satnaam satguru satsangat
dandauth bandhana ji
I saw quite a disturbing program last night about abortions. They showed actual footage of an abortion,
showed what came out at less than 12 weeks and what came out after that.
Less than 12 weeks its is not recognisable, more than that it is.
To bring it out, they have to use their forceps to break the tiny limbs, crush the skull and spine and suck it out.
It looked like a little massacre on the white sheet.
Over 20 weeks it actually looks like a baby, and they have to induce the mother so she gives birth.
I dont like getting into the judgement game, nor have i really thought about it before.
The basic arguments are the Mothers rights versus the foetus's rights.
Basically the law does not recognise any foetal rights and allows abortions upto 24 weeks in the UK (much longer than any other European country - nowadays 50% of premature babies born at 24 weeks can survive).
At the end of the day, women who had an abortion could go ahead because Doctors consider it would damage their physcial or mental health to keep it. But one woman who was shown 3D scans of her unborn baby opted not have an abortion because it looked like real baby. Another mother who had the abortion said she felt it was the right thing to do, but still said seeing the sight of the baby's legs sticking out haunted her everyday (she went to the toilet mid way thru). And she wondered what the child would be like now as she watched her other two children playing, she felt one was missing.
Personally, I think what is written below in the Sivananda reading summarises quite well what is the right attitude to life. In maya we put our rights ahead of others, in bhagti we put our selves at the back of the queue. So the mother in bhagti would say what is best for the baby, not what is best for me? Seeing the unborn foetus looking so human, makes the human side in us come out - the side that wants to protect and help and love. Seeing how an abortion rips up the baby creates the opposite reaction within us. But we can still justify it with our logic mind "the baby is a product of rape, the baby will be disabled, the baby and mother will be disowned, science says the baby feels no pain etc". But logic mind is part of maya, bhagti is from the heart.
Baba Ji said that it is God beating in the womb, the pulse of life. Later on it becomes an individual. It is God entering into His creation. And there are countless miscarriages in the animal kingdom and human society every day - so life and death is in God's hands.
But I think, causing cruelty and death to another because we are putting our rights over the baby's is not bhagti. It is selfish no matter how we justify it. The story of how the life came into being is just a story - its karma - it was meant to be. I know Baba Ji helped one young lady who had had an abortion and was no being hounded by nightmares. He told her it was the unhappy soul who had been aborted. She was remorseful, baba ji forgave her and blessed unhappy soul to go to the Light to be reborn again. But he also told her not to be promiscuous, because there are consequences of our actions. And next time there is no forgiveness, becasue this is not a game that we keep doing serious croimes and then run to our Guru to forgive us and free us of the consequences.
I know this is a very controversial topic, and people have all kinds of experiences in life, so forgive me for any mistakes or offence.
dust of your feet
| | | | | | The Boomerang Character of All Action Any action is bound to react upon one with equal force and effect. If you do some good to another man, you are really helping yourself; because, there is nothing else besides the one all-pervading Self and Power. Your virtuous actions will react upon you with the good effects. They bring you joy and happiness. Your wrong, unjust actions will react upon you with bad, miserable effects. They will bring you sorrow, grief and affliction. Therefore, always live to do good to others. Be kind to all. Never hurt others. | | | |