Friday, 23 December 2011

Ik Onkar SatNaam Sri Waheguru

Satnaam Ji
Yogi Bhajan ji gave "Ik onkaar satnaam sri waheguru - One god named Truth is Wonderful" to his sangat when he first came to usa.  He was blessed with it from Baba Virsa Singh ji  (Satnaam Baba ji said he was a brahmgiani).    In Baba ji's sangat from 2003 we have this recording   of sangat singing it, its really wonderful.
Its got Satnaam in it, its all good.
God Bless you.

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Thursday, 22 December 2011

satnaam ji bow to you all ji, with dhan dhan satguru ji's grace we put these notes on the facebook, today we are just posting link ji because great great satguru preeto ji showed us how to put one time and it will post everywhere ji, please read because these all are great great satguru ji's blessings and teachings ji, and satnaam ji gave us to write ji. satnaam satnaam satnaam ji, bow to you all, love you, dust of each and everyone's lotus feet satnaam ji.

The more hurt you get, the deeper your heartfelt prayer to God needs to become

Satnaam ji,
the more hurt you get, the deeper your heartfelt prayer to God needs to become.  But, in ego, people get hurt, so they either fight back in ego, anger, hatred and revenge.  Or they become completely down and depressed.  Actually it is only ego that wants to fight back, and it is only ego that gets depressed and feels that its self esteem has gone down.
So get out of reacting in ego and realise when ego is filling your head with thoughts.
Turn everything that happens to you into a humble prayer to take you closer to God.  That is what all of Gurbani is - the humble prayers of the devotees of God. 
Read the following about Bhagat Namdev ji, he was just singing God's praises and got thrown out of the proud Brahmin's temple.  Neither did he shout back at them  in anger, nor did he get depressed.  He turned his hurt into a prayer to God.
"Please do not forget me, do not forget me, please do not forget me, O Lord. The temple priests have doubts about this, and everyone is furious with me. Calling me low-caste and untouchable, they beat me and drove me out; what should I do now, O Beloved Father Lord? If You give me salvation after I am dead, no one will know that I attained salvation. These Priests, these religious scholars, call me low-born; when they say this, they tarnish Your honour as well. You are called kind and compassionate; the power of Your Arm is absolutely unrivalled" (Guru Granth Sahib, page 1292).

"As Naamdev uttered the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the temple turned around to face the Lord's humble devotee" (Guru Granth Sahib, page 1164).

"The Lord turned the temple around to face Namdev and its back to the priests" (Guru Granth Sahib, page 1292).


God Bless You.

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Change Yourself


"Religion applies to you as a individual for changing yourself, not to impose your will over others, live with the truth, work for the betterment of others i.e. put yourself at service of others, treat them with dignity/equality and so on. If you are not willing to change then do not try to fool others by wearing religious robes/symbols, going to places of worship/on pilgrimages, by talking about religion. Your actions/deeds speaks volumes about your religion." 
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Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Gurbani is the Gyan Guru (Divine wisdom Guru) which leads you to the Sant Guru in who's heart God is siiting in all His mainfest glory

"Gurbani iss jag meh chanan ha - Gurbani (Guru's Word) is the light for the world."
Gurbani is dhan dhan (supremely great), Gurbani is the BrahmGyan (God's wisdom) that came through the hirdha (heart chakra) of the BrahmGyani (Divine Soul). God is everywhere in everything, but hidden, only becomes manifest in Sant hirdha - "pargatio jyot milay raam pyare - God's light manifersts in the lovers of God".  God is the Sant (Guru), God is the Guru when He manifests in your heart, your body is not the Guru, your mind is not the Guru, God manifested in your heart is the Guru.  The divine sound that comes through is called GurBani. That is full of Amrit (God's energy) too - Amrit Bachan (God's Words). When it is written down, it is called a Granth - which means scripture. It guides us so is called Guru, but it is not manifested God. God is the life force, God is in every single creature and plant in the form of HIRDHA - lifeforce energy. The scriptures are not ALIVE, the trees were alive from which the paper was made, the plants were alive from which the ink was made. The cotton plants were alive from which the cotton sheets were made that wrap the scriptures. The divine words were charged with Amrit as they came from the heart in which god was fully manifest. When they print the scriptures, when does it become God, when does it become alive? When is life put into it to make it God? It cannot happen like that. Gurbani is the Gyan Guru (Divine wisdom Guru) which leads you to the Sant Guru in who's heart God is siiting in all His mainfest glory. Gurbani is great, only the ones who are not following it , but just believing the illusions that have been painted in their minds about it are getting nowhere.
God bless all.

