Friday, 28 December 2012

Dassan Dass Ji in UK

SatNaam Ji,
Dandauth bandhna ji

with guru Ji's beant/unparalled kirpa/grace, we would like to share the experience of the first few days of Dassan Dass Ji in the UK.

Sant Sang antar Prabh Deeta
Naam Prabhu Ka Laagaa Meeta

In the company of the Sant, ones sees God
and the name of God becomes sweet.

- Guru Arjun Dev ji

Tunn munn dhan sabh saup gur kau hukam mannio paaiaa.

Surrender mind, body and wealth all to the Guru, follow their hukam (commad) and you realise God.

- Guru Amar Dass ji

All we can say is that just to put our head on the feet of such a divine soul brings so much peace inside us,
just to behold their vision, our eyes wake up to Truth,
just to hear their kind words, the filth in our mind starts shaking off,
just to sit in the sangat of their Sikhs, brings thankfulness in our heart to have been also given a place in the sangat,
just to close our eyes and hear nothing but SAT SAT SAT inside our forehead  brings an immense warmth and glow to our face,
just to wash the feet of the Guru's Sikhs sitting in the sangat with our surat/mind brings so much love and compassion in our  heart,
just to wash Baba ji's feet and drink the charan-amrit (foot amrit)  cools us down inside,
just for them to place their hand on our head whilst we massage their feet, we fill with silence
then for us to just to place this hand on someone's head or back, burns so much negativity in the other person with Baba ji's blessings,
just to behold their vision, our eyes wake up to Truth
our stone heart melts,
our running mind is stilled,
our ego becomes like a dog with its tail between its legs and head bowed low,
our ego becomes ashamed of trying to be someone and to think it is doing something in this world,
all we pray is Satguru ji please keep this dog at your feet, 
please place even a drop in us from your ocean of extreme, immense, endless gareebee(humility) that you reside in,
just to be in the same room as baba ji sitting quietly with sangat all absorbed quietly in simran, no music, no instruments, is to be in Mansarovar - God's body of Light.

And all that come, wether physcially, or by phone, or even sitting at home reading this, closing their eyes, praying to satguru ji and doing their simran,
all those that take that one step towards such a divinely blessed ocean of divnie love and light called Dassan Dass ji,
all those are blessed, blessed, blessed.

Sat Naam to all
Sat Naam is all
Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam  day and night, with every thought and breath, with every step and deed,
keep Sat Naam Sat Naam beating inside
never stopping, like our heart, for if it did stop, we are dead.

God Bless all.



Yahoo Messenger :

Thursday, 27 December 2012

How can I open my dassam duar / Crown chakra

How can I open my dassam duar / Crown chakra?


SatNaam ji, dandauth bandhna ji


the very simple answer is that "I" (ego) cannot open the dassam dwar, only Guru's Grace can - that is why Baba ji says this is a  GurParsaadi Khel/Game of total surrender to the Guru.  Total surrender happens when you are full of trust, devotion and love for your Guru.  Only then does ego surrender and subside.  Then God who was already inside you manifests.  When He manifests, because fundamentally he is energy - naam=infinfite divine power that is contained in the word SAT = TRUTH, then you experience HIM inside yourself as forms of that divine energy i.e. supremme light = param jyot pooran prakash,   divine music = anhaad naad -  lifeforce energy= naam amrit.    The first step is to pray to god from deep down in your heart to meet your Sant Guru, your SAt GURU.  And then if your deeds are good and kind, and God takes mercy upon you he unites you with your SATGURU who blesses you with the Gurparsaadi Naam.   Your aim on this path is NOT to go after spiritual experiences and opening of dassam duar or hearing divine music or seeing the light etc, because that is like going after achievements - which is all ego wants.  so there are stoies of the yogis that Baba Nanak ji met, who were after opening dassam duar thru yogic teachniques and breathing practises.  They got supernatural powers, they experienced deep trance like states, but Baba Nanak ji told them that "with out SatNaam all is temporary like the passing of the clouds."  And Baba Nanak ji said "lose your self/ego then you will realise the Truth - what other cleverness do you need?" - aap gavaaiaa ta sahu paai aur kaysee chaturaee.       When you surrender to the SAT GURU that God sends you with 100% trust, devotion and love, then SATNAAM knows its way through your body and mind and everything opens and is experienced as GOD wants at the right time at the right place for you.  But if you go after experiences rather than surrender then ego is never subdued and you never merge with SatNaam fully.


Pls read the articles on the website, or even better request the sukhmani explanation book  and you will understand everything much more deeply.   When you feel ready to surrender your ego and commit to becoming nothing but a divine servant please email Dassan Dass ji for the blessings of GurParsaadi Naam.   also please read their experiences and you will understand about the inner journey and dassam duar more.


Thankyou for your questions, please keep in touch.


Yahoo Messenger :

Monday, 24 December 2012

Sat Sang in LA - Nov 2012 - videos, photos, diary and audio

SatNaam Ji

dandauth bandhna ji

Dr Swaraj Kaur has done a wonderful seva by recording and uploading picutres and her diary of the sangat in LA that she hosted.   Please enjoy by going to the website and following the links.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Chat - Naam, Gareebee, SatGuru - God is Baba Ji.

