17:27 Penji: Satnaam ji
17:28 Preeto: satnaam pennji
17:29 how are you
Penji: Mehar hai baba ji di
17:30 Aap kaise hain
Preeto: all is good all is god
17:31 Penji: :-)
17:32 Can i ask sumthng
Can i ask sumthng
Preeto: yes please go ahead
Penji: Thank u sir
17:33 Baba ji told me to do simran
Preeto: sir is too formal, please call us paji - we are your big brother
Penji: Satnam satnaam
Preeto: you are our sister
yes we saw Dassan dass ji's email to you and your email to him
Penji: Thank u paaji
17:34 Bt whnevr i start doing simran and close my eyes
17:35 Mind start thinking so many things
Na chahte hue bhi dimag me bhot sari bate chal rhi hoti h
17:36 Whatevr happnd in past
17:37 I m doing it on a daily basis bt it seems
Preeto: yes mind is a wild horse running in 10 directions
and especially it like to remember whatever has hurt us recently
Penji: I m nt getting the concentration
17:38 Preeto: and when you dont get concentration it makes you feel frustrated
and feel like giving up?
Penji: No
17:39 Preeto: ok, so you are determined to carry on, good
Penji: I get frustrated bt nt like givng up
17:40 Preeto: very simple way of doing simran is to justnotice what is happening
so you do ardas before starting
you sit and close eyes
you say satnaam satnaam with the tongue
17:41 you listen with your ears to each sound - saaa -t --naa -m
then when you ntoice your mind has wondered
you just name those thoughts
17:42 eg say "o mind you are thinking of XXX, that's ok, now come back to listening to satnaam satnaam"
17:43 and after a few minutes you will notice mind has wondered again
and you repeat the process - name the thoughts, let them go, and come back to simran
then slowly the mind is learning to focus on satnaam
17:44 and by just noticing the thoughts and letting them go,
you do not get trapped in thinking about them so much that they make you feel sad or angry etc
17:45 Penji: Ji
Preeto: nor do you feel frustrated that "I cant concentrate
think of your mind as an ocean
on the surface are waves - thought waves
17:46 and you are like a boat on the surface
all your life you have been tossed around by the waves
whichever way the thoughts went, that is what your feelings and words and actions became
and all your life you thought that was normal, and ok
17:47 but now you have had a shock in your life
which is called DUKH DARU - pain is the remedy
and you have realised these thoughts have crashed your boat into the rocks
17:48 you feel broken hearted perhaps, maybe sad, maybe upset
maybe you feel broken
but something inside you says, there must be a way to find peace
and true love
Penji: Yes
17:49 Preeto: so God in your own heart has heard your prayer, your deep down prayer has woken him up
otherwise he is locked inside us in silence, away from the surface of the ocean
17:50 and he lets us play on the surface until we wake up and call Him in
so your prayer is heard, but still you cannot hear him directly
17:51 because there is a whole ocean of KARMA (past deeds/black marks/scum of maya) between you on the sruface and him in the depths of your heart
so He comes to you i the heart of the one who has realised Him
and that for you is Dassan Dass ji
and He blesses you with Naam
now you hold onto Naam
and it becomes your anchor
17:52 it becomes the support of your boat
nomatter what happens around you
no matter how much storm and havoc your thoughts cause you
you know will NEVER EVER crash again
you just hold onto your anchor SATNAAM SATNAAM
so when you sit for simran
17:53 you are now teaching your mind
that you are no longer going to be tossed around on endless thoughts and emotions
just drifting whichever way your mind takes you
Penji: Satnaan satnaam
Preeto: and you bring your focus back to satnaam satnaam
17:54 and you just OBSERVE, NOTICE the thoughts and resulting feelings
rather than before, you never noticed what thoughts came, and how you ended up feeling
17:55 you notice the thoughts and feelings and you name them and let them go
