Friday 12 September 2014

Become divine light or die trying

Ik onkar satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam sat gur parsaad param jyot puran prakash Dhan Dhan sat Parbraham pita parmesar.  BELIEVE IN THE DIVINE LIGHT, IMAGINE IT, BATHE IN IT, BREATHE IT, BECOME IT, SAT NAAM.

Maharaj ji said,  instead of letting other people make you feel bad about doing satnaam and satguru Sangat,  tell them,  "you are in the scum of maya,  so am I, but at least I am trying to get out."

Yes, a penji said,  "it difficult to do bhagti"  and maharaj ji stopped her in her tracks,  "see you put the word difficult in,  now your mind believes it's hard. It's actually very easy.... Just know you are a divine being having a human experience."

Yes, a penji said,  "it difficult to do bhagti"  and maharaj ji stopped her in her tracks,  "see you put the word difficult in,  now your mind believes it's hard. It's actually very easy.... Just know you are a divine being having a human experience."

"and also we become whatever we believe or think all day, so think satnaam (believe we are light)"

Whenever we do confessions or ardas it can become very easy to focus on our bad qualities and to feel down all the time, "o I am useless,  I am so bad, I am no good,  I am a failure etc"

But that is just ego trying to make you give up by focusing on your darkness.  The point of ardas is to humble the ego.   Hum Means haumai (ego),  so when we say hum papee... It's saying ego is a sinner,  and in gurbani it doesn't stop their,  hum papee tum paap khandan... Ego is a sinner and you are the destroyer of sins.     So there is always acceptance of our ego being the sinner , but gurbani then focuses us on the light soul and says but you are the destroyer of sins. So that gives us hope.

That's why we like to use go bani  to do ardases.  They leave our ego humbled but also give us hope and light.

So don't leave the mind focused on the darkness part,  always bring it back to the light.   And it doesn't matter whatever sins happened before our ardas,  once we have done ardas we are forgiven,  we have a clean sheet,  so start again, like the sun comes out everyday no matter how heavy the dark night was,  so our soul is shining bright divine light every moment so we can focus on that and imagine it and breathe it and be in it and says satnaam satnaam satnaam.

If we focus on satnaam and satgurus feet or baba jis picture or their words all day long,  we focus on their brightness and not our darkness.  We become bright too.    But if instead we focus on the people around us,  their negativity will just bring out the worst in us too.  So when you do amrit vela focus on maharaj jis brightness, lotus feet, and leave your dukh at their feet.   And then all day long keep seeing maharaj in all and only positivity can come inside you.

Satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam

By saying satnaam all day long,  we have to start seeing satnaam in everything too,  and then really believe that the living light of God is in everything and us when we are saying satnaam.   Like if someone called your name and you hear them and talk to them.  Same when we say satnaam really feel you are talking to a living being,  sat purakh, karta purakh.. Purakh means being,  make it real for yourself,  and it will really happen for you.

Look at a tree and say satnaam,  and really see. Satnaam life force, sat purakh in that tree,  and have so much love for satnaam in the tree. And keep doing that all day with everything.

See through the illusion created by the mind,  that says this is my wife,  my house,  my money,  just a tree,  just a sky,  just a pretty flower,  just my face in the mirror.   Look with spiritual eyes,  like x Ray vision,  and talk to satnaam behind the names and feelings we have given everything.

Satnaam is the  life-force,  amrit,  running everything,  but we ignore it.  When we say satnaam from deep inside we are connecting with it in us and everything.

Satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam sat naam

Really mean each satnaam you say or write  from your heart and massage baba ji's feet. It won't be long before satnaam comes to you.

A saint queued up everyday for milk, a young guy jumped the queue and the farmers daughter smiled and filed his jug first.  When the Saint got to his turn,  he said I am old, why didn't you  serve me first instead of that young boy.  She said,  "baba, he is my lover,  for him their are no rules."    the Saint had a major realisation,  "Lord,  all these years I have been repeating your name on my mala,  but you never came,  if I had just loved you with my heart you would have come running."

Look at maharaj ji and dassan dass ji,  they loved their satguru like the young girl loved the guy,  no one had to tell them to follow rules, to wait in line,  when  you are in love you automatically sacrifice everything for the other. But In bhagti,  when we are not in love with God,  we haven't really given our head,  and we don't really want to sacrifice anything either. So the guru is telling us all the time do your simran,  keep surrendering,  don't miss Sangat,  stay out of maya..... It's going to be a very long time in the queue to God for us.

When the ocean of satguru is in front of us after so many lifetimes of searching ,  and we have the Naam and gian,  and guru says dive in completely,  then if we were in love we would jump in,  fall in love,   but if we are not in love we stay on the side,  dip our toe in now and again then come out again.

Baba ji said, "just dive into the ocean of God,  and say 'satnaam I have jumped in, now it's upto you to ferry across or let me drown,  but I have jumped in'".

And God knows inside each of us when we have truly jumped and surrendered to him out of love and it's not long before he comes to us. Not long at all.

And what does surrender mean,  "o maharaj ji I will do satnaam day and night till I see your light or die trying."

Satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam satnaam

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52