Preeto: satnaam penji

Preeto: dandauth bandhna ji

SS Penji: ok ok hanji he (husband) will help us. we depend so much on him

Preeto: become independent

Preeto: only depend on satnaam

Preeto: we try and teach our kids to to take responsibility and to do things themselves too

Preeto: dont want them to depend on us all the time

SS Penji: ok bhaji. may be we do not want to learn more as earlier learning made us a mayadhari person

SS Penji: we were very independent before marriage

Preeto: nothnig wrong with learning

Preeto: by independent we dont men selfish

Preeto: egotistical

Preeto: stubborn

Preeto: "its my life I do what i want" kind of attitude

SS Penji: hanji thas bad

Preeto: we mean only take support of satnaam inside

Preeto: whatever we do we take support of satnaam

Preeto: sacha naam mera adharo

SS Penji: bhaji learning duniyadari this attitude came itself. we want to shed this off so

Preeto: you dont shed it by withdrawing from life

SS Penji: we were a v simple person and want to become the same. we want to erase all the bad learning we got from our society from our mind

Preeto: you shed it by putting satnaam first and then doing it

SS Penji: hanji bhaji

Preeto: like baba ji's wife, Mata ji,  said

Preeto: that when she cooks

Preeto: she just says "sachay patsha what shall we cook today"

Preeto: then gets a feeling and cooks that

SS Penji: so nice

Preeto: and baba ji said when he was coming home he was thinking "sachay patsha what shall we eat tonight, and het got the feeling "pinnia"

Preeto: so he gets home and there is smoe other sabzee in the plate

Preeto: and he says thankyou satchay patsha

Preeto: no complaints

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: and then his wife says - o by the way i mixed in some pinnia too!


SS Penji: so beautiful

Preeto: otherwise in worldy life

Preeto: wife cooks the food

Preeto: rushing rushing

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: thinking "i always have to cook!" (complaint)

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: husband comes home thinking "I want to eat fish and chips"

Preeto: but there's only indian food made

SS Penji: when you cook thinking of satnam you cook it with love

Preeto: so he  says "you always make indian food!"

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: - another complaint

Preeto: then argument starts

Preeto: "well you cook it yourself!

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: we complained many times

Preeto: just shows negtive state of mind

SS Penji: if we count them self realizing they are many a day

Preeto: always anger sittin under the surface

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: so we had to overcome it with baba ji's gian

Preeto: sto complaining, start accepting, being thankful

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: come home do dandauth to everyone in the kitchen

Preeto: if we feel anger coming up

Preeto: then breathe in, let it go, say satnaam satguru ji, may we see only you

Preeto: did it everyday for many months

Preeto: then mind changed

Preeto: but for someone else like you, that's not a test

Preeto: because you said you cook it with love anyway

SS Penji: we started it recently only

Preeto: gd

SS Penji: all because of you and dassan das ji

Preeto: yes and we changed because of satnaam baba ji

Preeto: so it took dhan dhan baba ji's sacrifice, complete surrender to live frm heart only

SS Penji: satnam babaji is so powerful bhaji

Preeto: and he has opened the door to so many other's heart too.

Preeto: yes, we cannot say how powerful he is


SS Penji: we listen to him also, we want to meet Dassan Dass ji

Preeto: always do benti

Preeto: do daily ardas

SS Penji: hanji bhaji

Preeto: gurdev sangat prabh meyl kar kirpa hum moor papee jit lag taraa

Preeto: please be kind and give me sangat of the divine guru, so that a foolish sinner like me  can be ferried across

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: we do it in our ardas for yrs and yrs

Preeto: God makes it come true at the right time and place

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: jo mangay takur soee soee devay – whatever you ask for god gives you

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: just we have to be patient

Preeto: may take days, may take years,

Preeto: but He gives to everyone

Preeto: what they want

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: but by wanting worldly things

Preeto: we only stay trapped in maya

Preeto: but we keep asking for it

Preeto: so He keeps giving it to us

Preeto: so when we use gurbani to do our ardas

Preeto: or pray for naam, seva, bandagi , dust of sants feet etc

Preeto: He also gives us that

SS Penji: hanji thas a good thing we re learned bhaji.

Preeto: but that will free us from Maya.

SS Penji: hanji

SS Penji: bhaji

Preeto: yes

SS Penji: we try to listen to satnaam word doing meditation and imagining our forehead on dassan das ji's feet. it was not working for us before like we were failing to focus but it was good this morning

Preeto: ok

SS Penji: we did go to that comfortable sleep but very late

Preeto: dont ever try to make it happen

SS Penji: no bhaji

SS Penji: its all automatic

Preeto: ok

SS Penji: our body goes automatically to sleep posture

SS Penji: proper arm and leg allignments are set up

SS Penji: to sleep

Preeto: gd

SS Penji: we did hear some deep sound inside our heart today. do not remember exactly..

Preeto: its all an inner journey

Preeto: inner universe

Preeto: inner exeriences

Preeto: with His grace He teaches about your body

Preeto: that's why he is your inner SatGuru

Preeto: means SAT is the GURU inside you

Preeto: and that is how He teaches you

Preeto: from inside

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: rather than having to read outside books, runnning around to outside temples and outside sangat

Preeto: now you know what SAT SANGAT means

Preeto: sangat of SAT

SS Penji: bilkul bhaji

Preeto: of HIM inside you - one to one.

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: but its all thanks to the outer GURU

Preeto: the one who already had SAT as the GURU inside them

Preeto: who has then connected you to the SAT GURU inside you

Preeto: that is what people dont understand

Preeto: or dont want to understand

Preeto: they say God is the Sat Guru

Preeto: Guru Nanak Dev ji's Sat Guru was God

Preeto: and that is right, that is true

Preeto: but then they say, so also our Sat guru is only God

Preeto: we dont need physcial Sat Guru

Preeto: baba ji's Satguru is God as well

SS Penji: hanji

SS Penji: and your mother's too?

Preeto: our mum has been blessed by lots of sants growing up

SS Penji: oh ok

Preeto: but she's just stuck in the "guru granth sahib ji is my sant"

Preeto: until we  remind her of all the sants that have blessed her and she has served in her life

Preeto: and that she should tell the full truth instead of just saying what people keep saying at the gurdwara

Preeto: but she's ok wherever she is

Preeto: she hasnt overcome moh

SS Penji: ok bhaji

SS Penji: confusions are there

SS Penji: because we think that the gurus like our das gurus do not come to this earth anymore

Preeto: har jug jug bhagat upaayaa

SS Penji: but God keep sending such sachyaras

Preeto: but gurbani says they keep coming

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: again and again

Preeto: in each and every age

SS Penji: bilkul bhaji

Preeto: bhai gurdas ji's vars

SS Penji: like satnaam babaji

Preeto: he writes that the sikhs asked gur hargobind ji

SS Penji: he is a complete guru he is like God

Preeto: how many more gurus there will be

SS Penji: hanji

SS Penji: ok

Preeto: and he said jugo jug

SS Penji: see

Preeto: meaning in all ages

SS Penji: and we do not accpt someone as a guru if we see

Preeto: but the english translation was like "jug=2" so jugo jug =2+2 =4 more gurus

Preeto: !!!!

