Thursday 9 July 2009

You have shown me a ray of hope

Sat Shri Akal Ji
                         Thanks for your reply.U have shown me a ray of hope.I have started doing simran with waheguru kirpa at work and at times I feel like doing. U have asked me a question has something happened in my life. In reply to that I want to tell you that things are n't going well with me from last few years. whatever I do I didn't get results.I can't remain consistent in anything. Sometimes I wonder why did god gave me birth on this earth. Please help me I have started doing simran by saying Ik onkar satnam is it ok. I want to practise it everyday and want to be consistent. Please help me I don't want to take birth on this earth again.
Other thing is I want to be vegetarian but I am alone here has to cook myself and most of things that are easy and quick to make are non-vegetarian,What should I do. And tell me how should I start my journey.
Please help
Satnaam Veer ji,
Dandauth Bandhna ji,
you are doing great, Satnaam SatGuru ji is the hope of the dee aas.
tumaree sharan tumaree aasa, tumhee sajjan suhelaa
rakho rakhanhaar dyaala nanak ghar kay gholay
You are my shelter, You are my hopes, Your are my friend and compansion
protect me O great Ptrotector, Nanak is the slave of Your house.
We are all blessed by SatNaam to have His shelter in he form of Dassan Dass Ji.
Put all your hopes into His Charan Sharan
Become a slave of God's slaves ..Dassan dass ka dass as Gurbani says.
Everything that haas happened in your life so far was as it had to be due to whatever you had sown in the past.
When we can accept our past like this then we accept the Hukam.
Also dont feel bad about whatever happened or did not happen as desired, because whatever happened has lead you to the
feet of the Lord, to the blessings of Naam - so all is Dhan Dhan - Supremely Blessed.
Keep doing simran however you feel - that feeling is god inside you - your nner Eternal Guru, always listen to that, always go with the inner hukam, if you do gte confused then dont hesitate to email us.
We are not vegetarian, but we were for 16 yrs, but Dassan Dass ji has taught us that it is God's Hukam for half the world to be eating the other half.  And also whatever food HE presents to us is Hukam for us to eat.  However, what is to be avoided is killing for sport, killing for fun and violent thoughts and desires of the tongue.  Become desire free, ego free and your mind will become free.
Here is our personal take on food, but there is no restrictions from Dassan Dass ji, just the following diet works for us very well:
Best thing in terms of diet is to have a healthy balanced diet which normally means a minimum of meat products, perhaps a little bit once a week.  Lots of fruit and veg, lots of fresh food.  Try to avoid eating out  too much - its high fat, high salt.  Drink plenty of water.  HAve milk and juice. Have nuts and seeds every day.  Juices like blueberry and pomengrnate boost the immune system.  Avoid smoking, drinking , drugs and anything that is harmful for your body. 
Once in a while sweets, chocaltes, junk food, party food is ok, but its what you eat on adaily basis that effects your body.
Eat what you need, stop when your nearly ful, avoid overeating.  replace caffine type drinks likfe coffee and tea and fizzy drinks, with Green tea or Red Bush - high in antioxidants.
It took us about 3 years to change all these things in our diet, but we dont get sick now, orif we do we recover very quickly.  Immune system is very strong with guru's kirpa only.
Also doing daily excercise really has helped us as well.  With guru ji's kirpa we have resolved to do 30 minutes a day and have been doing so for the last 18 months.  We feel great and it is a seva of this body which is a gift of god to us.
tudh agay ardaas hamaree jeeo pind sabh tera ..this is my ardas lord, this soul and body are all Yours.
Kaho nanak sabh teree vadayee kahu nao na janay mera ..all is Your greatness , may no one know my name.
So look after your diet, look after your health - this is a seva of the body which god has given to us as the greatest gift ever.
Then do naam simran in a happy and enjoyable way - whilst listening to kirtan is really good we find.  and always thank God for even a moment when your mind was able to listen to naam simran, because even for that moment your mind was not tormenting you about the past or the future hopes, but just keeping you in the present and that is where god is - in the present - all around us, a living presence in us and around us right here right now.
You can email the grroup as well and other people form our web sangat which helps us all as well.
Dust of your feet
Dust of your feet


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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52