Satnaam Jee Kaa Khalsa, Satnaam Jee Kee Fateh
Dandauth Jee
Dear Sister Jasbir Jee,
Dandauth Bandhana Jee,
SatGur Dassan Das Ji has told us not to worry about Naam Simran at work because work is also a pious thing and that we should do it with great concentration and effectively. Some work related activities do not require much concentration from brain and during this time I believe you could recite Satnaam in your mind but during some related activities you need brain to concentrate and during these activities you could just concentrate on your work!
In regards to your Sangat question, Dassan Das Ji always says Satnaam Simran is highest level of Sat Sangat, so it doesn't really matter, whatever time suits you and is best for you, just do your Naam Simran then!
May God, SatGuru Jee bless you with Naam Dhan, Puran Bandgi and Seva.
Forgive us for any mistakes
God bless you all
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 11:49:45 -0700
Subject: [Truth] Dandauth Bandhna Ji to all Satnaam Sanget
Dandauth Bandhna Ji to all Satnaam Sangat,
My name is Jasbir Kaur. I live in the United States. I have been part of your group for about seven months. The reason I never introduced myself is because all of the previous e-mails have answered my questions. I have been doing Naam Simiran for several months however, sometimes in the morning it is difficult because of my work schedule. However, I do Naam Simiran whenver I have time in the day at work or at home. Sometimes when I am doing Simiran, I feel like im about to cry and im not sure why. I feel strange head movements from my left side. I discovered this particular Sangat group when I saw a sign in the New York Sikh Parade that said "Prabh milnay kah chow". When I saw this banner, it became very appealing, and decided to check online for further details. During my search, I discovered Dasn Das website instead of what I was primarily looking for. I felt like God gave me directions to find the Sangat group. Since then, any question I've had has been answered by all the e-mails this Sangat as answered.I have two requests that I require all your help and support on. I would like to request that everyone do Ardaas for me so I can receive Guru Kirpa. Also, at 8:30-9:30 P.M Simran is taking place in England, however, here in the United States, for me it is 3:30P.M. (at this time, I am at work). How should I spiritually approach your Sangat?
Once again, Dasn Das Ji and all the Satnaam Sat Sangat Ji pray for me so I may become the dust of your feet.
Jasbir Kaur
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Monday, 10 August 2009
Re: [Truth] Dandauth Bandhna Ji to all Satnaam Sanget
SatNaam Dearest Jasbir penjee,
dandauth bandhna ji,
thankyou so much for your email and for Harmeet Ji's reply.
God is Eternal Truth - Sat.
We focus on Sat by doing truthful deeds and remembering His name - Sat Naam.
So as pajee said, at work and in life just do truthful deeds with full faith that your manager is your Guru, and your colleagues are your sangat and your work is seva. Then we become humble and hard working at work. And when we have slow periods we can focus the mind on our Simran.
In terms of our sangat time in uk not matching a suitbale time in the USA, please remember that God is beyond time - a-kaal. Kaal means Death and secondly time. And god is also beyond space - so location is not a problem. In Sat Sangat we just did our ardas that whcihever sangat in the world would like to be blessed be able to share the Amrit. So even now you can go home and sit down, put your gurbani/music on , do Ardas to God-Guru-Sangat and close your eyes, imagine they are all with you, wash their feet and ask to receive all the blessings on being in the Sangat.
Also you can still go to any sangat eg gurdwara or any place where you feel peace and inspiration and just sit and do your naam simran. Again just do your ardas, feel god-guru-Sangat is with you and wash their feet and do your naam simran.
In this way you will find that the whole world becomes your sangat, that you are happy in a church, gurdwara, mosque, bhuddist temple or just out in nature with the birds and the trees and the elements - all them become your sangat.
Baba Ji explained once that he doesnt mind whater relgion or background a person is coming from, just have the blessings of GurParsaadi Naam and earn it - do Naam di Kamai in whatever relgious place and sangat you are happy in.
This is the beauty of Naam.
Baba Nanak Ji once went to see the Yogis and they weren't happy that another holy man was coming to perhaps try and take over them. so they sent a bowl full to the brim of milk via Mardana ji. Baba Nanak ji understood they meant their place was full of holy people (pure like milk), but Baba Nanak ji just placed a Jasmine flower on the skin of the milk and sent it back. The Yogis understood that Guru Nanak ji hadn't come to displace them but to add sweet fragrance to their practise.
In all the congregations and all the religious places we go there with Naam inside our heart, that is how we add sweetness and humbleness to those places. When our sant-Guru gives us the Naam, its like he places the Jasmine flower inside us, so we can go anywhere and add humblness and sweetness.
Dearest Dassan Dass ji please bless penjee for the highest divine good.
Let us know how it goes.
Dust of your feet
2009/8/10 Harmeet Singh <>
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