Preeto: see how twisted it gets

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: people already are so fixed in their views

Preeto: because of 300 yrs of wrong preaching

SS Penji: hanji no flexibility

SS Penji: yes

Preeto: that even when they read gurbani

SS Penji: the statements kept changing

Preeto: they have to twist the meaning to fit in with their belief

SS Penji: even maskeen ji was saying same in one of his katha that writers write in the book whatever they think but not the truth

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: rather than just having an open mind, forget what they've been told, and just simply read what is written infront of them

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: yes dassan dass ji said that

Preeto: maskeen ji's early katha was very shallow

SS Penji: ok

Preeto: but later in his life he did start telling the ful truth

Preeto: when he passed away he had only reached karam khand

Preeto: and baba ji said he blessed him with a place in sach khand

SS Penji: oh ok

Preeto: baba ji said, their are 4400 sikh sants sitting in karam khand

Preeto: sitting outside sachkhand

SS Penji: ok

Preeto: so you are already in kahram khand just by blessings of baba ji

Preeto: they spent their whole life getting their, getting folloings, and didnt go any further

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: reason they dont go ito sach khand

Preeto: is because sach khand is realm of Nirankaar

Preeto: means no-maya nir-ankaar,

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: so there is no religion, no 5ks

Preeto: no long hair

Preeto: no special language

Preeto: no cultures

Preeto: guru gobind singh ji writes in jaap sahib -

Preeto: na rang na roo narekh na bhekh

Preeto: no colour, no form, no dress, no costume

Preeto: nothing physical

Preeto: no identity

Preeto: no thing

SS Penji: hanji. bhaji babaji or ddj blessed us? what happens in karam khand. ddj said cont simran. is the simran in consious mind or unconsious mind

Preeto: so that is why religion is great to get someone to kharam khand

Preeto: but then the religion itself has to be discarded

SS Penji: makes sense bhaji

Preeto: because religion is only in this world

Preeto: not in god's realm

Preeto: only heart is their

SS Penji: hanji not beyond

Preeto: only love

Preeto: regardless of the outside

Preeto: only what is inside - truth, love, compassion, humblness, kindness, honesty, sacrifice, surrender,

SS Penji: bhaji babaji or ddj blessed us? what happens in karam khand. ddj said cont simran. is the simran in consious mind or unconsious mind

Preeto: satnaam blessed you via the website

Preeto: baba ji said the website is the heart of God

Preeto: when we went 2 yrs ago

Preeto: baba ji said that now whoever comes to the website will be blessed x 10 !

SS Penji: wow

SS Penji: we thought you made the website

Preeto: that's how much kirpa baba ji has infused into the gurparsaadi writing there

SS Penji: so our guru is babaji or ddj

Preeto: all the writings are from heart of baba ji/dassan dass ji

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: we only strucutred it for the intenert

Preeto: your guru is SAT

Preeto: we only have one GURU and that is SAT

Preeto: no matter which vessel gives you Naam,

SS Penji: ok bhaji

Preeto: it is SAT inside them that gave you the NAAM

Preeto: aad ant eko avtarraa

Preeto: soee guru samjio hamaraa

Preeto: from primal beginning to end

Preeto: there is only ONE AVTAAR

Preeto: understand that ONE is my Guru

Preeto: - guru gobind singh ji

Preeto: it is the same SAT inside Baba ji and Dasssan Dass ji

Preeto: that is your GURU

Preeto: if anyone asks who is your Guru

Preeto: the right answer is SAT is my GURU

SS Penji: ok bhaji. hanji. what happens in karam khand. ddj said cont simran. is the simran in consious mind or unconsious mind

Preeto: kharam khand is realm of grace

Preeto: when simran goes into your heart

SS Penji: ok

Preeto: before that we are making efforts to do simran in conscious mind, with breath, with tongue, with thoughts

SS Penji: it is to be gone to naval then to the third eye

Preeto: but then with grace

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: it goes into the chakras

Preeto: and opens them

SS Penji: ok

Preeto: and that is what is happening to you

SS Penji: the chakras are opening for me?

Preeto: the energy goign around your chakras in your astral body is called the kundalni

SS Penji: ok

SS Penji: our hands focus on all the chakras

Preeto: that is why you will feel sometimes in your navel/sex organ/base of spine, heart, third eye, top of head and throat

SS Penji: it takes many years bhaji?

Preeto: so He is directing your(actually HIS) hands

Preeto: over your chakras, so the amrit opens those energy centres

Preeto: self-healing

SS Penji: ok bhaji

Preeto: when they are all open

SS Penji: how long it might take bhaji. it depends on your karams?

Preeto: then the amrit flows in through them from your soul, thru astral body, into your physical body

SS Penji: wow ok bhaji

SS Penji: we thought the opposite from physical to astral

Preeto: then from the chakras it flows into your nadis

Preeto: all the energy channels

Preeto: into every cell of your body

Preeto: rom rom

Preeto: thenit overflows from you

Preeto: to the ones around you

Preeto: and if they have eyes to see it

Preeto: they will see aura of light around you

SS Penji: ok bhaji

Preeto: so you are being transformed at the cellular level

SS Penji: bhaji

SS Penji: it might take long time?

Preeto: only 6 weeks so far for you¬¬¬¬

Preeto: !!!!!


SS Penji: hanji

SS Penji: its going faster

SS Penji:

Preeto: that's pretty fast

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: we are here 25 yrs later!!!

