We just want to share with sangat ji that after we talked to dassandass in the morning.we did dandaut to parbrahm ji dassandass ji babaji.we asked lord make us do what you want us to do.use this body to serve the world.we closed our eyes and prayed to parbrahm ji to help MJ out of hell.amrit started trickling down and with our closed eyes we saw MJ standing in front of us. He sat on the floor while we were standing.but in reality we were on the floor.he held our hand very tight and looked at us.we looked at his eyes there were red tears in his eyes. Our heart melted looking at his pain.when we would look at him he would keep his eyes down.we said you promise us u will never do moonwalk that is going backwards and you will live in truth.we said promise us uwill never do what u did in this life and will follow truth and sing songs of truth.we said our guru has given u ten human janams to do bandagi.we asked him for a promise and in response he held our hand even more tightly like saying dont go and then he bowed in front of us.dassandassji subh aap ji di kirpa may we do this seva wholeheartedly .he said he would like to see us again if he can.we said god will prevails so whatever the command us.he did not want to let go off our hand.dhan dhan dassandassji.
This whole mj event is a lesson for as all.
May we never look for glory as mj did.
May we never make sell ourselves to anything but truth, unlike mj who sold himself to satan.
May we sell overselves to the sat chsrans of satguru forever.
May we only sing the glory of sat and nothing else.
Sant ji subh aap ji di kirpa.this fool is not capable of anything ji
Sant ji will he come again?he kept saying when we will see u again
Yes he will ROMA. But you will meet him after 1000 years when you will come back to serve the truth again.
Santji is he related to us in past lives,?.
DASSAN DASS JI: Yes ROMA. Don't ask any more questions. Sat has been delivered. That is important.
Roma ji said that he wasnt bad, but he made a deal with the devil for success. This is what she saw in her simran
Last night we were doimg simran and michael jackson came to our a teenager we loved his songs .specially black or white.when there was a news of him molesting little kid babaji said he did not do anything wrong.he had a bad childhood and he wants to give whatever he never his soul is not bad but he sold his soul to devil Instead to puran satguru.
Nij kar mshsl pao sukh sahjee.bhur na hoyego phera.antarjami purakh bidhate sarda munnki pure nanak dass ehi sukh mange moko kar santan ki dhoore.babaji dassandassji please give MJ another chan e.please get him out of hell and bless him the charan dhoor of puran sstguru
ROMA you go visit Michael Jackson and give him Amrit so he can be freed.The music is the language of god. People have misused it and polluted it with a severe distortion in the form of worldly music which further distorts the minds of people.
Akal Purakh is Rag and SANGEET is his RAGNI.
Those who distort the RAGNI they are criminals. Those who abuse the RAGNI ARE CRIMINALS OF DARGAH. That is why Angelica saw these singers in hell.
SANGEET is to sing glory of SAT. IT is a Devine blessing. What will happen when you abuse this blessing.
Satguru pita ji, This fool was talking to satparbraham babaji. Dhan dhan Babaji said, Before Namjeevan requesed to Sat babaji and Michael jackson was pulled out from Hell. When Namjeevan left app ji then Michael jackson went back to hell. This fool learnt lesson never leave the Satguru because we go to hell side and we take all those who we freed from hell. Thanks for your Kindness Satguru pita Dassan dass jI. Always at your sat charns ji. Satnaam ji
Roma that is why he came in to your simran (he was blessed before by namjeevan request to baba ji direct into light). But this time give him ten human janams and bandgi so he can go back to source after earning his MUKTI.
If you are pooran then there is no heaven or hell, only dargah.. Heaven and hell are in the realms of the unliberated, people do good deeds or bad deeds; go to heaven or hell and wen the time prescribed is over they return to earth again to clean the slate.
Look at why people make pact with the devil or sell themself to maya, its because they want fame, riches, fortune, and see others have it. Look at talent shows on tv and how desperate young people are to win, for every winner there tens of thousands of losers. Maharaj also says millions of girls want to be a princess , fairy tale wedding and marry prince charming, due to fairy tales. But only one or two will marry a prince,like princess kate. So all others are losers. And what will the losers do to get what they want...anything.