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Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Meditation Course - Free - Learn to Relax


with baba Ji's blessings, we ran a meditation course a couple of years ago and recorded all of the live classes.  Leanr to relax with Satnaam and guided visualisation.

God Bless you.

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Monday, 19 December 2011

God's Law - Hukam

Hukam means His Command or you can think of it as His Laws.   The most fundamental being LAW OF KARMA and Gurbani is full of the Divine Laws - the Hukams.
He has made the football pitch (creation) and he has made the rules of the game.  Everyone then operates within the laws of the game.

The biggest law is LAW OF KARMA.  That everyone pays their dues.
Gurbani says that even God cant break His own Laws.  But only His Bhagat can - because with NAAM He has gone beyond the LAW of KARMA, because EKO NAAM HUKAM HA - because the NAAM is the Creator of the Law Himself.
Means even knowing you are praying to God to change your fate, but still you can only get what you have sown as per law of karma.  However, the Bhagat's grace can overrule God's Command - Law of Karma.
Bhai Gurdas ji wrote the Namdev ji and Trilochan ji used to do bhagti together and the following article we wrote a while back explains it nicely:
Satnaam Satnaam Sada Sada Satnaam
Dhan Dhan Gur ke pyaare,
We always took inspiration from this verse by Bhai Gurdas Ji on why it is so
helpful, if not essential,  to have sangat of a Sant-Guru. In this case bhagat
Trilochan Ji did the sangat of Bhagt Namdev ji (both of whom have their verses
in Gurbani).   Baba ji also said to us that to deny a Sant is to deny yourself
access to Dargah, because the Sants run Dargah.   What this means practically is
that even if it is not written in our destiny that we will meet with God in this
lifetime, then as per God's Hukam we have to reap what we have sown.   However,
if we put our request humbly infront of our Sant-SatGuru that we seek union with
God and they pass on our request, then that is the only thing that overturns our
fate as God says,

"I am under the total control of the devotees
and their loving claims I can never reject; "
That is why SatNaam Baba ji said to the sangat that came to him, "the bhagat is the
mother and father of God", but the sangat thought he was being egotistical and
called him a fraud.   It means whatever is in our karma cant be overturned by us
no matter how much we pray to God, because we have to reap what we have sown. 
However, praying to the SatGuru, though His love, even God can't say no.
dhurushun vaekhun naamudhaev bhulukae out(h) thrilochun aavai||
bhugath kurun mil dhue junae naamudhaeo har chuluth sunaavai||
maeree bhee kur baenuthee dhurushun dhaekhaa(n) jae this bhaavai||
t(h)aakur jee no pushhious dhurushun kivai thrilochun paavai||
husukai t(h)aakur boliaa naamudhaeo no kehi sumujhaavai||
huthh n aavai bhaett so thus thrilochun mai muhi laavai||
ho adhheen haa(n) bhuguth dhae puhu(n)ch n hu(n)ghaa(n) bhuguthee dhaavai||
hoe vicholaa aan milaavai ||   
Trilochan awoke early daily just to have sight of Namdev. 
Together they would concentrate on the Lord and Namdev would tell him the grand
stories of God.
(Trilochan asked Namdev) "Kindly pray for me so that if the Lord accepts,
I may also have a glimpse of His blessed vision.
Namdev asked Thakur, the Lord,
"how could Trilochan have the sight of the Lord?"
The Lord God smiled and explained to Naamdev;
"No offerings are needed by me.
Out of my delight only, I would make Trilochan to sight of me.
I am under the total control of the devotees
and their loving claims I can never reject;
rather I myself also cannot understand them.
Their loving devotion, in fact,
becomes mediator and makes them meet me."
God Bless You.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Compassionate Killing?