Preeto: and still plodding along slowly

SS Penji: bhaji

SS Penji: can i ask u something

Preeto: ok

SS Penji: we ask too much our husband was saying we shld be bothering you a lot

Preeto: no we enjoy sangat with you

SS Penji: is your denth door opened or not yet

Preeto: one is oonely, two is sangat

SS Penji: ok bhaji

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: when two hearts connect

Preeto: then God Himself appears

Preeto: like a match strikes the box

Preeto: and flame happens

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: that's why sangat is SOOOOO important

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: in sangat its sooo easy to do simran

Preeto: this is sangat too

Preeto: these chats are all with HIS blessings

SS Penji: hanji

SS Penji: you missed our question

Preeto: we dont nkow


SS Penji: ok bhaji

SS Penji: sorry if it was not to be asked

Preeto: all our chakras

Preeto: have opened over the years

SS Penji: ok

Preeto: including kundalini expereinces

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: we have probabale expereinced most things at some time or the other

SS Penji: ok

Preeto: but we used to try really hard for those expereinces to happen again

SS Penji: oh ok

Preeto: and baba ji told us not to go after expereinces

SS Penji: hanji as you told us

Preeto: just get rid of our 5 thieves, especially ego

Preeto: that's much more important

Preeto: conquoring the mind

Preeto: 2 yrs ago when we went to see baab ji

Preeto: we were in lot of vairag

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: we had been singing shabad "meray satgura ma tujh bin avar na koee hum moorakh mugadh sarnaagatee kar kirpal milay har soee"

Preeto: for previous 6 months bfore meeting them

SS Penji: oh ok got it bhaji

Preeto: we were really focused on doing bhagti and making ourself as pure as possible before meeting them

Preeto: when we met them, we were desparate to be with god

Preeto: we were always feeling depressed for many years

Preeto: because we felt everyone else is having wonderful expereinces

Preeto: and we are just left behind

SS Penji: bhaji how the connections were made between UK, USA and canada?

Preeto: email

SS Penji: ok

SS Penji: bhaji

SS Penji: how old is daya

Preeto: 16 mths

Preeto: sorry , we were saying that last time we met baab ji

Preeto: he really blessed us too much

SS Penji: nice bhaji

SS Penji: you are lucky bhaji

Preeto: we dont even know what he did for us

Preeto: all we did was seva seva seva

Preeto: because baba  ji is dhan dhan in this world

SS Penji: yes

SS Penji: right bhaji

Preeto: and papi like us cant do simran or anything good, but whatever we can do we keep doing website seva

SS Penji: god speaks in him rt bhaji

Preeto: yes

SS Penji: we were listeni ng tht yesterday

Preeto: but when we went to see baba ji he put us into dargah

Preeto: he opend our heart

Preeto: he gave us his look of grace

Preeto: he told us you were born harjit - maya name

Preeto: now you are "har ka jit" winner of God

SS Penji: babaji is so great we can not even stand next to him as we feel ourself so unpure if he is there next to us physically

Preeto: but we didnt really understand

Preeto: until we came back

Preeto: and on last day of leaving

Preeto: we looked at baba ji

Preeto: and he showed us what he really is

Preeto: we looked at baba ji's eyes

Preeto: with humblness

SS Penji: okk..

Preeto: and we saw God inside him

Preeto: we didnt feel its like baba ji there, a erpson

Preeto: , a guru

Preeto: like you're asking who is my guru?

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: we looked and we sw God looking back at us

SS Penji: so it was a feeling to you that he is God.

Preeto: and everything made sense

Preeto: not that he is god,

Preeto: but that GOD IS HIM

SS Penji: god inside him

SS Penji: hanji

SS Penji: oh ok

SS Penji: got it

Preeto: like the sun is shinging thru the window

Preeto: and we cant see the window anymore

Preeto: but all these years we were only focusing on the window pane, the physcial body

Preeto: does it make sense?

SS Penji: not the window pane one

Preeto: when we look outside

Preeto: we cant look thru the walls

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: so those walls are maya walls inside us

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: every attachment

Preeto: every worldyl wisdom

Preeto: everyt thought

SS Penji: ji

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: is just a wall that keeps us locked inside the room of the mind

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: and we can have psitive thoughts or negative thoughts

Preeto: we can have things we like and thoughts fo things we dont like

Preeto: we can have opinions on every topic

Preeto: we have good memories and bad memories

SS Penji: hanji cz of our own wisdom

Preeto: we have hopes and wishes and fear for the future

Preeto: so inside the room of the mind

Preeto: all of this own wisdom is our self made walls

Preeto: and we get locked inside

SS Penji: bilkul bhaji

Preeto: so guru is the one

Preeto: who is like the window pane

SS Penji: hanji

SS Penji: who makes us see outside

Preeto: yes

Preeto: but to start with we still cant see outside

Preeto: all we can see is the window pane

Preeto: and that is the guru's wisdom

Preeto: so its still part of the mind

Preeto: its still thoughts

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: but these thoughts dont lock us in

Preeto: so they are like the window pane

SS Penji: hanji bhaji

Preeto: but still we think God is not the window pane

Preeto: god is the sun shinging outside (jyot in our heart)

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: and even though we like the window pane,

Preeto: we like the guru's wisdom

Preeto: and we like meeting the guru like baba ji and dassan dass ji

Preeto: we still feel god, the sun, is somewhere beyond that

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: so we are happy we met our guru and got the gian

SS Penji: yes you are lucky bhaji, you keep meeting them up.

Preeto: and we feel now we have to earn the gian, do our simran and then we will meet god

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: so that is what we are all doing

SS Penji: ok bhaji

SS Penji: bhaji

SS Penji: you were born in uk?

