satnaam satguru satshabad satsangat
dandauth bandhana ji
With guru's kirpa over the years I have notcied that as your consciousness changes you will also find your diet changes. When in lower animal consciousness, the ego is thick and the senses have become dull. One craves certain foods, gets addicted to certain foods, and puts on a lot of weight, feel sluggish , heavy and lethargic and prone to illnesses. The foods tend to junk food, processed food, sweet and sugary foods - indian party food is a good example, strong tastes, spicy and sweet, fizzy and alcoholic drinks. In this state of mind, one also wants to eat more and more, to taste more and more. The image i get of myself when like this is od a dog salivating at the mouth. Becasue the ego has dulled the senses so much, one drinks strong tea, strong black coffee, even smoking fits into this category. In this state of consciousness it is diffcicult to get up and meditate, sleep sticks us to the bed like an invisible glue.
With Guru's grace it is possible to move up from this consciousness. Right now I feel like eating no meat, fish or eggs. I cut out most dairy products, replacing milk with soya drinks. This reduced all the excess mucus that caused over production of ear wax and phlegm. Recently cutting out crisps and cheese and replacing with eating nuts, a plateful of salad and 5 whole fruits a day has cleared up my skin. Replacing tea and coffe with 2 cups of Green tea is much more calming and gentle on the body. Drinking much more water at room temperature gives me much more energy. I feel better and have lost some weight too. It all goes hand in hadn with getting up easliy and meditating. What i put in my mouth , my body and mind reap. This is the karma of food ..what we sow in our body we reap in our health.
Also the quality of the food we eat is important. MY brother-in-law is a farmer in India and knows the dangers of the pesticides that are used in conventional food production nowadays. He said some crops are sprayed, eg in this country the Government recommends that we peel all fruit (apples, pears etc) before eating. However, my brother in law said that some chemicals are poured in with the young plants into the ground. So as the sugar cane grows those chemicals are present in every single cell of the plant. That is why insects will not eat them.
He said that if insects and bugs will not eat them cause it kills them, then we shouldnt eat them either. When he was growing up his mum used have fresh vegetables and if it had a bug or insect eating it away at one side she would take it as a good sign, that it was worth eating. She would just cut away that part and use the rest. I am so used to supermarket fruit and veg that is perfect all over, that I turn away from food with insects in it.
There was an article on the bbc website recently that showed the results of 4 year study comaring conventional and organic farming methods. They found that organis fruit and vegetables had 20-40% more nutrients and that organic dairy milk had 80% more than conventional fruit and veg. That is a hige difference. Those nutrients are what build our body and help our immune system stay strong in order to avoid the diseases of the masses today - cancer in adults, exczma and asthma in children which was unheard of even 50 years ago in the UK.
There was another study recently that showed the best way to stay healthy was to grow up health and active , at least 30 min excercise a day for adults and 60 min a day for kids. Excercise that got the heart beating faster, beats heart disease. Which is the biggest killer of asians in the west nowadays.
Finally, the other most striking study recently showed that all these sickness and illnesses tend to effect people who were even slighty overweight. The ideal was to stay SLIM and to maintain the weight we were at age 21 for the rest of our lives. What happnes with most people is that every year we become less active in our lifestyles and we put on more and more weight. The more fat we have the more risk of cancer and other dieseases there is.
This body is a gift from God, we are blessed to been given the chance of life in a human body, we are also blessed to have so much knowledge about this body, mind and soul. But like Baba ji says, until we take knowledge and put it into our actions, it is worthless.
When we bring it into our onw life it becomes our wisdom and having earned it we can then share with others.
So pray for gurprasad, for Guru's grace to give us higher consciousness when it comes to eating and drinking and taking care of this body-temple the gift from God. Baba Ji said we are all too become a living temple, a walking, breathing, talking temple of God's Light.
Without taking care of our body we cant do that.
dust of your feet