Friday 17 July 2009

clearing past karman

Satnam Sada Satnam
Dandauth Bandhana anik baar
you are doing great.    Even if someone told you your past lives and why you are getting what is happening to you, it still is only a nice story for the mind to get distracted by.   The reason for understanding that KARMA OVERRULES EVERYTHNIG is so we can accept whatever is happening in our life.  Once we accept whatever hapened was for the best, the mind can calm down, it can forgive, it can come to balance, and your can move forward in your bhagati.  
I am not psychic enough tto tell you your past karma.  There are people out there who can tell you and who do know, but it becomes another trap for the mind to get engrossed in the stories they tell you.   Satguru ji used to tell the sangat their past lives , not to impress people, but to show them that things are happening due to their karma.  Eg one lady had a disabled son.   She always felt upset with God wanting to know "why did this happen to me God?".   Satguru ji is able to connect directly with Dharam Raj - the one Divine Judge who can access all our accounts and asked him. Dharam Raj said that in one of her last lives she owned a horse and was very cruel to it, beating it, whipping it and making it lame.  But in other lves she has been good.   Now to omplete the journey of her soul from just being good, to realising God, she stil had to clear her past misdeeds.  So the soul of that horse has been reborn as her diabled son.  So that in this lifetime she can care and serve that soul with love and kindness, and that erases her past bad deeds.    This helped that mum to accept fully what has happened to her and what she needs to do.    Other times Baba Ji would tell mother-in-laws who compained about their daughters-in-laws that in past life that girl was their daughter, and thats how they should love her now too.    In gurbani it says that due to our attachment we really WANT to be with the people who were closest and dearest to us.  To our souls tumble through lifetimes together taking different roles.   For example Satguru ji that this is the fourth lifetime that I have been married to my wife.  Sometimes I was the wife and she was the husband.  Also that my older daughter was once my mother and I have alot of karma with her.
Satgur ji explained these things to the sangat because he wanted people to realise that KARMA OVERRULES EVERYTHING.  And they needed to accept whatver they think is bad in their life  as happeneing for the best.  And also to accept that until we stop doing negative untue (asat) deeds we will keep reaping negative effects in our future.
Ultimately KARMA does not mean we have no control over what is ahppeing to us, like people say "What can I do, my karma is bad?"  and become deflated - like hundred of millions of low caste Hindus are taught that they are low caste because of their bad karma and they have to serve the higher castes and there is no way out for them until they are reborn as higher castes - this is man-made manipulation and control of the masses by the so called religions.  Or other people use the fact they have done bad things in the past as an excuse to carry on doing bad things and take no responsibility for their own actions.
No, on the contrary, karma doesnt mean we have no control of what is happeneing to us.  IT means we have to take responsibility for our actions.   Just as we are reaping today what we have sown yesterday, so we should so good RIGHT NOW, so we reap GOOD tomorrow.
Karma just means making CHOICES.    Ultimately everything is in God's hands,  but within His hands he has let us play and make our own choices ...karmee apo apnaee ke neray ke dhoor.  ..Gur nanak dev ji says that "our karma is our own, some get closer to God while others go further away."    Jini naam dhiaa gai maska t ghaal, naanak te mukh ujalay ketee chutte naal.    "But the ones who meditated on NAAM go with shining faces and nanak says that many other are freed alongwith them."
Coming back to your personal development, once we understand we are reaping what we have sown and that we have been born solely because we have outstanding karma to clear we can start clearing our karma.  How?  How do cleasr our minds of all the filth we have accumulated?  How do we move on from all the bad deeds and mistakes we have made in the past that our still haunting us now?    If someone does something bad to us, how do we stop feeling angry and vengeful and then doing something bad to them?    The only was is through meditation.  Is by asking Dharam Raj to show us our account, to remind us of our misdeeds one by one.  Then for us to accept what we did was a mistake.  Then to ask for forgiveness from Satnaam-Satguru ji.   Then to know God has forgiven us, to let it go and never think about it ever again.   If it is some deed that we have hurt someone with, then it maybe necessary to apologise to that person as well, because we have hurt their heart, and the heart is the temple of God.   When we apologise to that person we say sorry for what we have done, and we touch their feet - do dandauth bandhana to the God inside them.   If we love God inside ourself, then we love God in everyone else too,  and we become very mindful to not hurt another heart.   That does not mean if they are doing something wrong we stay quite, no we tell them the Truth.  If the Truth hurts their ego that is fine.  But if we tell them seomthing from hate or anger which is false and that huirts their heart, then that makes negative karma for ourself.
Anyway, this takes us nicely on to the next lesson for you.  How to clear effects of past karma.  Please read the following article by Dassan Das Ji,  - this is what he gave me to do at the beginning.  It is very important part - like weeding the mind-field.  After that we can wet the field with good deeds like selfless seva, then the mind field is ready to plant the sed of satnaam.  Overtime that seed will germinate, gor, bud , flower and finally bear fruit.  Within the fruit is the seed again - satnaam.  At that tie your soul will be like Satguru ji that you can plant the seed of gurprasadi naam in others hearts - just as Satguru ji has done for you and me.
So read the following article "Overcoming The Effect Of Past Lives"
Now add the followoing to your 20 min meditation, after
"Please with your kindness show me all my sins that I must have committed under XXX in my whole life."
 (On Day 1 replace XXX with KAAM - LUST.
On Day 2 replace XXX with KRODH - ANGER
on Day 3 replace XXX with LOBH - GREED
on Day 4 replace XXX with MOH - Selfish Attachment
on Day 5 replace XXX with HANKAR - pride
On Day 6 replace XXX with NINDYA - slander of others
On Day 7 replace XXX with CHUGALEE - gossiping about others
On Day 8 replace XXX with EERKA - jealousy of others).

Once you start doing this you will see that all your sins will start to appear before your eyes, like a film. You will probably see the most serious sin committed by you in the beginning and then the next one and then so on.

 Keep accepting your sins with whole heart, and it will be pardoned

 Keep doing this until the time you are completely cleaned and you have accepted all your sins.


You may have to repeat this for many weeks.  But start with the first 8 days.  Keep a diary as before.    IF you want more cleanising , more quicklyl then confess your misdeeds infront of the sangat .. beacuase that is the last thing ego wants us to do - to tell our bad points to others and make ourselves appear less than others.  But the 8 bad qualities above thirve in the darkness of no one knowing what deeds havebeeen done under their influence.  If you want to confess your misdeeds to sangat, then email Dassan Das Ji with what you have done and ask for forgiveness - everydsay if necessary until your conscious is cleared.


OK - so thats it.  This will be very emotional meditation for you now.   God Bless You, you are dhan dhan sukhee raho.  Leave the house of maya way behind you,  keep going forward to Satnaam, never look back, cut all the chains of these 8 negativities.


dust of your feet




On 2/24/07, arshinder pasricha <> wrote:
Satnam Sada Satnam
Dandauth Bandhana anik baar
Bal Bal Jaun main Sham Sundar ko
I read the message and try to understand my past Karma, I believe you see my past karma, have you been busy on friday, do you have satsang tonight as well. Today a good lady tried to explain me some human values and i felt really good about it, would you be fine on my sharing them with you.
Kind Regards

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52