Preeto: but what we realised last time we met baaba ji  2yrs

Preeto: ago

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: is that the very God we were looking for, searching for, thinking was far away, thinking why are we still so far from him and in vairag,

Preeto: that very GOD was righ there infront of me inside Baba ji

SS Penji: thats exactly we were thinking

Preeto: but i just NEVER saw it befoer

SS Penji: that you saw Him

Preeto: until baba ji's washed our eyes

Preeto: and blessed us to realise deeply inside

SS Penji: bhaji the way babaji has god inside him, we have to have Him inside us too to get enlightened with Him

Preeto: what you are saying is what we used to think

Preeto: but what we are tyring to say is that baba ji doesnt have god inside him


SS Penji: omg

SS Penji: ok

Preeto: yes, exactly OMG

Preeto: when we realised that

Preeto: when we really felt that

Preeto: we fell at "Baba Ji's" feet

Preeto: because we were falling at the feet of GOD the one we were searchign for these last 25 yrs

SS Penji: we can believe bhaji what a feeling and moment it might had been

SS Penji: how great is babaji

Preeto: tears came in our eyes

Preeto: we felt we had come home

SS Penji: how much love he has for God and God has for him

Preeto: we had found our peace

Preeto: at the feet of GOD  (Baba Ji)

SS Penji: what a feeling

Preeto: and then baba ji explained to us

Preeto: "jo mangay takur soee soee devay"

Preeto: that if someone comes to him

Preeto: and sees him as a husband, then that is what they get

Preeto: if they see him as a dad, then he plays that role

Preeto: if tey see him as wise teacher, a guru, that is what they get

SS Penji: ok..

Preeto: but if they come as absolute lowest, as a beggar, full of love and thirst,  liek the love of bhagat dhanna ji for the rock,

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: then GOD HIMSELF revelas HIMSELF out of Baba ji

SS Penji: wow

Preeto: and that is what were blessed with

Preeto: to realise deeply within our soul

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: and when we came bak to uk

Preeto: we looked in the mirror and looked in our eyes

Preeto: and we only saw baba ji looking back

Preeto: we did our simran and only felt baab ji in our heart doign simran

Preeto: we cooked, cleaned, ate and only felt baba ji is doing it all thru this body

Preeto: and then a few months later in smadhi our hirdh opened and all there was was baba ji waiting for us on the other side

Preeto: and our arms raised up to welcome them in samadhi automatically

SS Penji: omg. so blessed

Preeto: because even though we are saying Baba ji

Preeto: it is actually Nirankaar - the SATNAAM , the God we have been crying for, and singing to and searching for, it is HIM taking the form of Baba ji

SS Penji: our arms open up straight and in hugging pose too. many times

SS Penji: so blessed you are bhaji

Preeto: in astral realms to bless, and also in this physical realm when we physically meet them

Preeto: yes when arms open up we are in dargah

Preeto: heart opens

Preeto: heart is door way to god;s court, god's temple is the heart

SS Penji: ok

Preeto: vich duneeaa sev kamaaeea

Preeto: har dargah baysan paaiaa

Preeto: kahu nanak bahu ludaaiaa

SS Penji: when we do simran, we hear the heart beating louder

Preeto: baba nanak ji says that, do seva in this world

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: and you will get a seat in Dargah (god's court / your heart)

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: and your arms will raise with joy.

SS Penji: Nice..

Preeto: and its all happening for you as well

Preeto: journey from kharam khand to sach khand

SS Penji: how life changes bhaji. God himself brings this change

Preeto: yes

Preeto: dhan hamaray bhaag

Preeto: how blessed is my destiny

SS Penji: we are so surprised and thankful to god that he showed us this path

Preeto: always be thankful

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: otherwise baba ji says 10s of million have blessings

Preeto: but still only one earns it

Preeto: kirpa kroray te

Preeto: kamaee virlay dee

SS Penji: hanji earning is not that easy

Preeto: upto karam khand baba ji has given you a shortcut

Preeto: put you stright there

SS Penji: only a pure devotinal person earns it

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: took a part of his heart and his earnings

Preeto: and pladced it inside you

Preeto: at the same time taking out your pains and filth, to make a sapce for that naam

SS Penji: how can i repay him, there is no way

Preeto: only by doing satnaam

Preeto: baba ji says repay by earning it

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: he has given NAAM to us first 

Preeto: that is why we start in kahram khand in baba ji's sangat

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: he has given us NAAM & GYAN

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: fro his earnings

Preeto: but now we have to walk from kharam khand to sach khand

Preeto: by earning it ourself

SS Penji: hanji

SS Penji: bilkul

Preeto: he is there inside us to guide us and to pick us up everytime we fall

Preeto: people do ardas to baba ji

Preeto: please just take this mind away

Preeto: and put us into sach khand

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: baba ji says, no you have to earn it

SS Penji: we do not want this mind

SS Penji: bilkul bhaji

Preeto: you have to decimate all those mind-walls, all that self wisdom yourself

SS Penji: he has done whatever he could

SS Penji: now earning is individual

Preeto: with the NAAM & GYAN

Preeto: yes, they open the door for us, give us the instructions, and see what we do

Preeto: becasuse even though they want it for us

Preeto: and they pray for us

Preeto: but if deep down we still have wordly desires

SS Penji: how good they are.

Preeto: and we dont really want to fully surrender

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: then that is what is going to hold us back

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: and only we can look inside and deal with those unfulfilled desires and fears

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: and decide what do we really really want

Preeto: the gifts or the giver?