QN: Respected Babaji,Guru Fateh...We say that all good and bad deeds happen in hukum...i am curious to know that if a person kills another person partially to save the later from pain unbearable,will he/she be forgiven by the divine power ..the Almighty.If not how can the sinner do penance for his deed...i also want to know that the person who is killed under these circumstances will attain mukti or not...did this happen to him/her because he/she ws destined to die this way...please do answer.Regards,S.


Satnaam beti S jee, god bless the departed soul and the one who killed him. Everything that happens is according to the destiny, but killing someone like this is not good. His sufferings are due to his own karni, so it would have been better if he would have paid for them, he will still have to pay for his karni, and so is true for the one who kills anybody like this, instead he should have prayed for him to end his sufferings and pains. Both are not going to get mukti like this, both will have to do their bandgi to get mukti, be in this life time or anytime in the future to come.


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Friday, 16 December 2011

Mind Addiction - Baba Ji

FROM SatNaam Baba Ji:

You have to understand how addictions of thoughts and habits work in the brain.  Then catch each thought and reform it and don't hold them if you want to wash your mind.


"thithay ghariaa" … JapJi tells us to change inside.


Change who? Yourself.


How to change? Sacrifce yourself to the Guru.


What else to change?  Selfless service.  Forget about thinking about self and about family.


What are you first ?  A name - so forget it.


What else are you?  Addiction to the family.  So kill the family in your meditation.  Say to God, "Just YOU and ME, ME and YOU , no one else."   To kill MOH you don't have to kill your parents, but just kill the desires within the mind.  Kill the sickness of desire in the mind. 


Everything will break.  You have to conquor the mind not the Earth.   Kings tried conquering the world didn't work.   Queen Victoria uprooted other families and its happening to her own families.


"Don't judge anyone only yourself" That should be written in every Temple.  You cant change yourself unless you close your eyes.  And get under your own flesh, bones and mind.  What do you call your "self"?  The closer you go to it, you will find its all an illusion.  Your sense of self is just smoke.  Apply this wisdom."

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Thursday, 15 December 2011

Are you struggling to find time to do simran (meditation)?

SatNaam Baba ji instructs us to give a tenth of our time and money in service to God-Guru, actually Gurbani instructs to give EVERYTHING - mind, body and wealth to the God-Guru.  But in this day and age Baba ji said even if we give 10% it is acceptable.   But even giving 10% of our time for simran (meditation on Satnaam) - about 2.5hrs is a struggle.   There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to do that and work, bring up a family and do everything we need to.   sometimes our heart feels sad that we are so rushed we aren't making time for Satnaam.  After all any relationship in life can be assessed by the amount of time we spend with the other person.  We may claim to be in love with God, but what kid of relationship is it if we never sit down and close our eyes and spend some time with Him lovingly calling His Name Satnaam and calling Him into our heart?
But, rather than feeling bad we are not spending enough time, 2.5 hrs every morning with Satnaam, there is still hope and that is to keep doing good truthful, loving compassionate deeds all day long.  SatNaam Baba ji said it best:
"Sat Naam is the meditation.   There are two ways to Truth.  One is to meditate upon Sat Naam with closed eyes and solve the puzzle of your existence.  The other way is to keep your eyes open and do truthful deeds all day long.  This then leads to closed eyes too and the puzzle is solved.   Best is to have deeds of Truth along with doing your Sat Naam Simran."
May God-Guru Bless All.
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Tuesday, 13 December 2011