and come back to satnaam satnaam
there is s budhist meditation
they give an example
of watching clouds in the sky
treat your thoughts and feelings like clouds in the sky of your mind
just watch them come into your mind
17:56 and let them go
if you start gogin into those thoughts
eg thoughts of that boy
then very quickly all the past feelings about that boy will come up
and because it was recent and traumatic, it will be like a storm in your mind again
17:57 Penji: Yes it happns
Preeto: that is how the mind is
so you have been a slave of the mind all of your life
so was i
so is everyone
but now you have blessings of Satnaam
17:58 and SatNaam is the Master of the mind
Satnaam is the creator of the mind-ocean
and by holding onto SAtnaam as your anchor, you also become Master of your mind
17:59 infact in the end, mind disappears - no more thoughts, complete silence - like the stillness at the bottom of the ocean
pure dive light,
pure divine love
you become SAtnaam, there is no "you" left
just TUHI-TU
so you start with ardas
18:00 focus on the sounds
notice the thoughts
let them go
Penji: I wil start it by today
Preeto: and your concentration builds up
even during the day
when those traumatic thoughts come up
dont go into them
18:01 just notice them, name them, let them go and do satnaam satnaam instead
it takes time
but it works
mind cools down
mind starts realising Reena is not listening to me anymore
mind tries even harder to distract you
in the end mind gives up
and those thoughts stop coming
and you are free
18:02 and mukti means freedom from maay
and all these type of thoughts are maya - distraction
thisis called bandagi
when you notice everything inside you that is maya
and you cut each of those ropes
and then you become free
18:03 -jivan mukat
your sould becomes free
you feel light
you are the light in the world
you help others
Penji: M i that much capable
Preeto: like we a re helping you
18:04 yes
we a reall capable
but its not by our efforts
its only by HIS GRACE
and He has blessed you thru Dassasn Dass ji
now you just earn what Baab ji has said
18:05 every thing will happen to free you completely
we were in the same boat 10 yrs ago
even worse
Dassan dass ji told us "you are under 40 foot of the scum of maya"
Penji: Really
Preeto: yes
we got even worse
18:06 we even lost faith in baba ji and slandered him
but realised our mistake
and asked for forgiveness
and Baba ji said that it is easy to ferry across the good souls,
but a Sant also wants to ferry across his slanderers ...because a Sant only sees Satnaam in every soul
18:07 baba nanak saved Sajjan tug the murderer
so you are more than capable
otherwise you would not have been destined to ahve got blessings from Dassan Dass ji yet
18:08 because even though the whole world is crying ..nanak dukheea sabh sansaar
..only the ones with great good destiny, get the bleesings of naam,
and only naam can erase the burden on our soul
18:09 so your bandagi is now to free yourself
from all your burdens
with satnaam simran
and lviing for the good of others
and forget about your own wants
when we do seva
18:10 we forget about ourself for a little time
we forget about or own problems
our ego cools down
we do simran and seva
we feel good again
when we only live for our own happiness
our ego is only thinking about what is wanted
18:11 about what it got and didnt get
then if it didnt get what it wanted
then ego makes us feel bad and low, upset, guilty
and if we did get what we wanted, then ego makes us feel proud
and whilst we are in ego
then naam cannot reside inside us
18:12 ego is opposite of naam
ego is "I" - "me mine"
naam is "You - yours, tu - tera tuhi tu"
desire is "I want"
desireless is "make me do what YOU want"
18:13 so you sit for simran
and you notic what thoughts and feelings come up
you name them
and you learn to identify where they are coming from
always the five thieves are behind generation of the thoughts
18:14 5 thieves plus desires
so you notice these thoughts are due to EGO
Penji: 5 thievs?
