Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Sat Baba ji and sat sangat quotes 39

Qn from sikh elder:  There r too many fake sants n our society. It is big business. They live and thrive on money from people with problems n their lives.and live like kings. Teachings r all n Gurbani. Good actors call themselves sants use these for their advantage. And influence good honest and innocent people. It is normal for some untrained Sikhs to make speeches from gurdwara stages. Guru Gonind Singh made every Sikh gurbhai. Not sant or mahapursh.

Gurpreeto:  Yes there are cheats everywhere.  Even gurbani says Benares ke tug.    But gurbani also is full of praise for divine souls.   Doesn't matter what we call them.  Having their sangat is essential.  They have divine light of God inside them.  They are lit and we  get their blessings so we can become lit as well.   Guru Gobind Singh ji called them khalsa.  Gurbani calls them sant or Brahamgiani or Har Jan or bhagat or gurmukh. So many words to praise the ones who have become Jivan mukat.

Guru Gobind Singh ji said pooran jot jagay ghat meh tab khaalas nahi khaalas janaay.   Meaning only those in whom the divine light is lit can be called khalsa otherwise not.     And he wrote khalsa mera sat guru poora.  Meaning the Divine light inside someone (khalsa) is my guru of Truth.      So  Guru Gobind Singh ji didn't change what gurbani is saying.  He created new words to praise the ones who have  done the spiritual journey and merged into the light.      

It doesn't matter what anyone else is doing or calling themself. If they are not Jeevan mukat they are just cheating everyone.  Avar updesay aap karay avat jaavat janmay maraay.    Teaching others but doesn't do it himself will be reborn.    

So we need to go into the divine light ourself and become the khalsa that guru gobind singh ji described with pooran jot inside us.  Then when our body and mind dies our soul stays merged in the divine light. No rebirth. We have done the inside journey. 

Whoever helps us is a good person we need their sangat.  Whoever cheats us we need to stay away.      The divine light of God, Guru Gobind Singh has praised that in other shabads as well.   It is that divine light that is called Truth. Sat.     And it is the Guru.  

Sat guru means sat is the guru of light. Sat naam means sat is the name of that light.    That light was in all gurus and bhagats and  the words that came were called shabad guru.    When those words are written down it was called granth means scripture.     So when we meditate on the Shabad which has come from the light under blessings of sat as the guru. We also go back to the light.   

All the guru's and bhagats and real khalsa who were lit have left their body and are merged into the divine light.   When we say sat Naam we are remembering the light. And automatically we are remembering all the guru's and khalsa and real sants without having to say their names or praying to them.   Pooja Akal kee.   

If we don't remember God's name and just the  name of gurus or sants then we have forgotten the highest guru which is God.

When we say God's name, sat, we are reminding our mind that our soul is light.  E mun tu jot Saroop ha apanaa mool  penchaan.    And when the light comes inside us that light is called guru or sant or khalsa or Brahamgiani.   Not the body not the person. That dies. Light lives forever that's why it is the truth.    

God bless you.


Everyone gets what they want deep down.        
A rare one in ten million is coming to a Guru for God.  Most are coming for other reasons.   We can all look inside ourself and ask why we are really coming to this sangat.   Dying to be with God is probably not the main reason.                       

So, we will do Sat Naam and God will give us what we want.  And if we really don't want to stay then he will let us slide away, but still wait for us to return for however long it takes, even lifetimes.                       

"Jo mange takur soee soee devay – God gives us what we want."

Many are not being truly honest with our self.  In front of guru and sangat we nod and bow and smile and agree about how God is everything.   But, in reality if we look at our daily deeds and thoughts why are not putting it into practise? Because it's not what we really want.     What we really want is our loneliness to go. To be part of a social group.  To find a partner.  To have spiritual experiences.   To pass the time.   To have someone to talk to about our problems. To save our marriage. To heal our sickness. To get a job.  To feel loved.    To be part of a community.   To travel the world and have Sangat.  To get approval and respect. To be someone.    To feel protected. To overcome our trauma. To gain forgiveness for the guilt we carry around ... but to die for God??? One in ten million.                       

What we do not realise is that when we are only dying to be with God and give up the other hopes, that do Sat Naam and he takes care of everything.                       

That's where the majority fail.    They want the gifts. On getting them they leave.     Until they need another gift.     But, if we said we don't want the gifts only want to die for the Giver. Only want to give back everything we already have been given.   Then the Giver also gives us everything we need without us asking.                       

So, it's just a test. Most people fail. Because they have not been struck by God's arrow of love. A love they cannot live without. And would die for.  Look at the pains of separation described in Gurbani.  E.g.

"koee jun har sio devay jor.  Charan gaho bako sub rasna deejay praan akor. – May some divine soul unite me with the Lord.  I would hold onto their feet, utter sweet words with my tongue, and give them my very life."                     

