered and new destiny is written for us to be with God.

Maharaj ji says when we get blessed with Naam, give up all desires, and don't generate more karma, forgive the slaps we get, confess what we did in the past under five thieves and stop generating more bad karma.

 And the other important thing maharaj ji says, which would have helped you avoid the car parking anger issue, is do good for others at your own expense, eg if there are only two rotis left then offer the good one to the other person and take what's left. Apply that to everything, then you drive out my wants and me first attitude, which is why ego gets offended and reacts with anger.

when both sides are bringing out the worst in each other, it is maya in both fighting. Gurbani says maya will break every relationship, husband and wife, father and son, mother and daughter etc. At that time neither person is seeing God in the self or in the other. But if you have enough awareness to remember I am doing bhagti then just see past maya the witch fighting with you in the other person, and do Dandauth to God in their heart, and say "game over maya, I see through your tricks, you can't fool me any more." it's not your in laws or husband etc who is the enemy, their soul is also good, but it's maya and her gang running them that are our enemy. So always have Compassion for others, their soul is also unhappy crying as a slave of maya.

Same here, we make endless mistakes, please forgive us satguru ji. Tum karo bhalla hum bhalla na jano, tum sada sada dyala. Tum sukhdaee purakh bidataay tum rakho apanay Bala . Satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam

Keep doing humble thankful ardas all day. Maharaj ji says, a thankful heart becomes a loving heart, and only in a loving heart God can come and reside. (heart is the real gur gaddhi throne for God the king).


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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52