18:18 Paaji
18:19 Preeto: basically, god inside you, your soul is indestrutible
beyond death
and the word for death is MRIT
and beyond death is A-MRIT
so god is your inner Amrit, your lifeforce, your energy
18:20 but also inside you is 5 thives
strong passions
as mentioned above
when you act under their influence, they drain your energy
so they are called thieves as they steal your amrit
18:21 When you do bandagi
and sit to do satnaam satnaam
then the 5 thieves will become stronger
because they will try and make you stop doing simran
because you are their slave
they ahve been running you your whole life
18:22 but your eyes only look outwards
you never saw them sitting inside you
when that boy hurt you and broke up
a normal person will blame the other person
for hurting "me"
18:23 but when you realise that only the 5 theives are your enemy and not any person
then you dont blame him
you look inside and see that only your ATTACHMENT got broekn
and that is causing you the heart ache
so ATTACHMENT is called the MOH thief
18:24 the heartache is there because it has stolen your amrit - lifeforce energy
and it lives around your heart/chest area
so you feel the pain there
but actually your real heart, your spiritual heart
can never break because that is the temple of God inside you
18:25 and NAAM is the key that the GURU has given you
when you do NAAM simran one day your heart , your hirdha, will open up
but you have to beat all the 5 thieves first
18:26 so when you do simran you will have dreams about thugs coming to beat you up
or ghosts and demons scaring you
but really it is just 5 thieves in you trying to make you give up simran
in th end when you beat them
they bow to you and let you pass into the Hirdha
18:27 they ae also created by Satnaam , so when you become Satnaam they bow to you
because you are te true inner warrior dyed in His Naam
Satnaam simran takes you on the inner journey
from a borken heart to dicovering your true heart
18:28 which is full of Amrit , can never break, can never die,
and takes care of all your worldy takss
so trust in your simran
build up to 2.5hrs every morning
do ardas all day and notice the thoughts
18:29 let them go
be aware of the 5 thieves
dont worry about that boy or the future
dont feel bad about the past
Penji: Bt hw cn i do all day
Preeto: stay in this moment
all day means
18:30 Penji: Hw cn i do ardas all day
Preeto: when you are working focus on work - that helps you to concentrate
when you are donig any task that needs focus, then focus
Penji: In offce
Preeto: but when your mind is free
18:31 instead of letting it wander around
just do little ardas isnide
means toalk to baab ji inside
Penji: Ji
Preeto: "baba ji i am full of five thieves, pls forgive me, and bless me with naam, seva and bandagi."
see takes 5 seconds
18:32 and just say satnaam satnaam inside your mind withotu moving tongue
, then when you are busy again focus 100% on work
again , that is teaching the mind to concentrate
Penji: Ji
Preeto: so all day you rapctise having no desires
18:33 jsut keep mind in the present
on your work, or on satnaam
but notice when it goes into past regrets or future worries
and bring it back to the present
by saying satnaam satnaam
then when you sit for simran
your mind will concentrate more
18:34 your simran will go into your mind
means you dont need to recite with tongue and listen with ears
because your mind is cool and you can hear it inside now
and later on it iwll go into your hirdha
18:35 and that is when you go into deep states of samadhi and have direct connection inside with the god that locked inside you and heard your ardas in the fisrt place.
For your part, you just need to get into a good daily routine
18:36 read the website
be determined
be disciplined
be devoted
and everything will happen inside and you will be free
18:37 Penji: Ok
Thank u paaji
Preeto: thankyou ji, all the wisdom is on the website, but you can chat to us as well
18:38 Penji: For helping me
Preeto: do things that make you happy
go for walks
play with children
help the elderly
give to the poor
cook for family
clean their shoes
become humlbe and kind to others
18:39 and god becomes humble and kind to you
forgive that boy
and god forgives you
forgive yourself (dont feel bad or guilty about anything)
and it opens your heart
when emotions get too much
18:40 then talk to someone, better still talk to god by doing satnaam, cry at baab ji;s feet
wash his feet with your tears
he takes all your dukh
and lightens your load
you are not alone
guru who gave you naam is always with you
18:41 he carries you when you feel like you cant carry on
when yo do simran
he is right there with you
when yo do ardas , talk to guru who gave you naam
you yo do simran
wash gurus feet with mind
make guru into everythin for you
18:42 and guru gives you everything
pray for the love of the gurus lotus feet
ask for nothing else
even in your dreams if guru nanak gives you something
say we have naam, that is everything we need
have no desires for anything
18:43 you dont need to chase anyone or anything in the world when you have naam
naam makes you into a beautiful flower, bright and radiant from inside
and the honey bees come to you
18:44 but in Maya, "I want" makes us chase for things and people
but we only get dukh instead.