Religion and holy people gatherings are full of this.     But at those places they take the followers money, put them into rituals and tie them up in knots.    In baba ji's sangat, baba ji shakes the tree e.g. with this marayda and the loose branches fall off.                       
Baba ji is always doing a shake up every so often.   Only the ones who truly want to die for God will remain.                       

Everyone in this sangat should also be honest with themselves as to why we are really here.

Vin tudh hor ja mangna cir dukaha kai dukh
Deh Naam santokhia oterai mun kee bhukh
Asking for anything other than You Lord, is asking for the misery of all miseries.
Please give me the contentment filled Naam so all my mental suffering is erased.



All of us want to live freely, as soon as we want to take step forward our boundaries starts, for example family values, tradition, culture, parents status.  These are because of attachment.  When we cross this boundaries then other boundaries  start our religion,city and our country.  Until we are trapped in this thinking we never can live freely.  All of us prison of these boundaries.  These boundaries just create prison.  Until we don't do truth and cross these boundaries we can never live free.  We divided whole world and fighting for small portion of land and killing innocent people for just no reason.  No one took any portion of land whoever died before.  We will leave everything on this earth.  We have to become broad minded not narrow minded.  We are part of this Ocean and we have to live in ocean not become frog of only small well.  Do truth and get our from narrow mind thinking and love all, respect all but never attach to anything.  Attachment will keep us in death and birth.  We can never be free before death or after death.  Bow to you all, love you all.  This fool is just dust of your lotus feet nothing else.  Satnaam ji forever. satnaam ji.


Today everyone running in race and compete others and lost the peace.  Everyone comparing with others.  When everyone is unique then why we have to compare with others for no reason. Everyone has their own destiny and we don't have any idea what their journey is for.  Comparing sometime take us in jealousy and hate.  When jealousy and hate go on the peak then we create enemies.  This hell is not created by others this hell created by our own mind because of comparing.  Better we stop comparing with others and do our journey truthfully and don't harm ourselves and others.  Satnaam ji, bow to you all, loves you all.  Always dust of your lotus feet.  Satnaam ji forever.

Pritam Anand ji.


Satnaam Baba ji said that whereas some people meditate in order to astral travel and see the universe, he meditated to eradicate his ego.       Dhan Dhan baba ji. Dhan Dhan teree vadee kamaaee.   Also that helped us so much as to why we meditate.  Got us thinking about any task we do, why are we doing it?   Our aim should be to eradicate our ego in every task we do. Wether it's doing our job, cooking, cleaning, creating, writing, talking even baba ji said whilst having intercourse.   Satnaam satnaam satnaam.  That is why dassan dass ji gave us the ardas to do every 5 minutes all day long.  Eradicate our ego and pride from every task.


"Idiots think. Saints do." - Yogi Bhajan ji.      Once we received the priceless diamond of sat naam all we can do us give our head.     If we start thinking shall or shall I not do amritvela or sangat or daswandh or seva, then our idiotic ego has taken over.   Once we gave truly given our head there is nothing left to think about. Just do what our sat guru has said and we will become saints like them.


Divine wisdom by Dhan Dhan Sat Gurpreeto ji

Baba ji said do bandagi with "positivity and deremination".  Not negativity and despair.   The Satan of ego and pride will always want satnaam  not to be remembered.    So if we who have been blessed don't remember God's name then who will? The rest of the world have forgotten.
Baba ji said that others did meditation to astral travel and see the universe. But he did meditation to be cured from the worst sickness of ego and pride.
If we are not doing our simran and seva and sangat to get rid of our ego then we are doing it for the wrong reason.   If we are not doing our daswandh of time and money then we are just  making excuses. If we are wasting time and not doing our job or family duties then we are just making excuses.
Baba ji said that he worked very hard.  Both in bandagi and in life.    No excuse for not working hard in everything we do.
If we struggle because of our bad habits and so many distractions of maya, then do ardas all the time. We have the power of humble prayer to help us overcome our bad habits and excuses.
Everything wants to steal our attention and time.   Social media notifications.  News updates. TV programmes. Family and friends.  Adverts everywhere. Shopping centres with bright signs and sale offerings.    We are being pulled all the time by everything in maya to keep us in maya.   Switch it off.  Do ardas. Go for walks. Focus on bandagi. Talk to God inside. Praise nature. Help others. Stay in peace. Give peace to others.
Satnaam Satnaam Satnaam ji everything we wrote applies to us. Is our battle. Please forgive us.


Listen to India sangat recordings http://mixlr.com/prakeet/showreel


I Love you baba ji . . .

I love you dassan dass baba ji. . .

I love you all bramgyani's. . .

I love you all bhagat. . .

I love you all sangat. . .

I Love you entire universe . . .

I love you all . . .

I love you satparbram sharnae. . .


