DHAN DHAN SAT NAAM GURPREETO JEE DHAN DHAN AAP JI JI DANDOUTH JIOn Sun, May 18, 2014 at 4:08 PM, Gur Preeto satsatsat@gmail.com [satnaam] <satnaam@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Satnaam ji, dandauth ji
it is true we shouldnt go into judging,complaining ,blaming,slandering and hating.
But also we should not stay quiet if someone is doing something wrong , even if it is in sangat or society.
Why would we stay quiet? Either we give them the benefit of the doubt or we are scared of confrontation or being rebuked.
People who abuse others wether in society or sangat use the fact that people stay quiet to do even more crime. Wether it is a child abuser in the family and the family or relatives dont report to the police and just threaten him, but they are too clever and agree to all conditions but still carry on abusing other children. Sometimes the truth never comes out as in the case of famous personality jimmy saville in the uk and only after his death people came forward. Or like our child abusing uncle who our family didny report to the police and for next few decades abused other children too and now we reported it,police say he is too old and frail to prosecute...so truth still hasnt come out in wider society. It is true he will get his punishment after death. But baba ji also said that these people should be named and shamed infront of society so they should feel sone of the pain they have caused others.
Also even in this sangat, it is true people who have abused the respect they got, the truth came out in the end. But again if other sangat had come forward in the beginning , others would not have had to suffer as well until it all came out.
So it is not wrong to report wrong doing by anyone wether in society or in sangat. It is actually wrong to stay quiet,that only favours the abuser,they love society's silence.
We would encourage everyone to inform someone in sangat of any wrong doing, but just state the facts, and dont put emotion into it. We are not wribg to report someone, and the sooner the better , rather than waiting for many others to get abused as well...forewarned is forearmed. (look at how k mistreated canada sangat last year until everyones stories came out,no one saw thr bigger picture and it also then prevented others getting abused by her. Or before thst in uk sangat T (and NJ) were manipulating many sangat with fear and guilt before it came out, even though we reported it as soon as it happened to us).
We should be encouraged to report the rare times someone like that cones into our life, wether at hone or sangat or society. Dont get into slandering mode thats all. It is a good deed to report them, you save others.
The second reason not to report someone or stand upto them is fear. And in sangat many people can be emotionally at a low in their life and need alot of love and encouragement and support. But an abuser, wether taking their money, or body, emotions, can creatr fear in that person not to report anything. This is what child abusers do, create fear in the child not to report.
If we have fear then just remember
Guru gobind singh ji wrote,"i will not remain quiet in fear of mortals."So Dassan dass ji is absolutely right that we should not get emotional when seeing wrong, but we would add to report it right away or confront the person with simple facts and let them habe the right to answer for their actions. If we wait for truth to come out, others will get abused in the mean time and truth may never come out in their lifetime and they never have to face the naming and shaming due to them.
God bless all.
On 17 May 2014 10:29, "Gurcharan jagdevx@gmail.com [satnaam]" <satnaam@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Suchay pathsha DASSAN DASS JI ka bachans from last night....
never complain about anybody in the sangat
when you do so you do so to satisfy your ego and you fall a prey to maya
even if something wrong is being done somewhere it will surface by itself, we should not judge others at all, if you want to jusdge then judge yourself, point the finger to your ownself, not at anybody else, if you want to slander then slander only yourself
complaining and slandering is a criminal behaviour
and you loose your amrit and fall a prey to maya
it doesn't do good to anybody at all, it only hurts
so please always keep in your mind that HUM NAHIN CHANGEY BURA NAHIN KOI
you should live the gyan that is given to you
it is not only to read, it is to practice, then only you will improve yourself
it is like a piece of knowledge sitting on a shelf, it becomes your wisdom only when you practice it in your daily life
when you complain then you fight the hukam, and as a result you get in to trouble
look at your ownself and tell if you complain don't you get in trouble
slandering means going away from divine love, leaving the love and trust and hanging your head in to the scum of maya as if you want to get it slained
bandgi is to love and not to hate, when you hate or look down upon somebody then you are being robbed of the divine power of love and humility and kindness and forgiveness, and by hating someone you only burn yourself
complaining against someone else is hatered only
dhan dhan maharaj jee and mata jee nu kottan kot dandaut
just as you all melt in our love when we speak to you same way your love should be so pure and pious that anyone should melt in it even without you speaking a word
so please keep in your mind at all times if your simran is not going good or some days are good others are bad then watch yourself, when it is bad then that means that you must be doing something really stupid
when your thoughts go in to negative mode then your body emits negativity and when you are in love devotion and trust then your body emits positive and powerful vibrations which cool down the environment around you, but negative vibrations cause the nature around you to cry and it drastically effects the people around you
so never become source of negative vibrations, be always positive and filled with trust devotion and love
your transformation should reflect in your daily deeds, your behavor, your state of mind, how you react to the environment around you
so please watch yourself and what you think and do in your daily deeds
Prabh kay simran kaal par harey.
Prabh kay simran dusman tarrey.Prabh simran kichu bighan naa laagey.
Prabh kay simran andin jaagey.Prabh kay simran bhau naa beaapey.
Prabh kay simran dukh naa santaapey.Prabh ka simran sadh kay sang.
Sarabh nidhaan nanak har rang.so please focus on simran and surrender
do as we say then you will become kamlee in divine love
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Monday, 19 May 2014
Re: [SatNaam Parivaar] Maharaj Dassan dass ji ka bachans.
sat sat sat bless all
(only those are saved o nanak, upon who He casts his look of grace).
we should never look at others' AWGUNS (sins/misdeeds), that will bring ego in us, which hurts us
(He, the Lord, does not focus on our sins (if we become his loving devotee), seeing them he overlooks them)
when we look at awguns of others then we breach this divine law
we also lose love for others
if we really love others and we know the shortcomings of others then we should pray for them with love devotion and trust, which will help others by shattering their karmic layers, and not result in any conflict
that is why we encourage you to pray for others
no one is perfect and follows the divine wisdom totally
we all are learners on this path to truth
so please don't loose your compassion love and devotion and follow the divine hukam
be kind and forgive
earn kindness and forgiveness
earn humility devotion and love
your love has infinite divine power, one word that comes out of your hirda drenched in divine love can shake the entire creation
dandaut to you all and bless you all
(In doing satnaam simran , is all divine teachings, surrender/meditation and highest wisdom)
each one of you are priceless for us
your bandgi has infinite importance for us
not only that your bandgi has infinite importance for entie creation and dargah
your pains are not your pains they are our pains
your success is not your success it is the success of satnaam
your success is of infinite divine importance
so please focus on your bandgi
ik oankaar sat sat sat
sat sat sat sat sat sat
sat sat sat sat sat sat
sat sat sat sat sat sat
sat sat sat sat sat sat
sat sat sat sat sat sat
sat sat sat sat sda sda sat
On 18 May 2014 11:42, taranjeet singh jeet.taran@gmail.com [satnaam] <satnaam@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
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