Sat sat sat bless you.
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On Jun 1, 2014, at 11:02 PM, "Gur Preeto [satnaam]" <> wrote:
Satnaam dassan dass ji, thankyou for your voice note ji, long time since we heard your kind voice ji. Our biggest problem is not with job being near or far ji, our problem has always been not accepting the job we were in. Then not trying to get a job again in that field. Then failing in other things we tried. Then seeing no way out, no better option, then feeling trapped and then giving up, then getting angry inside at our unfulfilled job life, then internalised anger becoming depression, then not wanting to go anywhere just stay home, no energy , no motivation, no enthusiasm for anything, because just feel like failure at everything, then just doing simran and sangat and getting peacr from that, but still big mental block to go back into old finally we accept we have no choice but to go back into old job, wherever it may be, and it is a massive learning curve infront of us, and its all seva whatever we do, so no more fighting it, and last few weeks getting more focused and motivated. Just been a big lesson in acceptance really.
Tum karo bhalla hum bhallo na jano, tum sada sada dyalaa.
Satnaam satnaam satnaam ji
Gurpreeto Ji it means same. Complaining and going against the situation is against hukam. Your Kirat is not to grow to a very high level in business. It is to serve your needs. So please never say no. Follow the hukam.
thankyou ji and we have caused our own pain, we accept our own misdeeds, we sowed it we reaped it, pleasr forgive us, may we always understand what is the hukam and what is false and only stay in hukam, we think we have choice we dont know which we to go. But we will go as you have guided us into job wherever it is written.
Dandauth ji.
On 1 Jun 2014 22:04, "Gur Preeto" <> wrote:satnaamSatnaam satnaam satnaam ji, waheguru waheguru waheguru ji, we just watched this youtube video by a lovely, blessed soul, ishwar puri (from sant mat / radhasoami background). They explained the illusion of freewill and choice. Baba ji has said these things many times its all illusion, that sat parbhram is doing everything, and in this video we finally understood alot more. And when we did WE LAUGHED And LAUGHED AND LAUGHED at our foolishness. All our headaches, battles with ego have been because we have been thinking we have a choice, and then get overwhwlemed with too many choices, so do nothing, or doing nothing we think we should be doing something, then we think but we want to do this not that, or we want to do that not this. Then we get tied up in a knot and do nothing. .....and Ishwar Puri ji gave some really nice examples from his won life, we have no choice , but just the feeling that we do, but whatever we choise was actually what was written and the only thing that could have happened. And when we think we are seperate from the creator, we think we have personal choice , but when we are one with the creator, we realise it was only HIS CHOICE, it was always HIS CHOICE, and HE is the only one with FREEWILL, rest of creation is running on preprogrammed path. Baba ji said once to us, that the website seva etc we did, was actually all SAT PARBRAHM doing it. We found it very difficult to understand..didnt we decide we will make website, we will do seva, we will make it like this etc etc. Baba ji said whatever we wrte on the groups, Maharaj is writing through us, but our mind says didnt we think of the answer and how to write it and what to say...? We sit out of work, zero income, and we think its because we didnt look for job, but MAHARAJ said if it was written that this time was going to be tight on money, then so be it, keep doing satnaam, and maybe we will get our old job back.......and now after considering all choices our mind has come back to getting our old job back.......!!! WE REALLY HAVE NO CHOICE AT ALL, just false feeling that we do, and whilst we belive we have free will, we also create karma. Anyway, watch the video ...,_.___
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Monday, 2 June 2014
Re: [SatNaam Parivaar] Re: we have no choice
all please focus on long sessions of simran
ik oankaar sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sat sda sda sat
so satgur dhan dhan hai jine bharam garh todyeaa
when you don't dedicate yourself to naam simran then you get in to illusions
illusions kill you and drain you off the amrit
illusions is what is not true
what is not true is illusion
illusions create duality
illusions divert your attention to negative energies
illusions are maya
when you go in pain think that you must be in an illusion - falseness
when you complain then you go in to illusions
complaining means fighting with hukam
fighting with hukam means inviting trouble
always accept the situation even if it is the worst that can happen, focus on your simran, and do the best you can do to resolve the situation, and move on
never get stuck in a situation
when you focus on simran and put your trust on the satguru then there will several channels open up to address your issues and take you out of pains
so never get stuck in illusions, never fight with hukam, never complain, always stay focused on simran, and beat the maya
never think you have choices, always follow the hukam, if you are unable to get a way out then speak to your satguru and follow his words
never think or say you cant do this or that, always take everything all issues problems pains as a challenge and face it with courage bravery and focus on satnaam simran, things will start to fall in place for you
it is very difficult to collect amrit and it is very easy to lose it.
like a hole in a bucket is enough ro empty it, same way one illusion is enough to drain you out of amrit
never lose your patience and humbleness forgiveness and kindness, never lose your love devotion and trust, these divine powers will show you the right path and make you walk on it
always put your guru sangat and simran in first place, never think that let the bad time go then you will do simran, simran is done to remove the negative forces, avoiding the guru sangat and simran will intensify attacks of maya, only guru sangat and simran can save you from these attacks of maya
quoting gurbani is easy, but please quote gurbani when you have earned it and it has become your own wisdom, you have really experienced it in your bandgi
so if you are quoting gurbani then meditate on that shabd for a few hours then you will know what it means, then work on it earn it and become it before you can quote it, otherwise when you quote gurbani then add a prayer with it that sat sat sat bless you with the kamai of this shabd
bless you all
On 2 June 2014 13:02, DASSAN DASS [satnaam] <> wrote:
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