Saturday, 6 May 2017

Satnaam sangat and baba ji quotes 38

All of us complaining about pains, complaint won't cure the pains.  Complaints are not the remedy of the pains.  Pains are not forever, pains are temporary.  Pain comes and goes but all pains come to teach to us and make us stronger than before. We can see in our lives pains came and gone.  Our time passing and so pains with time.  When we think too much about any pain we feel more sicknesses and complaints starts. 

We are complaining about our pains. Do we complain about our Ego and pride? No, never because we feel better in Ego and pride.  Better we confess or complain about our Ego and pride not complains about our pains.  Pains cannot become barrier in our spiritual journey but Ego and pride will. Satnaam ji forever, bow to you all, loves you all.  All is satnaam ji. Learn from pains and move on.


Until we are judging or criticizing others we are in hell mind, better we learn everyone is unique.  Be honest with ourselves and think how many times we judge and criticize others in past. Better we stop judging and criticizing others,  Satnaam ji did not make two alike. love all, serve all. Satnaam ji


When someone ask how are you?  We lie and we say we are fine or happy.  We are not honest with ourselves.  Look inside and see how we lie for little things in life.  Someone have stress, loneliness, poverty or any other negative emotions we have how we can say we are in peace.  If we do not have peace, how we can be happy person?  We cannot be fine or happy or in peace until we are not truthful to ourselves.  Until we don't accept we are unhappy not in peace.  Until we are not agreeing to do something about it, we will be unhappy being.  We lie to others because of fear what they will say.  Everyone think we have privacy we don't share our problems with others, if we cannot share with others then we will become depressed person no one else. We have to take stand and face the fear.  We think too much and create more and more fear, what is fear.  More lying more fear will create.  Stop lying and become fearless being and we can become happy and always peace with us. Better we stop lying for little things and become fear free and enjoy life.  Take courage and make better life otherwise fear is like cancer will eat us alive, we have only one remedy Become truthful. Satnaam ji forever.


Under Sat Gurparshad All of us BECOME like Flower and spread the Fragrance    Everywhere we go. We have TO change ourselves If we want to bring change in our surroundings. Charity Begins from HOME.   Our Actions are most Important this World is MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO. We learnt from our surroundings and surrounding will learn from us.
If we don't do then Sat Gurbani says AVAR NA KARAY DOOSRO KO DEY UPDESH. If we want  our kids follow TRUTH we have to do TRUTH 24/7. Any Virtue from WORD TO PUTTING IN ACTION IS LONG JOURNEY. We never Give up just KEEP Going and Keep Doing TRUTH. Let our Actions speak for us.



On the scale of TRUTH OUR DEEDS will weigh nothing else.

Satnaam ji dandout bandana ji to one in all ji.

Pritam Anand ji.


Request from Dassan Dass Pita Ji

We have a request to you all that please don't bring any sweets or don't make it a plan to have a desert every day the Satnaam sangat happens.

You should focus on healthy food and not on junk food in the satnaam SANGAT sessions. You should focus on serving fruits and not sugary items in satnaam sangat.

The meals should be simple Dal Roti and green vegetables and not any hard to digest and unhealthy preparations.

Please make a note of this request for all satnaam sangat sessions be it anywhere and at any time.

This should be adopted as regular practice in your daily menu at home as well. Looking at how many people are suffering from this disease of diabetes it makes sense to control your sugar intake. It is hard to imagine for anyone that it can really put you at such a high risk of life.

There are a large number of people 63 million in India and 29 million people in USA are suffering from this could be fatal disease which has no permanent cure other than exercise and diet control.

The growth rate of this disease is estimated to be 100% over a period of 15 years.

One of the news items on times of India newspaper announced India as world capital of Diabetes.

It is hard to believe that how can sugar kill a person but it sure can be so poisonous to kill a person.

So keep in your mind PREVENTION IS Better THAN CURE.

This has been now a established root cause of Kirandeep's sickness. We have been told that inspite of being a diabetic she have been ignoring the advice of keeping a control on her sugar consumption. Specially in the satnaam sangat when everyone is in a mood of bliss and no one to watch or keep a control on sugary sweets.

So please take it seriously and make a choice of healthy food.

Also very important for everyone to keep focused on sending your blessings and dedication of your simran to her well being.

Dassan Dass ji


We are all very blessed in this sangat of sant hirdhas to collect dust of all

"Sabh gobind ha sabh gobind ha."

See satnaam in all , you become satnaam too.

Baba ji said that bhagat and bhagwan play this game of uplifting the other one. 

Baba ji said to God,  "you are King of Kings I am at your feet," God said, "you are King of Kings you sit on my throne and I am at your feet."

That's why Baba ji said to Dassan Dass ji "you are my father and now I am your son."
Because Baba ji always wants to make other higher and stay as lowest
"eehaa  ka neech dargah ka ooch."