SS Penji: it is on a person do EARN it

Preeto: yes

Preeto: so DD ji says always pray for naam dee kamaeee

Preeto: to be able to earn the naam

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: dhan nanak teri vadee kamaee

SS Penji: true guides for fool like us are there to help us

Preeto: baba nanak earned it too

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: and baba ji said the more we earn it

Preeto: by cutting away at all our self wisdom

Preeto: then the freer we become

Preeto: and the more amrit there is

Preeto: and that was what you were asking about - why you dont feel the amrit

Preeto: cut your entaglments

Preeto: more you cut, the more amrit there is

Preeto: and you see yor entanglements

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: not by hiding from life

Preeto: but by living life

Preeto: and seeing how your mind reacts to every situation

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: like when you got annyed saaki wasnt sleeping

Preeto: etc

Preeto: and then you do ardas, let it go, focus on simran

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: you bring your mind's running around

Preeto: into the grip of your hand

Preeto: you tell your mind to come back to naam & gyan

Preeto: and not running in maya

SS Penji: ok bhaji

Preeto: baba ji said that when maya cme to him

Preeto: he scooped her up in one fist and tossed her out

Preeto: guru amar das ji writes that

Preeto: maya is just a tiny fly (compared to God) but the whole world is distracted by it

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: kabir ji writes that if maya comes to you

Preeto: cut her nose, cut her ears, cut her up and throw her out

Preeto: for she is the beloeved of  all creature n land , sea and air

Preeto: but she is the enemy of the sant.

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: what does that mean in your bhagti

Preeto: it means iif you have any desires left

Preeto: then when doing so much bhagti

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: maya is goign to come very fast to fulfill those desires

Preeto: she may come in your samadhi

Preeto: or in your dreams or in real life

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: and this desire which you wanted so much in your life

Preeto: , will you be able to say "no thankyou, we have everything, we have naam"

Preeto: and really mean it

Preeto: ?

Preeto: or will you take it and enjoy it

SS Penji: saying N is throwing her away

Preeto: yes

SS Penji: will say No bhaji

Preeto: so no to deisres

SS Penji: have to let her go

Preeto: and maya cant get you

Preeto: have desires and maya comes in to fulfill them

Preeto: she works for satnaam as well

Preeto: 5 thieves work for her

Preeto: they all work for satnaam!!!!!!

SS Penji: if we desire for satnaam, will get it

Preeto: they all report back to satnaam (god in your heart)

Preeto: to say how you coped

Preeto: they show you where you really stand on the benchmark of Truth

Preeto: only the PURE can go to PURE

SS Penji: yes, got it bhaji

Preeto: even one black mark on a white wall looks dirty

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: but how can we become that pure

Preeto: everyday we do simran to clean up yesterdays mess

Preeto: and today we pile a whole load more karmic filth on our head

Preeto: like a sinking boat

Preeto: the more we scoop up the water in the boat and throw it out, the more water pours in to sink us

SS Penji: exactly bhaji it keeps adding up

Preeto: so how can we ever be pure enough?

Preeto: its ego to think we can ever do it

Preeto: so then we realise, we cannot do it

SS Penji: let the ego go

Preeto: we can nver be pure

Preeto: we are always going to be a sinner

Preeto: waho waho sachay ma teree tek

Preeto: hau papee tu nirmal ek

Preeto: baba nanak ji says

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: wondrous wondrous SATNAAM

Preeto: i seek YOUR shelter,

Preeto: for I am a sinner

Preeto: and only YOU are the PURE one.

Preeto: then we fall at SATGURU JI's feet

SS Penji: hanji

SS Penji: in our mind

Preeto: a loser, ego is the loser, defeated, realsing its not in our hand, that we cannot get oout of this mind-room we are locked in, that we are a prisoner forever, even having the gian and the naam, we are still a prsioner

Preeto: o

Preeto: so when we give up our own efforts, fall at satguru ji's feet

Preeto: then HIS GRACE, the GURPARSAAD, takes over

Preeto: thatis why this is called the GURPARSAADI GAME

Preeto: no one goes to God in ego

Preeto: only with GURPARSAAD

Preeto: and GURPARSAAD is given by SATGURU

Preeto: He hold it in his hands

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: he gives it to those who come in humilty, in extreme povery of heart, gareebee

Preeto: baba nanak was gareeb nivaaj

Preeto: in immense gareebee

Preeto: bhai nand lal ji of tenth guru ji's time

Preeto: wrote that when baba nanak ji disapeared in the river for 3 days

Preeto: God blessed baba nanak ji, said that he is his son, that he is to go into the suffering  world.

Preeto: god gave baba nanak ji two things - AMRIT NAAM, and GAREEBEE


Preeto: God is the most powerful, His power runs the sun, the skies, the whole universe


SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: a person who has NAAM, but still has ego and desires, will become a spiritual tyrant with that POWER

Preeto: like rishis and munis who used to curse people

Preeto: the only way to handle such power is to become lowest of the low, become GAREEB

SS Penji: hanji bhaji

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: which means even having everything

Preeto: you have the attitude "Sachay patshah I have nothing, everything is YOURS"

Preeto: and baba ji said that he too went thru that stage

Preeto: did bhagti at the feet of god,

Preeto: then got intoxicated with the power of god

Preeto: (sat ka nasha )

SS Penji: ok

Preeto: and there was SO MUCH PARTAAP - brightness of GOD, that the whole room was vibrating, that when sangat came, they would instantly gointo deep samadhi

Preeto: but at the same time BABA JI was thinking that "I HAVE ARRIVED"

SS Penji: ok..

Preeto: but right away GAREEBEE came in

Preeto: in the form of GYAN from his SATGURU (GOD inside)

SS Penji: bhaji we gtg, can you do us a favor

SS Penji: if you can email us the whole chat

Preeto: and that was "I was nothing without SatNaam, its only because of SatNaam's kirpa that we are expereincing this, it all HIS KIRPA, "

Preeto: and baba ji came back down.

Preeto: ok ji.

Preeto: So last thing

SS Penji: hanji bhaji

Preeto: baba ji said we have to "har kay jiitna"

Preeto: means lose (ego) and win God

SS Penji: hanji

SS Penji: hanji

Preeto: but then we have to "JIT KAY HARNAA"

Preeto: having won god, become a loser again (Gareeb).