No Need For Techniques

satnaam ji,
 dandauth bandhna ji
forget about techniques for realising God,  amazing inner experiences may happen by themself when you are doing naam simran, but trying to get them by doing techniues is going off the track to Truth.   Baba ji nor any of the sangat have done techniques.  You dont go after learning techniques, thats the whole point of Gurbani, to show you that God is beyond techniques and formulas and secret mantras and whatever else people were doing.  That's why there are no techniques in Gurbani.  Just emphasis that this is the game of grace -  Gurparsaadi Khel, where we have to destroy ourself.  Baba Nanak Ji says it best:  "Aap gavvaiaa, ta shau paaiyaa aur kaysee chataaree" - lose your self (ego), then you will realise the King (of Kings) - what more cleverness than that do you need?"
Think about a vaccum, air rushes into fill it.  When you (ego - sense of self - I am something, I am someone, this is me and that is mine) become nothing, then God rushes in.
God bless you.

To chat online with us our Yahoo messenger id :
Facebook : Preeto SatNaamInfo
Twitter: Preeto777

Meaning of Christmas from Pritam Anand Ji


To chat online with us our Yahoo messenger id :
Facebook : Preeto SatNaamInfo
Twitter: Preeto777

Monday, 12 December 2011

If you love someone set them free

SatNaam ji
Baba ji always says  "if you love someone set them free, if it is a Truthful relationship they will come back, otherwise it is not meant to be."  When someone leaves you, try not to take it as a personal rejection or betrayal of trust, just understand that KARMA overrules everything.  Baba ji said that each relationship is for a certain time only, and cant even last one day more than it is destined to be.  The only reason we get hurt is because we want to hold on (MOH).  So in bhagti, we just learn to let go of everything, set everyone free, love everyone but want nothing in return.  Baba ji said the smile on his children's face is his happiness.  The same for every relationship, let the smile on their face be your happiness.    Baba ji said that even though KARMA overrules everything, SATNAAM overrules KARMA.   That is why GurParsaad of SatNaam can free us from our entanglements.  Detach from everyone and everything else - that is only as per your Karma.  Reattach to SatNaam, that is the Guru's Eternal Blessings to you.
Sabh sung thoree ik sung joree.
Breaking with all other associations, I joined with the One. - Gurbani.

To chat online with us our Yahoo messenger id :
Facebook : Preeto SatNaamInfo
Twitter: Preeto777

The Guru is a butcher

SatNaam Sangat Jee-o,
dandauth bandhna ji
Sadhguru wrote that the difference between is saint and guru is that the saint is very nice man who you like to listen to and to invite around your house, but in terms of spirituality you may not get very far with a saint.  However, the Guru is the one who will at first nurture you with lots of love and patience, but in the end the Guru will slaughter you and that is the time when many devotees will not be able to tolerate any more and fall away from their Guru.
We have seen this in Baba ji's sangat as well.  without understanding what Sadhguru ji has explained above, most of the sangat come to Baba ji for their own dukh to be taken away, for love and affection, for being nurtured and supported, for spiritual experiences as well.  Up until then Baba ji is a wonderful saint for them.  But, depending on each and every person's need and entanglements, which they cant see, but Baba ji can, they may hear something from Baba ji that they really dont like.  That pushes all their emotional buttons, that they think is not right, that fills them with doubts about Baba ji, that he is manipulating them with fear or guilt.  Their own maya comes to the surface.  And all the maya statements will come out to justify why they are right and why Baba ji is wrong.   They may feel betrayed and then become strong saying we will never trust in a "Baba" again.
We ourself went through a similar thing with our first Sant, but at that time we did not have this understanding.  The simple thing is that we love SatNaam and if you think about it , Satnaam - God himself is the most compassionate and kind, but also God is taking life every single moment, even ultimately the most siffering we experience is the death of a loved one.   God does not ask us for permission to take a loved one, God does not ask us if we are ready to cope with serious physcial injuries either.   But, yet on the death of our nearest and dearest ones, we dont call God a murderer and try to bring him to justice.  Its difficult to understand that if we truly belive SatNaam is fully manifested in our SatGuru, that NO MATTER what he says, or how he says it, He is doing it for our best.  And the very fact that all your negativity came up towards your Satguru and your feelings to never give up your power to someone else, shows you all the junk inside you.
Look at Baba Nanak ji, he acted crazy and even said to Bhail Lehna ji to eat a dead body.  Guru gobind Singh ji looked furious and crazy asking for the head of 5 sikhs.   Baba ji always says for us to realise that the stories we are reading of the past Gurus, have to become our stories - meaning we have to do bhagti and face our tests as well.
We are not capable of passing any tests, all we pray is no matter what happens , that Satguru ji keep giving us enough understanding so we always keep his lotus feet  in our heart.  Baba ji is free, 100% free,  and he will make us 100% free as well.  But we are tied by so many limitations, that WE DONT EVEN WANT TO COME OUT OF, even though we have sought a spiritual path and a Guru, we dont really want to break out of all our comforts and our conforming lives.  It is our weakness not our Gurus.
God bless all.

