Tuesday 27 October 2009

Re: Death and Michael Jackson

Sat naam ji,
dandauth bandhna ji
all answers are within you.
We asked baba ji once what we should do if we go to a mandir, should we bow out of respect?
Baba ji said to us to understand what bowing meant.  Bowing to a statue or a book or a tomb etc
is really saying we accept this belief system.  We are not bowign to God, but to an ideology.
so Baba ji said whilst they bow to their belief system, you bow to their soul - which is the livnig light of God.
We bow to Siri Guru Granth Sahib ji because those words are the words of Truth, so are called Gyan guru - Guru of Divne Wisdom
and are our teacher.  We bow to the enlighted souls, because God is shining bright in their heart.  We bow to the light (soul)
in all living beings.  We pray to become the dust of their feet, to become a servant of all livnig beings in the entire universe.
Meeting people and familiy and livnig your life is all part of your karma - part of your paying your dues and reciving what is yours.
We cant run away from that.  So whilst donig that we need to focus on doing truthful deeds, to cut down completely bad deeds and bad thoughts.
We need to keep Truth ni our hear at all times "sat naam satnaam" wether in a mandir or mosque or wherever.
Pritam Anand ji went to India and his friend took him to a muslm pir's tomb, his friend bowed and asked why Primtan Anand ji did not, to whch Pritam Anand Ji replied, "it is your desinty to bow here, not mine, we only bow to Truth."
So whilst being part of your family and frends circle is part of your karma, bowing to Truth is your destiny and worshipping Truth is your destiny, nothing less than that.  They may get to gether for rituals and ceremonies, that is their destiny.  Your destiny is to bow to the living light of God in them and to serve and become the dust of everyones feet and to tell the Truth if asked and to worship nothing less than Truth.
God is true and beautiful, all shiva brahma and vishnu, all devi-devtas and all beings worship Him alone, so why worship the created ones instead of the Creator?
Respect works both ways, you can accept that is thier destiny to do those rituals of the created beings, and they ahve to accept that is your destiny to only worship the Creator in your heart. Baba ji always told us to tell the truth to our parents and everyone.  But its diffcult if it gets into offending them.  So always pray "baba jiyou come onto my tongue and you speak" then tell the truth.
Look at all the stories of guru nanak dev ji and how he dealt with kindness with people doing rituals and ceremonies of anything less than Truth.  Baab ji said we have to live those stories in our life, then it becomes our personal wisdom.
We are not asking you to have arguments or conflicts in your house, but adopt an attitude of "live and let live", and "give and take", you can serve and be helpful but not worship devi-devtaas, instead you keep your mind focused on Sat Naam and the dust of everyones feet.
Dust of your feet

2009/10/27 <deepa@waheguru.com>

SatNaam Harjit ji,

I have been following this path of SatNaam but my family doesn't and I come from a traditional hindu lineage. 

They pray to the Dev-Devtas and they expect me to participate in their rituals and ceremonies. I did object sometime back and it did create a lot of family conflict. As a result, I left the house. But now after doing Naam Simran, I was told by my intuition to return home. It is no problem, but I will need to participate in their rituals again. 

Will this be ok...?

Please advise 


  • "The jewel of this human life is passing away uselessly, lost in exchange for mere glass." - Guru Granth Sahib
  • Click here to view the lesson of the day from The Golden Temple (Amritsar, Punjab, India)
  • Imagine a Greener Civilized Society ...

> On Thu, 22 Oct 2009 09:32:57 +0100, Harjit wrote:

SatNaam Deepa Ji,
Dassan Dass ji said that when we start doing "Sat Naam Sat Naam" simran then God will start showing the Truth to us including the truth about people around us.   However, in meditation ti doesnt help to be thinking about other people and then worrying - all these are like waves of the mind.  And we want to dive deep into the ocean and not be tossed around by the waves.  so before starting simran always do your ardas "Dear Satguru ji , we are not good no-one is bad, please bless everyone and may we just wash their feet and become the dust of everyone's feet and may your lotus feet reside in our heart."
Then sit inmeditation and imagine your Gurus feet and wash them in your heart.  Then when you feel lots of love, imagine the feet of your family and friends and wash them with love, and then imagine the feet of people who are not so friednly with you(enemies) and wash their feet as well util you feel love.   Washing their feet keep reciting "Haumai nahee tuhee tu" no ego only you ..and you keep doing it until you only see your gurus feet in everyones feet.  Its only ego that makes us think we are separate from others, when there is no ego we see God inside us and God inside everyone - all becomes one - ik drisht .
God bless you
dust of your feet

2009/10/22 <deepa@waheguru.com>

Dear Harjitji,

I am worried as yesterday I was just doing my simran and it started telling me about the people around me.  I am so worried as I do not want to think bad about anybody and I feel I am doing something really terrible before God. I feel that I am judging those around me.

I am not perfect either, who am I to judge those around me. I do not know if what I am hearing is true or not

 Please help


  • "The jewel of this human life is passing away uselessly, lost in exchange for mere glass." - Guru Granth Sahib
  • Click here to view the lesson of the day from The Golden Temple (Amritsar, Punjab, India)
  • Imagine a Greener Civilized Society ...