In mexico right now 8 million people are worshipping cult of death goddess, skull in a wedding dress. Even mafia and now ordinary people are worshipping her. Why? They say she gives us what she wants, criminals want crime to be successful and enemies to be killed, she gives it to them. Ordinary peope are so poor cstholics, they say we belive in god/jesus but he doesnt give us what we want, goddess does.
For fulfilling strong desires, trishna, to get comforts now, they dont think what will happen later to their soul. Or they dont care.
So hell is where they learn consequences and sober up and desires cool down.
On 1 May 2014 17:27, "Charnjit Jheeta" <> wrote:
I was really surprised to hear that Michael Jackson occupied a Hell..
i always thought he sang some very inspirational songs about earth, about the negativity in the pop industry, spoke a lot about love, healing the world, how the media don;t care about people etc etc.
i know he had many legal battles but again i thought this was people taking advantage of his trusting and child like personality.
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 14:47:11 +0100
Subject: RE: [SatNaam Parivaar] Re: Ghosts, distorted figures, scary dreams, avoid cartoons
Satnaam ji:
Satnaam Ji
We were just thinking how much we loved MichaelJackson (roma ji saw he is in hell right now and dassan dass ji blessed her to free him) as a young child, dancing to Black and White and through the teenage years. We recall the day he died, we were in Paris in a hotel room with our sister. We saw the news on tv and we cried. It seemed the whole world had stopped.
Thinking back we literally were walking into hell each time we listened to his songs, watched his videos or danced to his music.
We recall being in clubs and seeing flashes of demonic beings. We didn't know these things really existed and people (our friends) around us thought we were crazy. We thought we were crazy. We would come home from long nights out and be paralysed in fear on our couch being tormented by demons. We couldn't see them
at home but we could feel the stuck to us. Right behind us. We weren't sure if they were real or we were making them up in our head. They used to tell us to kill ourself etc
We would have many voices in our head at one time.
Thinking back now, until 7 months ago we were truly living in hell and now believe we were being tormented by demonic entities. All because we too, like many people in the world, listened and danced to the music of many many artists who have sold their souls to the devil.
We can never thank Sat Parbrahm Babaji Maharaj enough for rescuing us.
We can never do enough to show our gratitude
And we pray that beings in the world are given a chance to save themselves.
That all are blessed with Gurprassad
Eternally Eternally Grateful
Without truth,,,,,all is he'll,,,,,,naam Binah. Nark,,,,bj. Satnaam
From: N Grewal <>;
To: <>;
Subject: RE: [SatNaam Parivaar] Re: Ghosts, distorted figures, scary dreams, avoid cartoons
Sent: Tue, Apr 29, 2014 2:44:01 PM
Dandaut to all. ,,,,bj,,,satnaam jio ji jio ji jio ji sat
From: Gur Preeto <>;
To: Satnaam Group <>;
Subject: [SatNaam Parivaar] Re: Ghosts, distorted figures, scary dreams, avoid cartoons
Sent: Tue, Apr 29, 2014 5:23:20 AM
Satnaam ji. After watching that documentary that Dhan dhan Dassan Dass ji told us to watch, we are feeling that we have a lot of questions, and feel a bit scared. The blessed girl said that for people who listen to music are being pulled by the devil? People who watch cartoons are also being pulled too, what they enact what they see, so the devil can pull them into hell. Is this our 5 dhoots? Where are all these coming from? Sorry for asking so many questions. We know nothing, we are nothing .
We listen to music often, not so much as before but on occasion we do...
Forget other relsms for thr moment, just look inside at what we do know from gurbani,
Ask what is the devil...just the person consumed by five thieves..
What is hell...
Depressed mind, away from truthWhat is heaven...hedonistic mind lost in pleasures and comforts
What is sach khand/dargah...heart/soul/truth peace part of yourself
Baba ji said, take any topic and you can find, hell , heaven and sach khand in it.