To chat online with us our Yahoo messenger id :
Facebook : Preeto SatNaamInfo
Twitter: Preeto777

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Open your heart

Ik oankaar satnaam satgurparsaad.
Dhan Dhan param jyot puran parkaash.
Dhan Dhan SatParBrahm Pita Parmesar
SatNaam SatRoop SatGuru Baba Nanak Baba Ji Dassan Dass Ji Pritam Anand Ji
Dhan Sant Sangat Jeeo.
hum avgun bharay ik gun nahee
amrit cchaad bikhay bikh khaaee
maya moh bharam bhay bhoolay
sut dharaa seeo preet lagaaee
ik utam panth sunio gur sangat
teh milant jam traas mitaaee
ik ardaas bhaat keerat kee
gur raam das rakho sarnaaee
I am full of sins and have not even one virtue
forsaking amrit (God inside us)I eaten the most poisonous poison (maya, 5 theives, negativity, prejudice, hatred, arrogance, stubborness)
I am lost in illusions and fears and in the attachment to me family and sons,
But, I have heard of the ONE HIGHEST PATH - the SANGATOF THE GURU,
meeting whom the fear of death departs.
This is the humble request of the poet Keerat,
"O Guru Ram Das Ji keep me in your shelter."
ik ardass preeto kee,
gur satguru baba ji rakho sarnaae.
This is the humble request of Preeto:
'Guru SatGuru Baba Ji keep me in your shelter.'
If you have never experienced Amrit inside or merged into the Love Light of SatNaam SatGuru Ji's lotus feet in your heart,
then you all you know is a life of slug living under the darkness of a heavy rock.  And along with the other blind slugs
living in the extreme darkness of Maya, you argue and debate about beliefs and live according to the way of the slugs.
But, if by some extreme kindness of the Satguru Sun, a ray of light however fine and however momentary was to break through
and strike your heart, could you carry on livng in the darkness, WOULD YOU STILL CHOOSE to live a life under the heavy rock of false beliefs?
Or would you make efforts to destroy the false life you created through tremendous efforts in the wrong direction?
Would you look inside with new belief in what the Satguru Sun has SHOWN you inside your heart, and throw down all othe old beliefs, like a heavy net that has been weighing your heart down all your life?
Would you relax your mind, become nothing, let go of all your controlling nature , let go of your insecurities and false foundations and replace with firm faith in the SatGuru Sun Satnaam?  Would you say 'to hell with my old life, I only want satnaam satguru ji's lotus feet saturating my heart.'  Would you say 'o satguru ji, may i live for you, may i love you in one and all, please come into my heart, mind and each and every cell, may i live in your love light in a life of service, nothing for me, proud of nothing, not even my religion, not even my dress or diet or family or society.'
Would you say 'tudh agar ardaas hamaree jeeo pind sabh tera, kahu nanak sabh teree vadaee koee na na janay mera?'
Infront of you Satnaam Satguru Baba ji, I am doing offer this humble prayer,
this mind and body is ALL YOURS,
May no one know my religion
May no one know my dress
May no one know my status
Because I want YOU SAtnaam SatGuru Baba Ji to be my EVERYTHING.
If you did such a prayer, wouldn't the heavy rock, the gigantic net above your heart, called your MAYA MIND, dissolve?
Yes it would, this morning we sat and did such an ardas and with Baba ji's kirpa, everything opened up and we felt HIS LOVE in our HIRDHA
and arms raising in Samadhi Asan, welcoming HIM into our heart.
Everything else anyone is holding onto is FALSE, stop believing it, stop foghting for it, stop trying to convice others, just let go, give, up , give in and surrender.
Dust of your feet