Baba ji and pritam ji said to us once "you are satguru" and we really meant it when we said "no, no baba ji you are satguru we are not even the dust of your feet"  and baba ji said, "see that's all the game is, make the other one higher and stay lowest."     It was a test.   The same test that old sangat N and T failed.  Baba ji said the same to them "you are satguru, I am your servant",  they then started saying to uk sangat "we are satgurus and baba ji should listen to us now."

Baba ji said that the bhagat and bhagwan play this game of uplifting the other and taking the lower position.    But when they merge again, then Bhagat doesn't know who he is, and God doesn't know who he is.   Baba ji said that only ego wants to be king.  Truth-God (SAt RAM)  in us only wants to be the servant (DAS), sat ram das.  Baba ji says they are only sat ram das.  And God on the other side is Sat Parbraham.

So when someone praises us we just say, "baba ji we are nothing, we were no one 'hum rulte firte koee baat na puchtaa'.  So all this praise is to you baba ji and may all your blessings go to the one who is praising.

Baba ji also taught us that if someone shows us humbleness then we must show even  more humbless.  So, if someone calls us sant, we must make ourself lower,   so we can touch their feet, do dandauth or just wash their feet in our mind and see God inside them.   We must avoid ego saying "yes, now I am someone"

All baba ji's wisdom, we are blessed with it and to be able to share it.


Ohdo budha ban ke ayea
Duniya nu sach vikhaya

Fer ram kade krishn ban duniya vich sachyai da boota layea

Fer ayea ban nanak
Satnaam Da chakar firaya

Sant ishar nand harnaam te attar ji rahi bhagti marag dikhaya

Hun betha ban dassan dass har tha te sat vartya

JUG jug tu hi c te hun v tuhi hai guru Granth sat furmaya

Satmeet ji.

Translation :

He (God) manifested as the Buddha and showed the world Truth.

Then as Ram and Krishna he planted Truth.

As Nanak he got Satnaam recited.
As sants Isher, Nand, Harnam and Attar Singh ji he showed the path of loving devotion.

Now as Dassan Dass ji he is spreading Truth in all places.

Throughout the ages it was only Him and even now is only Him. The Truth is told by Guru Granth Sahib.


Worrying, anxiety and fears accomplish nothing, actually make us worse, if we just let them run our mind.   But we should not ignore them either.  Just like with pain, our body and mind is telling us something is wrong and we should not ignore that pain.    God speaks to us through our body and mind and feelings and intuition as well as through those around us.   So when are worrying or in pain we should ask "why?"  .  Baba ji says then the journey of our soul begins. Then we start looking for Truth.   We have to find the root cause of our pain and worries, anxieties and fears.  Eg when I was not working, I was very worried about money and paying the bills, also I had fear that I would not be able to get another job.   I still did my ardas and simran, but my worries and fears did not leave me until I finally listened to Dassan Dass ji and made efforts to look for a job and to trust god helps those who help themselves.    Dassan dass ji always has taught us not to complain and blame, nor worry nor be fearful about our current situation, do ardas, do simran and MAKE EFFORTS to solve our problem.        So it's not enough to say "worrying doesnt change anything, but trusting god changes everything", also need to add "And making efforts to solve our problems."    



Shukrana kot Kot Dhan Dhan satguru Mata ji  to making me realize  all my faults  my auguns  ji otherwise I would  have spent all my life in dark in ahankar that I am a  good person  the truth is I m Maha papi Maha krodhi Maha moorakh Maha ahankari Maha kami Maha  lobhi big nindak  ji forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me  pichle augun Baksh ke aggeyy marag pao ji aap ji  kirpalu  dyal  aap ji Bakshanhar satguru  Baksh Leo sari srishti  di  Charan dhoor vich  rakh Lao ji

Pargeet ji


When I am present he is not, when I am no more, he is all. In and out SATNAAM.




Dhan Dhan Satnaam sangat

To kill your ego earn humility GAREEBI of hirda
Your behavior in your real life should be same as when you come to Satnaam sangat
In preparation for Satnaam sangat later this month all please focus more on your satnaam simran Seva and surrender
So when you are in Satnaam Sangat your spiritual level goes higher

If you come clean and in full bliss to Satnaam Sangat then your AMRIT goes to much higher and deeper levels
Then we don't have to clean you up but take you to higher in your bandgi
Commit yourself and focus more on your Satnaam Simran Seva and Surrender
Then you will come to Satnaam Sangat in bless and will go back in much higher bliss

Please don't take it as a excursion trip but come to Satnaam sangat with full dedication to Simran Seva and Surrender and spend every moment in Simran Seva and Surrender while at sundernagari
We want to see your blossoming faces when you come to Satnaam Sangat and not pulled faces in stress and pain looking for unloading it in Satnaam sangat



Dassan Dass ji

Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52