Take music and lyrics, most songs are written by people under maya, so is written from one of the dhoots, so we will like the songs that relate to that dhoot
Eg love songs are mostly moh or kaam songs
Heavy metal and rap was angry and egotistical music
So that is hell side (rajo and tamo)
On heaven side, you have classical, new age, etc
(sato)But also you have divine music (truth, sach khand)..gurbani kirtan, which is written from beyond maya..dhur kee bani aaee tin sagalee chint mitaee...bani has come from beyond maya, and erases all worries of the mind
So if we want to know which level of consciousness we are at, just look at whst kind of foods, music, tv, people etc we are attracted to. Thats where we stand.
PRITAM ANAND JI: Rogi ko rogi Bhogi ko Bhogi yogi ko yogi. We attract by our state of minds. To whom we sold our mind is our guru.
If we keep talking about ghoost or devils or listen stories about them. We invite them in our mind and say welcome mind door is open.Listen music, music is universal language. We r on sat path until our mind in duality we will think love song just for maya part. Male will think about female vice versa. When we listen song by devotional love for god then we will think about god only.
Naam bina sabh mithiya hai.
And mithiya is maya and under maya are the five dhoots.
That's why we do sat sangat to keep our mind with sat to reach in that state where maya can not harm us just serve us. Then person sitting in maya is content and dettached from all and attach with sat.
That's why we have to keep listening gurbani and keep earning in action and make the state where no effect of maya ji.
Now we will put few lines of song and see how we take ji. Hindi song.
This is love song. In maya any male or female listen this it will pull them towards lust. But any bhagat will listen they will put relation with satnaam ji. Make satnaam ji their soulmate not the body.We have to sell our mind to sat surrender this mind to sat when heart bloom in sat and mind shatter at sat charns now no impact of maya does not matter what kind of music running surrounding us. Heart bloom in sat mind in bliss.
A christian psychologist told us once that in the old days (medieval times) christian preachers liked to put the fear of god into people this and goto heaven
Do that and goto hellOld style motivation....carrot and stick for the donkey!
But it doesnt work on educated people nowadays, so christian preachers tend to this because it makes life better
But evangelists etc still like to use fear and pride to motivate...but it puts off educated people, that's why some sangat on kakao dont really like it, as we dont like to be made to fear, infact nowadays that approach tends to backfire as educated people will reject it as superstitious nonsense.
It doesnt mean its not true, But we never liked fear to motivate us, just always been about love for us, just look inside at our hell, heaven and truth.
Guru angad dev ji wrote , first we need fear of god (in order to realise their are consequences for our bad deeds so stop doing them) but then fear needs to be replaced by love.
Some people are doing very bad deeds, and have no fear of god or hell or consequences, so this kind of hell stuff is to wake them up really.
Now our mind is like, even if there is family stuff, kids screaming, wife nagging, tv blaring, ...just keep doing satnaam inside, stay cool.
If music playing, we appreciate the skill, the lyrics, the talent, and relate to god, we try to learn from everyone, how they made the songs, wrote the songs, etx because we have interest in song writing for divine songs...but we dont get lost in their lyrics or music anymore like we used to,Same with tv, we watch the characters, the thieves, the desires, the karma..thr skill of the writers to capture human nature....because we akso like to write divine things, but we dont get lost in the stroy or film anymorw, still have satnaam going on inside. Its all goong on around us, but satnaam is going on inside us, we cN appreciate skill and talent of these artists and learn from them and use for higher purpose.
Mind can get absorbed in anything, its like a sponge soaking up whatever the senses send it.
Mind gets absorbed in colouring, painting, or tv shows, or music or tastes or pleasures or sports or whatever. Mind gets absorbed and escapes from its reality for a short while. But only getting absorbed in satnaam and gurbani is going to take mind beyond maya, rest of the things are going to keep us absorbed in maya.
Some of you are concerned about watching tv after watching the Angelica's video.
Though it is hard to eliminate it totally from your life please watch selected shows which provide opportunities for learning.
As your simran goes higher your interest in movies shows and such unproductive fake things will go down drastically.
This is what we mean when repeatedly requested you all to change your lifestyle and eliminate all useless activities from your life.
As you focus on long sessions of simran your conscious will go higher and all these worldly things will look fake and without any amusement.
The key to success is simran and surrender.
The important thing is to make your KARNI sat Ki KARNI. The way you behave in sangat that should become your normal behavior.
That is with love and trust.
Stay clean and truthful from inside out.
Bless you all.