To chat online with us our Yahoo messenger id :
Facebook : Preeto SatNaamInfo
Twitter: Preeto777

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Dassan Dass Ji's Lifestory

satnaam ji,
Pls read Dassan Dass Ji's lifestory here:
But, really most Sants will not tell you thier experiences because as Kabir Ji says it is like a mute person trying to tell you the sweetness of sugar.  Even reading the glimpse of what Dassan Dass ji has written cannot give you the taste of sweetness.   All you can do is surrender at their feet and go on the journey like they did.  They can tell you about the door, they can open the door but you have to become nothing in order to go through it.
God bless you.--

Friday, 2 December 2011

Who is right?

SaTNaam Penji,
Dandauth bandhana ji (please accept our head at your feet in service).
Dassan Dass ji will reply soon, but in the meantime we would like to thankyou for spending time to email us.  When we are young we are not always confident in trusting our instincts.  We want to please others, especially as you are now married so you want  to please your mother-in-law too.  But, at the same time your intuition is saying that your mother-in-laws beliefs are not for you, but yet she is imposing them on you and you are now caught in the middle.  Do you keep your mother-in-law happy or trust your feelings?
Your feelings is God, SatNaam, inside you, guiding you from your heart.  Your head though is caught in logic of trying to please others and the fear of not conforming.
All we have leanred from Baba ji is to trust SatNaam inside us, trust that if we always follow that inner Hukam and overirde our logic mind, then even though your mother-in-law will get upset, but in the end Satnaam is doing everything for the betterment of all, and she may come out of her illusions as well.  Maybe thisis why you are sent into that household to break the bharams - superstitions.  Ask your mother-in-law whay she believes in all those things?  Wht happened in her life to make her believe in it?  Why is she fearing so much if something bad happened to her son and family?  And on the back of that fear she has got into beliefs and things of lesser gods for protection?   It would be good for you to understand her lifestory, everyone has a reason, proabaly a bad experience, that caused alot of fearn and anxiety in her life, and baba balak nath was something for her to hold on to.  And you can acknowledge that her intentions to protect you and her son are not bad, you can appreciate shw is trying to look out for you.  However, reassure her that you have God's Name and Sant Parsaad and Satguru is taking care of everything.  You have the right to choose your spiritual path and not have it imposed on you.

Its your test, do you follow The One Supreme God Named Truth, Ik Onkaar SatNaam, or do you follow family and lesser gods?

God Bless you.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Why do we keep/cut hair?

On 30 November 2011 07:33, kyle panesar <> wrote:


Satnaam paji, dandauth bandhna ji
In the video, he said that keeping hair is the Guru's stamp and that its the Guru's Hukam and only by following the Guru's hukam we can enter into God's court.
So do you believe that by keeping hair you will enter God's court, and conversely by not keeping it you wont?  Forget about what you believe, actually look at your practical expereince of life so far, what do you KNOW to be true.  You have kept your hair for so many years, have you entered God's court?
Kabir Ji says in gurbani that keeping your hair or shaving it off, makes no difference - you have to cut off your bad deeds.
Guru Granth Sahib ji says that NAAM is the HUKAM - (not keeping externals) - EKO NAAM HUKAM HA. and Guru gobind Singh Ji said follow Guru Granth Sahib ji.  so which defintion of Hukam are you going to believe - what the preacher is saying in the video that HAIR is the HUKAM, or your Gurubani Guru, that NAAM is the HUKAM?
Its very simple veer ji.  Sadhguru ji said there are two things to life - survival and spirituality.