Preeto: thanks

SS Penji: see

Preeto: God bless you ji

SS Penji: how nicely it is said

SS Penji: har ke jitna and jit ke harna

Preeto: its in gurbani too, kanir ji says it,

SS Penji: thanks bhaji

Preeto: it only makes sense though to the one who has done it

SS Penji: hanji

SS Penji: experience

Preeto: without this gyan, many fail in the intoxication of naam, they become KINGS in their own mind

SS Penji: satnaam bhaji. thanks a million for your time and great knowledge

Preeto: thatis what happened to 330 million devi-devtas, shiv, brahma, vishnu too

Preeto: that is why gurbani says SATGURU is HIGHER THAN THEM

Preeto: gur jaysa nahee ko deva.

Preeto: ok ji

Preeto: thanks for listening

Preeto: Godbless you

Preeto: satnaam

Preeto: dandauth bandna ji

SS Penji: bhaji we are lucky to have it

SS Penji: satnaam bhaji

SS Penji: dandauth bandna bhaji. please email it to us


Yahoo Messenger :

Punjabi Recordings of Baba Ji , Dassan Dass Ji and LA Sangat


Recording of Baba Ji , Dassan Dass Ji and LA Sangat:

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Chat With Pritam Anand Ji - thinking and thinking over and over achieves nothing


Pritam Anand: satnaam ji dandout bandana ji

Pritam Anand: our dandout to you and all ji satnaam ji love you forever ji satnaam jio

Preeto: satnaam ji dandout bandana ji

Preeto: thanks for remembering this fool!

Pritam Anand: we just see you online and collect some charndhoor ji

Pritam Anand: you live in our heart sant jio

Preeto: we were listening to the recordings of Baba Ji last night at amritvela

Preeto: really helped us

Preeto: felt so much amrit in our tummy and all around our body and got really hot when baba jiwas speaking as parbhram

Pritam Anand: dhan dhan

Preeto: we have had alot of inner turmoil due to job then letting in desires/fears of future

Preeto: but we always new we hadn't dealt with our false thoughts when it comes to job situation

Pritam Anand: sochay soch na hoviay jay sochay lakhvaar (thinking and thinking achieves nothing even by thinking 100,000 times – Baba Nanak)

Pritam Anand: never worry about job or anything ji

Pritam Anand: bhagta di seva app kranda (He Himself serves his devotees)

Preeto: yes thankyou ji

Preeto: mind has cooled down alot

Preeto: learned to trust sachay patshah, rather than try to think about unknown future

Pritam Anand: see we don't have job from 3 yrs and still we are getting food clothes and everything running byself ji

Preeto: yes you are living proof

Pritam Anand: we don't even think for a moment about job or food or clothes or roof on the head

Pritam Anand: we believe in it

Pritam Anand: jiway rakhay tiway rehiay  (how He keeps us that's how we stay).

Pritam Anand: with dhan dhan babaji's blessings dhan dhan dassandass ji's blessings and hold satnaam parivaar's blessings we have firm faith in destiny ji

Pritam Anand: jiway jiv likhiya tiway tiw hovana then why we worry ji

Pritam Anand: worries robs our amrit ji

Preeto: yes

Pritam Anand: prabh ji dori hath tumhray

Pritam Anand: we are just puppets

Pritam Anand: we are just matti ka puttla ji (pot made of clay)

Preeto: but also if we dont worry then we will not plan for future / make cv/ do some training

Pritam Anand: see we don't have to worry but make plan and leave upto satnaam ji if training written in destiny we will do ji

Preeto: yes, thankyou

Pritam Anand: otherwise assa vich hoay nirasha (in the midst of hopes, become desire free)

Pritam Anand: dhan dhan babaji always teachs do things but not attached to anything or anyone

Preeto: take worry and fear out of it, do ardas like bab ji said "sachay patshah what do YOU want me to do" all day long, and go in the direction he takes us (WORRY FREE, TRUST HIM ONLY)

Preeto: we are learning to really put this into practise inside ourself.

Pritam Anand: ji this is so true ji

Pritam Anand: dhan dhan babaji says just do everything as sewa and do things in life without any desires

Preeto: yes

Preeto: also we think we could set up meditation/yoga classes etc

Pritam Anand: sometimes people apply for training and don't get admission then get upset, in naam just we have to apply and leave upto satnaam ji if get admission work had to complete otherwise say thanks to satnaam ji

Pritam Anand: ji start anything ji

Preeto: but then when we look at setting it up as business

Preeto: but then it just feels like desires are filling our head

Preeto: like we used to have in 2005

Preeto: and we dont feel right to do it in that state of mind


Pritam Anand: ji

Pritam Anand: see dhan dhan baba ji always teach do whatever you want in life then put satnaam ji first

Preeto: ok ji

Preeto: we want to put Baba ji first

Pritam Anand: ji dhan dhan baba ji is satnaam ji for us ji

Preeto: we decided we only want to put SatNaam, Satguru Baba ji and Satnaam Sangat first

Pritam Anand: ji dhan dhan

Preeto: we dont want to make a separate organisation like other yoga/med centres, they all dont tell the whole truth, dont mention God , just make it into techniques so they appeal to more people and businesses

Pritam Anand: ji

Preeto: and we feel satguru ji has given us MUCH, MUCH more than that

Preeto: so we dont feel that is what we should be doing even if we can make money/living out if by being popular, we only feel we need to be telling the whole TRUTH, as seva, as sangat and we can do business with our brother for money

Preeto: we decided that this morning and we are now at peace

Pritam Anand: ji

Pritam Anand: great

Preeto: so feels right thing to do

Pritam Anand: your seva is dhan dhan ji your love is dhan dhan ji

Preeto: we only want whole world to get blessings from Baba ji like we have

Pritam Anand: ji

Preeto: we only want to make it easier for everyone to find the inner path

Pritam Anand: ji

Pritam Anand: this is the seva of true servant of satnaam ji

Preeto: we dont want our picture or name or money or rewards coming to us

Preeto: only Sat Naam and SatGuru Baba ji's name, stories, seva, vadaaee just remain in the world

Pritam Anand: ji

Preeto: we feel much better when we think of that

Preeto: rather than thinking of ourself doing yoga/med business for our self, self -promotion, telling less than 100% truth