On 29 Apr 2014 06:04, "Gur Preeto" <> wrote:DASSAN DASS JI:
Cartoons are creation of demonic forces. So it is good to stay away from demonic powers.
Cartoons are the production of distorted minds. Distorted minds create distorted figures. That is why we have requested all a few times not to go after cartoons.
Raspinder used to see lot of distorted figures in her dreams. We asked her if she liked cartoons. She said yes and she loves cartoon movies. Then we told her the truth about the demonic powers to her. She used to send a lot of cartoons to us. We told her to stop. After that her dreams got better.
Satnaam ricky ji, reason we think dassan dass ji says stay away from distorted figures is because when you see astral bodies of normal looking people, they are distorted due to dhoots and maya and gossip and slander. Dassan dass ji said once they went to a wedding at gurdwara and in samadhi theybsaw astral bodies of sangat sitting there and they were all distorted
Once in a dream we saw hell city and all people were wearing business suits walking to work, but were grey and distorted, ugly and twisted faces and bodies, then they saw us and terrified us, and we were screaming satnaam satnaam, but they just mocked us saying satnaam satnaam and we got sorried satnaam doesnt work. Then we went so deep in our heart and prayed so deeply , baba jibsave us and we woke up. Then we learned if we do satnaam just from mouth but feelong fear inside, no heart , its no good, has to be from deep down heart.
On 29 Apr 2014 05:40, "Gur Preeto" <> wrote:PRAKEET JI:
When we were in class 7th.(11 yrs old) We use to watch the cartoon Ben 10.
We liked it very much.That night we got paralised and the ben 10 aliens came totally black in colour.
I was really scared.
That whole night we were continuously paralised and ben 10 aliens came one after another.
The ben 10 aliens were trying to scare me as much as possible.The ghosts kept on coming till i met Guru Dassan Das ji
Now even if we are paralysed I do naam simran and ghosts dont come.
Some ghosts even tried to stop our breadh.
But when I do naam simran they go away.Haha ghosts are scared of Naam .
GUR PREETO:Prakeet ji, thanks for sharing that, just think hiw children with innocent minds are being effected all over the world. God bless all.
Not just ghosts are.scared of naam, but gurbani says even the couriers of death (jam dhoot..
Black demons who come to get munmukhs, beat them and take soul of of their body by force) dont come near to ones doing naamJam dhoot na avay neray.
Satnaam is creator of dhoots,maya, death couriers, hell , demons, preths, pooths, demonic forces, so satnaam does not fear any of his creation , he is nirbhau nirvair, so when we do satnaam we too become nirbhau nirvair, fearless and these forces let us pass because satnaam is also their boss.
Infact more than that , dassan dass ji is not just nirbbau nirvair..
Fearless they are also merciful upon their soul to free them.
So its only scary to think of ghosts and jam.dhoots, and demons etc when we dont have naam, but once we do satnaam and become satnaam then we are here to help these souls. So everyone becone like dassan dass ji and bless all.On 29 Apr 2014 05:33, "Gur Preeto" <> wrote:Sat sat sat parbraham ji sat guru ji sat sangat ji dandauth to all.
Satnaam ji.
We were/are very scared of ghosts, distorted figures. Last year for about regularly 3 months, we used to get dreams of ghosts distorted figures, not only dreams, in reality also our mind kept saying always that there is a ghost under your bed, there is a ghost outside the window, and they are everywhere watching us. In dreams they use to come and scare, they use to kill people in dreams, they use to jump on our back in dreams, our mind can draw many distorted figures on paper ghosts of different types. Almost Every night they use to come and scare us, we started getting scared from them, sometimes we use to wake up to night sweating like anything and shivering. We even couldn't watch any horror show, we were so scared.
First we thought that this might be bcoz we watch some Horror TV shows, but dreams were very scary, mostly a lady ghost use to come to us. Also since childhood we loved cartoons and use to make drawings of cartoons, end of our copies are filled with cartoons, we use to make it a lot, we just use to love making it, we love to use smileys too that to too much. Then we started getting scared from going into dark, we couldn't sleep or sit in dark. Our wardrobe is mostly filled with black clothes and we loved that colour. Our mobile our laptop our bag our shoes everything was black.
