satnaam ji, dandauth bandhana ji.
just been watching some new video of Baba ji (will try and upload at some time).
A sister was saying "I got to the Gurdwara and pray to God to do what is right for me."
I heard this and thought that was quite good prayer, leaving it upto God.
But Baba Ji picked up right away on the ME part, and also the fear part - the fear that "wrong" things will happen to her.
Then the following verse of Guru Nanak Dev ji suddenly made much more sense
"Jo tudh bhaavaay saiee so bhalee kar, thoo sada salamat niranakar."
Whatever pleases YOU Lord is a great thing, may I praise you always and forver O Formless One." ..JapJi Sahib
The SatGuru Ji teaches us not to ask for anything for ME except the gift of singing the praises and accepting WHATEVER pleases God as good.
dust of your feet