Thursday, 19 June 2008

what to pray for

satnaam ji, dandauth bandhana ji.
just been watching some new video of Baba ji (will try and upload at some time).
A sister was saying "I got to the Gurdwara and pray to God to do what is right for me."
I heard this and thought that was quite good prayer, leaving it upto God.
But Baba Ji picked up right away on the ME part, and also the fear part - the fear that "wrong" things will happen to her.
Then the following verse of Guru Nanak Dev ji suddenly made much more sense
"Jo tudh bhaavaay saiee so bhalee kar, thoo sada salamat niranakar."
Whatever pleases YOU Lord is a great thing,   may I praise you always and forver O Formless One."   ..JapJi Sahib
The SatGuru Ji teaches us not to ask for anything for ME except the gift of singing the praises and accepting WHATEVER pleases God as good.
dust of your feet

Friday, 13 June 2008

Question on Kundalini Rising


I met some guy who told me that if I want to rise my kundalini, I
must be married O.o" !!! He claims that you cant rise kundalini if
you dont mix energy of male and female...
Soooo... I wish to know if this is true?
I'am 17 yo and I rly do not want to get married and do other things
xD just so I can rise my kundalini O.o"




Dear George,
your friend was right and he was wrong.  He was right if he meant you have to be married to God the Husband
and you become the humblest of the humblest soul-bride.  The kundalini experience is the side effect of the joy of this divine union.
When it happened to me I did not know what Kundalini was, my 100% focus at the time was of loving devotional worship on the feet
of the Satguru.  Becoming a flower I presented myself at hte lotus feet of my Satguru Nanak.  Then something happened up my spine and blossomed into
divine light and love and bliss as my forehead seemed to merge into the feet of the Satguru in my minds eye.
I had been meditating & selflessly serving alot under the guidance of a divine soul for the previous 9 months not missing a day as he had told me.
I was blessed with meeting Yogi Bhajan Ji as well a few days earlier at our local childrens workshop we used to run in those days.  Who knows what blessing
was in his smile?  I was also very very lonely at that time and pouring all my love into God's Name and fighting off my feelings to go and find a wife.
A young sikh girl did smile at me in a connected kind of way a few day sbefore, and it really bothered me deep down, "why did she smile at me like that?"
I had asked her to marry me years before and now it bothered me she smiled like that, and that pain of rejection and lonliness just burned me so much i poured all my feelings into the naam at the feet of the Guru.
After that alot of psychic things happed with that girl, i was blessed with a glimpse of God through Kundalini rising, so I would now the destination of this life - what i needed to strive for.  But then the girl become all important and God less so and in the end i lost the girl and God and now older and wiser have gotten married so that desire is fulfilled and God is revealing himself again through Guru's grace.
God bless you with your heart's desires and protect you from your minds desires.
dust of your feet

Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52