Pritam Anand: see we don't want also any pictures or anything but app ji put on ji when we don't want then satnaam ji put through others we just want to stay as a beggar and servant of all ji

Preeto: yes ji,   its ok if others put it up

Preeto: because its not YOUR desire

Pritam Anand: ji

Preeto: but Satnaam's desire through others to give honour to his devotees

Preeto: and we are thankful for you letting us do that seva

Pritam Anand: satnaam ji app dhan dhan ho

Preeto: gur nanak kee vadaaeee pargat bhaee sagalaay jag antar (the glory of guru nanak has manifested throughout the world) - gurbani

Preeto: even though they didnt want any self-glory  - koee nao na janaay mera – may no one know my name,

Pritam Anand: dhan dhan babaji teaches us just stay like KOYEE NAAM NA JANEY MERA

Preeto: yes ji

Pritam Anand: so we have to follow these teachings and we are free forever ji

Preeto: whatever we do on the outside we are only looking for happiness, for love, but we only fid that true love inside with Satnaam, so we always have to focus on that, that is what Baba ji was saying on the recording last night

Preeto: and it reminded us to stop letting the mind run around on the outside

Preeto: and to go back inside

Pritam Anand: ji

Preeto: .ok ji we have to go now

Pritam Anand: dandout to you and all in uk ji

Preeto: dandauth bandhna ji

Pritam Anand: takecare satnaam ji dandout to you and all ji

Preeto: thakyou always foreverything ji

Preeto: satnaam

Pritam Anand: dhan dhan dhan dhan dhan dhan app ji

Pritam Anand: sada sukhi raho dhan dhan preeto jio

Pritam Anand: satnaam ji


Yahoo Messenger :

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Chat With Veer ji - One Step At a Time

SAtnaam paji, dandauth bandhna ji

dandauth bandhna ji
how are you
i am good veer ji
with god's grace
enjoying sangat?
feeling blessed.
satsangat milaay so tariaa
thankyou for recroding
pls record more/ take pictures/write about your experience and upload
it helps rest of sangat on the internet who cannot be there
satnaam g.. its all ur efforts g
website helps alot
veerji .. my journey starts now only
after meeting baba g
all baba ji's efforts
yes, we only need a spark
to get the fire started
today we was reading our article, dairy
download raag kirtan
satnaam simran 33 min
enjoying alot
yes its beautiful
divine feeling..
divine feeling is God
doing simran.
means you are feeling god
aap dhan ho veer ji
god is showing that he is with you
through your feelings
our wisdom helping alot
to know SACH
yes, once you KNOW what SACH feels like
then you have a benchmark inside yourself
and you can tell where you stand
so you can identify when mind is active in 5 thieves, or desires, or logic
because that divine feeling wont be there
means heart is closed
two different worlds
with and without simran
yes, so then we do ardas, and simran and ask for kirpa for satnaam satguru ji's lotus feet to come into our heart
daya karo baso munn aaye
mohi nirgun leejay laar laai
satnaam satnaam
please be kind to us Satguru ji, and come into our mind, so that useless one like me can stay attached to you.
so we have to keep doing that day and night
because we are so used to only living ni one world - mind
when we recognise it
do ardas and get back into the heart
then we start staying in the heart more and more
then love develops
turns into compassion
gareebee ves hirdha
sant hirada
then we want to do dandauth
touch feet
wash sangat's feet
stay as lowest
serve others with love
nothing for me
just serve, serve, serve
mithath neevaee nankaa gun chungaaeeaa tat
beng humble is the sweetest
so that divnie feeling you ar eenjoying
only grows more and more
when you stay lowest of the low and serve
always do ardas to satnaam satguru ji, you can ask dassan dass ji
please always keep us at your feet
never let us fail or fall away
we did virag... its all automatic
its really important to ask for this
in sangat
otherwise so many people in sangat have fallen away
yes pls ask in sangat
baba g keep telling us..
press your head on their feet
stay lowest
we dont need anything else in our life
when we have satguru ji's charan saran
we have everything
never look up again in ego
in your simran
imagine you keep your matha on their holy feet
imagine you keep their hoyl feet in your heart
that is much more than having amazing spiritual expereinces
or astral travelling
or whatever else people get distracted with
their holy feet are the doorway to SachKhand which is the doorway to God inside your own heart.
everything is in their holy feet
become lowest and they make you the highest
eeha kaa neech dargah ka ooch
mind goes down
heart comes up
sat sat sat
heart wants to love one and all
wants to smile and be in joy
wants to give, give give
ego-mind wants to take take take
wants to be a king
wants to be someone, something
worries about where money is going to come from
worries about survival
heart only knows God is love
and god takes care of all
veer ji man and hirda is different ..right !!
that god is my mother and ffather
man-mukh and san hirda..
all banadagi is, is going from mind living to heart living.
that is the journey within
yes, go opposite of te mind and you find god
go opposite to society and you find sants
go opposite to what ego wants
hanji..its start happening
and you only do what god wants
then you are living in the hukam
hukam rajaaee chalnaa
and there is no fighting inside your mind
no tension
no resitance
no confusion
just go with the flow of what is happening in your life
say satnaam, accept it, stay low, bless others
keep serving, working honestly and keep going.
sat ji
doesnt matter how long it takes
one step at a time
make each step count
each day be better than the day before
then after a year see howfar you have come
after ten yrs see how much you have transformed
but it all happens just one satnaam at a time
one good deed at a time
one ardas to overcome bad habits at a time
and when you change
then others around you change too
satnaam satnaam satnaam
sat hai ji..
and when they changee others around them change as well
Gandhi ji said "be the change you want to see in the world"
jasdeep g changes me
veer g we are uploading videos

thankyou ji
dandauth bandhna ji
aap d dhan ho veer ji
dandauth bahdhna ji
satnaam satnaam satnaam sda sda satnaam g

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52