In order to survive - which means to keep this body alive, we do so many things. But they have nothing to do with spirituality.
Survival is what we do on the outside, spirituality is what we do on the inside.
For survival we have a brain, senses, worldy wisdom, we have enough power to survive as an individual without the need for believing in anything spiritual - all of the animal kingdom is surviving withouth doing any prayers, as are most humans nowadays
For survival in the times of oppression after Guru Arjun Dev ji, Bhai Gurdas ji wrote that even a rose has been given thorns.  The following Guru Ji's gave their Sikhs weapons, uniforms, an army, military training, military rules, hunting practise, and so on.   Guru Gobind singh ji formalised the identity of his army by giving a uniform and military rules for daily living.   The identity is all part of the survival, in order to live in this world and to be strong as an army and defend the community.
Dhan Dhan is Guru HarGobind Ji for putting the thorns in place.  
Thorns is the outside only, Gurbani is the rose.
However nowadays for majority of people like you and us, there is no oppression, what the Guru ji's were putting into place is taken care of by the governments of these countries.  When there is no oppression then why would anyone need to still dress and live like a soldier from 300 years ago from a different time and place?   So that is where the preaching has changed over the last few hundred years.  Now the reason to wear the unform and follow the external rules is to achieve salvation, and if you dont follow it, then you wont get a place in God's court - as the video said.  All they are doing is trying to seel the thorn as the rose.
That is the illusion modern religion is putting people into.  And what GurParsaad is waking you up to.
Wear your 5Ks, follow the external discipline, aspire to the ideals of Guru gobind singh ji of defneding the Sants and destrying the tyrants.  But know why you are doing it, and that if tomorrow you decide to take the uniform off or not follow those external rules, IT DOESNT MEAN the door to God's court is closed to you.
Even if you talk to Nihangs they are the closest we have to the Sikh Warriors of Guru Ji's time, even they accept its just a uniform and are quite happy to take off their kirpans off at night when sleeping.  Its just common sense.  Guru Gobind Singh ji freed people from nonsense.
God bless you ji

By keeping your are in gods will.if hair didnt have a purpose then why would god have given it to us.each hair contains the dna of your whole also acts like a heat insulator for the head.reason for keeping a jurha in the middle front of the head is to protect your dasam dubar plus hair also has a sensory also acts like anttenas.personally i think a sardar looks great with turban and facial hair.

SatNaam Veer ji,
dandauth bandhna ji
all of your emails are showing where you are, you are really just convincing yourself or trying to justify to yourself, you are not listening to the Gurbani Guru to kill your own wisdom at all.  Everything we tell you is backed up by gurbani, everything you say is not.  So who is your guru?
When you start doing Naam simran and start feeling some progress inside, you will realise all this other debate was just a poor substitute to boost your self-esteem, when you didn't know the real thing - SatNaam. 
Keep hair or dont, take initiaion or not, whatever you do is all empty without GurParsaado of SatNaam Satguru who you surrender to.   Baba ji said once he has eaten the banana and left the skin for other to trip on.   It means that all the ones who are expereincing Truth, know the Truth and revel in His company within.   But whatever they write or leave behind just becomes a trap for others.   So all you can see of Sikh Gurus is what they left in terms of Gurbani.  Sikh History is written by scholars, not Sants.  Sikh beliefs are given to you by society and family and preachers.  all of that is just the banana skin that you are slipping on.  Experience the fruit for yourself.   Be honest with God inside, "I dont know why you even gave me this body, shaped like this, functioning like this, but you are my Creator and I want to know YOU."  And if you really want to know your creator, then seek out the ones who DO KNOW HIM, and ask them how they did it.  On asking them and getting their blessings, then trust in them and go forward.   Its very simple, just tell your mind, "if you are so clever and are so right about everything,  then why are you still far from God?"   If you keep holding on to the same old beliefs and having the same old debates, then you are going to get the same old results and same old feelings inside you that you haven't finished your journey.  NOTHING CHANGES UNTIL YOU CHANGE.   STAY THE SAME AND YOU WILL GET SAME OLD SAME.
God Bless you.

Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52