But then when talked to pita ji of our dreams.
Pita ji then told us we were a ghost in our previous janams. All our ghost friends come to us bcoz we have guru ji and they know they will get mukti from guru ji. They all were around us and were seen in dreams only. They started coming to dreams everyday. There was a dream in which we were also acting like a ghost making distorted face. We were very scared to even sleep at night, we try to keep awake all night, but after sometime we sleep and again ghosts come.
Then pita ji asked us to pray for them, we started praying for them to pita ji, then they stopped coming.
Also once a dream came in which there was a ghost, a Lady, a man and a dog, in that dream ghost was killing everyone and it was dark everywhere and we were scared of ghost in that dream. That ghost use to sit on our back and scare us, in dream we hold him and brought him to a Masjid nearby and holded him and started doing satnaam Simran but nothing happened to him. Then we saw a lady with a big dog like car very sad saying to us telling our future that we will die at the age of 14, ghost will kill us then we will come back and kill the ghost. Man in dream died saving us, that man we recognised is our teacher in our college, he helped us a lot in everything and in job too.
Then we told pita ji about this dream, pita ji told us that that lady was our Guru in previous janam but she was not Puran that's why she couldn't save us and we were killed by ghost at age14 in that janam.
That ghost ase to come to us in dreams, pita ji blessed him too.
Pita ji stopped us from using smileys, minimising the use of black colored clothes, praying for the lost souls, so they all went away with guru ji's grace.Also after sangat with pita ji in India last December when we came back very weird incident started happening with us, then we called pita ji and told them that very weird things happening in reality pita ji told us pray for the ghosts they are millions of them, then that night we prayed in heart whoever you are plz come in our dream as we are unable to recognise you, then in dream who night our Lady guru of past janam was with us, next morning we told pita ji, pita ji asked us to pray for her mukti as she was also not mukt bcoz she was not puran, pita ji said she will be born again and she might meet us one day.
Still at this time also we are scared of darkness, can't go in dark, we feel distorted figures all around us watching nearby us,
Also when we came to a new house on rent to live in gurgaon, one day at night we waked up at night we felt something very scary was near us we couldn't open eyes bcoz of sacredness and kept doing simran then in dream we saw ourself sitting someone very scared and some ghost is around us,
We get scary dreams only when some ghost is around us, pita ji said they come to us bcoz they know we have guru ji and they will help them.
Then we asked the owners of the house if something happened here, they said yes some weird things have happened in this house, a man did suicide some years before. Then we told pita ji about that, then pita ji said ask Taranjeet veer ji to see if something is there, Taranjeet veer ji said there is a ghost of a man under the tree in the house, he was the one who suicided, then they came to our house and cleaned it and guru ji gave him mukti.Sat sat satnaam ji.
Bhul jhuk maaf karna pita ji.
Sat sat satnaam.ROMA JI:
Before we met baba ji we used to be attacked by them all the time.
Only satnaam saved us.Raspinder u need to do lot of simran to scare those ghosts.
Baba ji said in texas, imagine writing
777 (sat sat sat) inside your mid forehead (third eye) -.and tell the ghosts
"I AM THE PROPERTY IK SAT PARBRAHM PARMESAR and u cant do anything to me."
Do "ik sat ik sat" simran all the time, (or now it has gone higher to "ik onkar sat".)
Then a ray of ik sat light will expel those ghosts out. Beat them hard with satnaam simran.
U can also say," dont u know who my guru is? I will break u into pieces. Recite "dhan dhan babaji dassandassji.". They will run.
Do satnaam simran loud (without fear, from heart) when they attack u, like u are going on war.
Satnaam is really powerful .u have to complete trust and faith in ur guru.nobody can do any harm to u.
U have babaji and dassandassji with u all the time. kadi na dari bulki unha nu dara de...never be scared at any time of them. (baba ji says take the word FEAR out of your mind.)
Jiska satguru poora hoye usnu maar naa saake whose guru is complete, no one can kill them
Jis da sahib dada hoi tis nu maar na sakay koi. whose master is the greatest, no ond can kill them.
Sat sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat ik sat sat sat sat sat sat sat paar braham sarnaee
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