in bandagi everythin is opposite to the world
in the world everyoneis mad accumulating money, properties, reputation,
18:45 in bandagi, we give away everything from inside
we say nothing is min, everything is yours guru
in the world eveyone sticks out their chest and thinks they are right and to be respected
in bandagi, we put our head at the feet of even a tiny ant
18:46 because god the AMrit is also giving life to that creature
and we bow to god in all life forms
bandagi is a game of trust between you and your guru
and trust leads to TRUTH
which is SATNAAM
18:47 more you trust, the quicker you become free from all the burdens on your soul - your karma.
Penji: Yes
Preeto: Is there anything else you want to ask?
18:48 Penji: U already told me so much,feelng light aftr talkng to you
18:49 Preeto: that's because Baba ji's blessings are int hese words too
Penji: Thank u so much for giving ur precious time
Preeto: when you talk to spiritual people, there words also are full of Amrit which cleans us up
Please listen to recordings here:
18:50 We like to play the recordings whislt we do simran
it really helps us
Penji: Ok paaji
Preeto: if mind cant conectrate on simran, it listens to the kirtan/talks
then it comes back to simran
Penji: I'll do that
Preeto: ok ji, take care
God bless you always and forever
18:51 satnaam ji
Penji: Thank u ji
Preeto: dandauth bandhna ji (bow to your feet).
Penji: Satnaam ji
Preeto: remember you are always loved
Penji: Ji?
Preeto: just leanr to love yourself as well
Means god inside you loves you more than you know
gobind bhau bhagt ka bukhaa
18:52 god is hungry for our love
but we are too busy loving things he created
but still he loves us no matter what we do
and he waits for us
and sometimes when things dont go right in our life
or other people make us feel bad
18:53 then we too stop loving ourself
means we start hating ourself
thinking negative of our body , thinking bad about our life
thinking we are useless
just remember that it is true
we are unworthy
18:54 we are useless
we have done no good deeds
but only because our guru has accepted us
he has made us worthy
he had given us some value
and for that we are forever thankful
and bow eternally at our guru's feet
18:55 Penji: Satnaam ji
Preeto: so remember you are loved, even though you may not feel that good about yourself.
neecho ooch karo mera gobind
18:56 God-my protector, lifts up the lowly
when we are at our lowest
the god lifts us up
when we are an egotist
then god kicks us down (pain)
18:57 all the bhagts in gurbani were outcaste, downtrodden, they were not loved by society
but they blamed no one
and just turned their pain into prayers to God
and he lifted them up and the whole world remembers them
and everyone else has just turned to dust under our feet
18:58 neecho ooch karo meray gobind
so in your prayers stay low, stay humble, offer humble prayers
"dear satguru I am your ignorant child, you are my teacher, please show me the way"
18:59 "dear satguru, please dont forget aboutme and bless me with naam seva and bandagi
thee are so many lines like this in gurbani
just recite them
with a humble heart (gareebee ves hridha)
Penji: Ok ji
Preeto: and Guru makes them all come true for you.
That is how you invite SATNAAM into your heart
19:00 say "Satnaam Satguru ji, please you come into my heart and do your own simran, please yu come into every bit of this body and do your simran"
"Dear Satnaam Satguru ji, please you come into the field of this mind and shine bright andtake seva from this fool."
19:01 So that is what we mean by ardas all day lonf
just keep doing satnaam
and little ardas all days long
Penji: Ji
Preeto: keep inviting him in
and everytime 5 thieves take over, then ask for forgiveness
and start agina
19:02 Penji: I'll try my level best for concentration
Thank u paaji
Preeto: even say "satguru ji, I cant concentrate, pls cool my mind down"
ok, you get it now
19:03 Penji: Yes i got it
Preeto: God bless you.
Penji: Thank u
Preeto: love and blessings
take care
Penji: Satnaam ji
Bye gud ngt