> On Wed, 21 Oct 2009 11:01:15 +0100, Harjit wrote:


PS also , we wrote that "you will make wrong choices"  however in reality there are no wrong choices either, so dont feel bad about it.  All it means is we end up taking a longer route to our destination - Truth.  If we keep following the inner Eternal guru we go on the fast-track to Truth.  If we ignore it then we go on the slow-track through the scum of Maya.  But whatever path we end up going down is ultimately as it was meant to be - Hukam.  At any time we can pray and say "Dear Satguru ji, please forgive us for our mistakes, we dont want to go through the scum of maya again and again.  Please dont forget about me for I am your servant- mohi na visaro ji ma junn tera."

2009/10/21 <deepa@waheguru.com>

Thank you Harjitji.

 Now its a lot clearer and thank you for the prompt answer.

 Will try my best and let you know should I face any uncertainties

 The Lord has been so kind to give me the grace to write to you

 Thank you again and Sangat


  • "The jewel of this human life is passing away uselessly, lost in exchange for mere glass." - Guru Granth Sahib
  • Click here to view the lesson of the day from The Golden Temple (Amritsar, Punjab, India)
  • Imagine a Greener Civilized Society ...

> On Wed, 21 Oct 2009 09:24:47 +0100, Harjit wrote:


Sat Naam ji
the voice in your Hirda is never selfish.
It doesnt think of how you will gain advantage over others.
If you follow it , it will benefit you and everyone around you.  Although at the time it may cause many arguments or
problems for you.  Eg you maybe living a nice cosy life, but actually under fear and control of the family.  but the inner
voice may want you to go and do something truthful which the family will not like, so it will cause problems.
If you ignore the inner command you will feel uncomfortable with yourself , it will keep bugging you day after day.
If you follow it it will cause arguments with the people who will lose control over you.  but in the end they benefit because
your relationships are reformed on an equal basis.
The inner voice is not to be confused with desire, when you get excited about doing something which is just really fulfilling your own deep down desires.  You know its desires because each desire has dukh (pain) attached to it as well.  so close your eyes, notice how you are feeling.  If your mind is excited to chaase after maya then its desire.  If your mind is troubled and unsettled about a situation then it is maya.  Compare your state of mind to a time when you were operating under the grace of Naam (GurParsaadi Naam) then your mind was peaceful, then it felt like all your taks were being fulfilled but without you getting overexcited or frustrated by hopes and wishes.
So always look within and notice your state of mind, that tells you the Truth.
And as time goes on you will recognise the difference between intuition - the voice of your Inner Eternal Guru, and the voice of Maya and desires.   You will make the wrong choices but that also is part of the leanring process to fine tune your ability to hone into the inner voice.
Thanks for asking.

Dust of your feet
2009/10/21 deeparagu <deepa@waheguru.com>
Good day Harjit Ji,

I was just reading your article below and would like to humbly ask a question

I have just started doing Naam Simran in the last couple of months and following your instructions.

Now I hear a voice in my Hirda which sometimes guides me. How do you know that the advice that comes from your intuition is really your intuition or something surrounding you that is influencing your thoughts?

Please help as I do not want to make any mistake and sometimes unsure whether it is my intuition or my surrounding thoughts that is guiding me

--- In Gurmukhs@yahoogroups.com, Harjit wrote:
> Satnaam Ji, Dandauth Bandhana Jj,
> a guru Pyare asked us yesterday how to get up early, he said he does ardas
> before going ot sleep and wakes up at 3am, but then cant get out of bed.
> All we said to him was Guru Pyare ji if you knew that you were going to die
> in a year, or in a month or in a weeks time, would you have any trouble
> getting up to do Simran?  At that God in him started laughin, laughing and
> laughing so loud, he said we had put him into Anand!  We replied, that when
> we forget death and start thinking we are going to be around for along time,
> we struggle to do simran.   We were actually thinking of R jis email 19
> months ago when he was asking about praying for worldy wants , he said "if
> we cant pray to God to fulfill our desires who do we ask" -- which showed he
> didnt want to give up asking for wants to be fullfilled.  But if he had
> known 19 months ago that he only had a short time left (he passed away a few
> weeks ago), his wants for worldy things would have been killed instantly and
> his priorities would have changed to surrendering to God-Guru with mind,
> body and wealth.
> Actually today's news of Michael Jackson has also brought home the reality
> of death for many people, they were all planning and promoting his comeback
> tour in a few weeks time- where is all that now?  The  only reality is we
> are gong to leave this body sooner or later, just like the BILLIONS AND
> BILLIONS AND BILLIONS who have done so before us and the BILLIONS who will
> do so after us.  No one will remember our name or our existance or our
> stories in the long run, just as we dont remember the ones who have gone
> before us, the ones who dust our houses our built on.  Its very simple, when
> we forget Death we forget God.  So let our ego die before our body dies,
> before our time runs out.
> Love and blessings to all the friends and family and fans of Michael Jackson
> and millions of others who have also died today but we never hear about.
> Baba Ji said once that
> Michael Jackson as with all talented people actually listened to their inner
> intuition, their inner feelings which is god within them and they lived by
> that and it made them successful.  Wereas others are living by their head
> and logic and never following their intuition - ignoreing their heart ,
> their inner Guru.  Plus Baba Ji said whatever skill or talent god has given
> us, it is for us to use that to liv ein the world by serving others with
> it.  So Michael Jackson had the gift of music and dance and shared tht with
> the world, others can write , others can cook , others can heal - whatever
> it is listen to your inner voice, develop your talent and serve others with
> it.  Then the material and spiritual rewards come back to you multiplied.
> Dust of your feet
> Harjit
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]






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