Monday 26 November 2007

Desparate For God's Vision - Darshan

satnaam sada satnaam ji - I bow to You.
The following was a reply to someone who was becoming very desparate to have God's Vision, depsarate and physically exhausted.
Dear K Ji,
the more you feel you are fighting the thieves, the more you are getting drained ...which is the oppostie of what you want.
The thieves are what drain us of our inner amrit.  When we fight them in the right way, then we have more Amrit not less.
So if you have less amrit and feel exhausted and desparate it means something is wrong.
You have spent all your life making all your old habits, they are not going to disappear in a few weeks or months of becoming devoted.   You can change everything in your life, give up the old things you did, start new things like going to Guirdwara and praying and serving etc,  but the habits of the mind, the long established thought patterns, do not go away so easily.
This is a path of SEHAJ ..balance.  
We have grown up in a culture of fast food, fast cars, fast women ..whatever we want we want it right away.  That is the minds habit.  You thought it was in your control to run your life under 5 dhoots as we al did previously, but now you think its in your control to do X, Y and Z to have darshan of God.
The reason you are drained is because YOUR ego is still running the show.
Even on the spiritual path SUBTLE EGO runs the devotee.
Even DARSHAN is not in yours or my hands.
Giving up your WANTS also include giving up WANTING GOD'S DARSHAN in a moment of asking.
Guru Nanak Ji spent 30 years searching serving and really feelin the pain of humanity before he disappeared in the rive for 3 days and was blessed with Darshan.
All the subsequent Gurus spent many years searching and then many years serving, why?  Because to become purer than pure inside takes along time, just depends on how think our own MAT (worldy wisdom is).  Baba Ji sid that is why Guru Tegh Bahadu Ji sat for over 25 years.   Baba Ji himself did seva at Gurdwara for over 7 years never missing a day, serving with TRUE love in his heart for all humanity, fighting the negative thoughts one by one and becoming purer than pure.  
.Even in your body building you can see God in thopse around you, serve God by serving the body.
Even in family life you serve others as your Satguru, love your family deeply, not selfishly,.
Even in work life, serve your Boss as your Satguru, colleague as sangat,
BAba Ji told me its more important to conquor your mind than to have darshan.
HE said many people in the sangat saw Gods realmsa nad palaces, but when the test came their EGO made them slander their Guru.  So Baba Ji says "God why do i need to go to Sach Khand to see you, when you are in everything all around me?"    ITs just another illusion of the mind that having DARSHAN is the target and that our actions we can attain it.
When your heart is full of love and kindness, then it is that love that makes you do anything.  Not your desparation and your impatience.  Like a mother loves her child, even though sometimes she shouts, gets angry, doesnt show it.  But if the child ran on the road, the mother wouldnt think twice and just run into the road to save the child without thinking of dying herself.
When you try and force your love on God, but deep down your mind is not yet in love with God,  but your ego thinks by doing X, Y and Z I will please God  then it is still INTELLECTUAL, it is not from the heart.
Listen to your inner feeling,  you are not happy, your not in love and you are not living in BALANCE and you can fix it by saying one ardas that baba ji told me "Dear God, I have jumped into the ocean of You, you can drown me or ferry me across its upto you, but I have jumped in."
IT may have taken you lifetimes plus your age in this life to make your mind habits,  it will take a while to clean it up. Keep serving because you WANT to , not because you think its what you are supposed to do.  Keep bowing and doing DANDAUTH because you really feel humble at the feet of God in every person, not because you think it is the right thing to do.   Keep giving, keep living your noraml life, but just change your attitude to things and to people by bringing love into it.
And that takes time.
And the only target is too keep your mind in peace and in truth and love and compassion every moment,
the moment is all we have.
The past has gone, the future doesn teven exist.
So just aim at being happy and peaceful and loving in this moment, that is DARSHAN of GOD right now, when you feel love in your heart.  Keep taking care of the moments,  and when the dross has been removed from the mind, the kundalini energy will arise by itself without you trying and all will be revealed.  But its not in your EGOs hands.
dust of your feet

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Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52